

DB2 Universal Database Version 9.7, 5622-044 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2008
Windows XP

session 1(db2cmd):
db2 "values application_id()"

session 2(db2cmd db2 -t):
select agent_id,appl_id from sysibmadm.applications where appl_id='*LOCAL.DB2.110909055532';
AGENT_ID                  APPL_ID
     481  *LOCAL.DB2.110909055532

select lpad(lock_object_type,12)||'|'||
         lpad(row_number() over(partition by lock_mode),3) ||'|'||
         lpad(nvl(tabname,' '),12)||'|'|| 
from sysibmadm.locks_held where agent_id=481
order by lock_object_type;

db2 => describe table employee
                                数据类型                      列
列名                             模式       数据类型名称      长     小数位 NULL
------------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
EMPNO                           SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    6     0否
FIRSTNME                        SYSIBM    VARCHAR                     12     0否
MIDINIT                         SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0是
LASTNAME                        SYSIBM    VARCHAR                     15     0否
WORKDEPT                        SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    3     0是
PHONENO                         SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    4     0是
HIREDATE                        SYSIBM    DATE                         4     0是
JOB                             SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    8     0是
EDLEVEL                         SYSIBM    SMALLINT                     2     0否
SEX                             SYSIBM    CHARACTER                    1     0是
BIRTHDATE                       SYSIBM    DATE                         4     0是
SALARY                          SYSIBM    DECIMAL                      9     2是
BONUS                           SYSIBM    DECIMAL                      9     2是
COMM                            SYSIBM    DECIMAL                      9     2是

db2 => select count(*) from employee

db2 => select indname,index_objectid,tbspaceid from syscat.indexes where tabname
PK_EMPLOYEE                 6           2
XEMP2                       6           2

db2 => select indname,colname,colseq from syscat.indexcoluse where indname='PK_E
MPLOYEE' order by colseq
PK_EMPLOYEE     EMPNO          1

db2 => select indname,colname,colseq from syscat.indexcoluse where indname='XEMP2' order by colseq
XEMP2        WORKDEPT          1

2,select for read only 操作:
2.1 job列没有索引
2.1.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with ur
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

2.1.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with cs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

2.1.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with rs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

2.1.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with rr
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
  TABLE_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  2|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with rr" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  #Columns = 2
|  May participate in Scan Sharing structures
|  Fast scan, for purposes of scan sharing management
|  Scan can be throttled in scan sharing management
|  Relation Scan
|  |  Prefetch: Eligible
|  Isolation Level: Repeatable Read   --RR
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Share                --table,share
|  |  Row  : None
|  Sargable Predicate(s)
|  |  #Predicates = 1
|  |  Return Data to Application
|  |  |  #Columns = 3
Return Data Completion
End of section

2.2 with index on job
db2 create index job on mahong.employee(job)
db2 runstats on table mahong.employee and indexes all

2.2.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with ur
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

2.2.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with cs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

db2 +c declare c1 cursor for select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with cs
db2 +c open c1
INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  2|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
INTERNALV_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x03000000010000000100401256|            |  0|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

db2 +c fetch c1
D:\>db2 +c fetch c1

------ -------- ---------

  0 条记录已选择。


2.2.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with rs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with rs" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 2
|  Skip Inserted Rows
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Isolation Level: Read Stability   --RS
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Share            --table,IS
|  |  Row  : Next Key Share          --row,NS
|  Sargable Predicate(s)
|  |  Return Data to Application
|  |  |  #Columns = 3
Return Data Completion
End of section

db2 +c declare c1 cursor for select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with rs
db2 +c open c1
INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  2|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
INTERNALV_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x03000000010000000100007D56|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

db2 +c fetch c1
D:\>db2 +c fetch c1

------ -------- ---------

  0 条记录已选择。

2.2.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with rr
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT| 10|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  1|0x02000600100000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  2|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  3|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  4|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  5|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  6|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  7|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  8|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  9|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with rr" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 2
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value   --index
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Isolation Level: Repeatable Read  --RR
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Share            --table,IS
|  |  Row  : Share                   --row,S
|  Sargable Predicate(s)
|  |  Return Data to Application
|  |  |  #Columns = 3
Return Data Completion
End of section

db2 +c declare c1 cursor for select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for read only with rr
db2 +c open c1
INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT| 11|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
INTERNALV_LO|     S|GRNT| 10|0x02000000010000000100A00956|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  1|0x02000600100000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  2|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  3|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  4|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  5|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  6|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  7|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  8|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  9|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

db2 +c fetch c1
D:\>db2 +c fetch c1

------ -------- ---------

  0 条记录已选择。

3,select 操作,与2完全相同:
3.1 job列没有索引
3.1.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with ur
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

3.1.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with cs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

3.1.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with rs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

