好书推介:java的秘密! (转)

好书推介:java的秘密! (转)[@more@]


Java Secrets Office.itknowledge.com/reference/standard/0764580078/about.html">Preface About the Author

Part I—How Java Works
Chapter 1—Introducing Java SECRETS
A Little Knowledge Can Be a Dangerous Thing
What’s in This Book?
Part I: How Java Works
Part II: The sun Classes
Part III: Platform-Dependent Java
Why Java Secrets? Broader applicability More power Inspiration Where Did the Secrets Come From? Where is the documentation? The source code The api documentation What Versions of Java Are Covered? Some objections Java is supposed to be platfoRM independent Why aren’t these things documented? FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) How secret is this, anyway? Summary Chapter 2—Primitive Data Types Bytes in Memory Variables, Values, and identifiers Place-Value Number Systems Binary notation Hexadecimal notation Octal notation Integers ints Long, short, and byte Floating-Point Numbers Representing floating-point numbers in binary code Special values Denormalized floating-point numbers CHAR ASCII ISO Latin-1 Unicode UTF8 Boolean Cross-Platform Issues Byte order Unsigned integers Integer widths Conversions and Casting Using a cast The mechanics of conversion Bit-Level Operators Some teRminology Bitwise operators Bit shift operators Summary Javascript:if(confirm('http://ioffice.itknowledge.com/reference/standard/0764580078/ch02/ch02.html nnThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because the server reports that this file cannot be found. nnDo you want to open it from the server?'))window.location='http://ioffice.itknowledge.com/reference/standard/0764580078/ch02/ch02.html#Heading33'" tppabs="http://ioffice.itknowledge.com/reference/standard/0764580078/ch02/ch02.html#Heading33"> Chapter 2—Primitive Data Types Chapter 3—Classes, Strings, and Arrays The Heap Pointers, Handles, and References What is a pointer? What is a handle? What is a reference? The Class Class The Object Class Cloning Equality Finalization Runtime type information Hash codes Threading Strings Arrays Multidimensional arrays Array classes and objects System.arraycopy() Strings String implementation StringBuffers java.util Data Structures Vectors Bitsets Stack Summary Chapter 4—The Java Virtual Machine Reading Compiled Files Reading Class Files Magic number Minor version Major version Constant pool Access flags thisClass Superclass Interfaces Attributes Fields Methods Putting It All Together Import statements Access specifiers Class and superclass Interfaces Fields Methods Legal Issues Accessing Class Files Copying .class files Zip files Jar files Summary Chapter 5—Java Byte Code Byte Code Mnemonics Using Mnemonics in the DiSASsembler Stacks, Frames, and Pools The Opcodes Nop Pushing values onto the stack Stack manipulation The local variable array Arithmetic Bit manipulation The iinc instruction Conversion codes Comparison instructions Unconditional branching Switching Objects Arrays Exceptions Type checking Threads: monitorenter and monitorexit Decompilers and Other Tools Summary
Part II—The Sun Classes
Chapter 6—Threads and Garbage Collection
Cooperative versus preemptive threads
Native versus emulated threads
Garbage Collection Reference counting Mark and sweep Generational garbage collection Summary Chapter 7—Controlling Applets What Is An Applet? Applets Are Components Too main() methods for applets Including applets in non-applets Dynamically loading applets Stubs and Context Writing applet contexts Writing applet stubs Better main() methods for applets Loading Classes Setting Security Policies Loading Applets from web Pages Summary Chapter 8—Introducing the Sun Classes What the Sun Classes Are Why the Sun Classes Exist Using the Sun Classes Safely Put the classes you use on your Web server Distribute the classes with your application Write an equivalent class Legal issues Checking for the presence of the sun classes Checking for methods and fields Summary Chapter 9—Using the sun.applet Classes to View Applets The sun.applet Package The AppletViewer Class The constructor Other methods The AppletContext methods The AppletPanel and AppletViewerPanel Classes The AppletClaSSLoader Class The AppletSecurity Class .NETwork security Host security Runtime security Class system security File system security Support Classes AppletAudioClip AppletThreadGroup AppletCopyright AppletProps TextFrame Summary Chapter 10—Controlling Audio Playback with sun.audio AppletAudioClip AudioData Audioplayer The Audio Streams AudioStream NativeAudioStream AudioTranslatorStream AudioDataStream ContinuousAudioDataStream AudioStreamSequence AudioDevice The Process Putting It All Together Summary Chapter 11—Controlling the AWT with the sun.awt Package Aligning Objects with the sun.awt LayoutManagers HorizBagLayout VerticalBagLayout VariableGridLayout OrientableFlowLayout FocusingTextField Controlling Screen Updating Summary Chapter 12—Encoding and Decoding Data with the sun.misc Package Coding Binary Data in ASCII The CharacterEncoder and CharacterDecoder Classes HexDump Encoding Base64 Encoding UUEncoding UCEncoding Creating New Encodings The CRC class Summary Chapter 13—Network Servers and Clients in the sun.net Package Writing Network Servers The sun.net.NetworkServer Class Subclassing NetworkServer Writing Network Clients The sun.net.NetworkClient class Subclassing NetworkClient TransferProtocolClient The TransferProtocolClient class Subclassing TransferProtocolClient Summary Chapter 14—Sending with the sun.net.smtp Package SmtpClient The constructors The methods Exceptions Choosing an SMTP Server Summary Chapter 15—Reading News via NNTP with the sun.net.nntp Package NewsgroupInfo Creating NewsGroupInfo objects Resetting article numbers

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