RML Utilities for SQL Server工具

    今天学习了一下RML Utilities工具,觉得这个工具确实比较好的跟SQL Server Profiler工具结合起来使用,确实挺好的。工具的下载地址
        SQL Server 的重播标记语言 (RML) 实用程序: https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/kb/944837
         RML Utilities for SQL Server (x86) –   https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8161
        RML Utilities for SQL Server (x64) –   https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=4511



    开启SQL SERVER PROFILER, 对服务起进行跟踪一段时间,生成 a.trc 文件,将文件放在D盘根目录下面: D:\a.trc

STEP2:打开RML Utilities Command Prompt工具
     该工具在:开始--&gt所有程序--&gtRML Utilities for SQL Server--&gtRML Cmd Prompt" 或者进入安装目录(我的安装目录是:D:\Program Files\Microsoft Corporation\RMLUtils),打开的界面如图:

STEP3:开启本地SQL server 服务
     我装的是SQL SERVER 2012, 当然也可以通过参数配置指定远程服务器,只要指定的用户有响应的权限。

     先要创建输出目录 D:\trace
  1. [RML] D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Corporation\\RMLUtils>ReadTrace -I"D:\a.trc" -o"D:\trace" -S"" -d"MID" -E
    具体参数说明(-I:输入文件,-o:输出文件,-S:服务器,-d:数据库,-E:windows认证),下面会介绍, 输出结果如下
[RML] D:\Program Files\Microsoft Corporation\RMLUtils>ReadTrace -I"D:\a.trc" -o"
D:\trace" -S"" -d"MID" -E

04/20/15 09:37:46.123 [0X00022A30] I/O Completion manager started
04/20/15 09:37:46.124 [0X000237E4] Readtrace a SQL Server trace processing utili
Version 9.04.0051 built for x64.
Copyright ? 1997-2014 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved
04/20/15 09:37:46.124 [0X000237E4]             Computer: ******-**
04/20/15 09:37:46.124 [0X000237E4]          Base Module: D:\Program Files\Micros
oft Corporation\RMLUtils\ReadTrace.exe
04/20/15 09:37:46.125 [0X000237E4]           Process Id: 8344
04/20/15 09:37:46.125 [0X000237E4]  Active proc mask(0): 0x0000000F
04/20/15 09:37:46.125 [0X000237E4]         Architecture: 9
04/20/15 09:37:46.125 [0X000237E4]            Page size: 4096
04/20/15 09:37:46.126 [0X000237E4]                 CPUs: 4
04/20/15 09:37:46.126 [0X000237E4]     Processor groups: 1
04/20/15 09:37:46.126 [0X000237E4]         Highest node: 0
04/20/15 09:37:46.126 [0X000237E4]   Proximity: 00  Node: 00
04/20/15 09:37:46.127 [0X000237E4] ---------------------------------------
04/20/15 09:37:46.127 [0X000237E4]                Group: 0
04/20/15 09:37:46.127 [0X000237E4] ---------------------------------------
04/20/15 09:37:46.127 [0X000237E4]         Processor(s): 0x00000001 Function uni
ts: Separated
04/20/15 09:37:46.127 [0X000237E4]         Processor(s): 0x00000002 Function uni
ts: Separated
04/20/15 09:37:46.128 [0X000237E4]         Processor(s): 0x00000004 Function uni
ts: Separated
04/20/15 09:37:46.128 [0X000237E4]         Package mask: 0x0000000F
04/20/15 09:37:46.128 [0X000237E4]         Processor(s): 0x00000008 Function uni
ts: Separated
04/20/15 09:37:46.128 [0X000237E4]         Processor(s): 0x0000000F assigned to
Numa node: 0
04/20/15 09:37:46.130 [0X000237E4] Current time bias: -480 minutes -8.00 hours D
ST not used
04/20/15 09:37:46.130 [0X000237E4] -ID:\a.trc
04/20/15 09:37:46.130 [0X000237E4] -oD:\trace
04/20/15 09:37:46.130 [0X000237E4] -S192.168.6.56
04/20/15 09:37:46.130 [0X000237E4] -dMID
04/20/15 09:37:46.131 [0X000237E4] -E
04/20/15 09:37:46.131 [0X000237E4] Using language id (LCID): 1024 [Chinese (Simp
lified)_People's Republic of China.936] for character formatting with NLS: 0x000
60101 and Defined: 0x00060101
04/20/15 09:37:46.131 [0X000237E4] Attempting to cleanup existing RML files from
 previous execution
04/20/15 09:37:46.132 [0X000237E4] Using extended RowsetFastload synchronization

