Reading 'The Art of UNIX Programming'.

‘The Art of UNIX Programming'原版,人民邮电出版社 2006年8月第1版,本篇页码对照此版书籍



黑色 -- Summary of the book

红色 -- Crob's comment

蓝色 -- Important summary


Chapter 1   Philosophy Matters


More of the Unix philosophy was implied not by what these elders said
but by what they did and the example Unix itself set. Looking at the
whole, we can abstract the following ideas:

   1.Rule of Modularity: Write simple parts connected by clean interfaces.
   2.Rule of Clarity: Clarity is better than cleverness.
   3.Rule of Composition: Design programs to be connected to other programs.
   4.Rule of Separation: Separate policy from mechanism; separate interfaces from engines.
   5.Rule of Simplicity: Design for simplicity; add complexity only where you must.
   6.Rule of Parsimony: Write a big program only when it is clear by demonstration that nothing else will      7.Rule of Transparency: Design for visibility to make inspection and debugging easier.
   8.Rule of Robustness: Robustness is the child of transparency and simplicity.
   9.Rule of Representation: Fold knowledge into data so program logic can be stupid and robust.
  10.Rule of Least Surprise: In interface design, always do the least surprising thing.
  11.Rule of Silence: When a program has nothing surprising to say, it should say nothing.
  12.Rule of Repair: When you must fail, fail noisily and as soon as possible.
  13.Rule of Economy: Programmer time is expensive; conserve it in preference to machine time.
  14.Rule of Generation: Avoid hand-hacking; write programs to write programs when you can.
  15.Rule of Optimization: Prototype before polishing. Get it working before you optimize it.
  16.Rule of Diversity: Distrust all claims for “one true way”.
  17.Rule of Extensibility: Design for the future, because it will be here sooner than you think.



Controlling complexity is the essense of computer programming.



About excessive complexity comes from project requirements.......

Either way, everybody loses in the end.

The only way to avoid these traps is to encourage a software culture that knows that small is beautiful, that actively resists bloat and complexity: an engineering tradition that puts a high value on simple solutions, that looks for ways to break program systems up into small cooperatingpieces, and that reflexively fights attempts to gussy up programs with a lot of chrome (or even worse, to design programs around the chrome)

I think that's really a hard job to make chinese native customer knows 'the simple/small is beautiful'. But we have to do.  On the other hand, some pressure come from sales dept's requirements.


Chapter 2  History:A Tale of Two Cultures


Chapter  3 Contrasts:Compare the UNIX Philosophy with Others


Multitasking Capability

1, Cooperative multitasking

2, Preemptive multitasking (UNIX)


Cooperating Process

Inexpensive process-spawning and easy inter-process communication(IPC) makes a whole ecology of small tools, pipes, and filters possible.

A subtle but important property of pipes and the other classic Unix IPC methods is that thay require communication between programs to be held down to a level of simplicity that encourages separationn of function. Conversely the result of having no equivalent of the pipe is that programs can only be designed to cooperate by build in full knowledge of each other's internals.

In the next piece of writing, the author figures the Microsoft programs do the converse way of UNIX.



To design the perfect anti-Unix, make all file formats binary and opaque, and require heavyweight tools to read and edit them.



Casual programming makes lower entry barrier to users/developers.

Operating system Comparisons

NT’s internal boundaries are extremely porous.

NT's CLI has become more and more neglected because the environment there is so sparse.

BeOS has astute design as UNIX but weak business strategy.

Linux does not include any code from the original Unix source tree, but it was designed from Unix standards to behave like a Unix.

The long-term goal of Linux is subsumption (emulating and absorbing)


Chapter 4 Modularity, Keep it Clean, Keep it Simple


The Value of Detachment.

To design for compactness and orthogonality, start from zero.

It is well worth the mental effort to see how many preconceptions you can throw away, and whether the design becomes more compact and orthogonal as you do that. Possibilities for code reuse often result.



Perfection is attained not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove.



