Legato NetWorker Commands Reference

Legato NetWorker Commands Reference



nsrmm - NetWorker media management command


       nsrmm [ -C ] [ -v | -q ] [ -s server ] [ -f device ]

       nsrmm -m [ -v | -q ] [ -s server ] [ -f device ] [ -r ] [ volume ]

       nsrmm -l [ -v | -q ] [ -s server ] [ -f device ] [ -myB ] [ -e forever
             ] [ -c capacity ] [ -o mode ] [ -b pool ] [ -R | volume ]

       nsrmm { -u | -j } [ -v | -q ] [ -s server ] [ -y ] [ -f device |
             volume..  ]

       nsrmm -p [ -v | -q ] [ -s server ] [ -f device ]

       nsrmm { -d | -o mode } [ -v | -q ] [ -s server ] [ -Py ] [ -S
             ssid[/cloneid] | -V volid | volume ...  ]

       nsrmm -S  ssid [ -w browse-time ] [ -e retention-time ]


       nsrmm a command line interface to manage the media and devices  (tapes,
       disks, and files) used by NetWorker servers and storage nodes.

       A volume is a physical piece of media, for example, a tape or disk car-
       tridge. When dealing with file type devices, volume refers to a  direc-
       tory  on  a  file  system.   NetWorker  must have exclusive use of this
       directory, as files will be created and removed.  The NetWorker  system
       keeps  track  of  which user files have been saved on which volumes, so
       they can be more easily recovered.  Every volume managed  by  NetWorker
       has  a volume name (also known as a volume label) selected by an opera-
       tor.  A volume name is specified when the volume is first introduced to
       the  system.   It  can only be changed when a volume is relabeled.  The
       volume should have an external label displaying  its  volume  name  for
       future  reference.   NetWorker refers to volumes by their volume names,
       for example, when requesting a volume for recovery.

       The NetWorker system automatically manages an  index  that  maps  saved
       user  files  to volumes.  NetWorker also keeps other attributes associ-
       ated with a volume, including the expected capacity of the volume.

       The NetWorker server requests that specific volumes be mounted by their
       name for recoveries, or any writable volumes for saves.  These requests
       are submitted through the  nsr_notification(5)  mechanism.   The  
       nwadmin(1) console window or the nsrwatch(1) command can be used to monitor
       pending mount requests.  Typically, the requests will also  be  written
       to  the  system console, or logged in a file.  The same requests can be
       used as input for software that controls a jukebox (a device that auto-
       matically loads and unloads volumes).

       Before  the  nsrmm command can be used (that is, before any data can be
       saved or recovered), at least one device must  be  configured  for  the
       NetWorker server.  The NetWorker configuration may be modified with the
       nwadmin(1) Administration menus or the nsradmin(1) command  after  Net-
              label operation is canceled and an error message  is  displayed.
              If  the  volume does not contain a label that is readable by the
              current device, the volume may be labeled.  This option is  used
              by nsrd(1) when automatically labeling volumes on behalf of
              nsrmmd(1) requests.

       -b pool
              Specifies the pool to which the volume  belongs.   -b  pool  can
              name any pool currently registered with nsrd.  The possible val-
              ues can be viewed by selecting the  Pools  menu  item  from  the
              Administration  menu of nwadmin(1) or using the nsradmin(1) com-
              mand.  The pool name is  referenced  by  nsrd  when  determining
              which  save  sets  can  reside  on the volume.  If you omit this
              option, the volume is  automatically  assigned  to  the  Default
              pool.   If  you  specify a pool name without specifying a volume
              name, the next volume name associated with the pool's label tem-
              plate resource is used.

       -C     Displays  a list of NetWorker configured devices and the volumes
              currently mounted in them. This list displays only  the  devices
              and  volumes  assigned to the server, not the actual devices and
              volumes. The -p option verifies the volume  label.   -C  is  the
              default option.

       -c capacity
              Overrides  the default capacity of a volume.  NetWorker normally
              uses built-in default capacities based on the device type.  This
              option  overrides  these defaults.  The format of the specifica-
              tion is number multiplier.  Multiplier can be one of  'K'  (1024
              bytes), 'M' (1000 KB), or 'G' (1000 MB).  Lower case letters are
              also accepted, as are extra characters like spaces, or an  extra
              'B'  after 'K', 'M', or 'G'.  Number may be any value, including
              an integer or real number, with up to three decimal places.

