Oracle Log File Sync问题分析


数据库出现异常等待事件LOG FILE SYNC,BLOCKING SESSION是LGWR,LGWR等待enq:CF-contention,blocking session是ARC6进程,ARC6等待control file sequential read,当时伴有连接数满,影响应用短暂不可用。


在一般的情况下,control file sequential read发生在:
Control file sequential read
Reading from the control file. This happens in many cases. For example, while:
? Making a backup of the control files
? Sharing information (between instances) from the control file
? Reading other blocks from the control files
? Reading the header block

ARCHIVE 6是Dataguard的Heartbeat进程,用来在远程灾备重新连接时进行gap resolution。Heartbeat进程从control file中获取归档信息,判断哪些归档已经传送到远程灾备。由于该库的归档日志信息有15万个条目,读取操作持续了5秒。


pread()+100          FRM_LESS _pread()             000100000 ? 3003B024230 ?
                                                   000100000 ? 0024F4000 ?
                                                   000100000 ? 000004000 ?
skgfqio()+516        CALL     000000010635DD20     000000100 ?
                                                   FFFFFFFF785CFE00 ?
                                                   000100000 ? 0024F4000 ?
                                                   000000000 ?
                                                   FFFFFFFF7FFF6C50 ?
ksfdread1()+852      CALL     skgfqio()            106521CD0 ? 000100000 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ?
                                                   0024F4000 ?
ksfdread()+32        CALL     ksfdread1()          AEC255BD8 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   106363580 ? 000100000 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 000106369 ?
kccgft_prefetch()+2  CALL     ksfdread()           AEC255BD8 ? 00000093D ?
56                                                 FFFFFFFF785CFE00 ?
                                                   000100000 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   000000703 ?
kccrec_rbl()+588     CALL     kccgft_prefetch()    FFFFFFFF7FFF8FB0 ?
                                                   FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ?
                                                   38000F000 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   AEC255BD8 ? 000000040 ?
kccext_ugg()+316     CALL     kccrec_rbl()         FFFFFFFF7FFF8FB0 ?
                                                   0000004BD ?
                                                   FFFFFFFF7FFF8518 ?
                                                   000000001 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   00000097B ?
kccrec_read_write()  CALL     kccext_ugg()         FFFFFFFF7FFF8FB0 ?
+132                                               FFFFFFFF7FFF8518 ?
                                                   000003FE7 ? 000003EA0 ?
                                                   0002EED18 ?
                                                   FFFFFFFF7FFF8CC8 ?
kccgftcs()+696       CALL     kccrec_read_write()  FFFFFFFF7FFF8FB0 ?
                                                   FFFFFFFF797CC0E0 ?
                                                   000005DAB ?
                                                   FFFFFFFF7FFF8CC8 ?
                                                   00000000B ? 000000001 ?
kcc_scan()+116       CALL     kccgftcs()           38000F000 ? 00000000B ?


When the number of archived log entries grow to a large value, and dataguard
scans these for gap determination, etc, it is possible in some cases for
dataguard processes to scan the entire set of archived log entries. The
current code that handles the c/f i.o when looking up archived log entries
given the record id of the archived log entries is not very efficient, and
does not perform read-aheads. This can result in the reader of the archived
log entries holding the c/f enqueue in some cases for 2-3 minutes, and this
in turn can lead other processes to starve for the c/f enqueue.
Look for c/f enqueue issues in the alert log with dataguard - each situation
needs to be analyzed for c/f enqueue issues separately, as each situation is
unique. But in the case of this customer (see tar above), it was obvious that
the  PING arch was spending several minutes trying to scan thru over 60,000
archived log entries. Another reason for the delay could be because the
control file was in ASM, and the call stack of the PING arch showed ASM on
top of the stack, with c/f read wait events for some of the 2k blocks read
almost one second. This will lead to several minutes of wait since a 2k block
can contain atmost 4 arhcived log entries, and you will end up reading
atleast 15000 2k blocks to read 60,000 archived log entries. 
There is one workaround, but it means taking an outage at the primary - the
primary controlfile can be created from a backup of the orignal primary
controlfile (which has 60,0000 entries for arhcived log) to trace. The new
controlfile can be modified to hold a maximum of X arhicved log entries,
where X is dependent on a variety of factors such as frequency of backups,
how behind is the stanbdy usually, but X should be much much less than 60,000
normally - X is dictated by MAXLOGHISTORY option when creating the new
controlfile. The controlfile to trace should be created with the NORESETLOGS
option as well. Then, a remout of the primary with the new controlfile should
put a cap on the number of archived log entries that will get created.





dtrace脚本-syscall.d - 查看调用了哪些函数。

{  cnt = 0; }

/ pid == 8333 && arg0 == 256 /

{  printf("%3d", cnt); }


cat time_func1.d
#pragma D option flowindent
        self->in = 1;
        self->t = timestamp;

/ self->in /
        self->tm[probefunc] = timestamp;