Unix programmers know when not to use OO; and when they do use OO languages, they spend more effort on trying to keep their object designs uncluttered. As the author of The Elements of Networking Stype once observed in a slightly different context[Padlipsky]: “If you know what you're doing, three layers is enough; if you don't seventeen levels won't help".


Some questions to ask about any code you work on that might help you improve its modularity:

    How many global variables does it have? Global variables are modularity poison.......

    Is the size of your individual modules in Hatton's sweet spot? If no you may have a long-tern maintenance.

    Are the individual functions in your modules too large? If you can't describe a function's contract with its callers in one line, the function is probably too large.



The Importance of Being Textual... there are good reasons the examples we'll see in Chapter7 are textual: reasons that hark back to Doug McIlroy's advice quoted in Chapter 1. Text streams are a valuable universal format because they're easy for human beings to read,write , and edit without specialized tools.


Textual formats don't necessarily have much lower bit density than binary formats.


Chapter 5 Textuality


Some rules about Unix textual file format conventions.



Elegant code does much with little. Elegant code is not only correct but visibly, transparently correct.

Writing the code both transparency and discoverability will be hard to achieve.


Chapter 6 Transparency


To design for transparency and discoverability, you need to apply every tactic for keeping your code simple, and also concentrate on the ways in which your code is a communication to other human beings.


These qualities in the human reaction to software are essential for reducing its bugginess and increasing its long-term maintainability.


Chapter 7 Multiprogramming

About IPC, IPC is attained through Pipeline, Wrappers, Slave Processes, Tempfiles, Signals, Sockets, Shared Memory


Threads -- Thread or Menace ?

Why Threads Are a Bad Idea [Ousterhout96]


Chapter 8 Minilanguages

There are lots of bad reasons not to piggyback your imperative minilanguages on an existing scripting language. One of the few good ones is that you actually want to implement your own custom grammar for error checking...

These are reasons to use macro expansion with extreme caution. One of the long-term lessons of the Unix experience is that macros tend to create more problems than they solve. Modern languages and minilanguages designs have moved away from them.


Chapter 9 Generation

Data is more tractable than program logic.

It's good practice to move as much of the complexity in your design as possible away from procedural code and into data.

Data-Driven Programming...


Chapter 10 Configuration

.netrc, This kind of transprancy is important--much more important, actually, than the time economy of faster interpretion or the spce economy of a more compact and cryptic file format.



Chapter 11 Interface

The Rule of Least Surprise is a general principle in the design of all kinds of interfaces, not just software:"Do the least surprising thing". It's a consequence of the fact that human beings can only pay attention to one thing at one time(see The Humane Interface).)


Unix programmers default toward making interfaces expressive and transparent, and are more willing to sacrifice ease to get these qualities.


If your CLI program emits status messages to standard output, then programs that try to interpret that output will be put to the trouble of interpreting or discarding those messages. Better to send only real errors to standard error and not to emit unrequested data at all.


The user's vertical screen space is precious.


Junk messages are a careless waste of the human user's bandwidth.


In general, it's a bad style to tell the user things he already knows("Program is starting up...", or "Program is exiting" are two classic offenders).


If you want chatty progress messages for debugging purpose, disable them by default with a varbosity switch.

Chapter 12 Optimization

Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

Don't just do something, stand there!

But we always have to do optimization immidiately because of some pressure from picky customer.


When you have real-word evidence that your application is too slow, then (and only than) is the time to think about optimizing the code. Bet before you do more than think about optiomizing, measure.

Intuition is a poor guide to where the bottlenecks are.


Chapter 13 Languages


C memory management is an enoumous source of complication and error. One study(cited in [Boehm]) estimates that 30% or 40% of development time is devoted to storage management for programs that manipulate complex data structure.  This did not even include the impact on debugging cost. While hard figures are lacking, many experienced programmers believe that memory-management bugs are the single largest source of persistent errors in real-world code.

Chapter 19 Open SOurce


The rules of open-source development are simple.

1. Let the source be open.

2. Release early, release often.

3. Reward contribution with praise.







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