oracle 11g ocp new feature 1z0-050

Autotask Background Process (ABP)  A new Oracle background process
that converts the automated scheduled tasks into Scheduler jobs.
ABP See Autotask Background Process.
accepted plans  An accepted plan is a plan that is verified not to cause a
performance regression. All accepted plans are integrated into the SQL plan
baseline for a SQL statement.
access control list (ACL)  A group of directives that you define to grant
appropriate levels of access to specific data for specific clients or groups of clients
when they access the database through the network.
ACL  See access control list.
active database duplication  A database duplication process wherein you
transfer files over the network instead of restoring backups of the target database.
adaptive cursor sharing  A new type of cursor sharing that allows for
intelligent cursor sharing only for statements that use bind variables; offers a
compromise between traditional cursor sharing and optimization.

adaptive metric thresholds  The adaptive metric thresholds feature enables
the selection of better alert thresholds for database performance metrics and uses the
AWR baselines as the source for metric statistics.
ADDM See Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM).
ADR base  The ADR base is the ADR root directory. You set its location with
thediagnostic_dest initialization parameter.
ADR Command Interpreter  The ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) is
a command lineCbased tool that enables you to investigate database incidents and
problems, view the database alert log and health check reports, and package and
upload diagnostic data to Oracle Support.
ADR Home  An ADR home is the root directory for all diagnostic data for
a particular instance of an Oracle product or component, such as a database, for
example. With an ADR base, there can be multiple ADR homes.
ADR See Automatic Diagnostic Repository.
ADRCI See ADR Command Interpreter.
allocation unit  An allocation unit is the basic unit of allocation in an ASM disk
group. An ASM file consists of one or more file extents with each extent consisting
of one or more AUs.
AMBR See ASM metadata backup and restore.
ASM metadata backup and restore  Consists of the md_backup command,
which enables you to back up the metadata for ASM disk groups and the md_restore
command, which helps you restore a disk group backup.
ASM disk group compatibility  ASM disk group compatibility, indicated by
the value of the compatible.asm attribute, determines the minimum software
version required to use the disk group for ASM.
ASM Fast Mirror Resync  This new ASM feature reduces the time to
synchronize a failed disk by letting ASM quickly resynchronize the ASM disk  extents.

ASM Preferred Mirrored Read  Under this feature, ASM reads from the
closest extent (local copy), rather than always reading the primary copy. You can
specify a list of failure group names by setting the asm_preferred_read_
failure_groups initialization parameter.
ASMCMD An ASM command-line utility to view and manage files and
directories within ASM disk groups.
AU  See allocation unit.
Automatic Database Diagnostic monitor (ADDM)  A tool to diagnose
Oracle database performance; offers solutions to problems it identifies. It runs
automatically after each AWR statistics capture.
automatic diagnostic repository (ADR)  A new repository for system-wide
tracing and error logging. The repository is file-based and is used to store diagnostic
information of all types, including alert log files.
automatic memory management  This is a new method of memory
management that lets the database automatically manage and tune the memory
allocated to the Oracle instance, including the SGA and the PGA components.
automatic plan capture  The setup where the database automatically creates
and maintains the plan history for SQL statements.
automatic secure configuration  When creating a new database with the
DBCA, the new automatic secure configuration feature lets you enable secure
configuration settings by default. These settings include the password-specific
settings in the default profile and auditing for specific database events such as
connecting to the database.
Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor  This is an advisor that runs nightly during
the default maintenance window, automatically invoking the SQL Tuning Advisor
on selected high-load SQL statements captured by the AWR.

Automatic Storage Management (ASM)  Vertically integrates the file
system and the volume manager, especially for Oracle database files; uses striping
and mirroring capabilities to optimize performance.

