ORA-00072: process "Unix process pid:

[oracle@hanmidb ~]$  cat /u01/app/oracle/admin/hanmi/udump/hanmi_ora_12096.trc  |more
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
System name:    Linux
Node name:      hanmidb.com.cn
Release:        2.6.18-238.9.1.el5
Version:        #1 SMP Tue Apr 12 18:10:13 EDT 2011
Machine:        x86_64
Instance name: hanmi
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 18
Unix process pid: 12096, image: oracle@hanmidb.com.cn (TNS V1-V3)

*** 2012-08-05 00:16:41.991
*** ACTION NAME:() 2012-08-05 00:16:41.985
*** MODULE NAME:(sqlplus@hanmidb.com.cn (TNS V1-V3)) 2012-08-05 00:16:41.985
*** SERVICE NAME:() 2012-08-05 00:16:41.985
*** SESSION ID:(651.3) 2012-08-05 00:16:41.985
Successfully allocated 16 recovery slaves
Using 70 overflow buffers per recovery slave
Thread 1 checkpoint: logseq 6810, block 2, scn 3909719715
  cache-low rba: logseq 6810, block 332
    on-disk rba: logseq 6810, block 342, scn 3909720400
  start recovery at logseq 6810, block 332, scn 0
----- Redo read statistics for thread 1 -----
Read rate (ASYNC): 5Kb in 0.03s => 0.16 Mb/sec
Total physical reads: 4096Kb
Longest record: 1Kb, moves: 0/11 (0%)
Longest LWN: 5Kb, moves: 0/1 (0%), moved: 0Mb
Last redo scn: 0x0000.e909994f (3909720399)
----- Recovery Hash Table Statistics ---------
Hash table buckets = 262144
Longest hash chain = 1
Average hash chain = 8/8 = 1.0
Max compares per lookup = 1
Avg compares per lookup = 12/20 = 0.6
*** 2012-08-05 00:16:42.120
KCRA: start recovery claims for 8 data blocks
*** 2012-08-05 00:16:42.120
KCRA: blocks processed = 8/8, claimed = 8, eliminated = 0
*** 2012-08-05 00:16:42.124
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 4 Seq 6810 Reading mem 0
*** 2012-08-05 00:16:42.124
Completed redo application
*** 2012-08-05 00:16:42.126
Completed recovery checkpoint
----- Recovery Hash Table Statistics ---------
Hash table buckets = 262144
Longest hash chain = 1
Average hash chain = 8/8 = 1.0
Max compares per lookup = 1
Avg compares per lookup = 20/20 = 1.0
DBRM(kskinitrm) cpu_count (fudge enabled): old(0) -> new(32)
kwqmnich: current time:: 16: 16: 43
kwqmnich: instance no 0 check_only flag 1
kwqmnich: initialized job cache structure
SO: 0x5541b8a48, type: 2, owner: (nil), flag: -/-/-/0x00
  (process) Oracle pid=43, calls cur/top: 0x548e4fa58/(nil), flag: (0) -
            int error: 0, call error: 0, sess error: 0, txn error 0
  (post info) last post received: 1089 8 12
              last post received-location: ksusig
              last process to post me: 5571b5970 2 0
              last post sent: 0 0 24
              last post sent-location: ksasnd
              last process posted by me: 5531b6c50 1 6
  (latch info) wait_event=0 bits=0
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 12238 (DEAD)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 12238, image: oracle@hanmidb.com.cn (J002)
Short stack dump: ORA-00072: process "Unix process pid: 12238, image: oracle@hanmidb.com.cn (J002)" is not active
PSO child state object changes :
Dump of memory from 0x00000005521A9E38 to 0x00000005521AA040
5521A9E30                   0000000F 00000000          [........]
5521A9E40 40334E78 00000005 00000010 000313F4  [xN3@............]
5521A9E50 40367B48 00000005 00000003 000313F4  [H{6@............]
5521A9E60 522C12C8 00000005 0000000B 000313F4  [..,R............]
5521A9E70 552687C0 00000005 00000004 000312CB  [..&U............]
5521A9E80 47CB3868 00000005 0000005E 000313F4  [h8.G....^.......]
5521A9E90 440EAE80 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [...D............]
5521A9EA0 440EB740 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [@..D............]
5521A9EB0 440EB900 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [...D............]
5521A9EC0 440EC2B8 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [...D............]
5521A9ED0 440ECF10 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [...D............]
5521A9EE0 440ED290 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [...D............]
5521A9EF0 440ED450 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [P..D............]
5521A9F00 440ED530 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [0..D............]
5521A9F10 440ED8C8 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [...D............]
5521A9F20 440EDA88 00000005 00000007 000313F4  [...D............]
5521A9F30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  [................]
  Repeat 16 times
ksukia: Starting kill, force = 0
ksukia: Attempt 1 to kill process oracle@hanmidb.com.cn, OS id=12256
ksukia: Attempt 1 to kill process oracle@hanmidb.com.cn, OS id=12254
ksukia: Attempt 1 to kill process oracle@hanmidb.com.cn, OS id=12228

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