04/20/15 09:37:46.132 [0X000237E4] Establishing initial database connection
04/20/15 09:37:46.133 [0X000237E4] Server:
04/20/15 09:37:46.134 [0X000237E4] Database: MID
04/20/15 09:37:46.134 [0X000237E4] Authentication: Windows
04/20/15 09:37:46.406 [0X000237E4] Using SQLOLEDB version 11.0.3000.0
04/20/15 09:37:46.474 [0X000237E4] Connected to SQL Server Version, Major: 11, M
inor: 0, Build: 2218
04/20/15 09:37:46.475 [0X000237E4] Creating or clearing the performance database

04/20/15 09:37:50.241 [0X000237E4] Processing file: D:\a.trc (SQL 2008 / SQL 200
8 R2 / SQL Azure*)
04/20/15 09:37:50.241 [0X000237E4] Validating core events exist
04/20/15 09:37:50.242 [0X000237E4] WARNING: The 'EventSequence' column for event
 id=10 [POST_RPC_EVENT_CLASS] is missing from the trace.
04/20/15 09:37:50.242 [0X000237E4] WARNING: The 'EventSequence' column for event
 id=12 [POST_LANG_EVENT_CLASS] is missing from the trace.
04/20/15 09:37:50.242 [0X000237E4] WARNING: The 'EventSequence' column for event
 id=13 [PRE_LANG_EVENT_CLASS] is missing from the trace.
04/20/15 09:37:50.242 [0X000237E4] WARNING: The 'EventSequence' column for event
 id=17 [ACTIVE_EVENT_CLASS] is missing from the trace.
04/20/15 09:37:50.243 [0X000237E4] WARNING: The 'EventSequence' column is missin
g from the trace.  Physical file order will be used and this can lead to inaccur
ate results.
04/20/15 09:37:50.243 [0X000237E4] Validating necessary events exist for analysi
04/20/15 09:37:50.244 [0X000237E4] WARNING: The following trace events were not
captured: [RPC:Starting, SP:StmtStarting, SP:StmtCompleted, Audit:Login, Audit:L
ogout, Showplan Statistics]. Review the help file to ensure that you have collec
ted the appropriate set of events and columns for your intended analysis.
04/20/15 09:37:50.244 [0X000237E4] WARNING: Event 10 (POST_RPC_EVENT_CLASS) does
 not contain the following recommended column(s): DBID
04/20/15 09:37:50.245 [0X000237E4] WARNING: Event 12 (POST_LANG_EVENT_CLASS) doe
s not contain the following recommended column(s): DBID
04/20/15 09:37:50.245 [0X000237E4] WARNING: Event 13 (PRE_LANG_EVENT_CLASS) does
 not contain the following recommended column(s): DBID
04/20/15 09:37:50.245 [0X000237E4] WARNING: The quality of the performance analy
sis may be substantially affected due to the lack of recommended columns.  Consu
lt the help file for the recommended set of trace events and columns.
04/20/15 09:37:50.246 [0X000237E4] Validating necessary events exist for RML bre
04/20/15 09:37:50.246 [0X000237E4] WARNING: Event [Server: Server Memory Change]
 missing from trace
04/20/15 09:37:50.246 [0X000237E4] WARNING REPLAY: The following trace events we
re not captured: [Security Audit: Audit Login, Security Audit: Audit Logout, Sto
red Procedures: RPC Output Parameter, Cursors:Unprepare, Cursors:CursorClose, Cu
rsors:CursorPrepare, Cursors:CursorCreated, Cursors:CursorExecute, TSQL: Prepare
 SQL, TSQL: Unprepare SQL, Errors and Warnings:Attention, Transactions:SQLTransa
ction, Transactions:DTCTransaction, Transactions:TM:Begin Tran starting, Transac
tions:TM:Begin Tran completed, Transactions:TM:Commit Tran starting, Transaction
s:TM:Commit Tran completed, Transactions:TM:Rollback Tran starting, Transactions
:TM:Rollback Tran completed, Transactions:TM:Save Tran starting, Transactions:TM
:Save Tran completed, Transactions:TM:Promote Tran starting, Transactions:TM:Pro
mote Tran completed, RPC:Starting and RPC:Completed]. Review the help file to en
sure that you have collected the appropriate set of events and columns for RML r
eplay needs.  Lack of these events can lead to severe replay problems.
04/20/15 09:37:50.259 [0X000237E4] ERROR: RML output has been disabled because t
he required events or columns were not captured. Consult the log and help file f
or the recommended set of trace events and necessary columns.

