[译]本地排名因素研究(系列)之一 ---Google places(谷歌地方信息)优化

Local Ranking Factors Study 1 of 5 - Google Places Optimization


本文是一个5系列的bizible研究的第一部分。在这个系列中,我们将使用统计手段来揭示google places中能够提高商家本地排名的最有影响的因素。本文目前只关注商家在google places中的有关本地的排名因素)。在后面得研究报告中会讨论其他的因素,他们:
  • 现场优化 (on-site optimization)
  • 引用 (citation)
  • 评论  (Reviews)
  • 链入/链出连接 (In-bound links and off-site)


之前的研究中,在搜索排名的研究领域有一个很明显的漏洞。SEOMoz 在google的web 搜索排名的因素研究方面做出了很好的工作,研究的方法既有统计分析的方式(这个与我们现在使用的一样),又包括一些SEO专家的观点。David Minhm也对本地优化专家的一些观点进行了深入的调研。但是,使用统计的方法对本地排名的因素研究却还没有人做过。


当我们离开bing 广告平台开始做Bizible(关于我们),我们在整个本地搜索业界中寻找一个数据驱动的分析,来解析是什么因素引起google place搜索结果排名的变化。 尽管,已经有大量的关于本地SEO的信息,但是还没有一个从数据驱动分析的角度对这个问题的解答。 作为一个数据驱动的组织,我们有很好的能力去回答这个关键问题。我们希望您能从我们的工作中获取到有帮助的信息。


我们考察了22个本地商家的类别(比如,摄影师(photographer),旅馆(hotel)等), 22个美国主要的城市,并且用给定的本地化术语来对google进行搜索(比如 “西雅图 摄影师 (Seattle photographer)”)。我们获取了前30个 google local的结果,以及集成web搜索中的 本地结果。 然后我们对每一个本地页面(Places page)调研我们所能抽取的所有的排名因素(后面会列出完整的因素列表)。总体来说,我们分析了477个请求,14,309个独立的搜索结果,以及457,888个数据点。我们去除了7个没有产生本地结果的搜索请求,比如 "phoenix insurance"。 请注意,我们的分析是在gogole最近的二月份上线的“Venice” 之前进行的, 以后我们会进行一次对比研究,来看看新的搜索更新会引起什么变化。

我们对每个排名因素进行独立看待,在所有搜索词的范围内,对因素的竞争力进行解释。我们尽最大的努力来确保我们的方法是可靠的。为了完整性起见,我们同时使用单变量分析(同时使用 无参spearman相关系数以及pearson相关系数 ),和多变量回归分析。你在本文看到的是使用后者得到的结果。

我们使用来自不同美国城市和覆盖整个C类的1350个不同IP地址来进行搜索实验,以此来保证我们收集到的结果是一个用户看到的平均结果。 我们在搜索请求中没有发送地理位置信息,也没有记录用户的日志。


  1. 将要解释的最有影响的几个排名因素的初步统计结果
  2. 一些在 研究过程中无意发现的有趣的小特性


基于对这些因素的分析,我们发现,那些对web SERP搜索结果排名提升比较相关的因素,和那些对google local的中排在前30却没有在web结果中的搜索结果的排名提升比较相关的因素,有很大的不同。这个很好理解:那些是的你处于倒数第七个的因素,和那些使得你排在第一位的因素,可能是不同的。 同时,这个发现也说明,优化你的google place页面需要做的具体工作,依赖于你当前的排名位置。

  1. 搜索的城市  --当我们搜索 "seattle pizza"时,就是“seattle”。
  2. 搜索的类别 --们搜索 "seattle pizza"时,就是“pizza”。同时我们也产生了搜索类别的同义词。

集成搜索结果中的因素(Factors in Integrated Results)

  1. 商家主类别和搜索类别如果是一个广义的匹配,那么会有1.42位的提升。比如,商家主类别是“餐馆”,搜索的类别是“pizza”。(Having the primary category match a broader category of the search category was associated with a 1.42 improvement in rank. For example, primary category is set to "restaurant" and the search category was "pizza.")
  2. 如果商家店名中含有搜索类别或者他的同义词,会有0.64位的提升。(Having the search category or a synonym in the business name was associated with a 0.64 improvement in rank.)
  3. 在商家的概览信息中有搜索类别或者他的同义词,会有0.36位的提升。(Having the search category or a synonym in “at a glance” was associated with a 0.36 improvement in rank.)
  4. 如果有5个及以上评论,会有0.31位的提升。(Having five or more Google reviews was associated with a 0.31 improvement in rank.)
  5. 如果有照片(至少一张),会有0.25位的提升。(Having photos (atleast 1) was associated with a 0.25 improvement in rank.)
那些这些因素都有的商家,会有3个位置的排名提升,考虑的平均一个集成搜索中平均只有5个本地结果,这是非常高的改进。 在5个结果中提高3位的排名位置是很有意义的。