       -d     Deletes the client file indexes and media database entries  from
              the  NetWorker  databases.  The action does not destroy the vol-
              ume: instead, it removes all references used by NetWorker to the
              volume  and  the user files contained on it.  This option can be
              used to control the size of the NetWorker databases.

       -e time
              When used in conjunction with the -S option, it sets the  reten-
              tion  time of the specified save set.  The retention time should
              be specified in the format that is acceptable  to  the  function
              nsr_getdate(1).  Note that once the save set becomes recyclable,
              the retention time may not be changed.  The save  set  retention
              time  may  not  be set such that the save set would become recy-
              clable while it is still browsable.  Refer to the -w option  for
              more details on browse time.  When used in conjunction with vol-
              umes, the volume labeled will be an Archive volume if the  value
              of  time  is forever (Archive volumes mean that the volume label
              never expires).  Any other value of time are not applicable to a

       -f device
              Specifies  a  device  explicitly.  When more than one device has
              been configured, nsrmm will select the first device by  default.
              This option overrides the selection made by nsrmm.

       -l     Labels  (initializes)  a  volume for NetWorker to use and recog-
              nize.  Labeling must be performed after the  desired  volume  is
              physically  loaded  into  the device, either by an operator or a

       -m     Mounts a volume into a device.  Mounting is  performed  after  a
              volume  is placed into a device and labeled.  You can mount only
              labeled volumes.  The labeling and mounting  operations  can  be
              combined  into a single command line.  See the EXAMPLES section.

       -o mode
              Sets the mode of a  volume,  save  set,  or  save  set  instance
              (clone).  The mode can be one of the following: [not]recyclable,
              [not]readonly,  [not]full,  [not]manual  or  [not]suspect.   The
              [not]recyclable  mode  applies to both volumes or save sets, but
              not clones.  The [not]readonly, [not]full and [not]manual  modes
              apply  only  to volumes.  The [not]manual mode is the only valid
              mode when used  with  the  -l  option.   The  [not]suspect  mode
              applies only to save set instances, meaning it must be specified
              along with -S ssid/cloneid, not just -S ssid by itself.  (Remem-
              ber  that  every instance of a save set has a clone id, even the
              original.)  See nsrim(1) for  a  discussion  of  the  per-volume
              flags.   The suspect flag is set automatically when a recover(1)
              encounters a media error recovering data from a particular  save
              set clone.

       -P     When  used  in  conjunction with the -d option the corresponding
              file index entries are purged, without deleting the  entries  in
              the  media database.  The scanner(1) command can then be used to
              recover the file index entries.

       -p     Verifies and prints a  volume's  label.   To  confirm  that  the
              external  volume label matches the internal label, load a volume
              into a drive and use this option to display the volume  name  in
              the label.  Verifying a label unmounts mounted volumes.

       -q     Quiet  mode.   This  option  tells  nsrmm to print out as little
              information as possible while performing  the  requested  opera-
              tion.  Generally, only error messages are printed.

       -R     Relabels  a  volume.   This option rewrites the volume label and
              purges the NetWorker indexes of all user files previously  saved
              on  the  volume.   Some of the volume usage information is main-

       -r     Mounts a volume as read-only.  To prevent NetWorker from writing
              to  a  volume, specify the read-only flag when mounting the vol-
              ume.  Volumes marked as full and those in the read-only mode (-o
              readonly) are automatically mounted read-only.

       -s server
              Specifies  the  NetWorker  server to perform. the nsrmm operation
              on.  See nsr(1) for a description of server selection.

       -S ssid
              Changes ( -o) or removes ( -d) a save  set  from  the  NetWorker
              databases,  or  used in changing the browse time (specified with
              you unload it from a device.

       -V volid
              Removes a volume from the NetWorker databases when used in  con-
              junction with the -d option.  The volume is identified by a vol-
              ume identifier, or volid.  The mminfo(1) command can be used  to
              determine volume identifiers.

       -v     Verbose  mode.   This option polls the NetWorker server to print
              out more information as the operation proceeds.

