Oracle 数据库 组件相关说明【第二部分】

5、Oracle Spatial
Oracle Spatial用来存储、管理、查询空间数据。提供了一套 SQL 方案和函数,用来存储、检索、更新和查询数据库中的空间要素集合。
主要由几何数据类型,空间索引机制,一套操作函数,管理工具组成。oracle 支持自定义的数据类型,你能用数组,结构体或带有构造函数,
功能函数的类来定义自己的对象类型。这样的对象类型能用于属性列的数据类型,也能用来创建对象表。而Oracle spatial也正是基于此种特性所研发的一套空间数据处理系统。
Oracle Spatial is designed to make spatial data management easier and more natural to users of location-enabled applications and geographic information system (GIS) applications. 
When spatial data is stored in an Oracle database, it can be easily manipulated, retrieved, and related to all other data stored in the database. 
A common example of spatial data can be seen in a road map. A road map is a two-dimensional object that contains points, lines, and polygons that can represent cities, 
roads, and political boundaries such as states or provinces. A road map is a visualization of geographic information. The location of cities, roads, 
and political boundaries that exist on the surface of the Earth are projected onto a two-dimensional display or piece of paper, 
preserving the relative positions and relative distances of the rendered objects. 
MDSYS/MDSYS The Oracle Spatial and Oracle interMedia Locator administrator account 
MDDATA/MDDATA The schema used by Oracle Spatial for storing Geocoder and router data 
How to Install and De-Install: 
Note 179472.1 Steps for Manual De-installation of Oracle Spatial 
Note.270588.1 Steps for Manual Installation / Verification of Spatial 10g / 11g 
Note.220484.1 Steps for Manual Installation of Oracle 9i Spatial 
Note.102313.1 What is Oracle Spatial? A Technical User Introduction 
Note.273573.1 Removed Spatial Option But Spatial Still Appears In V$Option
Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference, 10g Release 2 (10.2)

6、Oracle InterMedia/(Oracle Multimedia in 11gR1 and 11gR2)
Oracle Multimedia 将多媒体数据与 Oracle Database 中存储的企业信息相集成。可以采用与标准关系数据相同的方式通过 SQL、PL/SQL 和 Java 存储、管理和检索多媒体数据。
这样便可运用现有技能快速开发和维护多媒体应用。凭借高性能存储和检索、内置多媒体功能、安全性和高可用性,Oracle Multimedia 支持在影像存档、
医学影像应用和和其他媒体相关应用中结合使用关系和多媒体数据集。Oracle Multimedia 支持各种不同的数据格式,包括全面支持医学影像 (DICOM)。
Oracle interMedia ("interMedia") is a feature that enables Oracle Database to store, manage, and retrieve images, audio, video, or other heterogeneous media 
data in an integrated fashion with other enterprise information. Oracle interMedia extends Oracle Database reliability, availability, and data management 
to multimedia content in traditional, Internet, electronic commerce, and media-rich applications.
In Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) and Release 2 (11.2), the name Oracle interMedia has been changed to Oracle Multimedia.
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA : 10g onwards.
The Oracle interMedia user. Plugins supplied by Oracle and third party format 
plugins are installed in this schema.
How to Install and De-Install: 
Note.337415.1 Where to Find the Information to Install, Upgrade, Downgrade and Deinstall interMedia/Oracle Multimedia? 
Note.220018.1  Frequently Asked Questions for Oracle interMedia 
Note.458123.1 Script To Check If interMedia Is Being Used In Oracle Version 10.2 
Note.458141.1 Script To Check If interMedia Is Being Used In Oracle Version 9.2 
Note.458140.1 Script To Check If interMedia Is Being Used In Oracle Version 10.1 
Note 221337.1 How to check if Intermedia Audio/Image/Video is Installed Correctly?
Oracle? interMedia User's Guide, 10g Release 2 (10.2)