纯本地结果中的因素(actors in Pure Local Results

  1. 如果有5个及以上评论,会有1.47位的提升。(Having five or more Google reviews was associated with a 1.47 improvement in rank.)
  2. 在商家概览信息中含有搜索城市时,会有1.42位的提升。(Having the search city in “at a glance” was associated with a 1.42 improvement in rank.)
  3. 在商家评论中有搜索类别或者其同义词时,会有0.97位的提升。(Having the search category or a synonym in in review content was associated with a 0.97 improvement in rank.)
  4. 在商家的描述信息中含有搜索类别或者其同义词时,会有0.85位的提升。(Having the search category or a synonym in the business description was associated with a 0.85 improvement in rank.)
  5. 在商家的概览信息中含有搜索类别或者其同义词时,会有0.85位的提升。(Having the search category or a synonym in “at a glance” was associated with a 0.85 improvement in rank.)
  6. 商家主类别和搜索类别如果是一个广义的匹配,那么会有0.79位的提升。(Having the primary category match the search category was associated with a 0.79 improvement in rank.)
  7. 如果商家店名中含有搜索类别或者他的同义词,会有0.75位的提升。(Having the search category or a synonym in in the business name was associated with a 0.75 improvement in rank.)
  8. 商家第二类别和搜索类别如果是一个广义的匹配,那么会有0.68位的提升。比如,商家主类别是“餐馆”,搜索的类别是“pizza”。Having a secondary business category that was a broader category than the search category was associated with a 0.68 improvement in rank. i.e. secondary category is “restaurant” when searching for “Seattle pizza.”)
  9. 如果有照片(至少一张),会有0.66位的提升。(Having at least one photo was associated with a 0.66 improvement in rank.)
  10. 店家实名验证,会有0.52位的提升。(Owner verified was associated with a 0.52 improvement in rank.)

让人吃惊的小现象(Surprising Takeaways)

  • 有一个物理地址,在排序中并不是一个很重要的因素,会产生影响的仅仅是到城市中心的距离。所以,如果你在城市外面,并且商家地址也不在城市范围。与那些位置在城市中,但是里市中心很远的商家相比,这个并不会对排序产生更多的伤害。
  • 没有评论,或者只有平均数量的评论,会对排名有负面影响,尽管评论数从2到5而引起的排序位置的增加其实是很小的。
  • 仅仅是商家描述对排名并无益处,但是在描述中包含有搜索类别却对排名很有好处。
  • 正如期望的,拥有5个评论对排名很有帮助,尽管评论数在1和4和5及其以上时,对排序只有很小的影响。如果你有100个以上的评论,对排序会有很显著的影响。
  • 平均来说,没远离市中心1mile,排名下降0.4位。请注意,这是22个城市的平均值。在人口密集的城市,如纽约,这个数字(0.4)比较高,而在人口稀疏的城市,这个数字会小一些。
  • 484请求中有7个没有在集成结果中没有本地结果。平均下来,在集成结果用,每个请求有5个本地结果。

关于统计分析的注意事项(Notes About Statistical Analysis)

这些来自统计相关性的结果并不意味着因果联系。换句话说,我们没有google 搜索引擎的源码,我们在用统计的方法分析它。同时, google的排序算法肯定是非常复杂,有很多的我们无法测算和控制的因素(比如CTR)。本文的研究,主要是为了更好的理解那些我们 能够控制的因素对排名的影响。