AWR baselines  These are baselines that let you accurately compare database
performance by letting you mark a representative time as the base against which
you can compare performance during other periods in the future.
base recovery catalog  The base or central recovery catalog is the actual
recovery catalog, based on which you can create a virtual recovery catalog.
basicfile This refers to the original LOB implementation, which is supplemented
by the SecureFiles implementation in Oracle Database 11g.
bind-aware  A cursor in the cursor cache that the database has marked to use
bind-aware cursor sharing is called bind-aware.
bind peeking  The process where the query optimizer looks at the values of the
user-defined bind variables when the database invokes a cursor for the first time.
bind-sensitive  A query for which a change in a bind variable value may lead
to a different execution plan is called bind-sensitive.
capture files  Platform-independent transportable binary files in which the
database tracks and stores all external client requests when using the Database
Replay feature.
checker  See Health Monitor checks.
checks See Health Monitor checks.
client_query result cache  The client query result cache (also called the OCI
result cache) is separate from the server-side result cache and stores OCI application
results that are shared across all sessions.
connect_time_scale This parameter scales the elapsed time from the time the

workload capture started to when the session connects with the specified value.
control_management_pack_access  This initialization parameter
specifies which of the Server Manageability Packs should be active. There are two
management packs: the diagnostic pack and the tuning pack.

custom packaging  A manual incident packaging method that involves more
steps than the Quick Packaging method. Custom packaging offers more control over
the packaging process, by enabling you to add or remove problems or incidents, trace
files, and additional diagnostic data.
Data Recovery Advisor  A new automated data repair tool designed to reduce
the mean time to recover from failures. It automatically diagnoses data failures,
presents a report of the repair options, and, optionally, executes those repairs.
database ADDM  In this mode, ADDM analyzes all instances of the databases in
a cluster.
Database Replay Is  A new change management tool that enables you to
realistically test the effect of system changes on database workload. You capture the
production workload and replay it on a test system, the simulation helping you assess
the impact of the system change on performance.
db_securefile This initialization parameter specifies whether the database will
treat a LOB file as the new SecureFile or a traditional BasicFile LOB.
db_ultra_safe  This new initialization parameter sets the default values for the
initialization parameters that control protection levels (db_block_checking,
db_block_checksum, and db_lost_write_protect).
DBMS_SQLPA  This new Oracle-supplied PL/SQL package provides procedures
and functions to use the SQL Performance Analyzer feature. The interface lets you
compare and analyze the workload between two versions and isolate SQL statements
whose performance is affected by making system changes.
ddl_lock_timeout  This initialization parameter specifies the time limit for

which a DDL statement will wait to acquire a DML lock.
diagnostic_dest  This initialization parameter specifies the directory where the
diagnostic information for an instance of an Oracle product is stored.
evolving SQL plan baselines  In this phase, the database evaluates the
performance of new plans and adds plans with better performance into the SQL
plan baseline for a SQL statement.

expression statistics  Statistics on an expression on a column, valuable to
gather so the cost optimizer will have a better selectivity value.
extended statistics  Statistics on a group of columns (multicolumn statistics)
or an expression on a column (expression statistics).
fixed SQL plan baselines  A SQL plan baseline that contains at least one
enabled plan whose fixed attribute is set to Yes.
flashback data archive  A flashback data archive is a historical repository of the
changes made to every row in a table for the duration of the rows lifetime
flashback transaction backout  A feature that lets you selectively remove the
effect of individual transactions.
forced dropping of diskgroups  You can drop disk groups that you are unable
to mount by specifying the force option of the drop diskgroup command.
health check  See Health Monitor checks.
Health Monitor  A new framework for running diagnostic checks on the
Health Monitor checks  Health Monitor checks, also known as checkers or
health checks, detect various types of database corruption and generate reports
of findings as well as recommendations for resolving the problems causing the
corruption. The database can run reactive checks automatically in response to a
critical error or you can manually invoke a health check anytime.
I/O calibration  The I/O calibration feature in Oracle Database 11g enables you
to assess the I/O performance of the storage subsystem and determine whether the
problem lies in the storage subsystem or the database.
importing recovery catalogs  You can use the import catalog command to
import one recovery catalogs metadata into a different recovery catalog schema,
thus allowing you to maintain a single recovery catalog schema for all databases.

