

JL Computer Consultancy

Alternative scripts for seeing parameter lists (Version 8).

Update: 23rd November 2001 - I received a note from Jaap W. van Dijk pointing out that there is a perfectly good description of the column is_adjusted in the 8.1.5 reference manual - and when I looked, I discovered it was even in the 8.0.5 reference manual; so I've added it in below.

Since version 7.3, the v$parameter internal monitoring view has undergone a significant change. The ever-increasing list of parameters which could be adjusted at the session level required Oracle Corp. to start distinguishing between the system level settings of the parameters and the local values of the parameters. Consequently the basis of the original v$parameter view was changed, and a new v$system_parameter view introduced.

Pre-7.3, v$parameter was a simple select on x$ksppi

Post-7.3, x$ksppi was used to hold the names (and descriptions) of the parameters, and two extra x$ views were introducedd: x$ksppcv (current values - corresponding to v$parameter), and x$ksppsv (system values - corresponding to v$system_parameter).

In version 8.0 the views were modified slightly so that 'hidden' parameters which had been set would become visible in the v$parameter view (even though they are hidden in the v$ystem_parameter view).

An anomaly is that the version 8 views allow v$parameter to report some parameters (such as spin_count) as immediately system modifiable whereas v$system_parameter reports them as NOT system modifiable.

The following two scripts (which are virtually identical) allow the SYS id to see the current values of ALL the parameters, including the 'hidden' parameters which are normally kept hidden by the simple expedient of excluding all the parameters whose name start with '_'. The scripts also show whether or not the parameters can be changed at the session or system levels, whether they have been changed, and (for system level changes) whether the change would have an immediate effect or only affects subsequent connections.

You could of course modify the scripts to 'create or replace view all_(system_)parameters as ...' if you feel like letting users other than SYS see them.

A Brief Note on the Newer Columns:


Has the values FALSE, IMMEDIATE, DEFERRED. If you alter an immediate parameter then all currently active sessions will be affected. If you alter a deferred parameter (and you need to add the DEFERRED keyword to the end of the ALTER SYSTEM command), then current sessions will not be affected, but new sessions will see the change. You cannot defer parameter changes where this flag is set to IMMEDIATE.


Has the values TRUE or FALSE. If you have the ALTER SESSION privilege, then you can change any parameters where this column is TRUE. The change is immediate, but for that single session only. (If you issue a connect command, the change disappears as the new session starts).


If you change a parameter using alter session, this changes to MODIFIED in v$parameter. If it is system modifiable and immediate, then if someone else changes it using alter system this column will read SYSTEM MODIFIED in your v$parameter but only MODIFIED in your v$system_parameter.


Quoted from the reference manual:

"Indicates that the rdbms adjusted the input value to a more suitable value (e.g., the parameter value should be prime, but the user input a non-prime number, so the rdbms adjusted the value to the next prime number)"

Having said that, I've still not found a circumstance where this becomes TRUE - however, the cases where I've tested it under Oracle 8.1.7, the value visible in v$parameter does not change, even though Oracle adjusts the size of an array in the SGA in the manner indicated by the reference manual.

System Parameters

Session Parameters


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Oracle 主要配置文件介绍:profile文件,oratab 文件,数据库实例初始化文件 initSID.ora,监听配置文件, sqlnet.ora 文件,tnsnames.ora 文件1.2 Oracle 主要配置文件介绍1.2.1 /etc/profile 文件 系统级的环境变量一般在/etc/profile 文件定义 在 CAMS 系统 与数据库 相关的环境变量就定义在/etc/profile 文件 如下所示 export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/8.1.7 export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/lib export ORACLE_SID=cams export ORACLE_TERM=vt100 export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN.ZHS16CGB231280 & 说明 1 配置上述环境变量要注意定义的先后顺序 如 定义 ORACLE_HOME 时 用 到 了 ORACLE_BASE 那 么 ORACLE_HOME 的 定 义 应 该 在 ORACLE_BASE之后 2 在使用文版 CAMS 时 环境变量 NLS_LANG 的值应该设置为 AMERICAN.ZHS16CGB231280 如上所示 在使用英文版 CAMS时 可 以不设置 NLS_LANG 即去掉 export NLS_LANG=... ... 那一行 也可以 设置 NLS_LANG 的值为 AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII1.2.2 /etc/oratab 文件 /etc/oratab 文件描述目前系统创建的数据库实例 以及是否通过 dbstart 和 dbshut 来控制该实例的启动与关闭 如下所示 忽略以#开头的注释部分 : cams:/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7:Y 其 cams 为实例 ID /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7为 ORACLE_HOME目 录 Y表示允许使用 dbstart和 dbshut 启动和关闭该实例数据库 如果设置为 N 表示不通过 dbstart 和 dbshut 启动和关闭实例数据库 CAMS 系统要求在 安装完 ORACLE 后要求将该参数修改为 Y 以保证 ORACLE 数据库自启动 和关闭 1.2.3 数据库实例初始化文件 initSID.ora 每个数据库实例都有一个初始化 参数文件 其缺省 存放的路径为 $ORACLE_BASE/admin//pfile 其名称为 init.ora 如 cams 实 例 对 应 的 参 数 文 件 为 initcams.ora 缺 省 存 放 路 径 为 $ORACLE_BASE/admin/cams/pfile 即/u01/app/oracle/admin/cams/pfile




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