

select * from v$version;
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

SELECT x.indx||'|'||x.ksppinm||'|'||x.ksppdesc||'|'||y.ksppstvl||'|'||y.ksppstdvl||'|'||y.ksppstdf
  FROM x$ksppi x, x$ksppcv y
 WHERE x.indx = y.indx
   AND ((translate(x.ksppinm, '_', '#') LIKE '##%')
   OR (translate(x.ksppinm, '_', '#') LIKE '#%'))
 ORDER BY x.indx;

alter system set "_trace_pin_time"=1 scope=spfile;
alter system reset "_trace_pin_time" scope=spfile sid='*';


1 _trace_files_public | Create publicly accessible trace files | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

6 _spin_count | Amount to spin waiting for a latch | 2000 | 2000 | TRUE
8 _max_sleep_holding_latch | max time to sleep while holding a latch | 4 | 4 | TRUE
9 _max_exponential_sleep | max sleep during exponential backoff | 0 | 0 | TRUE

10 _other_wait_threshold | threshold wait percentage for event wait class Other | 0 | 0 | TRUE
11 _other_wait_event_exclusion | exclude event names from _other_wait_threshold calculations |  |  | TRUE

25 _ksu_diag_kill_time | number of seconds ksuitm waits before killing diag | 5 | 5 | TRUE
26 _ksuitm_dont_kill_dumper | delay inst. termination to allow processes to dump | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--check oracle image
27 _disable_image_check | Disable Oracle executable image checking | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

29 _longops_enabled | longops stats enabled | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

--os priority
31 _os_sched_high_priority | OS high priority level | 1 | 1 | TRUE

--system state
33 _disable_system_state | disable system state dump | 4294967294 | 4294967294 | TRUE

34 _session_wait_history | enable session wait history collection | 10 | 10 | TRUE

--Resource Manager
35 _session_idle_check_interval | Resource Manager session idle limit check interval in seconds | 60 | 60 | TRUE

38 _pkt_pmon_interval | PMON process clean-up interval (cs) | 50 | 50 | TRUE
39 _dead_process_scan_interval | PMON dead process scan interval | 10 | 10 | TRUE
40 _collapse_wait_history | collapse wait history | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

43 _dbg_proc_startup | debug process startup | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
46 _oradebug_force | force target processes to execute oradebug commands? | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
47 _ksdxdocmd_default_timeout_ms | default timeout for internal oradebug commands | 30000 | 30000 | TRUE

58 _lock_sga_areas | Lock specified areas of the SGA in physical memory | 0 | 0 | TRUE

74 _pga_large_extent_size | PGA large extent size | 1048576 | 1M | TRUE
75 _uga_cga_large_extent_size | UGA/CGA large extent size | 262144 | 256K | TRUE
76 _total_large_extent_memory | Total memory for allocating large extents | 0 | 0 | TRUE
77 _use_ism_for_pga | Use ISM for allocating large extents | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

83 _4031_dump_bitvec | bitvec to specify dumps prior to 4031 error | 67194879 | 67194879 | TRUE
84 _4031_max_dumps | Maximum number of 4031 dumps for this process | 100 | 100 | TRUE
85 _4031_dump_interval | Dump 4031 error once for each n-second interval | 300 | 300 | TRUE
86 _4031_sga_dump_interval | Dump 4031 SGA heapdump error once for each n-second interval | 3600 | 3600 | TRUE
87 _4031_sga_max_dumps | Maximum number of SGA heapdumps | 10 | 10 | TRUE

--large pool
93 _large_pool_min_alloc | minimum allocation size in bytes for the large allocation pool | 16000 | 16000 | TRUE

--shared pool
94 _shared_pool_reserved_pct | percentage memory of the shared pool allocated for the reserved area | 5 | 5 | TRUE
95 _shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc | minimum allocation size in bytes for reserved area of shared pool | 4400 | 4400 | TRUE

106 _kse_die_timeout | amount of time a dying process is spared by PMON (in centi-secs) | 60000 | 60000 | TRUE

110 _enqueue_locks | locks for managed enqueues | 4330 | 4330 | TRUE
111 _enqueue_resources | resources for enqueues | 1692 | 1692 | TRUE
112 _enqueue_hash | enqueue hash table length | 705 | 705 | TRUE
114 _enqueue_hash_chain_latches | enqueue hash chain latches | 4 | 4 | TRUE

