Add/Update Email Addresses and Configure a Notification Schedule in GC_438150.1

How to Add/Update Email Addresses and Configure a Notification Schedule in Grid Control ? (文档 ID 438150.1)

In this Document

  Adding/Updating the Email Addresses
  Configuring the Notification Schedule
Deleting Email Addresses/Schedule

Applies to:

Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Version to [Release 10.1 to 11.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 24-Aug-2010***


This document describes the steps to add Email Addresses and configure a Notification Schedule in Enterprise Manager Grid Control, so that Email Notifications can be sent to the appropriate Email addresses at the scheduled timings.


This document is applicable to Enterprise Manager Grid Control administrators who wish to receive Email notifications from Grid Control, whenever critical/warning alerts are raised for any of the targets.


The notification schedule is applicable ONLY for Email Notification method. At least one e-mail address must be added for the EM Administrator before defining a notification schedule, more Email Addresses can be added as per the requirement.
In a notification schedule, an administrator can specify different e-mail addresses based on day of the week and time of the day.
When an alert needs to be e-mailed to an administrator, EM checks the notification schedule of that administrator to determine the e-mail address to be used for that day and time.

Adding/Updating the Email Addresses

- In the console, go to Preferences -> General page.
- Under "E-mail Addresses" section, click on 'Add Another Row' to create a new e-mail entry field in the E-mail Addresses table.
- Specify the e-mail addresses to which you wish you receive notifications from Enterprise Manager.
For example,
- The format of the Notification sent to the specified Email Address can either be Long Format or Short Format.

For details on Long/Short Format notifications, refer to :
Note.429292.1 What are Short and Long Email Formats in EM notifications?

- You can click on the 'Test' button to send a Test Email to the specified Email address.
- Click on the 'Apply' button to save the changes.
- You can add multiple Email Addresses to the administrator in the same manner.

Note : To update the existing "E-mail addresses", do it on the same configuration page used for adding the new email addresses. Click on the 'Apply' button to save the changes.

Configuring the Notification Schedule

Before defining the notification schedule, you must add the Email Addresses using the steps listed above.
Trying to 'Define Schedule' without adding an Email Address for the administrator will result in the error :

No E-mail Addresses 

User   does not have any e-mail addresses defined. 
The schedule cannot be edited without e-mail addresses. 

For the first e-mail address added to the administrator in 10.2 GC, a 24x7 weekly notification schedule is set automatically. This schedule can be modified as required by that particular administrator or as the SYSMAN user :

In the console, go to Preferences -> Under Notifications, click on 'Schedule'.

-  Choose the Administrator, for whom the schedule has to be modified.

SYSMAN user can set notification schedules for the other Administrators, but no user can modify the schedule for the sysman user, including other super-administrator users.

-  Click on 'Edit Schedule Definition'.

-  Choose the Rotation Frequency, which can vary between 1 week to 8 weeks.

-  You can choose to Edit the default schedule ( only for the 1st Email address ) created by EM or replace it completely by specifying your own schedule.

-  You can also choose the Time Zone from the drop-down list, according to which the schedule has to be defined.

-  Click on 'Continue' to set the actual notification schedule.
    Choose the ' Start Time'  and 'End Time'.
    Choose the 'Email Addresses' for this administrator by clicking on the torch icon.
    Choose the 'Days of Week' and click on 'Batch Fill-in' button.

The Batch Fill-in feature will help if the notification schedule has to be filled with repeated information. You can also manually add the Email Addresses to the corresponding timings.

-  Click on the 'Finish' button to save the changes. 

* A notification schedule repeats itself automatically after every interval specified in the notification schedule definition for a particular administrator.

*  Each administrator can have only ONE notification schedule but can have multiple email addresses, to which the notifications can be sent to. 

*  Time periods that are left empty in the schedule indicate the periods where no e-mail notifications should be sent. At these time periods, no notification will be sent even if there is an alert for a metric, in the console.

*  Multiple e-mail addresses need to be separated by using commas or spaces as delimiters.

In the Preferences -> Notifications 'Schedule' page, there is also an option to 'Suspend' Notifications.

This option can be used if the schedule is repeating in nature and the suspension is a one-time activity, not to be repeated again.

-  Click on the Edit button next to Suspend Notification.
-  Choose the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' during which time the notifications have to be suspended - not sent.
    Ensure that both Start Date and End Date are chosen correctly before clicking on the 'Ok' button. Else, it will error out with :

Invalid dates for Suspended Notification    
Both fields should either be empty or have valid dates 
(Start date cannot be after the end date). 


* The Notifications can be Suspended / Resumed only at the 'Date' level and not at a particular timestamp.

* Click on the 'Clear' button to remove the settings for 'Suspend Notifications', before the End Date.

*  In the Notification Schedule page, different color coding is used to indicate
"time slots with E-mail Addresses" and "Suspended Notification".

Deleting Email Addresses/Schedule

To Delete Email Addresses and its associated schedule :

- In the console, go to Preferences -> General page.
- Under 'E-mail Addresses' section, choose the Email Address and click on the Remove button. 
  You will need to confirm the following :

You have chosen to delete all e-mail addresses used in the 
notification schedule:
Your notification schedule will also be deleted. Do you want to proceed?

As mentioned in the dialog, choosing 'Yes' to the above will delete the Email address and the schedule associated with it. 

This will allow you to delete the email addresses associated with this particular EM administrator only.
To identify the EM Administrator for whom the Email address has been added, follow the steps in :

Note 563205.1  How to Delete Email Addresses in EM 10G


NOTE:429422.1 - How To Configure Notification Rules in Enterprise Manager Grid Control ?
NOTE:429426.1 - Configuring Email Notification Method in EM - Steps and Troubleshooting
NOTE:563205.1 - How to Delete Email Addresses in EM 10G

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