

环境: HPUX 11.23 Superdome
HPUX01 为出问题的机器
HPUX02 为正常的机器 
HPUX01, HPUX02组成Oracle9i RAC,使用ServerGuide作集群,没有使用包.

1 在/dev/目录下执行了rm ./* 命令,将/dev、目录下的所有文件都删除了,但是子目录下的文件是还在。

2 当前保存的最新的磁带备份是在5.25号做的,在此之后做的一些动作

1) 新建了/dev/vg_cdz /dev/vg_ggs/
2) 配置了lan4
3) 做了ServerGuide

1 能否从磁带备份里恢复部分文件,如何做?

2 已报HP 800电话,请求帮助。


1 mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn rew

2 mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn fsf 22

3 tar -xvf /dev/rmt/0mn /dev/



hpux01#[/home/oracle/temp]mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn rew
hpux01#[/home/oracle/temp]mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn fsf 22
hpux01#[/home/oracle/temp]tar -xvf /dev/rmt/0mn dev/ttyq0
dev/ttyq0: cannot link

hpux01#[/home/oracle/temp]mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn rew
hpux01#[/home/oracle/temp]mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn fsf 22
hpux01#[/home/oracle/temp]tar -xvf /dev/rmt/0mn dev/netlog
x dev/netlog, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device


hpux01#[/home/oracle/temp] ls -l /dev/rmt/0mn dev/netlog
crw-r--r--   1 bin        bin         46 0x000001 Sep  9  2004 netlog




1 mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn rew

2 mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn fsf 22
3 mkdir /test

4 pax -rf /dev/rmt/0mn -s/dev/test/p /dev 

hpux01#[/home/oracle/temp]cd /  
hpux01#[/]mkdir test
hpux01#[/]pax -rf /dev/rmt/0mn -s/dev/test/p /dev
pax: The archive is empty.
hpux01#[/]pax -rf /dev/rmt/0mn -s/dev/test/p /dev
pax: [offset 0g+0m+0k+0]: I/O error
pax: Unable to determine the archive format.
hpux01#[/]mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn rew
hpux01#[/] mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn fsf 22
hpux01#[/]pax -rf /dev/rmt/0mn -s/dev/test/p /dev
usr/share/man/man2.Z/pstat_getcrashdev.2 >> usr/share/man/man2.Z/pstat_getcrashtest.2
usr/share/man/man3.Z/fstatvfsdev64.3s >> usr/share/man/man3.Z/fstatvfstest64.3s
usr/share/man/man3.Z/fstatfsdev.3c >> usr/share/man/man3.Z/fstatfstest.3c
usr/share/man/man3.Z/statfsdev.3c >> usr/share/man/man3.Z/statfstest.3c
dev/rmt/c45t0d1BESTn >> test/rmt/c45t0d1BESTn
dev/rmt/24mn >> test/rmt/24mn
dev/rmt/c45t0d1BESTb >> test/rmt/c45t0d1BESTb
dev/rmt/24mb >> test/rmt/24mb
dev/rmt/c45t0d1BESTnb >> test/rmt/c45t0d1BESTnb
dev/rmt/24mnb >> test/rmt/24mnb
dev/rmt/c44t1d1BEST >> test/rmt/c44t1d1BEST
dev/rmt/25m >> test/rmt/25m
dev/ptym/ptyp0 >> test/ptym/ptyp0
dev/ptyp1 >> test/ptyp1
dev/ptym/ptyp1 >> test/ptym/ptyp1
dev/ptyp2 >> test/ptyp2
dev/ptym/ptyp2 >> test/ptym/ptyp2
dev/ptyp3 >> test/ptyp3
dev/ptym/ptyp3 >> test/ptym/ptyp3
dev/ptyp4 >> test/ptyp4
dev/ptym/ptyp4 >> test/ptym/ptyp4
dev/ptyp5 >> test/ptyp5
dev/ptym/ptyp5 >> test/ptym/ptyp5
dev/ptyp6 >> test/ptyp6
dev/ptym/ptyp6 >> test/ptym/ptyp6
dev/ptyp7 >> test/ptyp7
dev/ptym/ptyp7 >> test/ptym/ptyp7
dev/ptyp8 >> test/ptyp8
dev/ptym/ptyp8 >> test/ptym/ptyp8
dev/ptyp9 >> test/ptyp9
dev/ttyrd >> test/ttyrd
dev/pty/ttyre >> test/pty/ttyre
dev/ttyre >> test/ttyre
dev/pty/ttyrf >> test/pty/ttyrf
dev/ttyrf >> test/ttyrf
usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_HK.utf8/audevent.cat >> usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_HK.utf8/autestent.cat
usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_TW.utf8/audevent.cat >> usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_TW.utf8/autestent.cat
usr/lib/nls/msg/fr_CA.utf8/audevent.cat >> usr/lib/nls/msg/fr_CA.utf8/autestent.cat
usr/lib/nls/msg/fr_FR.utf8/audevent.cat >> usr/lib/nls/msg/fr_FR.utf8/autestent.cat
usr/lib/nls/msg/fr_CA.iso88591/audevent.cat >> usr/lib/nls/msg/fr_CA.iso88591/autestent.cat
usr/lib/nls/msg/fr_FR.iso88591/audevent.cat >> usr/lib/nls/msg/fr_FR.iso88591/autestent.cat
usr/dt/appconfig/types/fr_CA.iso88591/develop.dt >> usr/dt/appconfig/types/fr_CA.iso88591/testelop.dt
usr/dt/appconfig/types/fr_FR.iso88591/develop.dt >> usr/dt/appconfig/types/fr_FR.iso88591/testelop.dt
pax: /dev not found in archive
You have mail in /var/mail/root