116 _trace_processes | enable KST tracing in process | ALL | ALL | TRUE
117 _trace_archive | start DIAG process | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
118 _trace_events | trace events enabled at startup |  |  | TRUE
121 _trace_file_size | maximum size of trace file (in bytes) | 65536 | 65536 | TRUE
122 _trace_options | trace data flush options | text,multiple | text,multiple | TRUE
123 _trace_buffer_wrap_timestamp | enable KST timestamp on trace buffer wrap | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

129 _omf | enable/disable OMF | enabled | enabled | TRUE

130 _aiowait_timeouts | Number of aiowait timeouts before error is reported | 100 | 100 | TRUE
131 _io_shared_pool_size | Size of I/O buffer pool from SGA | 4194304 | 4M | TRUE
132 _db_file_direct_io_count | Sequential I/O buf size | 1048576 | 1048576 | TRUE
133 _ioslave_issue_count | IOs issued before completion check | 500 | 500 | TRUE
134 _ioslave_batch_count | Per attempt IOs picked | 1 | 1 | TRUE
135 _io_slaves_disabled | Do not use I/O slaves | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
136 _lgwr_io_slaves | LGWR I/O slaves | 0 | 0 | TRUE
137 _arch_io_slaves | ARCH I/O slaves | 0 | 0 | TRUE
138 _backup_disk_io_slaves | BACKUP Disk I/O slaves | 0 | 0 | TRUE
139 _backup_io_pool_size | memory to reserve from the large pool | 1048576 | 1048576 | TRUE

142 _yield_check_interval | interval to check whether actses should yield | 100000 | 100000 | TRUE
143 _resource_manager_always_on | enable the resource manager always | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

--spare parameter
144 _first_spare_parameter | first spare parameter - integer |  |  | TRUE
145 _second_spare_parameter | second spare parameter - integer |  |  | TRUE
146 _third_spare_parameter | third spare parameter - integer |  |  | TRUE
147 _fourth_spare_parameter | fourth spare parameter - string |  |  | TRUE
148 _fifth_spare_parameter | fifth spare parameter - string |  |  | TRUE
149 _sixth_spare_parameter | sixth spare parameter - string list |  |  | TRUE
150 _seventh_spare_parameter | seventh spare parameter - string list |  |  | TRUE

153 _skgxp_reaping | tune skgxp OSD reaping limit | 1000 | 1000 | TRUE
154 _skgxp_udp_hiwat_warn | ach hiwat mark warning interval | 1000 | 1000 | TRUE
155 _skgxp_udp_ach_reaping_time | time in minutes before idle ach's are reaped | 120 | 120 | TRUE
156 _skgxp_udp_timed_wait_seconds | time in seconds before timed wait is invoked | 5 | 5 | TRUE
157 _skgxp_udp_timed_wait_buffering | diagnostic log buffering space (in bytes) for timed wait (0 means unbufferd | 1024 | 1024 | TRUE
158 _skgxp_udp_keep_alive_ping_timer_secs | connection idle time in seconds before keep alive is initiated. min: 30 sec max: 1800 sec default: 300 sec | 300 | 300 | TRUE
162 _skgxp_udp_interface_detection_time_secs | time in seconds between interface detection checks | 60 | 60 | TRUE

159 _disable_duplex_link | Turn off connection duplexing | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
160 _diag_diagnostics | Turn off diag diagnostics | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
174 _diag_daemon | start DIAG daemon | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

168 _filemap_dir | FILEMAP directory |  |  | TRUE

169 _object_statistics | enable the object level statistics collection | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
171 _disable_health_check | Disable Health Check | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
173 _hang_detection | Hang Management detection interval | 0 | 0 | TRUE

175 _dump_system_state_scope | scope of sysstate dump during instance termination | local | local | TRUE
176 _dump_trace_scope | scope of trace dump during a process crash | global | global | TRUE
177 _dump_interval_limit | trace dump time interval limit (in seconds) | 120 | 120 | TRUE
178 _dump_max_limit | max number of dump within dump interval | 5 | 5 | TRUE

