
[Character Conversion Overview]
Converts text between Unicode and other character sets, and between 16-bit Unicode and the Unicode transformation formats UTF-7 and UTF-8. The API can be used to provide a list of all of the foreign character sets available on the device, to select a specific character set to convert to or from, then to do the conversion.

The Character Conversion Plug-In Provider API can be used to write plug-in DLLs. These extend the range of foreign character sets available for conversion beyond the ones already provided by the device.

这组API有两个重要组成:Unicode/non-Unicode转换和Unicode format conversion.

[Introduction to Character Conversion]
在symbian platform中使用的是Unicode字符集,但是要和很多非此字符集的外部程序交互的话,我们就需要字符的转换了。

[Character sets and Unicode]


[Character conversion to and from Unicode]

The first stage of the conversion is to define the non-Unicode character set to be converted to or from, and the second is to convert the text. Selecting the character set to be converted to or from is done using one of the overloads of PrepareToConvertToOrFromL(). Text conversion itself is done using one of the overloads of ConvertFromUnicode() or ConvertToUnicode().

The conversion functions allow piece-by-piece conversion of input strings. Callers do not have to try to guess how big to make the output descriptor for a given input descriptor; they can simply do the conversion in a loop using a small output descriptor. The ability to cope with an input descriptor being truncated is useful if the caller cannot guarantee whether

the input descriptor will be complete, e.g. if they themselves are receiving it in chunks from an external source.

没有直接的办法可以转换两个非unicode字符集,如果要这样做那就分两步好了convert from one character set to Unicode and then from Unicode to another character set.

[Transformation formats]
While this is not important within a system, it does mean that text encoded as UCS-2 cannot easily be shared between systems using a different endian-ness. To overcome this problem the Unicode Consortium has defined two transformation formats for sharing Unicode text. The transformation formats explicitly specify byte order, and cannot be misinterpreted by computers using a different byte order.

2、O集,包括字符! " # $ % & * ; < = > @ [ ] ^ _ { | },这些也都被做个一个单个字节被编码,or with the modified base 64 encoding used for set B characters, When encoded as a single byte, set O characters can be misinterpreted by some applications — encoding as modified base 64 overcomes this problem.
3、Set B comprises the remaining characters, which are encoded as an escape byte followed by 2 or 3 bytes. The encoding format is a modified form of base 64 encoding.

UTF-8 encodes and transmits Unicode characters as a string of 8-bit bytes. All the ASCII characters 0 to 127 are encoded without change

[Conversion to and from Unicode transformation formats]

There is no direct way to convert between UTF-7 and UTF-8. Though it is possible to convert from one transformation format to UCS-2 and then from UCS-2 to the other transformation format.

[Design and implementation of STDLIB]
这里描述了symbian软件平台中C标准库的主要特性(一般就是纸STDLIB)。但并不试图给出库的完整API,如果你需要获得ANSI C和POSIX的所有文档,查看下列相关组织地址:http://www.ansi.org和http://standards.ieee.org/index.html

[Porting Guide]
这里讲述了如果将一段传统的C代码移植到symbianOS上。我们使用了三个列子:Hello, ConsoleApp和GUIApp。头两个是基于简单控制台的。The third is a command-line driven program which has been converted into a standard symbian application. It demonstrates how to link STDLIB into a C++ project. 它也显示了在转换C代码到symbian OS中可能会遇到的几个问题,包括在DLL中写入数据的限制。这些列子代码都可以在epoc32exstdlib表现出来。

*Installing STDLIB on the target machine
如果需要的话,可以使用stdlib.sis安装STDLIB在目标机器上,在epoc32 eleasewinsudeb and epoc32 eleasewinsurel都有,使用这个sis安装文件有以下的好处:
the DLL is installed in the correct location

the correct version of the DLL is installed

if you supply a .sis file to install your product, STDLIB can easily be included as a sub-component of it

*Hello World—A minimal console application
TTARGET hello.exe
SOURCE slhello.c
SYSTEMINCLUDE epoc32includelibc epoc32include

LIBRARY estlib.lib euser.lib

这个项目必须包括重要的库文件estlib.lib(也就是C标准库),和euser.lib(E32的用户库),whose services are used by STDLIB

这个工程也可以使用STATICLIBARY关键字来链接ecrt0.lib库。This file provides the E32Main() entrypoint for a .exe. It also provides other services including command-line parsing, and it calls main().

The SYSTEMINCLUDE path specifies epoc32includelibc. This is the directory in which STDLIB's header files are installed.


[Data And Time Handling Overview]
系统时间的设定是通过系统静态函数API User class
System locale settings, which affect date and time formatting, are set through TLocale in the Locale Settings API.

这组API有三个重要组成:point in time, time utilities, and time interval.

[Using Date and Time Handling]
Points in time是由TTime类存储和操作的,TTime使用了64-bit的整数来表现时间,它可以精确到微秒。一共有580000年的时间跨度,够用了吧:)

日期/时间和它的组成部分都可以在TDateTime中设置和得到,这个类是TTime的更友好的表现形式,它允许用户很方便的访问到year, month, day, hour, minute,second和微秒这些时间的组成部分。It does not support manipulation of the date/time, or of its components, but may be converted into a TTime, and vice versa.

[DBMS overview]
DBMS定义了一个常用的关系数据库访问API,允许不同的数据库被访问。这里有两个解决方案:a small and relavtively lightweight client-side implementation; and, for when multiple clients must have write access to a database, a client-server implementation.