这个做到中间时 报错/dev not found in archive




1 mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn rew

2 mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn fsf 22

3 tar -xvf /dev/rmt/0mm /dev/(这个没做)



cd /u01/vgbackup/temp
mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn rew
mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn fsf 22
pax -s !\/!.\/! -rvf /dev/rmt/0mn 


cd  /u01/vgbackup/temp
hpux01[/u01/vgbackup/temp]$ls -l
total 338
-rw-r--r--   1 root       sys          98872 Jan 28 10:38 2
drwxr-xr-x   2 root       sys             96 Jun 12 23:41 SD_CDROM.
lr-xr-xr-x   1 root       sys              8 Jun 12 23:36 bin -> /usr/bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root       sys             96 Jun 12 23:41 cdrom.
drwxr-xr-x  22 root       sys           5120 Jun 12 23:36 dev.
drwxr-xr-x  32 root       sys           6144 Jun 12 23:36 etc.
drwxr-xr-x   2 root       sys             96 Jun 12 23:35 home.
lr-xr-xr-x   1 root       sys              8 Jun 12 23:36 lib -> /usr/lib
drwxr-xr-x   2 root       sys             96 Jun 12 23:41 lost+found.
-rw-r--r--   1 root       sys          47200 Aug 31  2009 manifest
-rw-r--r--   1 root       sys              0 Mar 20  2009 mapfile
drwxrwxrwx   2 root       sys             96 Jun 12 23:41 mnt.
drwxr-xr-x   2 root       sys             96 Jun 12 23:41 net.
-rw-------   1 root       sys             41 Jun 10  2009 nohup.out
drwxr-xr-x  90 root       sys           2048 Jun 12 23:54 opt.
drwxrwxrwx   2 root       sys             96 Jun 12 23:41 oracle.
drwxr-xr-x  15 root       sys           4096 Jun 12 23:36 sbin.
drwxr-xr-x   9 root       sys           1024 Jun 12 23:33 stand.
drwxr-xr-x   2 root       sys             96 Jun 12 23:41 testlv.
drwxrwxrwt  20 root       sys           4096 Jun 12 23:42 tmp.
drwxrwxrwx   3 root       sys             96 Jun 12 23:35 u01.
drwxr-xr-x  23 root       sys           1024 Jun 12 23:59 usr.
drwxr-xr-x  24 root       sys           1024 Jun 13 00:08 var.

结果是:文件是恢复回来了,但文件的 类型 和 属主,权限这些发生了变化

hpux01[/u01/vgbackup/temp/dev.]$ls -l  ttyq0
-rw-r--r--   1 root       sys              0 Sep  9  2004 ttyq0

hpux02[/dev]$ls -l  ttyq0
crw-rw-rw-   2 bin        tty         17 0x000010 Sep  9  2004 ttyq0

-pe 选项可以retain 权限相关的信息
-e    Retains the user ID, group ID, access permission,access time, and modification time.


1 mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn rew

2 mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn fsf 22

3 tar -xvfp /dev/rmt/0mn /dev/

4 cp /hom/oracle/dev.tar 中的文件回去覆盖从磁带中拷回来的,但没有被删除的.

但,tar命令这里,还要找下参数,保持权限 -p
tar -xvfp /dev/rmt/0mn /dev/




恢复前备份的目录,把要备份的目录都直接copy 到 /u01/ggs目录下(这个ggs所在的vg可以在19上挂载)

1> Oracle相关的目录:

1 /u01/app/oracle
2 /etc/
3 /opt/galaxy

cd /u01/ggs
mkdir oracle
mkdir etc
mkdir galaxy

cd /u01/app/oracle/
tar -cvf oracle.tar *
cp oracle.tar /u01/ggs/backup/oracle/
mv oracle.tar /tmp/

cd /etc/
tar -cvf etc.tar *
cp etc.tar /u01/ggs/backup/etc/
mv etc.tar /tmp/

cd /opt/galaxy
tar -cvf galaxy.tar *
cp galaxy.tar /u01/ggs/backup/galaxy
mv galaxy.tar /tmp

2> ServerGuide相关的目录
1 /etc/cmcluster/cmclconf.ascii (已包含在/etc/*下)

3> VG相关的信息(导出所有VG的相关信息)
vgdisplay |grep "VG Name"

vgexport -pvs  -m /tmp/vg_cdz.mymap        /dev/vg_cdz
vgexport -pvs  -m /tmp/vg_oradata.mymap    /dev/vg_oradata
vgexport -pvs  -m /tmp/vg_arch1.mymap      /dev/vg_arch1
vgexport -pvs  -m /tmp/vg_arch2.mymap      /dev/vg_arch2
vgexport -pvs  -m /tmp/vg_ggs.mymap        /dev/vg_ggs
vgexport -pvs  -m /tmp/vg_arch_cdz1.mymap  /dev/vg_arch_cdz1
vgexport -pvs  -m /tmp/vg_orabackup.mymap    /dev/vg_orabackup
vgexport -pvs  -m /tmp/vg00.mymap          /dev/vg00
vgexport -pvs  -m /tmp/vglock.mymap        /dev/vglock

mkdir -p  /u01/ggs/backup/map
cp /tmp/*.mymap /u01/ggs/backup/map

4> 网络相关的信息
/etc/rc.config.d/netconf (已包含在/etc/*下)


find /  -type f -mtime -20 > /tmp/new.list
cp /tmp/new.list  /u01/ggs/backup/

cd /stand
tar -cvf /u01/ggs/backup/stand.tar *

cd /opt
tar  -cvf /u01/ggs/backup/partopt.tar hpsmh/data/htdocs/navfile.htm \
hpsmh/conf/php.ini  \
hpsmh/conf/smhpd.conf \
hpsmh/conf/hmmolist.map \
VRTSob/providers/ActionProvider/db/RecipientBroker/0xffffffff.xml \
sfm/conf/fm_diaglogd_cfg.bin \
galaxy/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/reserveFile \

cd /usr
tar -cvf /u01/ggs/backup/TT_DB.tar TT_DB

cd /var
tar -cvf /u01/ggs/backup/var_opt.tar opt

cd /var
tar -cvf /u01/ggs/backup/var_adm.tar adm

cd /var/
tar -cvf /u01/ggs/backup/part_var.tar sam/log/samlog                \
sam/IOPARSER.work             \
sam/ug_subareas/users         \
sam/IOPARSER.dion             \
sam/IOPARSER.iout            \
statmon/state                    \
vx/alloc/attributes.config \

cd /var
tar -cvf /u01/ggs/backup/var_stm.tar stm

cd /home/oracle
tar -cvf  /u01/ggs/backup/home_oracle_sh.tar .profile bin/checksys.sh .Xauthority



关掉数据库 rnc1, cdzhp1, itsm1,

umount /u01/app/archivelog/cdz2
umount /u01/app/archivelog/cdz1
umount /u01/app/archivelog/rnc2
umount /u01/app/archivelog/rnc1
umount /u01/app/archivelog/itsm2
umount  /u01/vgbackup
umount  /u01/ggs

把vg_ggs unactive.
vgchange -a n /dev/vg_ggs

vgchange -a n /dev/vg_oradata
vgchange -a n /dev/vg_cdz
vgchange -a n /dev/vg_orabackup
vgchange -a n /dev/vg_arch_cdz1
vgchange -a n /dev/vg_arch1


cmviewcl -v
cmhaltnode -f -v hpux01

hpux01#[/stand]cmhaltnode -f -v hpux01
cmhaltnode : Unable to connect to the local cluster: No such file or directory.
Either no cluster configuration file exists, the file is corrupted,
cmclconfd is unable to run, or user root on node hpux01
doesn't have access to view the configuration.
You have mail in /var/mail/root


hpux02#[/]cmhaltnode  -f -v hpux01 
Node hpux01 is already halted.
Successfully halted all nodes specified.



