


  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">
  2. <html>
  3.     <head>
  4.         <title>超酷的CSS3动画遮罩效果的图片文字说明</title>
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  111.             .oneDemo:hover .mask-bottom {
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  122.                         -moz-transform:rotate(0) translate(0); -webkit-transform:rotate(0) translate(0);
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  124.             /*twoDemo----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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  151.             .twoDemo .content:hover a {-moz-transform:translateX(0) rotate(0); -webkit-transform:translateX(0) rotate(0);}

  152.             /*threeDemo----------------------------------------------------------*/
  153.             .threeDemo .transform {-moz-transition:all 1s ease-in 0.1s; -webkit-transition:all 1s ease-in 0.1s;}
  154.             .threeDemo:hover .transform {-moz-transform:rotate(720deg) scale(0); -webkit-transform:rotate(720deg) scale(0);}
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  158.             .threeDemo:hover .content {top:0; opactiy:1;
  159.                         -moz-animation:0.9s linear 0s normal none 1 bounceY; -webkit-animation:0.9s linear 0s normal none 1 bounceY;
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  203.     </head>
  204.     <body>
  205.         <h1>CSS3 transform transition animation</h1>

  206.         <ul>
  207.             <li>
  208.                 <div class=\"oneDemo\">
  209.                     <img class=\"transform\" src=\"/images/m01.jpg\" />
  210.                     <div class=\"mask mask-top\"></div>
  211.                     <div class=\"mask mask-bottom\"></div>
  212.                     <div class=\"content\">
  213.                         <h3>LANCER EVOLUTION</h3>

  214.                         <p>Lancer Evo.X外观造型与概念车Concept X相似度高达90%以上,动力方面名机4G63从此下台一鞠躬,取而代之的是铝合金汽缸盖且新开发4B11引擎,在涡轮增压的加持下,直四2.0升发动机可输出超过300hp。</p>
  215.                     </div>
  216.                 </div>
  217.             </li>
  218.             <li>
  219.                 <div class=\"twoDemo\">
  220.                     <img class=\"transform\" src=\"/images/m02.jpg\" />
  221.                     <div class=\"content\">

  222.                         <h3>写给未来——我的Mr right</h3>
  223.                         <p>我不知道你会在什么时间 什么地点 什么场合?出现可是 我想你遇到我的时候可以一眼就把我认出来,就像我一直坚信我会在见到你的第一眼就认出你一样。</p>
  224.                         <a href=\"#\">Mr right</a>
  225.                     </div>
  226.                 </div>
  227.             </li>
  228.             <li>

  229.                 <div class=\"threeDemo\">
  230.                     <img class=\"transform\" src=\"/images/m03.jpg\" />
  231.                     <div class=\"content\">
  232.                         <h3>EURO2012</h3>
  233.                         <p>舍不得你离开,但是不得不离开。这不是无奈,这是竞技体育的残酷。英雄般的倒下让我更加难过,但是很欣慰,哎哟喂,太矛盾了。精彩的比赛,我却不敢看上一遍,只怕。。。”</p>
  234.                         <a href=\"#\">EURO</a>
  235.                     </div>

  236.                 </div>
  237.             </li>
  238.         </ul>
  239.     </body>
  240. </html>


  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">
  2. <html>
  3.     <head>
  4.         <title>超酷的CSS3动画遮罩效果的图片文字说明丨芯晴网页特效丨CsrCode.CN</title>
  5.         <style type=text/css>
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  88.             /*auto------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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  97.             /*oneDemo--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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  103.                         -moz-transform:rotate(58.9deg) translate(253px,-45px); -webkit-transform:rotate(58.9deg) translate(253px,-45px);
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  107.             }
  108.             .oneDemo:hover .mask-top {
  109.                         -moz-transform:rotate(57.9deg) translate(-253px, -65px); -webkit-transform:rotate(57.9deg) translate(-253px,-65px);
  110.             }
  111.             .oneDemo:hover .mask-bottom {
  112.                         -moz-transform:rotate(57.9deg) translate(85px, -31px); -webkit-transform:rotate(57.9deg) translate(85px,-31px);
  113.             }
  114.             .oneDemo:hover .mask-top, .oneDemo:hover .mask-bottom, .oneDemo:hover .content {
  115.                         -moz-transition-delay:0.1s; -webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;    
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  122.                         -moz-transform:rotate(0) translate(0); -webkit-transform:rotate(0) translate(0);
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  124.             /*twoDemo----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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  138.             .twoDemo .content:hover h3 {
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  151.             .twoDemo .content:hover a {-moz-transform:translateX(0) rotate(0); -webkit-transform:translateX(0) rotate(0);}