190 _lm_locks | number of enqueues configured for cluster database | 12000 | 12000 | TRUE
194 _lm_dynamic_remastering | if TRUE enables dynamic remastering | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
195 _lm_xids | number of transaction IDs configured for cluster database | 352 | 352 | TRUE
196 _lm_res_part | number of resource partition configured for gcs | 128 | 128 | TRUE
197 _lm_drm_window | dynamic remastering bucket window size | 0 | 0 | TRUE
198 _lm_drm_max_requests | dynamic remastering maximum affinity requests processed together | 100 | 100 | TRUE
199 _lm_drm_xlatch | dynamic remastering forced exclusive latches | 0 | 0 | TRUE
...--dead lock detection
217 _lm_dd_interval | dd time interval in seconds | 60 | 60 | TRUE
218 _lm_dd_scan_interval | dd scan interval in seconds | 5 | 5 | TRUE
223 _lm_file_affinity | mapping between file id and master instance number |  |  | TRUE
226 _ges_diagnostics | if TRUE enables GES diagnostics | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
229 _ges_dd_debug | if TRUE enables GES deadlock detection debug diagnostics | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
230 _lm_global_posts | if TRUE deliver global posts to remote nodes | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
231 _rcfg_parallel_replay | if TRUE enables parallel replay and cleanup at reconfiguration | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
232 _parallel_replay_msg_limit | Number of messages for each round of parallel replay | 4000 | 4000 | TRUE
233 _rcfg_parallel_fixwrite | if TRUE enables parallel fixwrite at reconfiguration | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
234 _parallel_fixwrite_bucket | Number of buckets for each round of fix write | 1000 | 1000 | TRUE
235 _rcfg_parallel_verify | if TRUE enables parallel verify at reconfiguration | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
237 _ges_health_check | if greater than 0 enables GES system health check | 1 | 1 | TRUE
239 _lm_tickets | GES messaging tickets | 1000 | 1000 | TRUE
245 _lm_process_batching | GES implicit process batching for IPC messages | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
246 _lm_sq_batch_factor | GES send queue minimum batching factor | 2 | 2 | TRUE
247 _lm_sq_batch_type | GES send queue batching mechanism | auto | auto | TRUE
248 _lm_sq_batch_waittick | GES send queue batching waittime in tick | 3 | 3 | TRUE
253 _reliable_block_sends | if TRUE, block sends across interconnect are reliable | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
254 _blocks_per_cache_server | number of consecutive blocks per global cache server | 128 | 128 | TRUE
257 _cr_grant_global_role | if TRUE, grant lock for CR requests when block is in global role | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
258 _cr_grant_local_role | turn 3-way CR grants off, make it automatic, or turn it on | AUTO | AUTO | TRUE
268 _imr_active | Activate Instance Membership Recovery feature | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
269 _imr_max_reconfig_delay | Maximum Reconfiguration delay (seconds) | 300 | 300 | TRUE
270 _imr_splitbrain_res_wait | Maximum wait for split-brain resolution (seconds) | 600 | 600 | TRUE
271 _imr_disk_voting_interval | Maximum wait for IMR disk voting (seconds) | 3 | 3 | TRUE
275 _notify_crs | notify cluster ready services of startup and shutdown | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--memory management
279 _memory_management_tracing | trace memory management activity | 0 | 0 | TRUE
280 _memory_sanity_check | partial granule sanity check | 0 | 0 | TRUE

--control file
290 _controlfile_enqueue_timeout | control file enqueue timeout in seconds | 900 | 900 | TRUE
291 _controlfile_update_check | controlfile update sanity check | OFF | OFF | TRUE
292 _controlfile_enqueue_dump | dump the system states after controlfile enqueue timeout | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
293 _controlfile_block_size | control file block size in bytes | 0 | 0 | TRUE
294 _controlfile_section_init_size | control file initial section size |  |  | TRUE
295 _controlfile_section_max_expand | control file max expansion rate |  |  | TRUE