incident flood control  A strategy to avoid overloading the ADR with
diagnostic data in the ADR for a single problem. After a problem is logged a certain
predetermined number of times, the database applies a flood control mechanism. A
flood controlled incident is an incident that is recorded in the alert logs, without
generating new incident dumps in the ADR.
incident package  A collection of metadata pertaining to diagnostic data files
both within and outside the ADR. After you create a package, you add one or more
problems to it and the Support Workbench will automatically add the incident
information and diagnostic data associated to the selected problems to the package.
Only the first three and the last three incidents for each problem are added to a
Incident Packaging Service  A facility that automatically identifies all the
required diagnostic files and adds them to an incident package. You can use the
service to edit and modify the package and transmit the Zip file to Oracle Support.
incidents An incident is a single occurrence of a database problem. The database
creates an incident for each occurrence of a problem.
incremental statistics  A term used for a statistics collection strategy to save
time when collecting statistics for large partitioned tables. If you set the incremental
value for a partitioned table to TRUE and gather statistics for that table with the
granularity set to auto, Oracle will gather statistics only on the new partition added
since the last time statistics were collected for the table. Oracle updates the global
table statistics with the statistics it collects for the new partition, thus saving time.
instance ADDM  In this mode, ADDM analyzes only a particular instance in a
interval partitioning  An extension of range partitioning, which tells the
database to automatically create partitions of a specified interval when new data that
is inserted into the table exceeds all the range partitions.

invisible index  An invisible index cant be used by the cost optimizer, although
the database maintains it during all DML operations like a regular index.

IOPS I/O per second.
IPS See Incident Packaging Service.
large objects  Large objects (LOBs) are designed for storing data that is large i
size and includes the following SQL data types: BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, and BFIL
latency Describes the delay or the time it takes for a response.
ldap_directory_sysauth  Enables or disables directory-based authorization for
the SYSDBA and SYOPER privileges.
lightweight job  An easy-to-create type of Scheduler job that is based on a job
template that is the source of the privileges and the job metadata.
LOB See large objects.
lsdsk Command to list disks visible to ASM. Uses the V$ASM_DISK_STAT a
the V$ASM_DISK views.
MBPS Megabytes of I/O per second.
md_backup Creates a backup file (named ambr_backup_intermediate_file)
containing metadata for one or more ASM disk groups.
md_restore  Restores an ASM disk group backup.
memory_max_target This initialization parameter provides the maximum
value to which you can set the memory_target initialization parameter.
memory_target  This initialization parameter is used to specify the memory
allocated to the Oracle instance when you use automatic memory management to

automatically manage the SGA and the PGA components of memory.
merging recovery catalogs  You can use the import catalog command to
merge one catalog schema into another. You can merge a complete recovery catalog
schema or just the metadata for specified databases.

mixed workload resource plan  A predefined Oracle Scheduler resource plan
that gives priority to interactive operations over batch operations.
moving window baselines  A moving window baseline corresponds to the
entire set of AWR data covering the AWR retention period, which is eight days
by default. A moving window baseline is particularly helpful when youre using
adaptive thresholds. The database automatically maintains a system-defined moving
window baseline with a default window size of eight days.
multicolumn statistics  Gathering statistics on a group of columns within a
table to provide better selectivity value for the column group instead of generating
selectivity values based on individual columns statistics.
multisection backups  An RMAN backup set in which each backup piece
contains a section of the file that is being backed up. You create a multisection
backup by specifying the section size parameter in the backup command.
Opatch A platform-independent utility that helps you apply a patch, which is a
small collection of files, the application of which results in an upgrade to the version
of a product.
optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines  This initialization parameter enables
and disables the generation of SQL plan baselines for repeatable SQL statements.
optimizer_use_invisible_indexes  This initialization parameter enables and
disables the use of invisible indexes.
optimizer_use_sql_baselines  This initialization parameter enables or disables
the use of the SQL plan baselines stored by the database in the SQL Management

Base, when it compiles a SQL statement.
Oracle Direct NFS  You can use the Oracle internal Direct NFS client to take
advantage of a network-attached storage (NAS) system.
Oracle wallet  A container that stores public key security credentials and can be
read by the Oracle Database, Oracle Application Server 10g, and the Oracle Identity
Management infrastructure.

