вибрационный питатель фото

вибрационный питатель фотоThe next five years, the cement industry requires innovation in technology and equipment crusherThe fourth quarter, the national nine ministries efforts to promote the restructuring of the cement and eight industry decline, a change in the whole year to get a slow recovery for the cement industry. As irreplaceable raw materials i вибрационный питатель фотоn the development of the national economy, the development of the cement industry is bound to have permanent decline in short-term development nor will it hinder the overall industry, the cement industry will certainly way through the crusher, milling machines and other equipment and management change for new breakthroughs. It is understood that, at present China is an important transition period in a Major by the cement cement power forward, the recognition of the world, to grasp the international voice alone yields can not be achieved, must continue to enhance their own ability, while China's cement industry with the international advanced level in the comprehensive supporting technical equipment, energy consumption and emissions targets, resource management run means th платная урология дробление камнейere are still significant gaps to solve these problems, China's cement industry have leading international conditions to influence others convinced the international . Therefore, this two-year transformation of large-scale production of the cement industry, the reform. of the energy saving and machine for the development of the cement industry in China has played an important role in promoting. Cement production equipment, some large cement companies such as Tin Shui cement plant to start a new equipment and updating, replaced the traditional, backward production limestone pulverizer, cement clinker crusher, ball mill, etc. Xu промвал цементного мельница q 4 13.5an Shanghai World Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. production of single-stage hammer crusher, high efficiency fine crusher, etc., company Xuan World's these devices join the modern science and technology on the basis of traditional crusher, greatly improve the performance of the equipment to ensure production also changed the original resource wasting serious phenomenon, saving customers the cost of production. Management experience, advanced cement companies from time to time with the well-known foreign cement companies to establish cooperation and exchanges, learn from each other, and introduced into the production of the most state-of-the-art cement technology and corporate experience in team management, modern production brings fresh blood. Cement is irreplaceable irreplaceable raw materials in the development of the national economy, will determine the permanent development of the industry, technology and equipment of the reform. in the next five years, even decades, cement companies will become the industry realized a huge leap breakthrough point. '

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