7、Oracle XML Database
Oracle XML DB 全面支持所有关键的 XML 标准,包括 XML、Namespaces、DOM、XQuery、SQL/XML 和 XSLT。由于全面支持各种 XML 标准,因此 Oracle XML DB 支持原生 XML 应用开发。
应用开发人员可以采用以 XML 为中心的技术来存储、管理、组织和操作数据库中存储的 XML 内容。此外,Oracle XML DB 还支持 SQL/XML 标准,后者允许使用以 SQL 为中心的开发技术
将 Oracle Database 12c 第 2 版中存储的关系数据直接发布为 XML。使用 Oracle XML DB,可以获得关系数据库技术的所有优势和 W3C XML 标准的所有优势。
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a tag-based markup language that lets developers create their own tags to describe data that's exchanged between applications and systems. 
XML is widely adopted as the common language of information exchange between companies. It is human-readable; that is, it is plain text. Because it is plain text, 
XML documents and XML-based messages can be sent easily using common protocols, such as HTTP or FTP.
Oracle XML DB treats XML as a native datatype in the database. Oracle XML DB is not a separate server. The XML data model encompasses both unstructured content and structured data. 
Applications can use standard SQL and XML operators to generate complex XML documents from SQL queries and to store XML documents.
Oracle XML DB provides capabilities for both content-oriented and data-oriented access. For developers who see XML as documents (news stories, articles, and so on), 
Oracle XML DB provides an XML repository accessible from standard protocols and SQL.
The Oracle XML developer's kits (XDK) contain the basic building blocks for reading, manipulating, transforming, and viewing XML documents, 
whether on a file system or stored in a database. They are available for Java, C, and C++. Unlike many shareware and trial XML components, 
the production Oracle XDKs are fully supported and come with a commercial redistribution license.
XDB: Stores XML database related schema objects.
How to Install and De-Install: 
Note.243553.1 Considerations Patching a DB with the XML Database (XDB) option
Note.1292089.1 Master Note for Oracle XML Database (XDB) Install / Deinstall 
Note.416132.1 XML Database FAQ administer Oracle 
Note.733667.1 11g: How to Determine if XDB is Being Used in the Database?
Overview of XML in Oracle

8、Oracle Text
Oracle text译为全文检索技术,是智能信息管理的关键技术之一,Oracle Text作为Oracle9i的一个组件,提供了强大的全文检索功能,用Oracle9i做后台数据库,
就可以充分利用其全文检索技术,构建复杂的大型文档管理系统。本文主要介绍了Oracle Text的体系结构及其使用。
Oracle Text indexes any document or textual content to add fast, accurate retrieval of information to internet content management applications, 
e-Business catalogs, news services, job postings, and so on. It can index content stored in file systems, databases, or on the Web.
Oracle Text allows text searches to be combined with regular database searches in a single SQL statement. It can find documents based on their textual content, 
metadata, or attributes. The Oracle Text SQL API makes it simple and intuitive to create and maintain Text indexes and run Text searches. 
CTXSYS/CTXSYS The Oracle Text account
How to Install and De-Install: 
Note 579601.1 Manual installation, deinstallation and verification of Oracle Text 11gR1
Note.970473.1 Manual installation, deinstallation and verification of Oracle Text 11gR2
Note.280713.1 Manual installation, deinstallation of Oracle Text 10gR1 
Note 979705.1 Manual Installation, Deinstallation of Oracle Text 10gR2
Note.275689.1 Manual installation, deinstallation of Oracle Text 9.2.0.x 
Note.150316.1 Manual installation of Oracle Text version 9.0.1 
Note.73605.1 Installation of Oracle Text version 8.1.x (formally interMedia Text) 
Note.177233.1 Manual deinstallation of Oracle Text (Intermedia Text) 
Note.159959.1 How to Install Oracle Text 9.0.1 using Scripts
Note.153264.1 Frequently Asked Questions for Oracle Text
Oracle? Text Application Developer's Guide, 10g Release 2 (10.2) 