/ self->in /
        printf("%d nsec on %s\n", timestamp - self->tm[probefunc], probefunc);
        self->tm[probefunc] = 0;

/ self->in /
        self->in = 0;
        printf("%d nsec on this function\n", timestamp - self->t);


        self->in = 1;
        self->t = timestamp;

/ self->in /
        self->in = 0;
        @["ns"] = quantize(timestamp - self->t);

#pragma D option flowindent
        self->in = 1;

/ self->in /

/ self->in /

/ self->in /
        self->in = 0;

1. Syscall.d脚本运行,有结果返回即可中断。

root@machine1 # dtrace -s /tmp/syscall.d

2. Time_func.d运行,有结果返回即可中断。

root@machine1 # dtrace -s /tmp/time_func1.d 8333 kccrec_read_write

root@machine1 # dtrace -s /tmp/time_func1.d 8333 kccgft

3. quantize_time_func.d运行结果如下:

root@machine1 # dtrace -s /tmp/quantize_time_func.d 8333 kccrec_read_write
root@machine1 # dtrace -s /tmp/quantize_time_func.d 8333 kccgft

root@machine1 # cd /tmp
root@machine1 # ls -l *1.d
-rw-r--r--   1 opnetsli dba          537 Nov 26 18:34 time_func1.d
-rw-r--r--   1 opnetsli dba          740 Dec 11 14:53 time_func_stack1.d
root@machine1 # dtrace -s /tmp/time_func1.d 27356 kcc_scan
dtrace: script '/tmp/time_func1.d' matched 12087 probes
CPU FUNCTION                                
128  -> kcc_scan                             

128  <- ksdpec                                8040 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kccrof                                28440 nsec on kccrof

128  <- ksdpec                                4410 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksmrf_ext_min                         7860 nsec on ksmrf_ext_min

128  <- ksmrf_ext_min                         4770 nsec on ksmrf_ext_min

128  <- ksmrf_init_alloc                      12990 nsec on ksmrf_init_alloc

128  <- ksmpga_update_size                    9710 nsec on ksmpga_update_size

128  <- ksmapg                                81400 nsec on ksmapg

128  <- ksdpec                                4840 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksdpec                                4990 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksmpga_allo_cb                        24540 nsec on ksmpga_allo_cb

128  <- kccbc_init                            5040 nsec on kccbc_init

128  <- kccbc_empty                           6310 nsec on kccbc_empty

128  <- kccbc_empty                           5050 nsec on kccbc_empty

128  <- ksdpec                                4510 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kskthbwt                              5700 nsec on kskthbwt

128  <- kslwtb_resmgr                         17390 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr

128  <- kslwtb_tm                             5850 nsec on kslwtb_tm

128  <- ksdpec                                4680 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksmals                                4650 nsec on ksmals

128  <- ksdpec                                4670 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksfd_osdrqfil                         15360 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil

128  <- ksmfrs                                4540 nsec on ksmfrs

128  <- ksfdread1                             81360 nsec on ksfdread1

128  <- ksfdread                              92800 nsec on ksfdread

128  <- ksdpec                                5160 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksl_which_bucket                      5680 nsec on ksl_which_bucket

128  <- kslwte_tm                             27150 nsec on kslwte_tm

128  <- kslwte_resmgr                         38740 nsec on kslwte_resmgr

128  <- kskthewt                              5950 nsec on kskthewt

128  <- ksdpec                                4790 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kcbhxoro                              8630 nsec on kcbhxoro

128  <- kcbhvbo                               20430 nsec on kcbhvbo

128  <- kcbzvb                                31320 nsec on kcbzvb

128  <- kccrhd                                247600 nsec on kccrhd

128  <- kccbmp_wdl                            5870 nsec on kccbmp_wdl

128  <- kcbwdbr                               4530 nsec on kcbwdbr

128  <- ksdpec                                5390 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kskthbwt                              5170 nsec on kskthbwt

128  <- kslwtb_resmgr                         15320 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr

128  <- kslwtb_tm                             5190 nsec on kslwtb_tm

128  <- ksdpec                                4570 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksmals                                3850 nsec on ksmals

128  <- ksdpec                                4670 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksfd_osdrqfil                         14310 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil

128  <- ksmfrs                                4460 nsec on ksmfrs

128  <- ksfdread1                             73830 nsec on ksfdread1

128  <- ksfdread                              83790 nsec on ksfdread

128  <- ksdpec                                5010 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksl_which_bucket                      5960 nsec on ksl_which_bucket

128  <- kslwte_tm                             26370 nsec on kslwte_tm

128  <- kslwte_resmgr                         36470 nsec on kslwte_resmgr

128  <- kskthewt                              5160 nsec on kskthewt

128  <- kcbhxoro                              7970 nsec on kcbhxoro

128  <- kcbhvbo                               18360 nsec on kcbhvbo

128  <- kcbzvb                                28050 nsec on kcbzvb

128  <- kccrbp                                227560 nsec on kccrbp

128  <- ksdpec                                5090 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kccpb_sanity_check                    15810 nsec on kccpb_sanity_check

