Stereopticon lanterns were the
3d printers of the 1860s.

I will pay $25 for a picture of young
Robert Graham with peanut butter on his face.
Who’s got one?

Ugh. It looks like the MD380 can put
enough RF into the air to crash itself
through induction in the USB cable.

Someday, when I say something is
just 2K from /dev/random,
you folks will believe me.

It’s not mandatory, but adding a
bit of flair to your PoC||GTFO
mirror can make it snazzy.

Emulation, vintage computing, modern
heap corruption exploitation, systems internals,
and everything in between.

I think I need a more stable PDF reader.

  1. Computers should be seen and not heard.
  2. GIFs have no sound.
  3. GIFs are awesome!

Pastor Laphroaig tells us that for the
same reason that God created Arrakis,
ARM created the Thumb2 instruction
set to train the faithful.

Before I write one myself, is there a standard
toolkit to emulate a smartcard on one Windows
machine that’s physically in another?

If you enjoy reading PoC||GTFO, please
send your old smartphone to @angealbertini
to replace his barphone.

Fonzi Beer is pretty good!

Hey, remember when Debian shipped
with ifconfig on the first CD? I member.

Windows Server 2016 makes me feel like
I’m back on Linux, especially when I have to
manually patch WiFi drivers and the installer ISO.

Computer literacy died the day
they stopped publishing BASIC code
listings in popular magazines.

Listening to a recording of Rambo Amadeus
explaining Turbofolk. As Dolly Parton says,
“It takes a lot of money to look this cheap.”

Sometimes I want to get back into FPGAs,
but then I rediscover the hassle of downloading
Xilinx WebPack and the feeling passes.

“If any young reverse engineer is about
to commence the world, we say to him, publicly
and privately, Go learn Linkers and Loaders!”

If you delete the EEPROM of a Yaesu SCU-18
adapter, it’ll act like a normal FTDI chip,
with the normal drivers.

PCB layout gets tricky when your
design might get hit by a missile.

I’m in an American airport,
sitting at a gate, and I can’t see or hear CNN.
God bless Texas!

Someday I’ll install commercial Linux
software without having to repair dynamic
linking to old versions of libpng.so.
Today is not that day.

PoC||GTFO 13 has already crashed my phone.
I guess this means it’s off to a good start?

It’s not a PDF reader incompatibility,
it’s small-batch artisanal fuzzing.

“Okay, let’s stand up for the scrum meeting.
Jim, would you start?
So a man walks into a talent agent’s
office with the whole family…”

“All I’m saying is,
it is what it is,
you know what I mean?”

PoC||GTFO 10 contains an
advertorial for the Shugart SA400.

“It started when we put clocks in everything,
and then the clocks turned on us, letting our
coffee become cold. And then the murders began.”

Few people know this, but cheap
digital calipers are just a scam created
to prop up the LR44 battery industry.

Anyone who cannot understand how a useful
science can be built on top of stunt hacking
will not understand the next PoC||GTFO, either.

Please send us some nifty shit so
folks don’t have to go without good
reading while we rearrange it.

We’ve not crashed any printers since
pocorgtfo10.pdf, and that was an
honest mistake!

Muad’Dib tells us that thirsty men speak
of water, not women. The Pastor agrees,
noting that RSA speaks of security.

Pastor Laphroaig says, “Give me PEEK
and POKE, and if you’re being generous
a CALL, and I will move the world!”

Trolls and Visual Studio developers
should read our journal with caution.

Someone should rewrite Mario Teaches Typing,
but for awkward alt-gr combos of foreign letters.

Instead of listening to Elliot Alderson
whining on the squary-stary, maybe you
should write a nifty PoC||GTFO article?

If Serbian fast food is getting you down,
go to Project 72 in Novi Sad. Order the
beef tartare and the duck. You’ll thank me.

Laphroaig says, “A parting
with friends is a sadness.
A protocol, is only a protocol.”

PoC||GTFO 10 and PoC||GTFO 0x10 are
both correct. We use binary coded
decimal, in honor of the HP48.

Hell is other people’s rolling luggage.

Whenever you are frustrated by an embedded
toolchain, thank your lucky stars that the
Metrowerks Code Warrior days are over.

You know you’re reading the
source code to firmware when
The Buck Stops Here!

The DMR MARC database mistakenly
expands Trintino to Tennessee.

You can now decode AMBE audio by running
the MD380 firmware in Linux/Qemu.

Cache Rules Everything Around Me
Except When Other Memory Bottlenecks
Limit Processing Throughput

Phrack 57:14 describes polyglot shellcode.
Can you write a polyglot exploit,
hitting the same vuln with same input
on three architectures?

Is there a Linux SSTV receiver that’ll
happily, quietly run as a daemon without X11?

How much work goes into making Windows 10
updates look and feel like ransomware?

I miss when a neighbor could grab an IMME
on Amazon, with recommendations of pink nail
polish and the Malware Analysts Cookbook.

Lanes? Where we’re going,
there are no lanes!

How is German beer like a packet with TTL=0?

No hops!

If you run “settings put global
tether_dun_required 0” on Android,
the phone will stop ratting you out
for tethering.

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