OSASM This is an optional operating system group, which you create if you want
to grant the SYSASM system privilege.
partial ADDM  In this mode, ADDM analyzes a subset of the instances in a cluster.
partition exchange loading  A technique to improve performance when
loading or purging data in a database.
pending statistics  Statistics that are not published for use by the optimizer. You
can publish the statistics after a satisfactory test.
PL/SQL Function Result  This cache stores the results of PL/SQL functions in
the SGA and makes them available to all sessions that use your application.
PL/SQL Native Compilation  Under PL/SQL native compilation, PL/SQL
code units are compiled into native code and stored in the SYSTEM tablespace.
The code runs faster than the traditional execution that consists of compiling into an
intermediate machine readable code first and then interpreting it at runtime. You use
theplsql_code_type initialization parameter to specify whether PL/SQL code is
natively compiled or interpreted.
Problems  A problem is a critical error in the database such as an ORA-00600 or
ORA-07445 error.
quick packaging  The simplest and fastest way to create an incident package;
uses a minimum number of steps. You cant add, edit, or remove package files and
other diagnostic data.
RDBMS compatibility  This is shown by the value of the disk group
compatible.rdbms attribute; determines the minimum compatible database
initialization parameter setting for a database instance that uses the disk group.
read-only table  You can use the alter table statement to make a table
read-only even for the owner of the table.

Real Application Testing  This is a feature that helps you test the effect of
system changes on applications before deploying the changes in production. Oracle
Real Application Testing consists of the Database Replay and the SQL Performance
Analyzer features.

reference partitioning  A method of partitioning where the partitioning key is
resolved through an existing parent-child relationship between two tables, with the
relationship enforced by active primary key or foreign key constraints.
remap  An ASM command that repairs a range of physical blocks on a disk that
have read I/O errors.
remapping connections  The process of using the connection strings used to
connect to the production system to connect to the replay system during a database
workload replay.
remote external jobs  A remote external job that runs on a different server
from the server on which the Oracle database that scheduled the job runs.
repeating baseline  A baseline that repeats during a specific time interval over a
specific period.
replay client  The replay client, represented by the wrcexecutable, is a program
used by Database Replay to submit a workload from a captured session.
restricted mount mode in ASM  You can use the startup restrict
command to restrict access to an ASM instance while you perform. maintenance
chores. Databases cant connect to the ASM instance because all ASM diskgroups
are mounted in the restricted mode.
result cache  The result cache is a part of the SGA memory that is used to cache
the results of queries. The result cache consists of the SQL result cache and the
PL/SQL function result cache.
result_cache hint  This parameter determines if the SQL query results will be
cached. If you set the value to force, the database will cache all results if possible.
If you set it to manual, you must specify the result_cache hint in order for a
particular result to use the result cache.

result_cache_max_result This initialization parameter specifies the percentage
of the result_cache_max_size parameter that a single result can use.
result_cache_mode  This initialization parameter specifies under what conditions
the database splices the ResultCache operator into a querys execution plan

ResultCache operator  The database inserts the ResultCache operator
into the execution plan for a SQL statement when the statement contains the
result_cache hint.
Scheduler agent  A Scheduler agent runs on a remote host and communicates
with the Oracle database on a different host that originates a remote external job.
The agent is responsible for starting the remote jobs and returning the execution
results to the originating database.
sec_case_sensitive_logon  This initialization parameter lets you enable or
disable password case sensitivity.
sec_max_failed_login_attempts  This initialization parameter specifies the
maximum number of authentication attempts a client can make when connecting to
a server before the connection is automatically dropped.
SecureFiles  A new paradigm for LOBs designed to supplement the original LOB
single baseline  A single baseline is captured at a single fixed-time interval.
SMB See SQL Management Base.
snapshot standby database  A snapshot standby database is a fully updateable
standby database. You can apply the redo data from the primary database to convert
the snapshot standby database into a physical standby database, thus providing
you with disaster recovery and data protection benefits just as a physical standby
database does.
SQL Access Advisor  The SQL Access Advisor is a tool that helps you improve
performance by recommending the creation of materialized views, table partitions,
and indexes for a database workload.