128  <- kccbmp_get                            273350 nsec on kccbmp_get

128  <- kcbwdbr                               3830 nsec on kcbwdbr

128  <- ksdpec                                5050 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kskthbwt                              5210 nsec on kskthbwt

128  <- kslwtb_resmgr                         15430 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr

128  <- kslwtb_tm                             5100 nsec on kslwtb_tm

128  <- ksdpec                                4930 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksmals                                4220 nsec on ksmals

128  <- ksdpec                                5110 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksfd_osdrqfil                         15060 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil

128  <- ksmfrs                                4850 nsec on ksmfrs

128  <- ksfdread1                             74810 nsec on ksfdread1

128  <- ksfdread                              84930 nsec on ksfdread

128  <- ksdpec                                5170 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksl_which_bucket                      6180 nsec on ksl_which_bucket

128  <- kslwte_tm                             26660 nsec on kslwte_tm

128  <- kslwte_resmgr                         37170 nsec on kslwte_resmgr

128  <- kskthewt                              5210 nsec on kskthewt

128  <- kcbhxoro                              8160 nsec on kcbhxoro

128  <- kcbhvbo                               18440 nsec on kcbhvbo

128  <- kcbzvb                                28150 nsec on kcbzvb

128  <- kccrbp                                227120 nsec on kccrbp

128  <- kccsed_rbl                            517080 nsec on kccsed_rbl

128  <- ksdpec                                5240 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kccpb_sanity_check                    15610 nsec on kccpb_sanity_check

128  <- kccgft_refresh_hdr                    815280 nsec on kccgft_refresh_hdr

128  <- kccgde                                6320 nsec on kccgde

128  <- kccgrsd                               17000 nsec on kccgrsd

128  <- ksdpec                                5030 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksmrf_ext_min                         5810 nsec on ksmrf_ext_min

128  <- ksmrf_ext_min                         5510 nsec on ksmrf_ext_min

128  <- ksmrf_init_alloc                      7170 nsec on ksmrf_init_alloc

128  <- ksmpga_update_size                    5900 nsec on ksmpga_update_size

128  <- ksmapg                                59520 nsec on ksmapg

128  <- ksdpec                                5990 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksdpec                                5080 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksmpga_allo_cb                        26930 nsec on ksmpga_allo_cb

128  <- kccbmp_get                            6290 nsec on kccbmp_get

128  <- kcbwdbr                               4940 nsec on kcbwdbr

128  <- ksdpec                                5340 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kskthbwt                              5640 nsec on kskthbwt

128  <- kslwtb_resmgr                         16450 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr

128  <- kslwtb_tm                             5910 nsec on kslwtb_tm

128  <- ksdpec                                5550 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksmals                                4490 nsec on ksmals

128  <- ksdpec                                5470 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksfd_osdrqfil                         15900 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil

128  <- ksmfrs                                5160 nsec on ksmfrs

128  <- ksfdread1                             99710 nsec on ksfdread1

128  <- ksfdread                              111050 nsec on ksfdread

128  <- ksdpec                                6060 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksl_which_bucket                      7210 nsec on ksl_which_bucket

128  <- kslwte_tm                             29370 nsec on kslwte_tm

128  <- kslwte_resmgr                         40680 nsec on kslwte_resmgr

128  <- kskthewt                              6050 nsec on kskthewt

128  <- kcbhxoro                              10820 nsec on kcbhxoro

128  <- kcbhvbo                               21930 nsec on kcbhvbo

128  <- kcbzvb                                32660 nsec on kcbzvb

128  <- kccrbp                                268870 nsec on kccrbp

128  <- ksdpec                                5730 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kccpb_sanity_check                    17030 nsec on kccpb_sanity_check

128  <- kccrec_rbl                            315990 nsec on kccrec_rbl

128  <- kccext_info                           330770 nsec on kccext_info

128  <- kccbmp_get                            5880 nsec on kccbmp_get

128  <- kskthbwt                              5880 nsec on kskthbwt

128  <- kslwtb_resmgr                         16270 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr

128  <- kslwtb_tm                             6030 nsec on kslwtb_tm

128  <- ksdpec                                5620 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksmals                                4710 nsec on ksmals

128  <- ksdpec                                5560 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksfd_osdrqfil                         16150 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil

128  <- ksmfrs                                10730 nsec on ksmfrs

128  <- ksfdread1                             38366530 nsec on ksfdread1

128  <- ksfdread                              38381580 nsec on ksfdread

128  <- ksdpec                                5300 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- ksl_which_bucket                      6260 nsec on ksl_which_bucket