附录一 分析中用到的排名因素

  1. OwnerVerified: Owner Verified Listing
  2. HasPhone: Listing has a Phone Number
  3. HasStreetAddress : Listing has a Street Address
  4. HasBusinessDescription: Listing has a Business Description
  5. HasCoupon: Listing has Coupon(s)
  6. HasPhotos: Listing has Photo(s)
  7. HasVideos: Listing has Videos
  8. PrimaryCategoryMatchesSearchCategory: Listing’s Primary Category Matches the Search Category
  9. PrimaryCategoryMatchesSubCategory : Listing’s Primary Category Matches a Sub Category of the Search Category (i.e. search was for “restaurant”, listing’s primary category was “Chinese restaurant”)
  10. PrimaryCategoryMatchesSuperCategory: Listing’s Primary Category Matches a broader Category
  11. SecondaryCategoryMatchesSearchCategory: Listing’s Secondary Category Matches the Search Category
  12. SecondaryCategoryMatchesSubCategory: One of the listing’s secondary categories matches a Sub Category of the search category (i.e. search was for “restaurant”, one of the listing’s secondary category was “Chinese restaurant”)
  13. SecondaryCategoryMatchesSuperCategory: One of the listing’s secondary categories matches a broader category of the search category (i.e. search was for “Chinese restaurant”, and one of the listing’s secondary categories was “restaurant”)
  14. CategoryPhraseOrSynonymInBusinessName: The search category is in the listing’s business name (i.e. searched for “restaurant” and the business name in Google Places is “Bob’s Restaurant”).  This includes synonyms of the category like “Bob’s Diner”
  15. CategoryPhraseOrSynonymInBusinessDescription: The search category is in the listing’s business description.  Again, this includes synonyms of the category like “Bob’s Diner” for “restaurant”.
  16. CategoryPhraseOrSynonymInAtAGlance: The search category is in the listing’s “at a glance” section.  Again, this includes synonyms of the category like “Bob’s Diner” for “restaurant”.
  17. CategoryPhraseOrSynonymInReviewContent: The search category is in the contents of one or more of the Google reviews on the business's Places page.  Again, this includes synonyms of the category like “Bob’s Diner” for “restaurant”.
  18. AreaCodeInCity: The business has an area code in the city of the search (i.e. areacode 206 in a search for “Seattle …”)
  19. PhysicalAddressInCity: The business has a physical address in the city of the search.
  20. LocationInBusinessName: The city name appears in the listing’s business name (i.e. search for “Seattle plumber” and business name is “The Seattle Plumbing Co”)
  21. LocationInBusinessDescription: The city name appears in the listing’s business description.
  22. LocationInAtAGlance: The city name appears in the listing’s “at a glance” section.
  23. LocationInReviewContent: The city name appears in content of one or more Google reviews.
  24. ProximitytoCentroid: The distance in miles from the city’s centroid to the businesses street address.
  25. CountAllReviews: The number of reviews, both Google reviews and non-Google reviews referenced on the listing’s Places page.
  26. CountGoogleReviews: The number of Google reviews for the business.
  27. CountOtherReviews: The number of non-Google reviews referenced on the listing’s Places page.
  28. 5OrMoreGoogleReviews:  The business has at least 5 reviews.
  29. GoogleReviewScore: The numeric value for the average Google review rating (0-5)
  30. GoogleReviewScore4OrMore: Is the average Google review score greater than 4.



Category classification

Definition of the Super, Equivalent, and Sub Categories
  1. For each search phrase
    1. Run the queries for all locations
    2. Extract all categories across all locations
    3. Remove all categories that occur less than 1% of the time
    4. Hand classification whether
      1. Super (more general than the search phrase)
      2. Equivalent (roughly same as search phrase)
      3. Sub (more specific  than the search phrase)
      4. None (category does not apply to the search phrase)

Synonym Generation

  1. For each search phrase
    1. For each search location
      1. Run the Query
      2. From the search results, extract all terms that are a child of the search result and have html emphasis tags (synonym)
      3. Note that these synonyms will include both synonyms for the phrase and the location
  2. Aggregate all synonyms
  3. Remove the bottom 1/3 of all results. We found that including all the synonyms included too many branded terms, removing the bottom third resulted in a much cleaner set.



  • wedding planner
  • restaurant
  • spa
  • hotel
  • plumbing
  • real estate
  • accountant
  • insurance
  • attorney
  • auto repair
  • veterinarian
  • dentist
  • florist
  • electrician
  • car rental
  • painter
  • salon
  • pizza
  • carpet cleaning
  • auto parts
  • photographer
  • movie theater


  • Seattle
  • New York
  • Austin
  • Baltimore
  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • Dallas
  • Denver
  • Detroit
  • El Paso
  • Houston
  • Indianapolis
  • Los Angeles
  • Memphis
  • Milwaukee
  • Nashville
  • Philadelphia
  • Phoenix
  • San Antonio
  • San Diego
  • San Francisco
  • San Jose





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