lyrics Have You Ever Seen The Rain

Someone told me long ago theres a calm before the storm,
I know; its been comin for some time.
When its over, so they say, itll rain a sunny day,
I know; shinin down like water.

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
Comin down on a sunny day?

Yesterday, and days before, sun is cold and rain is hard,
I know; been that way for all my time.
til forever, on it goes through the circle, fast and slow,
I know; it cant stop, I wonder.


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Sure, here's a potential album concept: Title: WeChat Chronicles 1. Intro: WeChat's Arrival - A short instrumental track that sets the tone for the album, with sounds that evoke the feeling of opening the WeChat app for the first time. 2. Friends List - A catchy pop song that celebrates the joy of adding new friends on WeChat and expanding one's social circle. The lyrics could reference some of WeChat's features, like Shake or People Nearby. 3. Moments - A reflective ballad that explores the emotional ups and downs of sharing one's life on WeChat Moments. The chorus could repeat the phrase "scrolling through my moments" to emphasize the addictive nature of the feature. 4. Group Chats - A lively hip-hop track that celebrates the chaos and camaraderie of WeChat group chats. The verses could feature different rappers representing different types of group chats (e.g. work, school, family) and the different personalities they attract. 5. Mini Programs - A futuristic EDM track that highlights the convenience and innovation of WeChat's mini programs. The lyrics could describe different scenarios where a mini program comes in handy, like ordering food or buying movie tickets. 6. Video Calls - A tender acoustic ballad that captures the intimacy and vulnerability of WeChat video calls. The chorus could include the line "seeing you through my screen" to capture the bittersweet feeling of being far away from loved ones. 7. Wallet - A brassy jazz number that celebrates the financial power of WeChat Wallet. The lyrics could reference different ways people use the feature, like sending red envelopes or paying for groceries. 8. Stickers - A playful pop-punk track that celebrates the art and humor of WeChat stickers. The verses could describe different situations where a specific sticker is the perfect response, and the chorus could encourage listeners to "find your perfect sticker match." 9. Logout - A somber piano ballad that acknowledges the occasional need to disconnect from WeChat and take a break from the hustle and bustle of digital life. The lyrics could encourage listeners to "log out and breathe" and reflect on what truly matters in life. 10. Outro: WeChat's Legacy - A triumphant instrumental track that celebrates the impact and legacy of WeChat on modern communication and socialization. The track could end with a sample of WeChat's signature "ding" notification sound, giving listeners a sense of closure and a reminder of the app's enduring presence.


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