Pronunciation: ['yu-zê-frêkt or 'yu-zyu-frêkt (British)] Listen
Definition: A usufruct is the right of using and receiving profits (the fruits) from a property that belongs to someone else.
[@more@]Usage: We are hardly sure of the pronunciation of the word since it is so seldom spoken though it is fairly frequently written. A usufructuary is a person who has the usufruct of some property.
Suggested Usage: It is surprising that the word is spoken so rarely, since it represents a useful concept. First, there is the legal sense: "Raphael married Penelope in hopes of getting his hands on her ranch. He soon discovered, however, that her father had astutely gauged her ability to choose a spouse and left her a mere usufruct in the land." But it is also the case that my neighbor and I have usufruct of each other's tools. This word is shorter than "can borrow from each other any time we so desire."
Etymology: Late Latin ususfructus "use" from usus, participle of utor "to use" + fructus "enjoyment, result", participle of fruor "to enjoy." Fruor is a reduction of frugor, which shares a stem with German brauchen "use."
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