Oracle 12.2对客户端工具的支持说明

Oracle12C 发布已经块两个月了,在使用中或多或少的都有一些问题出来,在访问12.2RAC的时候遇到如下问题:

 ORA-28040 After Upgrade: No Matching Authentication Protocol 
在sqlnet.ora文件中添加如下参数,设定可用的值,n表示兼容 版本,此处可设置为10,表示兼容10g
Important Notes:  

1)  The sqlnet.ora file that is referenced by the database is located in RDBMS_HOME/network/admin.  This is by default.  It will not read the sqlnet.ora file in GRID_HOME/network/admin unless TNS_ADMIN is explicitly set to point there.

2)  While the version 12 documentation shows settings for this parameter as low as 8, this does not override the rules of Interoperability or Certification.  See the following:  Note 207303.1 Client / Server  Interoperability Support Matrix for  Different Oracle Versions.  
 In other words, setting the SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER parameter to 8, 9 or 10 does not mean that version of client is going to be fully supported by Oracle Support. 

3)  Occasionally, we find it is necessary to restart the cluster in a RAC environment.  This is atypical but may be necessary. Check the ENV at srvctl and confirm if $TNS_ADMIN is set.

Oracle Client / Server Interoperability Support

Use this note to understand which Oracle client versions are supported to work with which versions of the Oracle Database.


This note gives a summary of the support for interoperability between Oracle client and server versions. This includes support for connections over database links between Oracle versions.

Note that this is a general guide for interoperability only - certain products or utilities may impose additional restrictions on supported combinations specific to the product / utility. eg: Precompilers, Export / Import utilities etc..

For a summary of the support status of each Oracle release see Note:161818.1

General Policy

Oracle's general policy is to test and support each new Oracle release for compatibility with older releases thus:

Current Interoperability Support Situation

The matrix below summarizes client and server combinations that are supported for the most commonly used product versions. A full matrix appears at the end of this document.

New interoperability problems will only be investigated if  BOTH  releases involved are covered by a valid support contract at the time that the issue is reported .
A 11.1.0 client to an 11.2.0 server issue requires the customer to have a valid  Extended Support contract for the 11.1.0 client in order for Oracle to investigate it.

Server Version
12.2.0#10 12.1.0 11.2.0 11.1.0 10.2.0 10.1.0 9.2.0
12.2.0 Yes Yes Yes No No No#3 No#3
12.1.0 Yes Yes Yes Was MDS #7 No#3 No#3
11.2.0 Yes#9 Yes Yes Was MDS #7 No Was #5
11.1.0 No Was Was Was Was #7 Was #6 Was #5
10.2.0 No MDS #7 MDS #7 Was #7 MDS Was Was #5
10.1.0#4 No No Was #6 Was #6 Was Was Was
9.2.0 No No#8 Was #5 Was #5 Was #5 Was Was