299 _dbwr_tracing | Enable dbwriter tracing | 0 | 0 | TRUE
300 _disable_multiple_block_sizes | disable multiple block size support (for debugging) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
301 _db_fast_obj_truncate | enable fast object truncate | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
302 _db_fast_obj_ckpt | enable fast object checkpoint | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
304 _small_table_threshold | threshold level of table size for direct reads | 918 | 918 | TRUE
306 _dbwr_async_io | Enable dbwriter asynchronous writes | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
308 _db_lost_write_checking | Enable scn based lost write detection mechanism | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
311 _db_block_lru_latches | number of lru latches | 16 | 16 | TRUE
315 _db_block_max_scan_pct | Percentage of buffers to inspect when looking for free | 40 | 40 | TRUE
316 _db_large_dirty_queue | Number of buffers which force dirty queue to be written | 25 | 25 | TRUE
321 _db_writer_histogram_statistics | maintain dbwr histogram statistics in x$kcbbhs | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
322 _dbwr_scan_interval | dbwriter scan interval | 300 | 300 | TRUE
323 _db_writer_flush_imu | If FALSE, DBWR will not downgrade IMU txns for AGING | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
324 _db_writer_coalesce_write_limit | Limit on size of coalesced write | 131072 | 131072 | TRUE
325 _db_writer_coalesce_area_size | Size of memory allocated to dbwriter for coalescing writes | 1048576 | 1M | TRUE
326 _selftune_checkpoint_write_pct | Percentage of total physical i/os for self-tune ckpt | 3 | 3 | TRUE
327 _db_writer_verify_writes | Enable lost write detection mechanism | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
328 _db_block_prefetch_quota | Prefetch quota as a percent of cache size | 10 | 10 | TRUE
329 _db_block_prefetch_limit | Prefetch limit in blocks | 0 | 0 | TRUE
330 _db_cache_pre_warm | Buffer Cache Pre-Warm Enabled : hidden parameter | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
334 _db_aging_hot_criteria | Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list | 2 | 2 | TRUE
335 _db_aging_stay_count | Touch count set when buffer moved to head of replacement list | 0 | 0 | TRUE
336 _db_aging_cool_count | Touch count set when buffer cooled | 1 | 1 | TRUE
337 _db_aging_touch_time | Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list | 3 | 3 | TRUE
338 _db_aging_freeze_cr | Make CR buffers always be too cold to keep in cache | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
339 _db_block_hash_buckets | Number of database block hash buckets | 131072 | 131072 | TRUE
340 _db_block_hash_latches | Number of database block hash latches | 1024 | 1024 | TRUE
341 _db_handles | System-wide simultaneous buffer operations | 1500 | 1500 | TRUE
342 _db_handles_cached | Buffer handles cached each process | 5 | 5 | TRUE
364 _db_block_cache_history | buffer header tracing (non-zero only when debugging) | 0 | 0 | TRUE
365 _db_block_cache_history_level | buffer header tracing level | 2 | 2 | TRUE

--commit log
343 _wait_for_sync | wait for sync on commit MUST BE ALWAYS TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
344 _db_block_cache_clone | Always clone data blocks on get (for debugging) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
345 _db_block_trace_protect | trace buffer protect calls | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--cr per dba
346 _db_block_max_cr_dba | Maximum Allowed Number of CR buffers per dba | 6 | 6 | TRUE

347 _trace_buffer_flushes | trace buffer flushes if otrace cacheIO event is set | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
348 _trace_multi_block_reads | trace multi_block reads if otrace cacheIO event is set | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
349 _trace_cr_buffer_creates | trace cr buffer creates if otrace cacheIO event is set | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
351 _trace_buffer_gets | trace kcb buffer gets if otrace cacheIO event is set | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
352 _check_block_after_checksum | perform. block check after checksum if both are turned on | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
353 _trace_pin_time | trace how long a current pin is held | 0 | 0 | TRUE
360 _trace_buffer_wait_timeouts | trace buffer busy wait timeouts | 0 | 0 | TRUE
361 _buffer_busy_wait_timeout | buffer busy wait time in centiseconds | 100 | 100 | TRUE
363 _db_hot_block_tracking | track hot blocks for hash latch contention | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
380 _db_block_check_for_debug | Check more and dump block before image for debugging | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
414 _log_buffers_debug | debug redo buffers (slows things down) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
416 _log_debug_multi_instance | debug redo multi instance code | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
425 _mirror_redo_buffers | Save buffers for debugging redo corruptions | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
445 _kcl_debug | if TRUE, record le history | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
534 _tdb_debug_mode | set debug mode for testing transportable database | 16 | 16 | TRUE
541 _ktc_debug | for ktc debug | 0 | 0 | TRUE
568 _smu_debug_mode | - set debug event for testing SMU operations | 0 | 0 | TRUE
569 _undo_debug_mode | debug flag for undo related operations | 0 | 0 | TRUE
581 _undo_debug_usage | invoke undo usage functions for testing | 0 | 0 | TRUE
644 _px_trace | px trace parameter | none | none | TRUE
645 _xt_trace | external tables trace parameter | none | none | TRUE
647 _ku_trace | datapump trace parameter | none | none | TRUE
648 _optimizer_trace | optimizer trace parameter | none | none | TRUE
972 _sql_hash_debug | Hash value of the SQL statement to debug | 0 | 0 | TRUE