       -w browse time
              Specifies the browse time for the specified save  set  (supplied
              with the -S option).  Note that once the save set becomes recov-
              erable, the browse time may not be  changed.   The  browse  time
              should  be  specified  in  the  format that is acceptable to the
              function nsr_getdate(1).  The browse time has to  be  after  the
              insert  time  in the save set record, but it cannot be after the
              retention time. If the option -e  was  not  used,  the  existing
              retention time in the save set record is used for comparing with
              the specified browse time.  See under the  option  -e  for  more
              details on retention time.

       -y     Do  not confirm (potentially destructive) operations before per-
              forming them.  This option must be used with extreme care.


       Labeling new tapes:
              To introduce a new tape, named mars.001, to the  NetWorker  sys-
              tem, load the tape in an empty drive, then use the command:
                 nsrmm -l mars.001

              The  tape  is  labeled with mars.001 and an entry is made in the
              appropriate NetWorker indexes.  The  mminfo(1)  command  may  be
              used  to  inspect  the  volume  database and display information
              about the volumes:
                 mminfo -m

       Mounting a tape:
              To mount a NetWorker volume, use the -m option.  Note  that  the
              volume  must  have  been  labeled  previously  and loaded in the
                 nsrmm -m

              When mounting, a volume name can also be specified:
                 nsrmm -m mars.001

              The mount will fail unless the given volume name matches the one
              read from the media.

              By  mounting  a  volume,  you  make the volume available to Net-
              Worker.  When nsrmmd(1) needs the volume, the label will be read
              again  and  confirmed, preventing accidental data loss.  Volumes
              are also verified and mounted automatically if the server recov-
              ers after a crash.

       Unmounting or ejecting a volume:
              When  a  volume  needs  to be unmounted, use either the -u or -j
              option, depending on whether or not the  device  can  physically
              eject a volume.
                 nsrmm -u

              When more than one volume is mounted, you can specify either the
              volume name or device to select the desired volume.  The follow-
              ing example ejects the volume named mars.003.
                 nsrmm -j mars.003

       Displaying the current volumes:
              The  -C  option  displays the configured devices and the mounted
              volumes.  This is the default option.
                 nsrmm -C

       Deleting a volume:
              To remove references to a volume and the user files saved on  it
              from the NetWorker indexes, use the -d option.  This option does
              not modify the physical volume, and should only be used when the
              physical volume is destroyed.  By deleting a volume, you free up
              space in the NetWorker file index and the NetWorker media index,
              but  not  much  more  than  if you had purged it.  The amount of
              space released depends on the number of user files saved on  the
              volume.  The following example deletes the volume mars.003:
                 nsrmm -d mars.003

              The  scanner(1)  command  can  be  used  to rebuild the database

       Purging file index entries:
              The file index contains information about  each  file  saved  by
              NetWorker.   Due  to  size  constraints,  it may be necessary to
              purge information from the file index.  When a  volume  or  save
              set  is  deleted,  the corresponding file index entries are also
              removed.  It is also possible to  preserve  the  media  database
              entries  of  a volume while purging the file index by specifying
              the -P option when deleting.

            The following example purges all of the  file  index  entries  for
            volume mars.001:
                      nsrmm -d -P mars.001

            The scanner(1) command can be used to recover the file index.


       nsr(1), nsr_getdate(3), nsr_layout(5), nsr_device(5),
       nsr_notification(5), mminfo(1), mmlocate(1), nwadmin(1), nsrmmd(1),
       nsradmin(1), nsrim(1), recover(1), scanner(1).


       type family volume mounted on device, write enabled
              Message  indicating  that the -m (mount) option was successfully
              performed on a device with the given media type and  media  fam-

       duplicate name; pick new name or delete old one
              It  is  illegal  to  label two tapes with the same name.  If you
              wish to reuse a name, remove that volume from  the  index  using
              the -d option.

       Are you sure you want to over-write volume with
              a new label?
              An  attempt  is being made to relabel a volume.  A positive con-
              firmation will overwrite the existing data on that tape.

       Purge file index entries for type family volume? ...
              After confirmation, the file index entries are removed.

       volume not in media index
              The media index has no entry associated with volume, so  the  -m
              command cannot be used.  This problem may be caused by mistyping
              the volume name when the tape was originally labeled, or  delet-
              ing it.

       No valid family label
              The  tape or disk in the named device does not have a valid Net-
              Worker label.

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