128  <- kslwte_tm                             30090 nsec on kslwte_tm

128  <- kslwte_resmgr                         42170 nsec on kslwte_resmgr

128  <- kskthewt                              5030 nsec on kskthewt

128  <- kccgft_prefetch                       38488440 nsec on kccgft_prefetch

128  <- ksdpec                                4060 nsec on ksdpec

128  <- kccpb_sanity_check                    14510 nsec on kccpb_sanity_check

128  <- kccrec_rbl                            38546600 nsec on kccrec_rbl

128  <- kccext_ugg                            38560720 nsec on kccext_ugg

128  <- kccrec_read_write                     38914550 nsec on kccrec_read_write

128  <- kcc_rno_to_rid                        7430 nsec on kcc_rno_to_rid

128  <- kccgftcs                              40210220 nsec on kccgftcs

128  <- kccdebug_pointer_cr                   7760 nsec on kccdebug_pointer_cr

128  <- kccdebug_set                          5220 nsec on kccdebug_set

128 | kcc_scan:return                         40258180 nsec on kcc_scan

128  <- kcc_scan                              40277450 nsec on this function

root@machine1 #
root@machine1 #
root@machine1 # dtrace -s /tmp/time_func_stack1.d 27356 kcc_scan > func_stack.log
dtrace: script '/tmp/time_func_stack1.d' matched 12090 probes
root@machine1 # more func_stack.log
CPU FUNCTION                                
183  -> kcc_scan                             

