More affordable that you think.

More affordable that you think. There are likely discontinued shoes on the market for $40-$50. The shoes that are often deeply discounted are either mid-range shoes or are unpopular colors or styles. With the new nike air max damen, you are getting a top of the line shoe, the top of the line construction, and the newest develpment in the nike "air" sole. You will definitely get compliments all the time with the Air Max's and you will get stares in a good way. For a shoe that can look fairly new for 6 months to a year at $160 and can coordinate with almost any casual outfit, $160 is a good price. The nike air max 1 damen have the "+" system in which you can attach the high tech ipod running system that can track your distance and workouts. The shoes are also extremely comfortable and there isn't really a price that you can put on the comfort that you will feel everyday walking around. You should definitely get a pair or two of the Air Max+ 2010's. Mention the word 'Nike', and the first thing most people think of is basketball shoes…thanks to the amazing career of professional NBA athlete Michael Jordan. But if you talk to anyone with in-depth knowledge of the athletic shoe industry, you'll soon discover that nike air max thea damen is the king of athletic shoes. And it isn't even a basketball shoe! This running shoe, introduced in 1987, is one of the most enduring and successful athletic shoe models ever produced. Designed with a large air cushioning unit at the heel, the Nike Air Max has amassed a huge following that includes devotees from every walk of life. But what is amazing is the almost cult-like status the nike air max 90 damen has attained for two decades with the Hip-Hop culture. And if you thought the Air Max appealed to the hip-hop world just for their stylish look, think again. Serious hip-hop dancers in the early days found the Nike Air Max and its air cushion soles were easier on the feet for hardcore dancing. The shoes later took on a less-practical and more-status symbol appeal to an entire generation of young people worldwide. And the appeal still continues to this day, as evidenced by the emergence of a specialized market of custom Nike Air Max models from various designers around the world. Today, there are literally dozens of variations and models of this wildly popular running shoe.

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