3.1.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with rr
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
  TABLE_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  2|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with rr" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  #Columns = 2
|  May participate in Scan Sharing structures
|  Fast scan, for purposes of scan sharing management
|  Scan can be throttled in scan sharing management
|  Relation Scan
|  |  Prefetch: Eligible
|  Isolation Level: Repeatable Read   --RR
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Share                --table,share
|  |  Row  : None
|  Sargable Predicate(s)
|  |  #Predicates = 1
|  |  Return Data to Application
|  |  |  #Columns = 3
Return Data Completion
End of section

3.2 with index on job
db2 create index job on mahong.employee(job)
db2 runstats on table mahong.employee and indexes all

3.2.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with ur
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

3.2.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with cs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

db2 +c declare c1 cursor for select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with cs
db2 +c open c1
INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  2|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
INTERNALV_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x03000000010000000100401256|            |  0|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

db2 +c fetch c1
D:\>db2 +c fetch c1

------ -------- ---------

  0 条记录已选择。

3.2.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with rs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with rs" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 2
|  Skip Inserted Rows
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Isolation Level: Read Stability   --RS
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Share            --table,IS
|  |  Row  : Next Key Share          --row,NS
|  Sargable Predicate(s)
|  |  Return Data to Application
|  |  |  #Columns = 3
Return Data Completion
End of section

db2 +c declare c1 cursor for select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with rs
db2 +c open c1
INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  2|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
INTERNALV_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x03000000010000000100606156|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|    NS|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

db2 +c fetch c1
D:\>db2 +c fetch c1

------ -------- ---------

  0 条记录已选择。


3.2.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with rr
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT| 10|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  1|0x02000600100000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  2|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  3|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  4|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  5|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  6|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  7|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  8|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  9|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with rr" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 2
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value   --index
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Isolation Level: Repeatable Read  --RR
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Share            --table,IS
|  |  Row  : Share                   --row,S
|  Sargable Predicate(s)
|  |  Return Data to Application
|  |  |  #Columns = 3
Return Data Completion
End of section

db2 +c declare c1 cursor for select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' with rr
db2 +c open c1
INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT| 11|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
INTERNALV_LO|     S|GRNT| 10|0x03000000010000000100C01556|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  1|0x02000600100000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  2|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  3|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  4|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  5|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  6|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  7|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  8|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  9|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

db2 +c fetch c1
D:\>db2 +c fetch c1

------ -------- ---------

  0 条记录已选择。

4,select for update操作:
4.1 job列没有索引
4.1.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with ur
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

4.1.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with cs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

4.1.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with rs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

4.1.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with rr
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
  TABLE_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with rr" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  #Columns = 2
|  Relation Scan
|  |  Prefetch: Eligible
|  Isolation Level: Repeatable Read
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Update
|  |  Row  : None
|  Sargable Predicate(s)
|  |  #Predicates = 1
Return Data to Application
|  #Columns = 3
End of section

4.2 with index on job
db2 create index job on mahong.employee(job)
db2 runstats on table mahong.employee and indexes all

4.2.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with ur
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

4.2.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with cs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0

4.2.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with rs
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with rs" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 2
|  Skip Inserted Rows
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Isolation Level: Read Stability
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Exclusive
|  |  Row  : Update
Return Data to Application
|  #Columns = 3
End of section

4.2.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with rr
------ -------- -----------
000120 CLERK       49250.00
000230 CLERK       42180.00
000240 CLERK       48760.00
000250 CLERK       49180.00
000260 CLERK       47250.00
000270 CLERK       37380.00
200120 CLERK       39250.00
200240 CLERK       37760.00
  8 条记录已选择。

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT| 10|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  1|0x02000600100000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  2|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  3|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  4|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  5|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  6|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  7|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  8|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  9|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "select empno,job,salary from employee where job='CLERK' for update with rr" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 2
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Isolation Level: Repeatable Read
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Exclusive
|  |  Row  : Share
Return Data to Application
|  #Columns = 3
End of section

5.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c insert into employee values('300340','F',null,'L','E21','234',null,'DESIGNER',15,null,null,10,100.0,1000) with ur

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x020012000B0000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x020006002E0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

5.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c insert into employee values('300340','F',null,'L','E21','234',null,'DESIGNER',15,null,null,10,100.0,1000) with cs

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x020012000B0000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x020006002E0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

5.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c insert into employee values('300340','F',null,'L','E21','234',null,'DESIGNER',15,null,null,10,100.0,1000) with rs

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x020012000B0000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x020006002E0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

5.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c insert into employee values('300340','F',null,'L','E21','234',null,'DESIGNER',15,null,null,10,100.0,1000) with rr

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x020012000B0000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x020006002E0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

6,update操作 with cs:
6.1.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with ur

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

6.1.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with cs

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

6.1.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with rs

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

6.1.4 with rr  Isolation Level
db2 +c update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with rr

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

db2 create index job on mahong.employee(job)
db2 runstats on table mahong.employee and indexes all

6.2.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with ur

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  3|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
INTERNALV_LO|     S|GRNT|  2|0x03000000010000000100C01556|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  1|0x02000600100000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with ur" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 0
|  Skip Inserted Rows
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Exclusive
|  |  Row  : Exclusive
Update:  Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
End of section