183   | kcc_scan:entry                        -> entry of kcc_scan
183    -> kccgftcs                            -> entry of kccgftcs
183      -> kccrof                            -> entry of kccrof
183        -> ksdpec                          -> entry of ksdpec
183        <- ksdpec                          9840 nsec on ksdpec
183      <- kccrof                            30780 nsec on kccrof
183      -> ksmapg                            -> entry of ksmapg
183        -> ksdpec                          -> entry of ksdpec
183        <- ksdpec                          5930 nsec on ksdpec
183        -> ksmrf_ext_min                   -> entry of ksmrf_ext_min
183        <- ksmrf_ext_min                   8910 nsec on ksmrf_ext_min
183        -> ksmrf_ext_min                   -> entry of ksmrf_ext_min
183        <- ksmrf_ext_min                   5720 nsec on ksmrf_ext_min
183        -> ksmrf_init_alloc                -> entry of ksmrf_init_alloc
183        <- ksmrf_init_alloc                11080 nsec on ksmrf_init_alloc
183        -> ksmpga_update_size              -> entry of ksmpga_update_size
183        <- ksmpga_update_size              11340 nsec on ksmpga_update_size
183      <- ksmapg                            85950 nsec on ksmapg
183      -> ksmpga_allo_cb                    -> entry of ksmpga_allo_cb
183        -> ksdpec                          -> entry of ksdpec
183        <- ksdpec                          5580 nsec on ksdpec
183        -> ksdpec                          -> entry of ksdpec
183        <- ksdpec                          5340 nsec on ksdpec
183      <- ksmpga_allo_cb                    26620 nsec on ksmpga_allo_cb
183      -> kccbc_init                        -> entry of kccbc_init
183      <- kccbc_init                        5620 nsec on kccbc_init
183      -> kccbc_empty                       -> entry of kccbc_empty
183      <- kccbc_empty                       6850 nsec on kccbc_empty
183      -> kccgft_refresh_hdr                -> entry of kccgft_refresh_hdr
183        -> kccbc_empty                     -> entry of kccbc_empty
183        <- kccbc_empty                     5850 nsec on kccbc_empty
183        -> kccrhd                          -> entry of kccrhd
183          -> ksdpec                        -> entry of ksdpec
183          <- ksdpec                        5370 nsec on ksdpec
183          -> kslwtb_resmgr                 -> entry of kslwtb_resmgr
183            -> kskthbwt                    -> entry of kskthbwt
183            <- kskthbwt                    6540 nsec on kskthbwt
183          <- kslwtb_resmgr                 19220 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr
183          -> kslwtb_tm                     -> entry of kslwtb_tm
183          <- kslwtb_tm                     6540 nsec on kslwtb_tm
183          -> ksfdread                      -> entry of ksfdread
183            -> ksfdread1                   -> entry of ksfdread1
183              -> ksdpec                    -> entry of ksdpec
183              <- ksdpec                    5470 nsec on ksdpec
183              -> ksmals                    -> entry of ksmals
183              <- ksmals                    5070 nsec on ksmals
183              -> ksfd_osdrqfil             -> entry of ksfd_osdrqfil
183                -> ksdpec                  -> entry of ksdpec
183                <- ksdpec                  5510 nsec on ksdpec
183              <- ksfd_osdrqfil             16790 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil
183              -> pread                     -> entry of pread
183               | pread:entry               read 16384 bytes from 16384 pos on the file 256
183              <- pread                     36210 nsec on pread
183              -> ksmfrs                    -> entry of ksmfrs
183              <- ksmfrs                    5330 nsec on ksmfrs
183            <- ksfdread1                   106090 nsec on ksfdread1
183          <- ksfdread                      118490 nsec on ksfdread
183          -> kslwte_resmgr                 -> entry of kslwte_resmgr
183            -> kslwte_tm                   -> entry of kslwte_tm
183              -> ksdpec                    -> entry of ksdpec
183              <- ksdpec                    5740 nsec on ksdpec
183              -> ksl_which_bucket          -> entry of ksl_which_bucket
183              <- ksl_which_bucket          6670 nsec on ksl_which_bucket
183            <- kslwte_tm                   29690 nsec on kslwte_tm
183          <- kslwte_resmgr                 42520 nsec on kslwte_resmgr
183          -> kskthewt                      -> entry of kskthewt
183          <- kskthewt                      6610 nsec on kskthewt
183          -> ksdpec                        -> entry of ksdpec
183          <- ksdpec                        5510 nsec on ksdpec
183          -> kcbzvb                        -> entry of kcbzvb
183            -> kcbhvbo                     -> entry of kcbhvbo
183              -> kcbhxoro                  -> entry of kcbhxoro
183              <- kcbhxoro                  8970 nsec on kcbhxoro
183            <- kcbhvbo                     21790 nsec on kcbhvbo
183          <- kcbzvb                        33800 nsec on kcbzvb
183        <- kccrhd                          284680 nsec on kccrhd
183        -> kccsed_rbl                      -> entry of kccsed_rbl
183          -> kccbmp_get                    -> entry of kccbmp_get
183            -> kccbmp_wdl                  -> entry of kccbmp_wdl
183            <- kccbmp_wdl                  6540 nsec on kccbmp_wdl
183            -> kccrbp                      -> entry of kccrbp
183              -> kcbwdbr                   -> entry of kcbwdbr
183              <- kcbwdbr                   5300 nsec on kcbwdbr
183              -> ksdpec                    -> entry of ksdpec
183              <- ksdpec                    5850 nsec on ksdpec
183              -> kslwtb_resmgr             -> entry of kslwtb_resmgr
183                -> kskthbwt                -> entry of kskthbwt
183                <- kskthbwt                5880 nsec on kskthbwt
183              <- kslwtb_resmgr             16830 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr
183              -> kslwtb_tm                 -> entry of kslwtb_tm
