可以使用V$ 来查询,也可以使用X$ 查询。
V$ASM_DISK | X$KFDSK, X$KFKID | performs disk discovery, lists disks and their usage metrics |
V$ASM_DISKGROUP | X$KFGRP | performs disk discovery and lists diskgroups |
V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT | X$KFGRP_STAT | diskgroup stats without disk discovery |
V$ASM_DISK_STAT | X$KFDSK_STAT, X$KFKID | lists disks and their usage metrics |
V$ASM_FILE | X$KFFIL | lists ASM files, including metadata/asmdisk files |
V$ASM_ALIAS | X$KFALS | lists ASM aliases, files and directories |
V$ASM_TEMPLATE | X$KFTMTA | lists the available templates and their properties |
V$ASM_CLIENT | X$KFNCL | lists DB instances connected to ASM |
V$ASM_OPERATION | X$KFGMG,X$KFGBRB(11g) | lists rebalancing operations |
N.A. | X$KFKLIB | available libraries, includes asmlib path |
N.A. | X$KFDPARTNER | lists disk-to-partner relationships |
N.A. | X$KFFXP | extent map table for all ASM files |
N.A. | X$KFDAT | extent list for all ASM disks |
N.A. | X$KFBH | describes the ASM cache (buffer cache of ASM in blocks of 4K (_asm_blksize) |
N.A. | X$KFCCE | a linked list of ASM blocks. to be further investigated |
来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/34596/viewspace-1976214/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。