Trace flag -T28 disables the check allowing RML output processing. *** Use with
caution as the output and behavior could be unpredictable.
04/20/15 09:37:50.285 [0X000237E4] Events Read: 1000 Queued: 967 Processed/sec:
04/20/15 09:37:50.355 [0X000237E4] Events Read: 2000 Queued: 1961 Processed/sec:
04/20/15 09:37:50.370 [0X000237E4] Events Read: 3000 Queued: 2955 Processed/sec:
04/20/15 09:37:50.382 [0X000237E4] Events Read: 4000 Queued: 3950 Processed/sec:
04/20/15 09:37:50.396 [0X000237E4] Events Read: 5000 Queued: 4948 Processed/sec:
04/20/15 09:37:50.409 [0X000237E4] Events Read: 6000 Queued: 5942 Processed/sec:
04/20/15 09:37:50.420 [0X000237E4] Events Read: 7000 Queued: 6942 Processed/sec:
04/20/15 09:37:50.431 [0X000237E4] Events Read: 8000 Queued: 7938 Processed/sec:
04/20/15 09:37:50.510 [0X000237E4] Reads completed
04/20/15 09:37:50.511 [0X000237E4] Signaling worker threads to complete final ac
04/20/15 09:37:50.511 [0X000237E4] Waiting for the worker threads to complete fi
nal actions.
04/20/15 09:37:51.871 [0X000237E4] Performing general cleanup actions.
04/20/15 09:37:51.872 [0X000237E4] Reducing cached memory in background
04/20/15 09:37:51.873 [0X000237E4] Total Events Processed: 8411
04/20/15 09:37:51.873 [0X000237E4]  Total Events Filtered: 0
04/20/15 09:37:52.034 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblUniqueBatches: loaded ~150
04/20/15 09:37:52.034 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblUniqueStatements: loaded ~
0 rows
04/20/15 09:37:52.035 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblUniquePlans: loaded ~0 row
04/20/15 09:37:52.036 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblUniquePlanRows: loaded ~0
04/20/15 09:37:52.041 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblBatches: loaded ~8103 rows

04/20/15 09:37:52.042 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblStatements: loaded ~0 rows

04/20/15 09:37:52.042 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblPlans: loaded ~0 rows
04/20/15 09:37:52.043 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblPlanRows: loaded ~0 rows
04/20/15 09:37:52.043 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblInterestingEvents: loaded
~0 rows
04/20/15 09:37:52.049 [0X000237E4] Table ReadTrace.tblConnections: loaded ~74 ro
04/20/15 09:37:52.066 [0X000237E4] WARNING: One or more warning conditions exist
 that may affect the quality of the analysis data.  See MID.ReadTrace.tblWarning
s table and the ReadTrace log for complete details.
04/20/15 09:37:52.069 [0X000237E4] INFO: Cleaning up unique batch hash table
04/20/15 09:37:52.071 [0X000237E4] INFO: Cleaning up unique statement hash table

04/20/15 09:37:52.072 [0X000237E4] INFO: Cleaning up unique plan hash table
04/20/15 09:37:52.073 [0X000237E4] INFO: Cleaning up unique procedure hash table