Yes Supported
ES Supported but fixes only possible for customers with Extended Support .
LES or MDS Supported but fixes only possible for customer with a valid Limited Extended Support or Market-Driven Support contract respectively.
Was Was a supported combination but one of the releases is no longer covered by any of Premier Support, Primary Error Correct support, Extended Support, nor Extended Maintenance Support. Fixes are no longer possible.
No Has never been Supported
Specific Notes:
#1 - See  Note:207319.1 #2 - An ORA-3134 error is incorrectly reported if a 10g client tries to connect to an or lower server. See  Note:3437884.8 . #3 - An ORA-3134 error is correctly reported when attempting to connect to this version. #4 - There are problems connecting from a 10g client to 8i/9i where one is EBCDIC based. See  Note:3564573.8 #5 - For connections between 10.2 (or higher) and 9.2 the 9.2 end MUST be at or higher. Connections between 10.2 (or higher) and, or have never been supported. #6 - For connections between 11.1 (or higher) database server and 10.1 / 10.2 database server across a database link the 10g end MUST be at / (or higher) respectively in order to use PLSQL between those versions. (This does not apply to normal 11g clients to 10g database server only server to server and a few very specific client products, such as Oracle Forms). See  Note:4511371.8 for more details. #7 - For database link connections between 11.1 (or higher) and 10.2 the 10g end MUST be at (or higher) in order to use PLSQL between those versions. See  Note:4511371.8 for more details. #8 - Attempting to connect from 9.2 to 12.1 will fail with an "ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol" error. #9 - or only. We do not support any 11.2 client interoperability with Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service #10 - Includes Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service - see  Note:2183770.1 for additional details
General Notes:
  1. For  database links  between different Oracle versions connections must be supported in BOTH directions in the matrix above.
    eg: As 11.2 -> 10.1 is not supported then database links between these version are  not  supported in either direction.
  2. Unsupported combinations may appear to work but can encounter errors for particular operations. The fact that they appear to work should not be relied upon -issues on unsupported combinations will not be investigated.
  3. Since new database servers are compatible with a limited set of older OCI clients, it may not be necessary to upgrade the client software when upgrading the database. However, some new features may not work without upgrading the client software. For example, an Oracle 10.2 client is able to connect to an 11.2 database, but is not able to take advantage of newer features such as Client Result Cache (introduced in 11.1).
  4. Oracle Applications , or other Oracle products, may have supported configurations not listed in the matrix above.
  5. The matrix above also applies between different platforms and between 32/64 bit releases of Oracle client / server except where any Oracle platform desupport notice indicates otherwise .
  6. Unix BEQUEATH (BEQ) connections are NOT supported between different releases. eg: Client 10.2 is not supported to make an Oracle Net connection to a 11.2 server using the BEQ protocol adapter regardless of the interoperability support listed above. See Note:364252.1 for more details.


See the "Terminology" section of  Note:161818.1 for a description of  Premier SupportExtended SupportPrimary Error Correction Support and  Extended Maintenence Support

Related Articles

  • Support Status of each Oracle Server (RDBMS) Release Note:161818.1
  • JDBC, JDK, and Oracle Database Certification  Note:401934.1
    • For JDBC clients information in Note:401934.1 takes priority over information in the above matrix.
  • JDBC Driver Support for Oracle Application Server (Fusion Middleware) Note:365120.1
  • For Precompiler interoperability support also see "Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2)" [Part Number E10825-01]:
    • "1 Introduction"
      • Frequently Asked Questions
      • Can I Use Any Release of Pro*C/C++ with Any Version of the Oracle Server?
  • Export / Import Compatibility Note:132904.1

Full Interoperability Support Matrix

This matrix includes interoperability information for older versions and is included here for completeness.

Server Version
Client Version 12.2.0#10 12.1.0 11.2.0 11.1.0 10.2.0 10.1.0 9.2.0 9.0.1 8.1.7 8.1.6 8.1.5 8.0.6 8.0.5 7.3.4
12.2.0 Yes Yes Yes No No No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3
12.1.0 Yes Yes Yes Was MDS#7 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3
11.2.0 Yes#9 Yes Yes Was MDS#7 No Was#5 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3
11.1.0 No Was Was Was Was#7 Was#6 Was#5 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3
10.2.0 No MDS#7 MDS#7 Was#7 MDS Was Was#5 No Was No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3
10.1.0#4 No No Was#6 Was#6 Was Was Was Was Was #2 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3 No#3
9.2.0 No No#8 Was#5 Was#5 Was#5 Was Was Was Was No No Was No No#1
9.0.1 No No No No No Was Was Was Was Was No Was No Was
8.1.7 No No No No Was Was Was Was Was Was Was Was Was Was
8.1.6 No No No No No No No Was Was Was Was Was Was Was
8.1.5 No No No No No No No No Was Was Was Was Was Was
8.0.6 No No No No No No Was Was Was Was Was Was Was Was
8.0.5 No No No No No No No No Was Was Was Was Was Was
7.3.4 No No No No No No Was Was Was Was Was Was Was Was

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