SQL Management Base  Located in the SYSAUX tablespace, this is a
repository for statement logs, SQL plan histories, SQL profiles, and SQL plan
baselines. The database adds plans automatically to the SMB, which you can also do
SQL Performance Analyzer  Helps you automate the testing of the effects of
changes in the SQL workload on database performance. SQL Performance Analyzers

goal is to efficiently find out if SQL changes would lead to an improvement. SQL
Performance Analyzer also provides tuning recommendations for SQL statements
whose performance regresses following the changes.

SQL plan baseline  The set of all accepted plans in the plan history is the SQL
plan baseline for a SQL statement.
SQL Plan Management  SQL Plan Management is a preventative mechanism
designed to prevent performance regressions resulting from changes in the execution
plans of SQL statements. It uses SQL baselines, composed of known efficient
execution plans to preserve the performance of SQL statements in the face of system
SQL profile  A SQL profile is additional information beyond the usual statistics
that helps the query optimizer create an optimal execution plan for a SQL statement.
SQL Query Result Cache  A part of the result cache where the database
caches the results of queries and query fragments.
SQL Repair Advisor  The SQL Repair Advisor analyzes a SQL statement that
fails with a critical error and in many cases recommends a patch as a workaround for
the failed statement. Applying the patch leads the optimizer to choose a different
explain plan for future executions of the statement.
SQL Test Case Builder  The SQL Test Case Builder collects and packages all
information necessary to reproduce a problem.
SQL Tuning Set  A SQL Tuning Set (STS) is a database object that includes one
or more SQL statements along with their execution statistics and execution context.
STS See SQL Tuning Set.
support workbench  The Support Workbench (formal name: Enterprise
Manager Support Workbench) is a GUI tool that helps you investigate, report,
and even repair some problems. You can save time in resolving problems by using
the tool to gather diagnostic data and easily uploading diagnostic data to Oracle

Support. You can view diagnostic information, run health checks, and package
incident data with the help of the Support Workbench.

SYSASM  A new system privilege designed to separate the database
administration tasks from ASM administration tasks.
system partitioning  Enables application-controlled data partitioning. The
database merely provides the ability to break up the table into meaningless partitions,
without using any partitioning key. The application controls all aspects of partitioning.
table compression  Table compression compresses data in a table by eliminating
duplicate values in a database block. Oracle supports all DML operations such as
insert, update, and delete on compressed tables in Oracle Database 11g, thus making
compression viable for both OLTP and data warehousing applications.
tablespace encryption  Enables you to encrypt an entire tablespace to secure
all the data stored in a tablespace.
think_time_auto_correct This parameter corrects the think time between
calls. The value is based on the value of the think_time_scale parameter.
think_time_scale This parameter scales the elapsed time between two
successive user calls from the same session.
throughput  A measure of the amount of data transferred in a specific amount of
time, which is usually expressed as bits per second (bps).
transition point  In an interval partitioning, the range partitioning key value
determines the high value of the range partitions and is called the transition point
because the database creates interval partitioning beyond this point.

virtual column partitioning  A partitioning method that uses partitioning key
columns defined on virtual columns of a table.
virtual private catalog  A virtual private catalog is a subset of the metadata in
the base or central recovery catalog to which you grant access to a user, called the
virtual catalog owner.
workload filters  You use these filters in Database Replay to specify that only
a subset of the database workload should be captured or that certain session types
should be ignored when capturing the workload.
wrc  Seereplay client.

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