停止 crontab




重配置VG,SG信息, LAN4,和一些事情,再整理!

1 关于VG

hpux01#[/]vgdisplay |grep "VG Name"
vgdisplay: Volume group not activated.
vgdisplay: Cannot display volume group "/dev/vg_oradata".
vgdisplay: Volume group not activated.
vgdisplay: Cannot display volume group "/dev/vglock".
vgdisplay: Volume group not activated.
vgdisplay: Cannot display volume group "/dev/vg_arch2".
vgdisplay: Volume group not activated.
vgdisplay: Cannot display volume group "/dev/vg_ggs".
VG Name                     /dev/vg00
VG Name                     /dev/vg_arch1

vgchange -a y vg_oradata

mkdir /dev/vg_cdz
mknod /dev/vg_cdz/group c 64 0x080000
vgimport -s -m /tmp/vg_cdz.mymap /dev/vg_cdz /dev/dsk/c23t1d4 (导入卷组信息,)

mkdir /dev/vg_orabackup
mknod /dev/vg_orabackup/group c 64 0x090000
vgimport -s -m /tmp/vg_orabackup.mymap /dev/vg_backup (导入卷组信息,)

mkdir /dev/vg_arch_cdz1
mknod /dev/vg_arch_cdz1/group c 64 0x0A0000
vgimport -s -m /tmp/vg_arch_cdz1.mymap /dev/vg_arch_cdz1



mkdir /dev/vg_arch_cdz2
mknod /dev/vg_arch_cdz2/group c 64 0x0B0000
vgimport -s -m /tmp/vg_arch_cdz2.mymap /dev/vg_arch_cdz1


2 关于集群

3 关于数据库



cd /u01/app/oracle
mv ./* /tmp
scp /u01/ggs/backup/oracle/* ./

/u01/app/oracle/admin/cdzhp (目录)

4 关于网络




/sbin/init.d/net stop
/sbin/init.d/net start

5 其它

5.1 备份软件,

5.2 Goldengate


1 通过磁带的恢复和后面做的一些重配工作,系统已恢复正常使用.

2 在生产上操作要慢,三思而后行.

3 备份重于一切,但恢复的测试也同样重要.(否则光备份,遇到需要恢复时没做过,同样不会做,平时要找机会测试恢复)

4 RM真的是危险的,请永远不要使用它.( 在环境变量中用别名代替 alias rm="mv" )

5 在整个事件的解决过程中,跟5个HP工程师有过沟通.感谢他们提供的帮助.

6 武装自己的技术力量,结交更多的同行,这样在有问题的时候也可提供帮助.

HPUX 磁带恢复的大概过程:


CM>rs (重启)
Ctrl +B 返回 Main Menu

在 To discontiune autoboot, press any key to interrupt时,按任意键中断


EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.61]  Please select a boot option
OS might use only the primary console set via boot manager or conconfig command

    HP-UX Primary Boot: 0/0/1/1/0.0.0                              
    LAN [Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,4)/Pci(1|0)/Mac(0018FE2DBECF)]       
    LAN [Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,9)/Pci(1|0)/Mac(001A4B082AC6)]       
    LAN [Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,9)/Pci(1|1)/Mac(001A4B082AC7)]       
    EFI Shell [Built-in]                                           
    LAN [Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,2)/Pci(1|0)/Mac(0018FE2DBD59)]       
    Boot Option Maintenance Menu                                   

    Use ^ and v to change option(s). Use Enter to select an option
    Use > and < to view long descriptions
    Hot Key: 'S' or 's' to start the EFI Shell
Selected boot option: Tape

Loading.: Tape

Executing Image: UNKNOWN
Optional Data  : NONE

Starting: Tape

(C) Copyright 1999-2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
All rights reserved

HP-UX Boot Loader for IPF  --  Revision 2.035

Booting from Tape
Press Any Key to interrupt Autoboot
Seconds left till autoboot -   2
   Type 'help' for help

HPUX> exit
Exiting bootloader.

EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.61]  Please select a boot option
OS might use only the primary console set via boot manager or conconfig command

    HP-UX Primary Boot: 0/0/1/1/0.0.0                              
    LAN [Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,4)/Pci(1|0)/Mac(0018FE2DBECF)]       
    LAN [Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,9)/Pci(1|0)/Mac(001A4B082AC6)]       
    LAN [Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,9)/Pci(1|1)/Mac(001A4B082AC7)]       
    EFI Shell [Built-in]                                           
    LAN [Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,2)/Pci(1|0)/Mac(0018FE2DBD59)]       
    Boot Option Maintenance Menu                                   

    Use ^ and v to change option(s). Use Enter to select an option
    Use > and < to view long descriptions
    Hot Key: 'S' or 's' to start the EFI Shell
Selected boot option: Tape

Loading.: Tape

Executing Image: UNKNOWN
Optional Data  : NONE

Starting: Tape

(C) Copyright 1999-2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
All rights reserved

HP-UX Boot Loader for IPF  --  Revision 2.035

Booting from Tape
Press Any Key to interrupt Autoboot
Seconds left till autoboot -   0
AUTOBOOTING...> System Memory = 65273 MB
loading section 0
....................................................................... (complet
loading section 1
................ (complete)
loading symbol table
loading ram disk file (IINSTALLFS).
Launching IINSTALL
SIZE: Text:36209K + Data:8027K + BSS:8579K = Total:52816K

Console is on a Serial Device
Booting kernel...

Memory Class Setup
Class     Physmem              Lockmem              Swapmem
System :  65273 MB             65273 MB             65273 MB           
Kernel :  65273 MB             65273 MB             65273 MB           
User   :  61984 MB             54022 MB             54234 MB           

Loaded ACPI revision 2.0 tables.
krs_read_mfs: Error 5 opening MFS.
WARNING: GIO: read_ioconfig_file(): /stand/ioconfig read error.
        ioconfig = NULL
NOTICE: cachefs_link(): File system was registered at index 5.
NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 8.

