Metlink:How to Match a Row Cache Object Child Latch to its Row Cache

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 9.2 to 11.2
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Starting with Oracle 9.2, the 'row cache objects' latch has multiple children.
There are a number of row caches e.g. dc_objects, dc_users, dc_histograms etc.
Each child latch covers a single row cache.
In, each row cache is covered by 8 children latches.

In Database Performance investigations where 'latch free' waits on this type of latch consume significant database time, it is useful to be able to map each 'row cache objects' child latch to the row cache it covers. In this way, we can map the number of SLEEPS for a child latch (CHILD#) in V$LATCH_CHILDREN to a particular type of row cache.


The query shown below will accomplish the above requirement:


set pages 1000
column cache# format 99999
column name format a33
column latch# format 999999
select distinct s.kqrstcln latch#,r.cache#,r.parameter name,r.type,r.subordinate#
from v$rowcache r,x$kqrst s
where r.cache#=s.kqrstcid
order by 1,4,5;

Here is example output from various releases.

 LATCH# CACHE# NAME                      TYPE        SUBORDINATE#            
------- ------ ------------------------- ----------- ------------            
      1      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT                              
      2      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT                               
      3      2 dc_segments               PARENT                              
      4      0 dc_tablespaces            PARENT                              
      5      5 dc_tablespace_quotas      PARENT                              
      6      6 dc_files                  PARENT                              
      7      7 dc_users                  PARENT                              
      7      7 dc_users                  SUBORDINATE            0            
      7      7 dc_user_grants            SUBORDINATE            1            
      7      7 dc_app_role               SUBORDINATE            2            
      8      3 dc_rollback_segments      PARENT                              
      9      8 dc_objects                PARENT                              
     10     17 dc_global_oids            PARENT                              
     11     12 dc_constraints            PARENT                              
     12     11 dc_object_ids             PARENT                               
     13     13 dc_sequences              PARENT                              
     14     10 dc_usernames              PARENT                              
     15     15 dc_database_links         PARENT                              
     16     16 dc_histogram_defs         PARENT                              
     16     16 dc_histogram_data         SUBORDINATE            0            
     16     16 dc_histogram_data_values  SUBORDINATE            1            
     17     21 dc_table_scns             PARENT                              
     17     21 dc_partition_scns         SUBORDINATE            0            
     18     18 dc_outlines               PARENT                              
     19     14 dc_profiles               PARENT                              
     20     19 dc_encrypted_objects      PARENT                              
     21     20 dc_encryption_profiles    PARENT                              
     22      9 dc_qmc_cache_entries      PARENT                               
28 rows selected.                                                      in this release each row cache is covered by 8 child latches

LATCH# CACHE# NAME                      TYPE        SUBORDINATE#
------- ------ ------------------------- ----------- ------------
      1      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      2      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      3      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      4      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      5      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      6      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      7      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      8      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      9      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
     10      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
     11      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
     12      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
     13      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
     14      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
     15      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
     16      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
     17      2 dc_segments               PARENT
     18      2 dc_segments               PARENT
     19      2 dc_segments               PARENT
     20      2 dc_segments               PARENT
     21      2 dc_segments               PARENT
     22      2 dc_segments               PARENT
     23      2 dc_segments               PARENT
     24      2 dc_segments               PARENT
     25      0 dc_tablespaces            PARENT
     26      0 dc_tablespaces            PARENT
    174      9 dc_qmc_cache_entries      PARENT
    175      9 dc_qmc_cache_entries      PARENT
    176      9 dc_qmc_cache_entries      PARENT
    177     22 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT
    178     22 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT
    179     22 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT
    180     22 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT
    181     22 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT
    182     22 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT
    183     22 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT
    184     22 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT

232 rows selected. -

 LATCH# CACHE# NAME                      TYPE        SUBORDINATE#
------- ------ ------------------------- ----------- ------------
      1      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      2      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
      3      2 dc_segments               PARENT
      4      0 dc_tablespaces            PARENT
      5      5 dc_tablespace_quotas      PARENT
      6      6 dc_files                  PARENT
      7      7 dc_users                  PARENT
      7      7 dc_users                  SUBORDINATE            0
     24     23 rule_or_piece             PARENT
     24     23 rule_fast_operators       SUBORDINATE            0
     25      9 dc_qmc_cache_entries      PARENT
     26     25 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries PARENT
     27     26 outstanding_alerts        PARENT
     28     24 dc_awr_control            PARENT
     29     27 dc_hintsets               PARENT

36 rows selected.

 LATCH# CACHE# NAME                      TYPE        SUBORDINATE#
------- ------ ------------------------- ----------- ------------
      1      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      2      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
      3      2 dc_segments               PARENT
      4      0 dc_tablespaces            PARENT
      5      5 dc_tablespace_quotas      PARENT
      6      6 dc_files                  PARENT
      7      7 dc_users                  PARENT
      7      7 dc_users                  SUBORDINATE            0
      7      7 dc_users                  SUBORDINATE            1
     29     30 qmtmrctp_cache_entries    PARENT
     30     31 qmtmrciq_cache_entries    PARENT
     31     32 qmtmrctq_cache_entries    PARENT
     32     24 outstanding_alerts        PARENT
     33     22 dc_awr_control            PARENT
     34     25 dc_hintsets               PARENT

42 rows selected. there are 8 new row caches:

 LATCH# CACHE# NAME                      TYPE        SUBORDINATE#
------- ------ ------------------------- ----------- ------------
      1      1 dc_free_extents           PARENT
      2      4 dc_used_extents           PARENT
      3      2 dc_segments               PARENT
     21     34 realm cache               PARENT
     21     34 realm auth                SUBORDINATE            0
     22     35 Command rule cache        PARENT
     23     36 Realm Object cache        PARENT
     23     36 Realm Subordinate Cache   SUBORDINATE            0
     24     37 event map                 PARENT
     25     38 format                    PARENT
     26     39 audit collector           PARENT
     27     26 global database name      PARENT
     28     20 rule_info                 PARENT
     29     21 rule_or_piece             PARENT
     29     21 rule_fast_operators       SUBORDINATE            0
     30      9 dc_qmc_cache_entries      PARENT
     39     22 dc_awr_control            PARENT
     40     25 dc_hintsets               PARENT

50 rows selected. a few more changes:

 LATCH# CACHE# NAME                              TYPE        SUBORDINATE#
------- ------ --------------------------------- ----------- ------------
      1      3 dc_rollback_segments              PARENT
      2      1 dc_free_extents                   PARENT
     21     49 Realm Subordinate Cache           SUBORDINATE            0
     22     34 extensible security user and rol  PARENT
     23     35 extensible security principal pa  PARENT
     24     37 extensible security UID to princ  PARENT
     25     36 extensible security principal na  PARENT
     26     39 extensible security principal ne  PARENT
     27     38 extensible security privilege     PARENT
     27     38 extensible security leaf privile  SUBORDINATE            0
     28     42 extensible security midtier cach  PARENT
     29     44 event map                         PARENT
     42      9 qmrc_cache_entries                PARENT
     43     24 outstanding_alerts                PARENT
     44     22 dc_awr_control                    PARENT
     45     25 SMO rowcache                      PARENT
     46     40 sch_lj_objs                       PARENT
     47     41 sch_lj_oids                       PARENT

58 rows selected.

Full list for

 LATCH# CACHE# NAME                              TYPE        SUBORDINATE#
------- ------ --------------------------------- ----------- ------------
      1      3 dc_rollback_segments              PARENT
      2      1 dc_free_extents                   PARENT
      3      4 dc_used_extents                   PARENT
      4      2 dc_segments                       PARENT
      5      0 dc_tablespaces                    PARENT
      6      5 dc_tablespace_quotas              PARENT
      7      6 dc_files                          PARENT
      8     10 dc_users                          PARENT
      8      7 dc_users                          SUBORDINATE            0
      8      7 dc_users                          SUBORDINATE            1
      8      7 dc_users                          SUBORDINATE            2
      9      8 dc_objects                        PARENT
      9      8 dc_object_grants                  SUBORDINATE            0
     10     17 dc_global_oids                    PARENT
     11     12 dc_constraints                    PARENT
     12     13 dc_sequences                      PARENT
     13     16 dc_histogram_defs                 PARENT
     13     16 dc_histogram_data                 SUBORDINATE            0
     13     16 dc_histogram_data                 SUBORDINATE            1
     14     54 dc_sql_prs_errors                 PARENT
     15     32 kqlsubheap_object                 PARENT
     16     19 dc_table_scns                     PARENT
     16     19 dc_partition_scns                 SUBORDINATE            0
     17     18 dc_outlines                       PARENT
     18     14 dc_profiles                       PARENT
     19     47 realm cache                       PARENT
     19     47 realm auth                        SUBORDINATE            0
     20     48 Command rule cache                PARENT
     21     49 Realm Object cache                PARENT
     21     49 Realm Subordinate Cache           SUBORDINATE            0
     22     46 Rule Set Cache                    PARENT
     23     34 extensible security user and rol  PARENT
     24     35 extensible security principal pa  PARENT
     25     37 extensible security UID to princ  PARENT
     26     36 extensible security principal na  PARENT
     27     33 extensible security principal ne  PARENT
     28     38 XS security class privilege       PARENT
     29     39 extensible security midtier cach  PARENT
     30     43 AV row cache 1                    PARENT
     31     44 AV row cache 2                    PARENT
     32     45 AV row cache 3                    PARENT
     33     15 global database name              PARENT
     34     20 rule_info                         PARENT
     35     21 rule_or_piece                     PARENT
     35     21 rule_fast_operators               SUBORDINATE            0
     36     23 dc_qmc_ldap_cache_entries         PARENT
     37     52 qmc_app_cache_entries             PARENT
     38     53 qmc_app_cache_entries             PARENT
     39     27 qmtmrcin_cache_entries            PARENT
     40     28 qmtmrctn_cache_entries            PARENT
     41     29 qmtmrcip_cache_entries            PARENT
     42     30 qmtmrctp_cache_entries            PARENT
     43     31 qmtmrciq_cache_entries            PARENT
     44     26 qmtmrctq_cache_entries            PARENT
     45      9 qmrc_cache_entries                PARENT
     46     50 qmemod_cache_entries              PARENT
     47     24 outstanding_alerts                PARENT
     48     22 dc_awr_control                    PARENT
     49     25 SMO rowcache                      PARENT
     50     40 sch_lj_objs                       PARENT
     51     41 sch_lj_oids                       PARENT

61 rows selected.

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