183              <- kslwtb_tm                 5990 nsec on kslwtb_tm
183              -> ksfdread                  -> entry of ksfdread
183                -> ksfdread1               -> entry of ksfdread1
183                  -> ksdpec                -> entry of ksdpec
183                  <- ksdpec                5860 nsec on ksdpec
183                  -> ksmals                -> entry of ksmals
183                  <- ksmals                4750 nsec on ksmals
183                  -> ksfd_osdrqfil         -> entry of ksfd_osdrqfil
183                    -> ksdpec              -> entry of ksdpec
183                    <- ksdpec              5760 nsec on ksdpec
183                  <- ksfd_osdrqfil         16320 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil
183                  -> pread                 -> entry of pread
183                   | pread:entry           read 16384 bytes from 262144 pos on the file 256
183                  <- pread                 28330 nsec on pread
183                  -> ksmfrs                -> entry of ksmfrs
183                  <- ksmfrs                5010 nsec on ksmfrs
183                <- ksfdread1               91540 nsec on ksfdread1
183              <- ksfdread                  102680 nsec on ksfdread
183              -> kslwte_resmgr             -> entry of kslwte_resmgr
183                -> kslwte_tm               -> entry of kslwte_tm
183                  -> ksdpec                -> entry of ksdpec
183                  <- ksdpec                6110 nsec on ksdpec
183                  -> ksl_which_bucket      -> entry of ksl_which_bucket
183                  <- ksl_which_bucket      6700 nsec on ksl_which_bucket
183                <- kslwte_tm               28720 nsec on kslwte_tm
183              <- kslwte_resmgr             39740 nsec on kslwte_resmgr
183              -> kskthewt                  -> entry of kskthewt
183              <- kskthewt                  6060 nsec on kskthewt
183              -> kcbzvb                    -> entry of kcbzvb
183                -> kcbhvbo                 -> entry of kcbhvbo
183                  -> kcbhxoro              -> entry of kcbhxoro
183                  <- kcbhxoro              8620 nsec on kcbhxoro
183                <- kcbhvbo                 19480 nsec on kcbhvbo
183              <- kcbzvb                    30060 nsec on kcbzvb
183            <- kccrbp                      257230 nsec on kccrbp
183            -> kccpb_sanity_check          -> entry of kccpb_sanity_check
183              -> ksdpec                    -> entry of ksdpec
183              <- ksdpec                    6000 nsec on ksdpec
183            <- kccpb_sanity_check          18130 nsec on kccpb_sanity_check
183          <- kccbmp_get                    306360 nsec on kccbmp_get
183          -> kccrbp                        -> entry of kccrbp
183            -> kcbwdbr                     -> entry of kcbwdbr
183            <- kcbwdbr                     4830 nsec on kcbwdbr
183            -> ksdpec                      -> entry of ksdpec
183            <- ksdpec                      5950 nsec on ksdpec
183            -> kslwtb_resmgr               -> entry of kslwtb_resmgr
183              -> kskthbwt                  -> entry of kskthbwt
183              <- kskthbwt                  6090 nsec on kskthbwt
183            <- kslwtb_resmgr               17160 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr
183            -> kslwtb_tm                   -> entry of kslwtb_tm
183            <- kslwtb_tm                   6480 nsec on kslwtb_tm
183            -> ksfdread                    -> entry of ksfdread
183              -> ksfdread1                 -> entry of ksfdread1
183                -> ksdpec                  -> entry of ksdpec
183                <- ksdpec                  5930 nsec on ksdpec
183                -> ksmals                  -> entry of ksmals
183                <- ksmals                  4920 nsec on ksmals
183                -> ksfd_osdrqfil           -> entry of ksfd_osdrqfil
183                  -> ksdpec                -> entry of ksdpec
183                  <- ksdpec                5800 nsec on ksdpec
183                <- ksfd_osdrqfil           16820 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil
183                -> pread                   -> entry of pread
183                 | pread:entry             read 16384 bytes from 294912 pos on the file 256
183                <- pread                   28070 nsec on pread
183                -> ksmfrs                  -> entry of ksmfrs
183                <- ksmfrs                  5210 nsec on ksmfrs
183              <- ksfdread1                 91520 nsec on ksfdread1
183            <- ksfdread                    102310 nsec on ksfdread
183            -> kslwte_resmgr               -> entry of kslwte_resmgr
183              -> kslwte_tm                 -> entry of kslwte_tm
183                -> ksdpec                  -> entry of ksdpec
183                <- ksdpec                  6260 nsec on ksdpec
183                -> ksl_which_bucket        -> entry of ksl_which_bucket
183                <- ksl_which_bucket        8480 nsec on ksl_which_bucket
183              <- kslwte_tm                 31250 nsec on kslwte_tm
183            <- kslwte_resmgr               42630 nsec on kslwte_resmgr
183            -> kskthewt                    -> entry of kskthewt
183            <- kskthewt                    6340 nsec on kskthewt
183            -> kcbzvb                      -> entry of kcbzvb
183              -> kcbhvbo                   -> entry of kcbhvbo
183                -> kcbhxoro                -> entry of kcbhxoro
183                <- kcbhxoro                8910 nsec on kcbhxoro
183              <- kcbhvbo                   20060 nsec on kcbhvbo
183            <- kcbzvb                      30860 nsec on kcbzvb
183          <- kccrbp                        260410 nsec on kccrbp
183        <- kccsed_rbl                      584230 nsec on kccsed_rbl
183        -> kccpb_sanity_check              -> entry of kccpb_sanity_check
183          -> ksdpec                        -> entry of ksdpec
183          <- ksdpec                        6300 nsec on ksdpec
183        <- kccpb_sanity_check              18560 nsec on kccpb_sanity_check