    System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface
iether4: INITIALIZING HP A7011-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-SX Dual-port Adapter at
hardware path 2/0/2/1/0
iether6: INITIALIZING HP AD331-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Adapter at hardware pa
th 2/0/4/1/0
iether7: INITIALIZING HP A7011-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-SX Dual-port Adapter at
hardware path 2/0/8/1/0
iether8: INITIALIZING HP A7011-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-SX Dual-port Adapter at
hardware path 2/0/8/1/1
iether9: INITIALIZING HP A7011-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-SX Dual-port Adapter at
hardware path 2/0/9/1/0
iether10: INITIALIZING HP A7011-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-SX Dual-port Adapter at
 hardware path 2/0/9/1/1
iether11: INITIALIZING HP AD331-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Adapter at hardware p
ath 2/0/13/1/0
iether0: INITIALIZING HP AD331-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Adapter at hardware pa
th 0/0/2/1/0
iether5: INITIALIZING HP A7011-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-SX Dual-port Adapter at
hardware path 2/0/2/1/1
iether1: INITIALIZING HP AD331-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Adapter at hardware pa
th 0/0/4/1/0
iether2: INITIALIZING HP A7011-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-SX Dual-port Adapter at
hardware path 0/0/9/1/0
iether3: INITIALIZING HP A7011-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-SX Dual-port Adapter at
hardware path 0/0/9/1/1
    Swap device table:  (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)
        entry 0 - auto-configured on root device; ignored - no room
WARNING: no swap device configured, so dump cannot be defaulted to primary swap.
WARNING: No dump devices are configured.  Dump is disabled.
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1
sh: pre_init_rc:  not found
Create STCP device files
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 2
     $Revision: vmunix:    B11.23_LR FLAVOR=perf Fri Aug 29 22:35:38 PDT 2003 $
Memory Information:
    physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes
    Physical: 66840424 Kbytes, lockable: 50922664 Kbytes, available: 59123492 Kb

       * Preparing to execute init...
=======  06/15/10 04:46:17 EDT  HP-UX Installation Initialization. (Tue Jun 15
         04:46:17 EDT 2010)
         @(#)Ignite-UX Revision C.7.4.155
         @(#)ignite/launch (opt) Revision:
         /branches/IUX_RA0712/ignite/src@71931 Last Modified: 2007-10-15
         15:53:11 -0600 (Mon, 15 Oct 2007)
       * Configuring RAM filesystems...
       * Scanning system for IO devices...
       * Boot device is: 0/0/8/1/1.3.0
Recovery tape created from system: hpux01 on Tue May 25 12:41:20 2010

WARNING: The configuration information calls for a non-interactive

         Press within 10 seconds to cancel batch-mode installatio
       * Using client directory: /var/opt/ignite/clients/0x0018FE2DBD59
       * Checking configuration for consistency...
NOTE:    Dump space (20971520KB) is less than 50% of system memory
         (66840424KB). There is a possibility that the system dump will be
         truncated with a failure to capture important system information in
         the event of a system crash. You can increase the size of the dump
         volumes or add additional dump volumes on the "File System" tab when
         using the advanced user interface. See crashconf(1M) for more
WARNING: Free space (16215520KB) in "/var" where /var/adm/crash is located is
         less than 25% of system memory (66840424KB). This will likely result
         in an inability to capture a single selective compressed dump in the
         event of a system crash. Additional space will be required to
         uncompress the dump in order to analyze it and to save multiple dumps.
         You can increase the size of the "/var" volume on the "File System"
         tab when using the advanced user interface.
WARNING: The disk at: 0/0/1/1/0.0.0 (COMPAQ_BF14684970) appears to contain a
         file system and boot area.  Continuing the installation will destroy
         any existing data on this disk.

