FalconStor VirtualTape Library的调试

FalconStor VirtualTape Library的调试

连接虚拟带库的时候,服务器管理端老是显示 server is busy.然后提示连不上。 1.)怀疑网络连接导致出错 ping 虚拟带库的地址,发现正常,尝试连接,报错同上。怀疑网关关闭了某些端口导致连接不上,直连虚拟带库和服务器管理端,还是报错同上。 2.)怀疑用户权限导致不能连接,(root 不能登陆)新建用户cc,密码为111111,再连接虚拟带库,报错同上。 3)怀疑虚拟带库的配置没保存导致错误重启虚拟带库,查看网络状况,正常。再尝试连接,仍然报错。 4)没辙了,都试过了,难道是客户端软件版本和虚拟带库版本不一致导致的错误?卸载原始版本4.5,安装虚拟带库版本5.0,一切正常了。


2.安装虚拟带库虚拟带库的安装过程: 1.建立virtul tape library.< 虚拟为IBM utrium 3 的 library> 2.建立virtual tape<指定磁带大小,压缩方式> 3.建立san client 使能虚拟带库的HBA卡为target 模式指定虚拟带库的管理端服务器HBA卡的wwn号指定虚拟带库的HBA卡与管理服务器的HBA卡的一一对应关系 4.再管理端服务器上发现磁带机。

虚拟带库的配置详细过程 1.虚拟带库的标准配置 Standard VTL Configuration In the Standard VTL Configuration, the backup software manages all tapes—virtual and physical—by treating the virtual tape library as though it were just another standalone tape library attached to the backup server. To copy data from virtual to physical tapes, the backup software’s Tape Copy function is utilized. 在标准的虚拟带库备份过程中,备份软件控制了虚拟带库和实际物理带库。它上面看起来,虚拟带库就是另外一个单独的磁带库。把数据从虚拟带库拷到物理带库,备份软件的磁带拷贝功能将被使用。     In this configuration, the backup software runs on an existing backup server or on the VTL appliance itself (with the Hosted Backup Option). The Standard VTL  Configuration is ideal for organizations that already have a backup process in place with which they are comfortable but which is not meeting all of their backup objectives. Adding a VTL appliance as another tape library allows you to easily increase your parallel backup streams and take advantage of VTL’s rapid data recovery without having to alter your current configuration. With the backup application managing the entire backup process, virtual tapes and physical tapes are seen in the same way: a virtual tape is just another tape.     在这种配置下,备份软件工作在备份服务器上或是VTL服务器上(主机端备份 option)。VTL标准配置对于已经拥有备份服务的环境比较合适。这种配置下虚拟带库就是一个物理带库,但是它的备份和还原速度要比物理带库快得多。      With the Standard VTL Configuration, backups to virtual tapes occur quickly. Then, at a later time, the backup server can copy the data to physical tapes without impacting the production environment. Because the backup server performs the tape copying function in addition to backups additional overhead can be incurred by the backup server. Therefore, it is best to perform tape copying at off-peak hours. 在做物理带库的备份的时候,由备份服务器使用磁带拷贝功能在虚拟带库和物理带库之间进行备份。因此,最好在非高峰时期做这个备份。     While VTL natively accelerates backup from the backup server to virtual tape, data transfer between application servers and the backup application can be accelerated by hosting a backup application on the VTL appliance itself. This shortens the data path between the application server and the backup application/server and therefore enhances backup performance.





注释;在标准的配置下,备份服务器把虚拟带库看成一磁带库,直接把数据备份到虚拟带库上. 备份服务器备份到真实带库,用的是备份服务器上其它软件的备份功能.

  2.虚拟带库的高级配置 Advanced VTL Configuration In the Advanced VTL Configuration, the backup software manages backups to the virtual tape library while the VTL appliance controls the export of data from virtual tapes to physical tapes. VTL dramatically accelerates backups by acting as a defacto cache to your physical tape library and  enables data to be moved to physical tapes as a background process without impacting production servers. This is an innovative approach to backup that addresses the limitations  of conventional tape backup.

高级配置里面,备份软件控制虚拟带库,而虚拟带库上的应用控制从虚拟带库到磁带库的备份.VTL将剧烈的加速备份进程,在从备份服务器到虚拟带库的备份过程中,VTL扮演了一个缓存的角色。这样一来,从虚拟带库到实际物理带库的备份是一个后台进程,不会影响生产服务器。    Moreover, since VTL manages the export of data from virtual to physical tapes, there is no additional overhead for the backup server.As in the Standard VTL Configuration, the backup software runs on an existing backup server or on the VTL appliance itself (with the Hosted Backup Option). With the Advanced VTL  Configuration, backups to virtual  tapes occur very quickly. Then, at a later time, when you are done using a given tape, you can export data to physical tape for offsite vaulting or disaster recovery without impacting the production environment. VTL can also be set up in Auto Archive mode so that after each backup to virtual tape completes, data is automatically exported to physical tape 可以把虚拟带库设置为 Archive mode。在 每次数据备份到虚拟带库后,数据将自动导出到物理带库里。

The Advanced VTL Configuration requires you to set up the initial physical tape library emulation from within the VTL Console so that there is a 1:1 mapping, with identical barcodes, between virtual and physical tapes. This enables the backup software to keep track of backup tapes and prevents tapes from being created that would be unidentifiable by the backup software. 高级虚拟带库配置下,需要你VTL的控制端做一个1:1的mapping。即在虚拟带库和物理带库上使用相同的条码。这样做将使backup 软件始终跟踪物理带库,防止建立不能被备份软件识别的磁带。 Whenever data is written to physical tape, the virtual tape can then be deleted or the copy can be left on the virtual tape for rapid recovery. The physical tape will always have the same barcode as its virtual tape counterpart. This gives you the flexibility to easily restore from either virtual or physical tape. 无论何时数据写到物理带库,虚拟磁带可以被删除,或者保存起来已备以后恢复。这给了你一个灵活的选择,选择从物理带库或者虚拟带库恢复。 When it comes time to restore, the backup software identifies the barcode of the tape containing the needed data. If the data still resides on virtual tape (it was never exported or it was exported with the virtual tape left intact), it can be restored very quickly because it is being read from disk. If the data is only on physical tape, the tape must first be re-imported into VTL with a few simple keystrokes in the VTL Console so that the backup software can access it and restore in its usual manner. 在进行恢复的时候,一般由备份软件寻找磁带的条码来恢复相应的数据。如果恢复数据还在虚拟带库上,数据将很快的北恢复。如果在磁带上,数据需要先导入虚拟带库,再从虚拟带库恢复(VTL Advanced 模式下)








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