9、Oracle Rule Manager and Oracle Expression Filter
可从 Complex Event Processing (CEP) 受益的应用程序包括:欺诈、合规性、风险管理、交叉销售、EPC/RFID、CRM、资产跟踪以及语义 Web 域节点通信。
Rules Manager 是 Oracle Database 为应用程序开发人员提供的一个 CEP 特性:
支持各种事件源将 CEP 添加到现有应用程序
可以按照任何顺序、在任何时间段编排事件的任意复杂度的 CEP
使用事件-条件-操作 (ECA) 规则在 Oracle Database 中实现声明式的动态事件模式,包括索引、强大的事件关系、在丰富的数据类型建立条件以及高效访问数 TB 的参考数据。
在 Oracle Database 和/或应用程序中启用规则操作
新 Rules Manager 实用程序现已提供下载。它可以简化在 Oracle Database 中创建 CEP 应用程序的过程。定义描述复杂事件模式的事件结构、规则类和 ECA 规则。
Oracle Expression Filter是 Oracle Database 的一个特性,允许应用程序开发人员将条件表达式作为另一种数据进行存储、索引和求值。条件表达式可用于描述对期望的数据的兴趣。
The 10i new feature allows you to store conditional expressions as data in the database. The Expression Filter provides a mechanism that you use to 
place a constraint on a VARCHAR2 column to ensure that the values stored are valid SQL WHERE clause expressions. The mechanism also identifies the 
set of attributes that can be referenced in the conditional expressions. 
Oracle Expression Filter, a feature of Oracle Database 10g, is a component of Rules Manager that allows application developers to store, index, 
and evaluate conditional expressions (expressions) in one or more columns of a relational table. Expressions are a useful way to describe interests in expected data. 
Expression Filter matches incoming data with expressions stored in a column to identify rows of interest. It can also derive complex relationships 
by matching data in one table with expressions in a second table. Expression Filter simplifies SQL queries; allows expressions to be inserted, 
updated, and deleted without changing the application; and enables reuse of conditional expressions in rules by separating them from the 
application and storing them in the database. Applications involving information distribution, demand analysis, and task assignment can benefit from Expression Filter. 
The Rules Manager and Expression Filter features are the same in the Standard and Enterprise Editions. 
Support for indexing expressions is available only in the Enterprise Edition because it requires bitmap index support. 
Each is supplied as a set of PL/SQL packages, a Java package, a set of dictionary tables, and catalog 
views. All these objects are created in a dedicated schema named EXFSYS. 
How to Install and De-Install: 
Note 258618.1 - How To Install and Uninstall Expression Filter Feature or EXFSYS schema
Installing Rules Manager and Expression Filter 11gR2
Uninstalling Expression Filter implicitly uninstalls Rules Manager.
During installation of Oracle Database, a demonstration script is installed for both the Rules Manager and 
Expression Filter features. The scripts ruldemo.sql (Rules Manager demo) and exfdemo.sql (Expression Filter demo) are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/ directory. 
Oracle Expression Filter Concepts 10gR2

10、Oracle Workspace Manager
Oracle Workspace Manager 是 Oracle9i 的一个新特性,它使应用程序不必对应用程序的 SQL (DML)进行任何更改,便可将相关内容透明安全地保存在适当位置,而且允许同时对同一生产数据进行读写访问。
Oracle Workspace Manager, is a new feature of Oracle9i that transparently and securely versions relational content in place with no changes to application SQL (DML), 
while permitting simultaneous read and write access to the same production data. Workspace Manager also supports Oracle8i, and Oracle Spatial, and is supported by Oracle9i Enterprise Manager. 
WMSYS: It stores data dictionary for Oracle Workspace Manager
How to Install and De-Install: 
Note.263428.1 How to De-install Oracle Workspace Manager 
Note.341353.1 Why does the Workspace Manager version differ from the current RDBMS patchset version 
How to install Workspace Manager with Custom Databases 11gR1
Installing Workspace Manager with Custom Databases 11gR2
Note.156963.1 Frequently Asked Questions for Oracle Workspace Manager 
Oracle? Database Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager, 10g Release 2 (10.2)

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