         Press within 10 seconds to cancel batch-mode installatio
       * Continuing despite above warnings.
       * Attempting a non-interactive installation.
       * Loading configuration utility...
       * Beginning installation from source: /dev/rmt/c3t3d0BEST
=======  06/15/10 04:50:06 EDT  Starting system configuration...
       * Configure_Disks:  Begin
       * Mapping LUN Instance Data
       * Will install B.11.23 onto this system.
       * Creating LVM physical volume "/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2" (0/0/1/1/0.0.0).
       * Creating volume group "vg00".
       * Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol1" (/stand).
       * Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol2" (swap_dump).
       * Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol3" (/).
       * Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol4" (/opt).
       * Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol5" (/tmp).
       * Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol6" (/usr).
       * Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol7" (/var).
       * Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol8" (/home).
       * Creating logical volume "vg00/oracle" (/u01).
       * Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol1" (/stand).
       * Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol2" (swap_dump).
       * Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol3" (/).
       * Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol4" (/opt).
       * Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol5" (/tmp).
       * Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol6" (/usr).
       * Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol7" (/var).
       * Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol8" (/home).
       * Extending logical volume "vg00/oracle" (/u01).
       * Making HFS filesystem for "/stand", (/dev/vg00/rlvol1).
       * Making VxFS filesystem for "/", (/dev/vg00/rlvol3).
       * Making VxFS filesystem for "/opt", (/dev/vg00/rlvol4).
       * Making VxFS filesystem for "/tmp", (/dev/vg00/rlvol5).
       * Making VxFS filesystem for "/usr", (/dev/vg00/rlvol6).
       * Making VxFS filesystem for "/var", (/dev/vg00/rlvol7).
       * Making VxFS filesystem for "/home", (/dev/vg00/rlvol8).
       * Making VxFS filesystem for "/u01", (/dev/vg00/roracle).
       * Setting rotational delay to 0 for "/stand".
       * Configure_Disks:  Complete
       * Download_mini-system:  Begin
x ./usr/sbin/idisk, 85596 bytes, 168 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/mkfs, 586996 bytes, 1147 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/newfs, 461420 bytes, 902 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/mkfs, 1966500 bytes, 3841 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/newfs, 461988 bytes, 903 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs5.0/mkfs, 3147180 bytes, 6147 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs5.0/newfs, 1704600 bytes, 3330 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mkfs symbolic link to /sbin/fs_wrapper
x ./sbin/newfs symbolic link to /sbin/fs_wrapper
x ./sbin/lib/mfsconfig.d/hfs, 1053 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./sbin/lib/mfsconfig.d/vxfs5.0, 3040 bytes, 6 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs_wrapper, 488324 bytes, 954 tape blocks
x ./sbin/sh, 993868 bytes, 1942 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/tunefs, 33756 bytes, 66 tape blocks
x ./sbin/extendfs symbolic link to /sbin/fs_wrapper
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs5.0/extendfs, 3038024 bytes, 5934 tape blocks
x ./sbin/lvchange, 2171932 bytes, 4243 tape blocks
./sbin/lvcreate linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvdisplay linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvextend linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvlnboot linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvreduce linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvremove linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvrmboot linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvchange linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvcreate linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvdisplay linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvmove linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgcfgbackup linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgcfgrestore linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgchange linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgcreate linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgdisplay linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgexport linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgextend linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgimport linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgreduce linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgremove linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgscan linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvck linked to ./sbin/lvchange
x ./usr/lib/uxbootlf, 707584 bytes, 1382 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/HPUX/hpux.efi, 645215 bytes, 1261 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/HPUX/nbp.efi, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/Intel_Firmware/fpswa.efi, 328192 bytes, 641 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/hp/tools/network/README.network, 799 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/hp/tools/network/ftp.efi, 542208 bytes, 1059 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/hp/tools/network/ifconfig.efi, 392704 bytes, 767 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/hp/tools/network/inet.nsh, 962 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/hp/tools/network/ping.efi, 383488 bytes, 749 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/hp/tools/network/route.efi, 394752 bytes, 771 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/EFI/hp/tools/network/tcpipv4.efi, 601088 bytes, 1174 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/efi/startup.nsh, 296 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libdld.1, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libdld.2, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libdld.sl symbolic link to ./libdld.2
x ./usr/lib/libelf.2, 102400 bytes, 200 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/aries32.so, 2110540 bytes, 4123 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/dld.so, 925808 bytes, 1809 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libCsup.so.1, 353788 bytes, 691 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libc.so.1, 2662016 bytes, 5200 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libcl.so symbolic link to ./libcl.so.1
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libcl.so.1, 5064 bytes, 10 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libdl.so.1, 76704 bytes, 150 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libelf.so.1, 163468 bytes, 320 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libm.so symbolic link to ./libm.so.1
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libm.so.1, 1487848 bytes, 2906 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libnss_files.so.1, 98120 bytes, 192 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libpthread.so.1, 603896 bytes, 1180 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libsec.so.1, 294924 bytes, 577 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libsin.so symbolic link to ./libsin.so.1
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libsin.so.1, 18332 bytes, 36 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libstd.so.1, 163340 bytes, 320 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libstd_v2.so.1, 1752524 bytes, 3423 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libstream.so.1, 388780 bytes, 760 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libuca.so.1, 34464 bytes, 68 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libunwind.so.1, 344144 bytes, 673 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libxcurses.so.1, 531640 bytes, 1039 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/pa_boot32.so, 105836 bytes, 207 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/uld.so, 110700 bytes, 217 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libnsl.so.1, 1045180 bytes, 2042 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libnss_dns.so.1, 59784 bytes, 117 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libxti.so.1, 202140 bytes, 395 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libdcekt.so symbolic link to ./libdcekt.so.1
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libdcekt.so.1, 10073940 bytes, 19676 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libgss.so, 132132 bytes, 259 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libcom_err.so, 22376 bytes, 44 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libk5crypto.so, 177872 bytes, 348 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/hpux32/libkrb5.so, 903932 bytes, 1766 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libc.1, 1523712 bytes, 2976 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libc.2, 1433600 bytes, 2800 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libcurses.1, 155648 bytes, 304 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libnss_files.1, 45056 bytes, 88 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libpthread.1, 110592 bytes, 216 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libsec.2, 163840 bytes, 320 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/nls/msg/C/dcerpc.cat, 13755 bytes, 27 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/nls/msg/C/cpp.cat, 11084 bytes, 22 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libnsl.1, 630784 bytes, 1232 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libnsl.sl symbolic link to ./libnsl.1
x ./usr/lib/libxti.2, 106496 bytes, 208 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_addhost.ui, 2571 bytes, 6 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_analyze.ui, 4663 bytes, 10 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_bundles.ui, 1775 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_chgloc.ui, 3634 bytes, 8 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_defs.h, 24742 bytes, 49 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_depend.ui, 2824 bytes, 6 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_details.ui, 3990 bytes, 8 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_dsa.ui, 8100 bytes, 16 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_init.ui, 708 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_install.ui, 4018 bytes, 8 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_jobopts.ui, 116062 bytes, 227 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_jobs.ui, 20222 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_list.ui, 1962 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_menudefs.h, 1792 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_options.ui, 5889 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_patch.ui, 2527 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_remove.ui, 3289 bytes, 7 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_rmsourc.ui, 2411 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_sched.ui, 4591 bytes, 9 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_selalt.ui, 2804 bytes, 6 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_seldpt.ui, 2404 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_session.ui, 2180 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_softinf.ui, 5653 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_softwar.ui, 18847 bytes, 37 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_source.ui, 4902 bytes, 10 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_targets.ui, 12190 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_task.ui, 5805 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/help/C/sduhelp.hv, 28436 bytes, 56 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/help/C/sduhelp.hvk, 5145 bytes, 11 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/help/C/sduhelp00.ht, 215428 bytes, 421 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/help/C/sduhelp01.ht, 14210 bytes, 28 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libM.1 symbolic link to ./libm.1
x ./usr/lib/libm.1, 98773 bytes, 193 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libm.2, 188416 bytes, 368 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libcma.1, 466944 bytes, 912 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libcma.2, 487424 bytes, 952 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libcma.sl symbolic link to ./libcma.2
x ./usr/lib/libd4r.1, 45056 bytes, 88 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libd4r.sl symbolic link to ./libd4r.1
x ./usr/lib/libdce.1, 4235264 bytes, 8272 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libdce.2, 4313088 bytes, 8424 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libdce.sl symbolic link to ./libdce.2
