Recently, I was using completebulkload to load a large amount of data into HBase. To keep this process well-balanced over the entire cluster (and thus faster), I was loading data into a table with pre-created regions. Since my bulkloading process failed in the middle a couple of times (due to some misconfiguration), I needed to truncate the table over and over.
I have noticed that a command like
2.hbase(main):019:0> truncate 't1'
3.Truncating 't1' table (it may take a while):
4.- Disabling table...
5.- Dropping table...
6.- Creating table...
I have noticed that a command like
hbase(main):017:0> truncate 'table'will disable, drop and recreate the table with the same name settings (number of column familiers, compression, ttl, blocksize etc), but it does not maintain the region boundaries. It means that if you have a table with some number of regions and then truncate it, the table will be recreated with a single one region e.g.CODE:
1.hbase(main):018:0> create 't1', 'f1', {SPLITS => ['10', '20', '30','40']}2.hbase(main):019:0> truncate 't1'
3.Truncating 't1' table (it may take a while):
4.- Disabling table...
5.- Dropping table...
6.- Creating table...
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