--temp block redo
355 _db_block_temp_redo | generate redo for temp blocks | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--full mbreads
359 _db_block_do_full_mbreads | do full block read even if some blocks are in cache | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--system tablespace
381 _db_always_check_system_ts | Always perform. block check and checksum for System tablespace | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

383 _two_pass | enable two-pass thread recovery | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
384 _recovery_verify_writes | enable thread recovery write verify | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
385 _disable_recovery_read_skip | Disable the read optimization during media recovery | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--Asyn lgwr
409 _lgwr_async_io | LGWR Asynchronous IO enabling boolean flag | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

426 _disable_logging | Disable logging | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--data block affinity
435 _gc_undo_affinity | if TRUE, enable dynamic undo affinity | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
436 _gc_affinity_time | if non zero, enable dynamic object affinity | 10 | 10 | TRUE
437 _gc_affinity_limit | dynamic affinity limit | 50 | 50 | TRUE
438 _gc_affinity_minimum | dynamic affinity minimum activity per minute | 2400 | 2400 | TRUE

449 _interconnect_checksum | if TRUE, checksum interconnect blocks | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

457 _kcl_undo_locks | number of locks per undo segment | 128 | 128 | TRUE
458 _kcl_undo_grouping | grouping for undo block locks | 32 | 32 | TRUE

470 _disable_incremental_checkpoints | Disable incremental checkpoints for thread recovery | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
472 _disable_selftune_checkpointing | Disable self-tune checkpointing | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
473 _selftune_checkpointing_lag | Self-tune checkpointing lag the tail of the redo log | 300 | 300 | TRUE
474 _target_rba_max_lag_percentage | target rba max log lag percentage | 90 | 90 | TRUE
475 _no_recovery_through_resetlogs | no recovery through this resetlogs operation | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--hot backup results in more redo:
476 _log_blocks_during_backup | log block images when changed during backup | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

--allow corruption
477 _allow_resetlogs_corruption | allow resetlogs even if it will cause corruption | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
478 _allow_terminal_recovery_corruption | Finish terminal recovery even if it may cause corruption | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
479 _allow_read_only_corruption | allow read-only open even if database is corrupt | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
493 _tts_allow_charset_mismatch | allow plugging in a tablespace with an incompatible character set | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
494 _xtts_allow_pre10 | allow cross platform. for pre10 compatible tablespace | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--recoverable recovery
496 _disable_recoverable_recovery | Disable the new recoverable recovery mechanism | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
497 _recoverable_recovery_batch_percent | Recoverable recovery batch size (percentage of buffer cache) | 50 | 50 | TRUE

--BCT(block change tracking)used for faster incremental backup
502 _bct_public_dba_buffer_size | total size of all public change tracking dba buffers, in bytes | 0 | 0 | TRUE
503 _bct_initial_private_dba_buffer_size | initial number of entries in the private change tracking dba buffers | 0 | 0 | TRUE
504 _bct_bitmaps_per_file | number of bitmaps to store for each datafile | 8 | 8 | TRUE
505 _bct_file_block_size | block size of change tracking file, in bytes | 0 | 0 | TRUE
506 _bct_file_extent_size | extent size of change tracking file, in bytes | 0 | 0 | TRUE
507 _bct_chunk_size | change tracking datafile chunk size, in bytes | 0 | 0 | TRUE
508 _bct_crash_reserve_size | change tracking reserved crash recovery SGA space, in bytes | 262144 | 262144 | TRUE
509 _bct_buffer_allocation_size | size of one change tracking buffer allocation, in bytes | 2097152 | 2097152 | TRUE
510 _bct_buffer_allocation_max | maximum size of all change tracking buffer allocations, in bytes | 104857600 | 104857600 | TRUE
511 _bct_buffer_allocation_min_extents | mininum number of extents to allocate per buffer allocation | 1 | 1 | TRUE
512 _bct_fixtab_file | change tracking file for fixed tables |  |  | TRUE
513 _block_change_tracking | change tracking possible | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