183      <- kccgft_refresh_hdr                924110 nsec on kccgft_refresh_hdr
183      -> kccgrsd                           -> entry of kccgrsd
183        -> kccgde                          -> entry of kccgde
183        <- kccgde                          7030 nsec on kccgde
183      <- kccgrsd                           19050 nsec on kccgrsd
183      -> ksmapg                            -> entry of ksmapg
183        -> ksdpec                          -> entry of ksdpec
183        <- ksdpec                          6300 nsec on ksdpec
183        -> ksmrf_ext_min                   -> entry of ksmrf_ext_min
183        <- ksmrf_ext_min                   6530 nsec on ksmrf_ext_min
183        -> ksmrf_ext_min                   -> entry of ksmrf_ext_min
183        <- ksmrf_ext_min                   6360 nsec on ksmrf_ext_min
183        -> ksmrf_init_alloc                -> entry of ksmrf_init_alloc
183        <- ksmrf_init_alloc                8190 nsec on ksmrf_init_alloc
183        -> ksmpga_update_size              -> entry of ksmpga_update_size
183        <- ksmpga_update_size              9160 nsec on ksmpga_update_size
183      <- ksmapg                            67950 nsec on ksmapg
183      -> ksmpga_allo_cb                    -> entry of ksmpga_allo_cb
183        -> ksdpec                          -> entry of ksdpec
183        <- ksdpec                          7030 nsec on ksdpec
183        -> ksdpec                          -> entry of ksdpec
183        <- ksdpec                          6080 nsec on ksdpec
183      <- ksmpga_allo_cb                    29470 nsec on ksmpga_allo_cb
183      -> kccrec_read_write                 -> entry of kccrec_read_write
183        -> kccext_info                     -> entry of kccext_info
183          -> kccrec_rbl                    -> entry of kccrec_rbl
183            -> kccbmp_get                  -> entry of kccbmp_get
183            <- kccbmp_get                  6860 nsec on kccbmp_get
183            -> kccrbp                      -> entry of kccrbp
183              -> kcbwdbr                   -> entry of kcbwdbr
183              <- kcbwdbr                   5720 nsec on kcbwdbr
183              -> ksdpec                    -> entry of ksdpec
183              <- ksdpec                    6390 nsec on ksdpec
183              -> kslwtb_resmgr             -> entry of kslwtb_resmgr
183                -> kskthbwt                -> entry of kskthbwt
183                <- kskthbwt                6820 nsec on kskthbwt
183              <- kslwtb_resmgr             19110 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr
183              -> kslwtb_tm                 -> entry of kslwtb_tm
183              <- kslwtb_tm                 6850 nsec on kslwtb_tm
183              -> ksfdread                  -> entry of ksfdread
183                -> ksfdread1               -> entry of ksfdread1
183                  -> ksdpec                -> entry of ksdpec
183                  <- ksdpec                6090 nsec on ksdpec
183                  -> ksmals                -> entry of ksmals
183                  <- ksmals                5890 nsec on ksmals
183                  -> ksfd_osdrqfil         -> entry of ksfd_osdrqfil
183                    -> ksdpec              -> entry of ksdpec
183                    <- ksdpec              6380 nsec on ksdpec
183                  <- ksfd_osdrqfil         17820 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil
183                  -> pread                 -> entry of pread
183                   | pread:entry           read 16384 bytes from 17235968 pos on the file 256
183                  <- pread                 48710 nsec on pread
183                  -> ksmfrs                -> entry of ksmfrs
183                  <- ksmfrs                6080 nsec on ksmfrs
183                <- ksfdread1               117280 nsec on ksfdread1
183              <- ksfdread                  128470 nsec on ksfdread
183              -> kslwte_resmgr             -> entry of kslwte_resmgr
183                -> kslwte_tm               -> entry of kslwte_tm
183                  -> ksdpec                -> entry of ksdpec
183                  <- ksdpec                6590 nsec on ksdpec
183                  -> ksl_which_bucket      -> entry of ksl_which_bucket
183                  <- ksl_which_bucket      8990 nsec on ksl_which_bucket
183                <- kslwte_tm               32740 nsec on kslwte_tm
183              <- kslwte_resmgr             44590 nsec on kslwte_resmgr
183              -> kskthewt                  -> entry of kskthewt
183              <- kskthewt                  6550 nsec on kskthewt
183              -> kcbzvb                    -> entry of kcbzvb
183                -> kcbhvbo                 -> entry of kcbhvbo
183                  -> kcbhxoro              -> entry of kcbhxoro
183                  <- kcbhxoro              10150 nsec on kcbhxoro
183                <- kcbhvbo                 21980 nsec on kcbhvbo
183              <- kcbzvb                    33600 nsec on kcbzvb
183            <- kccrbp                      296380 nsec on kccrbp
183            -> kccpb_sanity_check          -> entry of kccpb_sanity_check
183              -> ksdpec                    -> entry of ksdpec
183              <- ksdpec                    6420 nsec on ksdpec
183            <- kccpb_sanity_check          17990 nsec on kccpb_sanity_check
183          <- kccrec_rbl                    344890 nsec on kccrec_rbl
183        <- kccext_info                     358340 nsec on kccext_info
183        -> kccext_ugg                      -> entry of kccext_ugg
183          -> kccrec_rbl                    -> entry of kccrec_rbl
183            -> kccbmp_get                  -> entry of kccbmp_get
183            <- kccbmp_get                  6930 nsec on kccbmp_get
183            -> kccgft_prefetch             -> entry of kccgft_prefetch
183              -> kslwtb_resmgr             -> entry of kslwtb_resmgr
183                -> kskthbwt                -> entry of kskthbwt
183                <- kskthbwt                6720 nsec on kskthbwt
183              <- kslwtb_resmgr             18260 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr
183              -> kslwtb_tm                 -> entry of kslwtb_tm