x ./usr/lib/libdcekt.1, 4620288 bytes, 9024 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/dld.sl, 274432 bytes, 536 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libsmapi.so.2, 130108 bytes, 255 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/lifcp, 80180 bytes, 157 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/lifls, 40916 bytes, 80 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/lifrm, 40708 bytes, 80 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/getopts, 162 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/basename, 9936 bytes, 20 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/chgrp, 35596 bytes, 70 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/cmp, 23040 bytes, 45 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/cp, 59112 bytes, 116 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/cut, 23304 bytes, 46 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/dd, 32876 bytes, 65 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/dirname, 5772 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/egrep, 44548 bytes, 88 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/expr, 35612 bytes, 70 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/false, 5660 bytes, 12 tape blocks
./usr/bin/fgrep linked to ./usr/bin/egrep
x ./usr/bin/grep, 44572 bytes, 88 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/hostname, 5956 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/kill, 10836 bytes, 22 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ln, 19192 bytes, 38 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/model, 18084 bytes, 36 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ps, 85080 bytes, 167 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/pwd, 10072 bytes, 20 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/rm, 66100 bytes, 130 tape blocks
./usr/bin/rmdir linked to ./usr/bin/rm
x ./usr/bin/sed, 86604 bytes, 170 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/sort, 109064 bytes, 214 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/tar, 107380 bytes, 210 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/touch, 18988 bytes, 38 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/true, 5660 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/wc, 14736 bytes, 29 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/compress, 45196 bytes, 89 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ed, 135024 bytes, 264 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/find, 134380 bytes, 263 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/getopt, 10196 bytes, 20 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/id, 14744 bytes, 29 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/more, 165148 bytes, 323 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/tail, 45452 bytes, 89 tape blocks
./usr/bin/uncompress linked to ./usr/bin/compress
./usr/bin/zcat linked to ./usr/bin/compress
x ./usr/bin/bdf, 49348 bytes, 97 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/diff, 88180 bytes, 173 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/mt, 24660 bytes, 49 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ftp, 257816 bytes, 504 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/rcp, 125288 bytes, 245 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/remsh, 85648 bytes, 168 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ex, 553824 bytes, 1082 tape blocks
./usr/bin/vi linked to ./usr/bin/ex
x ./usr/bin/uname, 417140 bytes, 815 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/sysadm/create_sysfile, 49776 bytes, 98 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/sysadm/check_dlkm_module, 4187 bytes, 9 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/sysadm/system_prep, 10000 bytes, 20 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/fs/vxfs5.0/vxdump, 507896 bytes, 992 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/fs/vxfs5.0/vxrestore, 556952 bytes, 1088 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/sw/control_utils, 155389 bytes, 304 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/swagent, 2760220 bytes, 5392 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/krs_file_reader, 18228 bytes, 36 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/krs_print, 22796 bytes, 45 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/kconfig, 595612 bytes, 1164 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/mk_kernel, 2505 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/insf symbolic link to /sbin/mksf
x ./usr/sbin/ioinit symbolic link to /sbin/ioinit
x ./usr/sbin/ioscan symbolic link to /sbin/ioscan
x ./usr/sbin/mknod symbolic link to /sbin/mknod
x ./usr/sbin/mount symbolic link to /sbin/mount
x ./usr/sbin/reboot symbolic link to /sbin/reboot
x ./usr/sbin/umount symbolic link to /sbin/umount
x ./usr/sbin/devnm, 22652 bytes, 45 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/diskinfo, 46800 bytes, 92 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/setboot, 55528 bytes, 109 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/swapon, 64428 bytes, 126 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/chroot, 5928 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/efi_cp, 167312 bytes, 327 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/efi_fsinit, 106352 bytes, 208 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/efi_ls, 119648 bytes, 234 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/efi_mkdir, 148368 bytes, 290 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/efi_rm, 119176 bytes, 233 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/efi_rmdir, 115160 bytes, 225 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/rvxdump symbolic link to /usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxdump
x ./usr/sbin/rvxrestore symbolic link to /usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxrestore
x ./usr/sbin/vxdump symbolic link to /usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxdump
x ./usr/sbin/vxrestore symbolic link to /usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxrestore
x ./usr/sbin/swagentd, 998884 bytes, 1951 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/swacl, 3709172 bytes, 7245 tape blocks
./usr/sbin/swconfig linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swcopy linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swinstall linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swlist linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
x ./usr/sbin/swmodify, 2060644 bytes, 4025 tape blocks
./usr/sbin/swpackage linked to ./usr/sbin/swmodify
./usr/sbin/swreg linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swremove linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swverify linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
x ./usr/share/lib/terminfo/h/hp, 1448 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./usr/share/lib/terminfo/v/vt100, 1358 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./usr/share/lib/terminfo/w/wy60, 1673 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./usr/conf/gen/templates/generic, 551 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./usr/ccs/lbin/cpp, 223496 bytes, 437 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lbin/gethelp, 1245184 bytes, 2432 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lbin/ui_exec, 26708 bytes, 53 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/libIDMawrt.1, 2682880 bytes, 5240 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/libIDMawrt.sl symbolic link to ./libIDMawrt.1
x ./usr/obam/lib/libobam.1, 1040384 bytes, 2032 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/libobam.sl symbolic link to ./libobam.1
x ./usr/obam/lib/obam_aw.dmb, 35252 bytes, 69 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/libIDMawrt.so.1, 4662844 bytes, 9108 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/libobam.so symbolic link to ./libobam.so.1
x ./usr/obam/lib/libobam.so.1, 1705060 bytes, 3331 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/obam_aw_ia.dmb, 35899 bytes, 71 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/help/C/ui/ui.sdl, 80960 bytes, 159 tape blocks
x ./usr/contrib/bin/gunzip, 188504 bytes, 369 tape blocks
./usr/contrib/bin/gzip linked to ./usr/contrib/bin/gunzip
x ./sbin/fs/cdfs/umount symbolic link to /sbin/fs/hfs/umount
x ./sbin/fs/cdfs/mount, 468396 bytes, 915 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/fsck, 678828 bytes, 1326 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/mount, 477108 bytes, 932 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/umount, 413860 bytes, 809 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/fsck, 2257044 bytes, 4409 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/mount, 1883892 bytes, 3680 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/umount symbolic link to /sbin/fs/hfs/umount
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/subtype, 1679784 bytes, 3281 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs5.0/fsck, 3319760 bytes, 6484 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs5.0/fstyp, 1659404 bytes, 3242 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs5.0/mount, 3075572 bytes, 6007 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs5.0/umount symbolic link to /sbin/fs/vxfs/umount
x ./sbin/fsck symbolic link to /sbin/fs_wrapper
x ./sbin/awk, 887040 bytes, 1733 tape blocks
x ./sbin/cat, 439060 bytes, 858 tape blocks
x ./sbin/chmod, 480180 bytes, 938 tape blocks
x ./sbin/chown, 500708 bytes, 978 tape blocks
x ./sbin/date, 538332 bytes, 1052 tape blocks
x ./sbin/frecover, 697848 bytes, 1363 tape blocks
x ./sbin/init, 1226836 bytes, 2397 tape blocks
x ./sbin/insf, 950596 bytes, 1857 tape blocks
x ./sbin/ioinit, 508652 bytes, 994 tape blocks
x ./sbin/ioscan, 589124 bytes, 1151 tape blocks
x ./sbin/krsd, 498588 bytes, 974 tape blocks
x ./sbin/ls, 571348 bytes, 1116 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mkboot, 624596 bytes, 1220 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mkdir, 434724 bytes, 850 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mknod, 413900 bytes, 809 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mount, 622892 bytes, 1217 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mv, 477060 bytes, 932 tape blocks
x ./sbin/pax, 821020 bytes, 1604 tape blocks
x ./sbin/reboot, 550940 bytes, 1077 tape blocks
x ./sbin/stty, 440676 bytes, 861 tape blocks
x ./sbin/umount, 518396 bytes, 1013 tape blocks
x ./sbin/restore, 638284 bytes, 1247 tape blocks
x ./dev/config, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/null, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/console, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/kmem, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/mem, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/rroot, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/root, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/tty, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/syscon, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/systty, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./tmp/set_locale, 3305 bytes, 7 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/_ACL, 40 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/_OWNER, 62 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/_PROD_DFLT_ACL, 55 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/_SOC_DFLT_ACL, 55 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/secrets, 15 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/defaults, 1383 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./var/opt/ignite/local/manifest/template.def, 14388 bytes, 29 tape blocks
x ./opt/ignite/share/man/man1m.Z/print_manifest.1m, 1428 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./opt/ignite/binia/print_manifest, 92392 bytes, 181 tape blocks
x ./opt/ignite/bin symbolic link to /opt/ignite/binia
x ./etc/group, 184 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./etc/passwd, 332 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./etc/magic, 9013 bytes, 18 tape blocks
x ./etc/nfssec.conf, 1212 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./etc/hosts, 485 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./etc/services, 11545 bytes, 23 tape blocks
x ./etc/inetsvcs.conf, 15 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./etc/nsswitch.conf, 382 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./configure3, 2318760 bytes, 4529 tape blocks
x ./monitor_bpr, 130556 bytes, 255 tape blocks
       * Download_mini-system:  Complete
       * Loading_software:  Begin
       * Installing boot area on disk.
       * Formatting HP Service Partition.
       * Enabling swap areas.
       * Backing up LVM configuration for "vg00".
       * Processing the archive source (Recovery Archive).
       * Tue Jun 15 04:56:26 EDT 2010: Starting archive load of the source
         (Recovery Archive).
       * Positioning the tape (/dev/rmt/c3t3d0BESTn).
       * Looking for Archive...
       * Found the Archive Position. Now load the Archive.
       * Archive extraction from tape is beginning. Please wait.