04/20/15 09:37:52.074 [0X000237E4] Indexing tables...
04/20/15 09:37:54.385 [0X000237E4] Doing post-load data cleanup...
04/20/15 09:37:56.084 [0X000237E4] Computing partial aggregates...
04/20/15 09:37:57.093 [0X000237E4] Building analysis indexes ...
04/20/15 09:37:57.493 [0X000237E4] Data load completed.
04/20/15 09:37:57.494 [0X000237E4] Using execution path: D:\Program Files\Micros
oft Corporation\RMLUtils\
04/20/15 09:37:57.495 [0X000237E4] Launching [D:\Program Files\Microsoft Corpora
04/20/15 09:37:57.561 [0X000237E4] Launch failure exit code: 259
04/20/15 09:37:57.562 [0X000237E4] Attempt to launch Reporter failed.  Check the
 error log and your RML installation.
04/20/15 09:37:57.562 [0X000237E4] *********************************************
* ReadTrace encountered one or more ERRORS. An error condition typically      *
* stops processing early and the ReadTrace output may be unusable.            *
* Review the log file for details.                                            *
04/20/15 09:37:57.563 [0X000237E4] ***** ReadTrace exit code: -23
04/20/15 09:37:57.631 [0X000237E4]
04/20/15 09:37:57.635 [0X000237E4] INFO: Cleaning up unique batch hash table
04/20/15 09:37:57.635 [0X000237E4] INFO: Cleaning up unique statement hash table

04/20/15 09:37:57.635 [0X000237E4] INFO: Cleaning up unique plan hash table
04/20/15 09:37:57.635 [0X000237E4] INFO: Cleaning up unique procedure hash table

04/20/15 09:37:57.637 [0X000237E4] INFO: Cleaning up connection info hash table
[RML] D:\Program Files\Microsoft Corporation\RMLUtils>



STEP6: 本地数据库 MID 中增加了对象
     执行第4步的命令时,会在参数-d配置的 MID数据库中创建一些对象

        NOTE: All command line arguments are case sensitive

-- 输入文件
-I  File name of the first .TRC or .XEL file to process [REQUIRED].  Note:  XEL
processing is 'BETA' and limited.

-- 文件在压缩文件内
-i  If specified, indicates that the .TRC file(s) to process are present inside
a CAB/ZIP/RAR file with this file name

-- 输出文件(要全路径的),默认是当前目录
-o  Full path of directory to place output files [default is current directory]

-S  Name of SQL Server 2005 server to connect to when loading performance analys
is data [default is (local)]

-d  Database to use when loading performance data [default is PerfAnalysis].
    User specified below must have CREATE DATABASE permission (if DB doesn't
    exist) or be part of the db_owner role if the database already exists.

-- 登录数据库服务器为windows授权模式
-E  Connect to SQL using Windows Authentication [default]

-U  Connect to SQL using this user name

-P  Password for the user specified in -U option

-- 禁用执行分析
-a  Disable performance analysis

-f  Do not produce .RML output files for each Session and Request
-Q  Do normalization parse using quoted_identifier OFF symantics.  (Default is O
-r# Read at most this # of files (including the first) [default is all files
    until a break in the rollover file sequence is detected].
-M  Mirror trace events by Session to the specified output directory (All Sessio
    will be output even if Session filter is specified)
-MF Mirror trace events by Session to the specified output directory (Only Sessi
   matching filter parameters will be output)
-MS Mirror trace events to a single .TRC file in the specified output directory.

-M[FS] or -M[SF] Combine mirror filtering with single .TRC file output
    *** NOTE: The mirroring option may be overwritten because the source metadat
a information indicates such a change. ***
-A  'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events with Application Names
-C  'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events with Database Names when possible
-H  'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events with Host Names
-s# 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events from specified Sessions
-X# 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events based on Event Class value
-x# 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events based on SubClass value
-B### Time bias: Adjusts the start and end times, as read by (+-)### minutes.
-b  Provide a designated start time in required format 2000-05-25 11:46:20:060
-e  Provide a designated stop time in required format  2000-05-25 11:46:20:060
-D  Skip date on log file output
-L  Integer value representing the language id
-Y  Optional scratch path used by Expander when handling compressed files.  If y
ou processing lots of files from a nested archive this can increase performance.

-?  Show usage of command line parameters

ReadTrace -Iserver__sp_trace.trc -ic:\temp\traces.cab -oc:\temp\output -f
ReadTrace -I"c:\my traces\80AllEvents.trc" -o"c:\my output"
ReadTrace -Ioutput\SQLSRV1__sp_trace_20.trc -ic:\temp\pssdiag.zip -oc:\temp\brea
kout -f -r2
NOTE: Command line parameters must start with hyphen or slash and must not have
a space between the switch and parameter value.


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