--flashback database
515 _validate_flashback_database | Scan database to validate result of flashback database | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
516 _flashback_allow_noarchivelog | Allow enabling flashback on noarchivelog database | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
517 _verify_flashback_redo | Verify that the redo logs needed for flashback are available | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
518 _flashback_verbose_info | Print verbose information about flashback database | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
519 _flashback_logfile_enqueue_timeout | flashback logfile enqueue timeout for opens | 600 | 600 | TRUE
520 _flashback_barrier_interval | Flashback barrier interval in seconds | 1800 | 1800 | TRUE
521 _flashback_standby_barrier_interval | Flashback standby barrier interval in seconds | 1800 | 1800 | TRUE
522 _flashback_fuzzy_barrier | Use flashback fuzzy barrier | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
523 _flashback_log_size | Flashback log size | 1000 | 1000 | TRUE
524 _flashback_log_min_size | Minimum flashback log size | 100 | 100 | TRUE
525 _flashback_copy_latches | Number of flashback copy latches | 10 | 10 | TRUE
526 _flashback_n_log_per_thread | Desired number of flashback logs per flashback thread | 128 | 128 | TRUE
527 _flashback_max_n_log_per_thread | Maximum number of flashback logs per flashback thread | 2048 | 2048 | TRUE
528 _flashback_generation_buffer_size | flashback generation buffer size | 16777216 | 16777216 | TRUE
529 _flashback_max_log_size | Maximum flashback log size in bytes (OS limit) | 0 | 0 | TRUE
530 _flashback_log_io_error_behavior. Specify Flashback log I/O error behavior. 0 | 0 | TRUE
531 _flashback_hint_barrier_percent | Flashback hint barrier percent | 20 | 20 | TRUE
532 _percent_flashback_buf_partial_full | Percent of flashback buffer filled to be considered partial full | 50 | 50 | TRUE
533 _flashback_write_size_qm | Desired flashback write size in quarter MB | 4 | 4 | TRUE

--row lock
535 _row_locking | row-locking | always | always | TRUE

--block cleanout
537 _log_committime_block_cleanout | Log commit-time block cleanout | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

545 _assm_default | ASSM default | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

--rollback segment
559 _offline_rollback_segments | offline undo segment list |  |  | TRUE
560 _corrupted_rollback_segments | corrupted undo segment list |  |  | TRUE

--process seq cache?
589 _use_seq_process_cache | whether to use process local seq cache | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

613 _kgx_latches | # of mutex latches if CAS is not supported. | 512 | 512 | TRUE
614 _kks_use_mutex_pin | Turning on this will make KKS use mutex for cursor pins. | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--cursor stats
615 _cursor_stats_bucket | Hash table buckets for cursor stats (2^). | 15 | 15 | TRUE
616 _cursor_stats_heap | Heaps/latches for cursor stats. | 4 | 4 | TRUE

--job queue co_ordinator
637 _job_queue_interval | Wakeup interval in seconds for job queue co-ordinator | 5 | 5 | TRUE

--system triggers
639 _system_trig_enabled | are system triggers enabled | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

641 _adjust_literal_replacement | If TRUE, we will adjust the SQL/PLUS output | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--hash join
663 _hash_join_enabled | enable/disable hash join | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

690 _init_sql_file | File containing SQL statements to execute upon database creation | ?/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq | ?/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq | TRUE

--optimizer cost
706 _cpu_to_io | divisor for converting CPU cost to I/O cost | 0 | 0 | TRUE
909 _stn_trace | SQL tracing parameter | 0 | 0 | TRUE
931 _optimizer_ignore_hints | enables the embedded hints to be ignored | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
933 _optimizer_ceil_cost | CEIL cost in CBO | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
937 _disable_function_based_index | disable function-based index matching | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
938 _optimizer_invalidation_period | time window for invalidation of cursors of analyzed objects | 18000 | 18000 | TRUE

--connect by loop
877 _dump_connect_by_loop_data | dump connect by loop error message into trc file | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
930 _allow_level_without_connect_by | allow level without connect by | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE

--dml monitoring
879 _dml_monitoring_enabled | enable modification monitoring | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE

946 _bloom_filter_enabled | enables or disables bloom filter | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
947 _bloom_filter_debug | debug level for bloom filtering | 0 | 0 | TRUE

963 _very_large_partitioned_table | very_large_partitioned_table | 1024 | 1024 | TRUE

1089 _asm_stripewidth | ASM file stripe width | 8 | 8 | TRUE
1090 _asm_stripesize | ASM file stripe size | 131072 | 131072 | TRUE
1091 _asm_droptimeout | timeout before offlined disks get dropped (in 3s ticks) | 60 | 60 | TRUE
1092 _asm_emulmax | max number of concurrent disks to emulate I/O errors | 10000 | 10000 | TRUE
1093 _asm_emultimeout | timeout before emulation begins (in 3s ticks) | 0 | 0 | TRUE
1094 _asm_kfdpevent | KFDP event | 0 | 0 | TRUE

1095 _alert_expiration | seconds before an alert message is moved to exception queue | 604800 | 604800 | TRUE
1096 _alert_message_cleanup | Enable Alert Message Cleanup | 1 | 1 | TRUE
1097 _alert_message_purge | Enable Alert Message Purge | 1 | 1 | TRUE
1098 _alert_post_background | Enable Background Alert Posting | 1 | 1 | TRUE
1124 _threshold_alerts_enable | if 1, issue threshold-based alerts | 1 | 1 | TRUE

1099 _swrf_test_action | test action parameter for SWRF | 0 | 0 | TRUE
1100 _sysaux_test_param | test parameter for SYSAUX | 1 | 1 | TRUE
1101 _swrf_mmon_flush | Enable/disable SWRF MMON FLushing | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1102 _awr_corrupt_mode | AWR Corrupt Mode | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
1103 _awr_restrict_mode | AWR Restrict Mode | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
1104 _swrf_mmon_metrics | Enable/disable SWRF MMON Metrics Collection | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1105 _swrf_metric_frequent_mode | Enable/disable SWRF Metric Frequent Mode Collection | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
1106 _awr_flush_threshold_metrics | Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Workload Metrics | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
1107 _awr_flush_workload_metrics | Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Workload Metrics | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
1108 _awr_disabled_flush_tables | Disable flushing of specified AWR tables |  |  | TRUE
1109 _swrf_on_disk_enabled | Parameter to enable/disable SWRF | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1110 _swrf_mmon_dbfus | Enable/disable SWRF MMON DB Feature Usage | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1111 _awr_mmon_cpuusage | Enable/disable AWR MMON CPU Usage Tracking | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1112 _swrf_test_dbfus | Enable/disable DB Feature Usage Testing | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
1113 _mwin_schedule | Enable/disable Maintenance Window Schedules | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1114 _awr_sql_child_limit | Setting for AWR SQL Child Limit | 200 | 200 | TRUE
1115 _sqltune_category_parsed | Parsed category qualifier for applying hintsets | DEFAULT | DEFAULT | TRUE

1116 _ash_sampling_interval | Time interval between two successive Active Session samples in millisecs | 1000 | 1000 | TRUE
1117 _ash_size | To set the size of the in-memory Active Session History buffers | 1048618 | 1048618 | TRUE
1118 _ash_enable | To enable or disable Active Session sampling and flushing | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1119 _ash_disk_write_enable | To enable or disable Active Session History flushing | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1120 _ash_disk_filter_ratio | Ratio of the number of in-memory samples to the number of samples actually written to disk | 10 | 10 | TRUE
1121 _ash_eflush_trigger | The percentage above which if the in-memory ASH is full the emergency flusher will be triggered | 66 | 66 | TRUE
1122 _ash_sample_all | To enable or disable sampling every connected session including ones waiting for idle waits | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE
1123 _ash_dummy_test_param | Oracle internal dummy ASH parameter used ONLY for testing! | 0 | 0 | TRUE

1125 _addm_auto_enable | governs whether ADDM gets run automatically after every AWR snapshot | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1126 _addm_version_check | governs whether ADDM checks the input AWR snapshot version | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE
1127 _addm_skiprules | comma-separated list of ADDM nodes to skip |  |  | TRUE

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