1 在小机的控制台上使用终端时,遇到字符乱码的问题,更改终端类型为vt120即可.

附录 2:
hpux01#[/stand]cmviewcl -v
cmviewcl: Cannot view the cluster configuration: No such file or directory.
Either this node is not configured in a cluster, user doesn't have
access to view the cluster configuration, or there is some obstacle
to viewing the configuration. Check the syslog file for more information.
For a list of possible causes, see the Serviceguard manual for cmviewcl.
You have mail in /var/mail/root

hpux01#[/stand]cmhaltnode -f -v hpux01
cmhaltnode : Unable to connect to the local cluster: No such file or directory.
Either no cluster configuration file exists, the file is corrupted,
cmclconfd is unable to run, or user root on node hpux01
doesn't have access to view the configuration.
You have mail in /var/mail/root

cmgetconf: Unable to get local cluster configuration information: No such file or directory.
Either cluster is not configured, or the user doesn't
have access to get the cluster configuration.
You have mail in /var/mail/root

hpux02#[/]cmhaltnode  -f -v hpux01 
Node hpux01 is already halted.
Successfully halted all nodes specified.


hpux02#[/]cmviewcl -v

CLUSTER        STATUS      
cluster1       up          
  NODE           STATUS       STATE       
  hpux01         up           running     
    VOLUME_GROUP          PHYSICAL_VOLUME       STATUS             
    /dev/vglock           /dev/dsk/c23t4d6      unknown            
    INTERFACE    STATUS           PATH                NAME        
    PRIMARY      unknown          0/0/2/1/0           lan0        
    PRIMARY      unknown          2/0/8/1/0           lan7        
    STANDBY      unknown   

      2/0/9/1/0           lan9        
  NODE           STATUS       STATE       
  hpux02         up           running     
    VOLUME_GROUP          PHYSICAL_VOLUME       STATUS             
    /dev/vglock           /dev/dsk/c23t4d6      up                 
    INTERFACE    STATUS           PATH                NAME        
    PRIMARY      up               0/0/2/1/0           lan0        
    PRIMARY      up               2/0/8/1/0           lan7        
    STANDBY      up               2/0/9/1/0           lan9

配置文件信息 getconf

# **********************************************************************
# ***** For complete details about cluster parameters and how to *******
# ***** set them, consult the Serviceguard manual. *********************
# **********************************************************************

# Enter a name for this cluster.  This name will be used to identify the
# cluster when viewing or manipulating it.

CLUSTER_NAME            cluster1

# Cluster Lock Parameters
# The cluster lock is used as a tie-breaker for situations
# in which a running cluster fails, and then two equal-sized
# sub-clusters are both trying to form. a new cluster.  The
# cluster lock may be configured using only one of the
# following alternatives on a cluster:
#          the lock LUN
#          the quorom server
# Consider the following when configuring a cluster.
# For a two-node cluster, you must use a cluster lock.  For
# a cluster of three or four nodes, a cluster lock is strongly
# recommended.  For a cluster of more than four nodes, a
# cluster lock is recommended.  If you decide to configure
# a lock for a cluster of more than four nodes, it must be
# a quorum server.