The File Stores API defines a sophisticated file storage, called permanent file stores, that allows individual entries in a file to be modified.数据库使用这些存储机制来完成底层的数据存储。

[Interface to DBMS database overview]
Defines interfaces for opening databases, defining database schemas, and performing transactions.

这组API有三个重要的组成:abstract database, store database, and named database.

[DBMS rowsets overview]
Allows data contained in a database to be retrieved, searched, and modified.

这组API有三个重要的组成:rowset base, table rowset, and SQL view

[DBMS columns, column sets, and keys overview]
Defines column, column set, and index key structures.

这组API有三个重要的组成:column, column set, and index key.

[DBMS sharing databases overview]
Provides access to a server that allows databases to be accessed by multiple clients.

这组API有两个重要的组成:DBMS server session, and database change notifier.

[DBMS incremental operations overview]
Allows long-running database operations to be performed in steps, so that a user program can remain responsive to other events.

[Descriptor Arrays Overview]

[Dynamically Loading Link Libraries Overview]
These interfaces are used by programs that need to load libraries at run-time, that have a common interface, but different concrete behaviour. Because of this relationship between interface and behaviour, such libraries are called polymorphic DLLs.

Notifies a program of changes in the system environment relating to time, local, power, and thread death.

[File Server Client Side overview]
Provides an application interface to file systems.

文件访问是由EPOC server提供的,the file server。它提供了本地文件系统(ROM, RAM和removable media)还有一个允许动态安装文件系统的接口,如通过网络连接到远程的磁盘上。


[File Stores Overview]
提供基于文件的结构数据存储,using networks of streams.

The File Stores API is based on the abstract store types defined by the Stores API. The underlying file handling is provided by the File Server.

The permanent file stores defines in this API are used by the relational database API, DBMS,for data storage.

[Handle overview]
允许一个线程或进程被另一个线程或进程标识和管理。Handles allow a client to access, or refer to, Kernel Object.


这组API有四个重要组成:incremental matcher base class, buffer matcher, pointer to descriptor matcher, and reaizable buffer matcher.

Resource files contain data separate from executable code. Their main uses are for defining user interfaces components and for storing localisable data.

[Introduction to the resource file interface]
Resource files contain data in numbered resources. A resource file has the following format:
last resource



[Basic resource file use]
1、in a resource file, define structs or use appropriate pre-defined structs and then define resources that use those structs.

2、run the resource compiler to produce both a generated header file and a resource file. The generated header file defines the symbols which a program uses to refer to the resources.

1、it includes the generated header file in the appropriate source file to get symbolic access to the ids of the resources contained within the file

2、opens a RResourceFile object, specifying the generated resource file name

3、reads any resource it wishes; the resource is identified by a symbolic id which has been #defined as a number; the content of the resource is read into a binary descriptor, derived from TDesC8.

4、converts the binary descriptor into whatever target format is appropriate for the data in the resource file

5、discards the descriptor, if appropriate, when the binary descriptor has been fully converted into its target format

6、closes the RResourceFile when all operations on the resource file are complete

The resource text can be changed and the resources recompiled without altering or recompiling the C++ program. For example, to alter the language used by text strings.

Provides idioms and frameworks by which processes can pass requests and data to other running processes.

[Asynchronous Services Overview]
Provides low-level and high-level idioms by which one thread or process in EPOC can request services from another.

Client programs typically use these idioms when accessing system services such as windowing, or telephony. This process is so fundamental that the basic structure of nearly all EPOC applications is based on its encapsulation in the active object framework.


This API should be used by applications that display names of plug-ins to users. Some devices allow users to switch between different languages. On such a device, lists of plug-in names displayed to users need to be localised.



EPOC程序中的函数都是和内存密切相关的,这是个有限的资源,必须要小心对待。特别是the event of error conditions. 基于这个理由,异常的处理和内存的管理在支持Cleanup的API中是息息相关的。



这个东西是server端代码中大量使用的,主要用来记录server提供的给多个client的资源的使用情况。The major motivation for the form of the API is to provide such functionality for the Kernel, which uses them in this way for system objects such as mutexes, threads, etc. The various container classes in the API provide the support for tracking the use of groups of such objects.

[Stores Overview]
Provides structured data storage, using networks of streams.

[Store Streams Overview]
Provides stream types suitable for use in store(structured data storage).

Store Streams API is based on the abstract stream types defined by the Streaming API. They are designed to be used in conjunction with the structured data storage defined by the Stores API.

[Streaming Overview]
Streams abstract the external storage of data(typically objects)

The Streaming API is abstract. It defines interfaces for reading and writing data to and from storage, but not what that storage is. Derived classes in other APIs provide particular implementations of streams:
file streams, as defined in the File Stores API

streams used as part of a network of related streams, called a store, as defined in the Stores API memory-based streams, as defined in the Memory Streams API

encrypted streams, as defined in the Encrypted Streams And Stores API

提供各种系统函数。系统静态函数,由User类提供,typically either relate to the current thread, or its heap, or system-wide properties, such as system time.

Provides a core set of error codes that may be returned by System APIs.

Provides access to processes, threads, thread-local storage, and access synchronisation.
These APIs provide support for a programming style that employs multiple threads or processes that share resource protected by synchronisation mechanisms such as mutexes.

Provides timers that asynchronously notify an application after an interval or at a specific time.

The User class in the System Static Functions API provides simple functions to suspend a thread for a given interval or until a specific time.

Manipulates globally unique identifiers (UIDs).

To guarantee uniqueness, all UID values are assigned to developers centrally by Symbian.

Encapsulates version information.

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