183              <- kslwtb_tm                 6780 nsec on kslwtb_tm
183              -> ksfdread                  -> entry of ksfdread
183                -> ksfdread1               -> entry of ksfdread1
183                  -> ksdpec                -> entry of ksdpec
183                  <- ksdpec                6500 nsec on ksdpec
183                  -> ksmals                -> entry of ksmals
183                  <- ksmals                5680 nsec on ksmals
183                  -> ksfd_osdrqfil         -> entry of ksfd_osdrqfil
183                    -> ksdpec              -> entry of ksdpec
183                    <- ksdpec              6360 nsec on ksdpec
183                  <- ksfd_osdrqfil         17580 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil
183                  -> pread                 -> entry of pread
183                   | pread:entry           read 622592 bytes from 22691840 pos on the file 256
183                  <- pread                 25012860 nsec on pread
183                  -> ksmfrs                -> entry of ksmfrs
183                  <- ksmfrs                12600 nsec on ksmfrs
183                <- ksfdread1               25115600 nsec on ksfdread1
183              <- ksfdread                  25131470 nsec on ksfdread
183              -> kslwte_resmgr             -> entry of kslwte_resmgr
183                -> kslwte_tm               -> entry of kslwte_tm
183                  -> ksdpec                -> entry of ksdpec
183                  <- ksdpec                8900 nsec on ksdpec
183                  -> ksl_which_bucket      -> entry of ksl_which_bucket
183                  <- ksl_which_bucket      12440 nsec on ksl_which_bucket
183                <- kslwte_tm               48080 nsec on kslwte_tm
183              <- kslwte_resmgr             66970 nsec on kslwte_resmgr
183              -> kskthewt                  -> entry of kskthewt
183              <- kskthewt                  8510 nsec on kskthewt
183            <- kccgft_prefetch             25278660 nsec on kccgft_prefetch
183            -> kccpb_sanity_check          -> entry of kccpb_sanity_check
183              -> ksdpec                    -> entry of ksdpec
183              <- ksdpec                    5300 nsec on ksdpec
183            <- kccpb_sanity_check          20980 nsec on kccpb_sanity_check
183          <- kccrec_rbl                    25352510 nsec on kccrec_rbl
183          -> kccrec_rbl                    -> entry of kccrec_rbl
183            -> kccbmp_get                  -> entry of kccbmp_get
183            <- kccbmp_get                  9470 nsec on kccbmp_get
183            -> kccgft_prefetch             -> entry of kccgft_prefetch
183              -> kslwtb_resmgr             -> entry of kslwtb_resmgr
183                -> kskthbwt                -> entry of kskthbwt
183                <- kskthbwt                7430 nsec on kskthbwt
183              <- kslwtb_resmgr             22720 nsec on kslwtb_resmgr
183              -> kslwtb_tm                 -> entry of kslwtb_tm
183              <- kslwtb_tm                 7850 nsec on kslwtb_tm
183              -> ksfdread                  -> entry of ksfdread
183                -> ksfdread1               -> entry of ksfdread1
183                  -> ksdpec                -> entry of ksdpec
183                  <- ksdpec                5820 nsec on ksdpec
183                  -> ksmals                -> entry of ksmals
183                  <- ksmals                6700 nsec on ksmals
183                  -> ksfd_osdrqfil         -> entry of ksfd_osdrqfil
183                    -> ksdpec              -> entry of ksdpec
183                    <- ksdpec              5180 nsec on ksdpec
183                  <- ksfd_osdrqfil         18600 nsec on ksfd_osdrqfil
183                  -> pread                 -> entry of pread
183                   | pread:entry           read 655360 bytes from 22691840 pos on the file 256
183                  <- pread                 2171790 nsec on pread
183                  -> ksmfrs                -> entry of ksmfrs
183                  <- ksmfrs                4810 nsec on ksmfrs
183                <- ksfdread1               2257330 nsec on ksfdread1
183              <- ksfdread                  2270250 nsec on ksfdread
183              -> kslwte_resmgr             -> entry of kslwte_resmgr
183                -> kslwte_tm               -> entry of kslwte_tm
183                  -> ksdpec                -> entry of ksdpec
183                  <- ksdpec                5340 nsec on ksdpec
183                  -> ksl_which_bucket      -> entry of ksl_which_bucket
183                  <- ksl_which_bucket      7370 nsec on ksl_which_bucket
183                <- kslwte_tm               28630 nsec on kslwte_tm
183              <- kslwte_resmgr             39310 nsec on kslwte_resmgr
183              -> kskthewt                  -> entry of kskthewt
183              <- kskthewt                  5240 nsec on kskthewt
183            <- kccgft_prefetch             2384290 nsec on kccgft_prefetch
183            -> kccpb_sanity_check          -> entry of kccpb_sanity_check
183              -> ksdpec                    -> entry of ksdpec
183              <- ksdpec                    5190 nsec on ksdpec
183            <- kccpb_sanity_check          15720 nsec on kccpb_sanity_check
183          <- kccrec_rbl                    2448100 nsec on kccrec_rbl
183        <- kccext_ugg                      27824950 nsec on kccext_ugg
183      <- kccrec_read_write                 28206320 nsec on kccrec_read_write
183      -> kcc_rno_to_rid                    -> entry of kcc_rno_to_rid
183      <- kcc_rno_to_rid                    8900 nsec on kcc_rno_to_rid
183    <- kccgftcs                            29635100 nsec on kccgftcs
183    -> kccdebug_pointer_cr                 -> entry of kccdebug_pointer_cr
183    <- kccdebug_pointer_cr                 9660 nsec on kccdebug_pointer_cr
183    -> kccdebug_set                        -> entry of kccdebug_set
183    <- kccdebug_set                        6450 nsec on kccdebug_set
183   | kcc_scan:return                       29690700 nsec on kcc_scan
183  <- kcc_scan                              29710330 nsec on this function


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