6.2.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK'

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  3|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
INTERNALV_LO|     S|GRNT|  2|0x03000000010000000100C01556|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     S|GRNT|  1|0x02000600100000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK'" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 0
|  Skip Inserted Rows
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Exclusive
|  |  Row  : Exclusive
Update:  Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
End of section

6.2.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with rs

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with rs" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 0
|  Skip Inserted Rows
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Isolation Level: Read Stability
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Exclusive
|  |  Row  : Exclusive
Update:  Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
End of section

6.2.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with rr

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  1|0x02000600100000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0

dynexpln -d sample -q "update employee set salary=1 where job='CLERK' with rr" -t
Access Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
|  Index Scan:  Name = MAHONG.JOB  ID = 3
|  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  1: JOB (Ascending)
|  #Columns = 0
|  #Key Columns = 1
|  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: 'CLERK   '
|  Data Prefetch: Eligible 0
|  Index Prefetch: None
|  Isolation Level: Repeatable Read
|  Lock Intents
|  |  Table: Intent Exclusive
|  |  Row  : Exclusive
Update:  Table Name = MAHONG.EMPLOYEE  ID = 2,6
End of section

7,delete操作 with cs:
7.1.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c delete employee where job='CLERK' with ur

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02001200080000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02001200040000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  9|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT| 10|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000700000000000000000054|   EMP_PHOTO|  7|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  2|0x02000800000000000000000054|  EMP_RESUME|  8|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000500000000000000000054|  DEPARTMENT|  5|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  2|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

7.1.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c delete employee where job='CLERK' with cs

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02001200080000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02001200040000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  9|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT| 10|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000700000000000000000054|   EMP_PHOTO|  7|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  2|0x02000800000000000000000054|  EMP_RESUME|  8|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000500000000000000000054|  DEPARTMENT|  5|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  2|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

7.1.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c delete employee where job='CLERK' with rs

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02001200080000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02001200040000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  9|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT| 10|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000700000000000000000054|   EMP_PHOTO|  7|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  2|0x02000800000000000000000054|  EMP_RESUME|  8|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000500000000000000000054|  DEPARTMENT|  5|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  2|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

7.1.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c delete employee where job='CLERK' with rr

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02001200080000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02001200040000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  9|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT| 10|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000700000000000000000054|   EMP_PHOTO|  7|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  2|0x02000800000000000000000054|  EMP_RESUME|  8|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000500000000000000000054|  DEPARTMENT|  5|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  2|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

db2 create index job on mahong.employee(job)
db2 runstats on table mahong.employee and indexes all

7.2.1 with ur Isolation Level
db2 +c delete employee where job='CLERK' with ur

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02001200080000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02001200040000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  9|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT| 10|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000700000000000000000054|   EMP_PHOTO|  7|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  2|0x02000800000000000000000054|  EMP_RESUME|  8|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000500000000000000000054|  DEPARTMENT|  5|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  2|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

7.2.2 with cs Isolation Level
db2 +c delete employee where job='CLERK' with cs

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02001200080000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02001200040000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  9|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT| 10|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000700000000000000000054|   EMP_PHOTO|  7|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  2|0x02000800000000000000000054|  EMP_RESUME|  8|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000500000000000000000054|  DEPARTMENT|  5|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  2|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

7.2.3 with rs Isolation Level
db2 +c delete employee where job='CLERK' with rs

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02001200080000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02001200040000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  9|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT| 10|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000700000000000000000054|   EMP_PHOTO|  7|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  2|0x02000800000000000000000054|  EMP_RESUME|  8|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000500000000000000000054|  DEPARTMENT|  5|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  2|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

7.2.4 with rr Isolation Level
db2 +c delete employee where job='CLERK' with rr

INTERNALP_LO|     S|GRNT|  1|0x53514C43324832307F4760B841|            |  0|0
    ROW_LOCK|     U|GRNT|  1|0x02000600100000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  1|0x02001200080000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  2|0x02001200040000000000000052|     ADEFUSR| 18|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  3|0x02000600290000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  4|0x02000600250000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  5|0x020006001C0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  6|0x020006001B0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  7|0x020006001A0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  8|0x02000600190000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT|  9|0x02000600180000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
    ROW_LOCK|     X|GRNT| 10|0x020006000D0000000000000052|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  1|0x02000700000000000000000054|   EMP_PHOTO|  7|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IS|GRNT|  2|0x02000800000000000000000054|  EMP_RESUME|  8|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  1|0x02000500000000000000000054|  DEPARTMENT|  5|0
  TABLE_LOCK|    IX|GRNT|  2|0x02000600000000000000000054|    EMPLOYEE|  6|0
  TABLE_LOCK|   SIX|GRNT|  1|0x02001200000000000000000054|     ADEFUSR| 18|0

来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/18922393/viewspace-707048/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


