1Z0-031.2 - 1.最佳灵活结构 Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)

Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA):

-> OFA organizes database files by type and usage


-> Involves three major rules

- Establish a directory structure where any database file can be stored on any disk resource

a. Name all devices that might contain Oracle data in such a manner that a wild card or similar mechanism can be used to refer to the collection of devices as a unit.

b. Make a directory explicitly for storage of Oracle data at the same level on each of these devices.

c. Beneath the Oracle data directory on each device, make a directory for each different Oracle database on the system.

d. Put a file X in the directory /u??/ORACLE/D (or on VMS DISK2:[ORACLE.D]) if and only if X is a control file, redo log file, or data file of the Oracle Database whose DB_NAME is D. X is any database file.

- Separate objects with different behavior into different tablespaces

a. Separate groups of objects with different fragmentation characteristics in different tablespaces. (e.g., don’t put data and rollback segments together.)

b. Separate groups of segments that will contend for disk resources in different tablespaces. (e.g., don’t put data and indexes together.)

c. Separate groups of segments representing objects with differing behavioral characteristics in different tablespaces. (e.g., Don't put tables that require daily backup in the same tablespace with ones that require yearly backup.)

- Maximize database reliability and performance by separating database components across different disk resources

a. Keep at least three active copies of a database control file on at least three different physical drives.

b. Use at least three groups of redo logs in ORACLE7. Isolate them to the greatest extent possible on hardware serving few or no files that will be active while the RDBMS is in use. Shadow redo logs whenever possible.

c. Separate tablespaces whose data will participate in disk resource contention across different physical disk resources. (You should also consider disk controller usage.)

Minimum OFA Configuration

The minimum suggested configuration would consist of seven data areas, either disks, striped sets, RAID sets, or whatever else comes down the pike in the next few years. These areas should be as separate as possible, ideally operating off of different device controllers or channels to maximize throughput. The more heads you have moving at one time, the faster your database will be. The disk layout should minimize disk contention. For example:

* AREA1: Oracle executables and user areas, a control file, the SYSTEM tablespace, redo logs

* AREA2: Data-data files, a control file, tool-data files, redo logs

* AREA3: Index-data files, a control file, redo logs

* AREA4: Rollback segment-data files

* AREA5: Archive log files

* AREA6: Export Files

* AREA7: Backup Staging

Of course, this is just a start, you mind find it wise to add more areas to further isolate large or active tables into their own areas as well as separating active index areas from each other. Note that on a modern system this configuration may require 4-2 channel controller cards and 8 physically separable disk arrays.

The structure on UNIX could look like the following:

/oracle0/product/oracle/8.1.3/ --Top level $ORACLE_HOME

/oracle0/product/oracle/8.1.3/ bin/ --Standard distributionstructure under version

/oracle0/product/oracle/8.1.3/ doc/

/oracle0/product/oracle/8.1.3/ rdbms/


/oracle0/data/ --Place instance names under type directories











/oracle0/admin/bdump/ --backup_dump_dest

/oracle0/admin/udump/ --user_dump_dest

/oracle0/admin/cdump/ --core_dump_dest

/oracle0/admin/pfile/ --initialization file location (linkedback to dbs directory)

/oracle0/admin/create/ --Database creation script storage area











Using this type of structure even on a RAID5 volume allows for a logical separation of files for ease in locating and controlling database files. For other platforms just alter the directory syntax for example on NT the "/oracle0/product/oracle/8.1.3" directory becomes "c:oracle0productoracle813".

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