# LUN lock disk parameters. Use the  CLUSTER_LOCK_LUN parameter
# to define the device on a per node basis. The device may only
# be used for this purpose and by only a single cluster.
# Example for a FC storage array cluster disk
# CLUSTER_LOCK_LUN /dev/dsk/c1t2d3s1
# For 11.31 and later versions of HP-UX
# CLUSTER_LOCK_LUN /dev/disk/disk4_p2

# Quorum Server Parameters. Use the QS_HOST, QS_POLLING_INTERVAL,
# and QS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION parameters to define a quorum server.
# The QS_HOST is the host name or IP address of the system
# that is running the quorum server process.  The
# QS_POLLING_INTERVAL (microseconds) is the interval at which
# Serviceguard checks to make sure the quorum server is running.
# The optional QS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION (microseconds) is used to increase
# the time interval after which the quorum server is marked DOWN.
# The default quorum server timeout is calculated from the
# Serviceguard cluster parameters, including NODE_TIMEOUT and
# HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL.  If you are experiencing quorum server
# timeouts, you can adjust these parameters, or you can include
# the QS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION parameter.
# The value of QS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION will directly effect the amount
# of time it takes for cluster reformation in the event of failure.
# For example, if QS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION is set to 10 seconds, the cluster
# reformation will take 10 seconds longer than if the QS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION
# was set to 0. This delay applies even if there is no delay in
# contacting the Quorum Server.  The recommended value for
# QS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION is 0, which is used as the default
# and the maximum supported value is 30000000 (5 minutes).
# For example, to configure a quorum server running on node
# "qshost" with 120 seconds for the QS_POLLING_INTERVAL and to
# add 2 seconds to the system assigned value for the quorum server
# timeout, enter:
# QS_HOST qshost

FIRST_CLUSTER_LOCK_VG           /dev/vglock

# Definition of nodes in the cluster.
# Repeat node definitions as necessary for additional nodes.
# NODE_NAME is the specified nodename in the cluster.
# It must match the hostname and both cannot contain full domain name.
# Each NETWORK_INTERFACE, if configured with IPv4 address,
# must have ONLY one IPv4 address entry with it which could
# Each NETWORK_INTERFACE, if configured with IPv6 address(es)
# can have multiple IPv6 address entries(up to a maximum of 2,
# only one IPv6 address entry belonging to site-local scope
# and only one belonging to global scope) which must be all

NODE_NAME               hpux01

# Primary Network Interfaces on Bridged Net 1: lan0.
#   Warning: There are no standby network interfaces on bridged net 1.
# Primary Network Interfaces on Bridged Net 2: lan7.

NODE_NAME               hpux02
  FIRST_CLUSTER_LOCK_PV /dev/dsk/c23t4d6

# Primary Network Interfaces on Bridged Net 1: lan0.
#   Warning: There are no standby network interfaces on bridged net 1.
# Primary Network Interfaces on Bridged Net 2: lan7.
#   Possible standby Network Interfaces on Bridged Net 2: lan9.

# Cluster Timing Parameters (microseconds).

# The NODE_TIMEOUT parameter defaults to 2000000 (2 seconds).
# This value is recommended for installations in which the highest
# priority is to reform. the cluster as fast as possible in
# case of failure. But this value can sometimes lead to reformations
# caused by short-lived system hangs or network load spikes.  If your
# highest priority is to minimize reformations, consider using
# a higher setting. For a significant portion of installations,
# a setting of 5000000 to 8000000 (5 to 8 seconds) is appropriate.
# The maximum value recommended for NODE_TIMEOUT is 30000000
# (30 seconds).

HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL              1000000
NODE_TIMEOUT            2000000

# Configuration/Reconfiguration Timing Parameters (microseconds).

AUTO_START_TIMEOUT      600000000

# Network Monitor Configuration Parameters.
# The NETWORK_FAILURE_DETECTION parameter determines how LAN card failures are detected.
# If set to INONLY_OR_INOUT, a LAN card will be considered down when its inbound
# message count stops increasing or when both inbound and outbound
# message counts stop increasing.
# If set to INOUT, both the inbound and outbound message counts must
# stop increasing before the card is considered down.

# Package Configuration Parameters.
# Enter the maximum number of packages which will be configured in the cluster.
# You can not add packages beyond this limit.
# This parameter is required.

# Access Control Policy Parameters.
# Three entries set the access control policy for the cluster:
# First line must be USER_NAME, second USER_HOST, and third USER_ROLE.
# Enter a value after each.
# 1. USER_NAME can either be ANY_USER, or a maximum of
#    8 login names from the /etc/passwd file on user host.
#    The following special characters are NOT supported for USER_NAME
#    ' ', '/', '\', '*'
# 2. USER_HOST is where the user can issue Serviceguard commands.
#    If using Serviceguard Manager, it is the COM server.
#    Choose one of these three values: ANY_SERVICEGUARD_NODE, or
#    (any) CLUSTER_MEMBER_NODE, or a specific node. For node,
#    use the official hostname from domain name server, and not
#    an IP addresses or fully qualified name.
# 3. USER_ROLE must be one of these three values:
#    * MONITOR: read-only capabilities for the cluster and packages
#    * PACKAGE_ADMIN: MONITOR, plus administrative commands for packages
#      in the cluster
#    * FULL_ADMIN: MONITOR and PACKAGE_ADMIN plus the administrative
#      commands for the cluster.
# Access control policy does not set a role for configuration
# capability. To configure, a user must log on to one of the
# cluster's nodes as root (UID=0). Access control
# policy cannot limit root users' access.
# MONITOR and FULL_ADMIN can only be set in the cluster configuration file,
# and they apply to the entire cluster. PACKAGE_ADMIN can be set in the 
# cluster or a package configuration file. If set in the cluster
# configuration file, PACKAGE_ADMIN applies to all configured packages.
# If set in a package configuration file, PACKAGE_ADMIN applies to that
# package only.
# Conflicting or redundant policies will cause an error while applying
# the configuration, and stop the process. The maximum number of access
# policies that can be configured in the cluster is 200.
# Example: to configure a role for user john from node noir to
# administer a cluster and all its packages, enter:
# USER_NAME  john
# USER_HOST  noir

# List of OPS Volume Groups.
# Formerly known as DLM Volume Groups, these volume groups
# will be used by OPS or RAC cluster applications via
# the vgchange -a s command. (Note: the name DLM_VOLUME_GROUP
# is also still supported for compatibility with earlier versions.)
# For example:
# OPS_VOLUME_GROUP              /dev/vgdatabase
# OPS_VOLUME_GROUP              /dev/vg02

OPS_VOLUME_GROUP                /dev/vglock
OPS_VOLUME_GROUP                /dev/vg_oradata
OPS_VOLUME_GROUP                /dev/vg_cdz

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