  152.             /*threeDemo----------------------------------------------------------*/
  153.             .threeDemo .transform {-moz-transition:all 1s ease-in 0.1s; -webkit-transition:all 1s ease-in 0.1s;}
  154.             .threeDemo:hover .transform {-moz-transform:rotate(720deg) scale(0); -webkit-transform:rotate(720deg) scale(0);}
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  166.             .threeDemo .content:hover h3 {
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  170.             .threeDemo .content p {margin-top:20px;
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  178.             .threeDemo .content a {display:block; width:80px; margin:20px 0 0 0; height:30px; font-size:14px; color:#fff; background:rgba(110, 120, 110, 0.8); text-decoration:none; line-height:30px; text-align:center;
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  182.             .threeDemo .content:hover a {
  183.                         -moz-transform:translateY(0); -webkit-transform:translateY(0);
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  186.             @-moz-keyframes bounceY {
  187.              0% { -moz-transform: translateY(-200px);}
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  192.              55%, 75%, 87%, 97%, 100% { -moz-transform: translateY(0px);}
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  194.             @-webkit-keyframes bounceY {
  195.              0% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-200px);}
  196.              40% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-180px);}
  197.              65% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-102px);}
  198.              82% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-75px);}
  199.              92% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-32px);}
  200.              55%, 75%, 87%, 97%, 100% { -webkit-transform: translateY(0px);}
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  202.         </style>
  203.     </head>
  204.     <body>
  205.         <h1>CSS3 transform transition animation</h1>

  206.         <ul>
  207.             <li>
  208.                 <div class=\"oneDemo\">
  209.                     <img class=\"transform\" src=\"/images/m01.jpg\" />
  210.                     <div class=\"mask mask-top\"></div>
  211.                     <div class=\"mask mask-bottom\"></div>
  212.                     <div class=\"content\">
  213.                         <h3>LANCER EVOLUTION</h3>

  214.                         <p>Lancer Evo.X外观造型与概念车Concept X相似度高达90%以上,动力方面名机4G63从此下台一鞠躬,取而代之的是铝合金汽缸盖且新开发4B11引擎,在涡轮增压的加持下,直四2.0升发动机可输出超过300hp。</p>
  215.                     </div>
  216.                 </div>
  217.             </li>
  218.             <li>
  219.                 <div class=\"twoDemo\">
  220.                     <img class=\"transform\" src=\"/images/m02.jpg\" />
  221.                     <div class=\"content\">

  222.                         <h3>写给未来——我的Mr right</h3>
  223.                         <p>我不知道你会在什么时间 什么地点 什么场合?出现可是 我想你遇到我的时候可以一眼就把我认出来,就像我一直坚信我会在见到你的第一眼就认出你一样。</p>
  224.                         <a href=\"#\">Mr right</a>
  225.                     </div>
  226.                 </div>
  227.             </li>
  228.             <li>

  229.                 <div class=\"threeDemo\">
  230.                     <img class=\"transform\" src=\"/images/m03.jpg\" />
  231.                     <div class=\"content\">
  232.                         <h3>EURO2012</h3>
  233.                         <p>舍不得你离开,但是不得不离开。这不是无奈,这是竞技体育的残酷。英雄般的倒下让我更加难过,但是很欣慰,哎哟喂,太矛盾了。精彩的比赛,我却不敢看上一遍,只怕。。。”</p>
  234.                         <a href=\"#\">EURO</a>
  235.                     </div>

  236.                 </div>
  237.             </li>
  238.         </ul>
  239.     </body>
  240. </html>

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