Install Enterprise Manager Grid Control Using a New Database-763314.1

How to Install Enterprise Manager Grid Control Using a New Database with the Software Only Method [ID 763314.1]

In this Document

Applies to:

Enterprise Manager - Core Platform. - Version: and later [Release: 10.2 and later ]
Linux x86
Enterprise Manager Grid Control - Version:


The software-only method of installation, first offered in version, allows;

- Installation with an existing database of a variety not supported with the base product
- Achieving a DST-compliant installation of the agent (from any Grid Control installation type) prior to initial startup

The procedure for version is presented here, adapted for OEL4 or RHEL4 from this reference:

Oracle® Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic Configuration
10g Release 4 (
Part Number E10953-05


This method is specifically for full installation of version Grid Control.
Do NOT use this method to install any other version of Grid Control.
Do NOT use this method to patch or upgrade any existing Grid Control installation.

This procedure is not valid for OEL5, RHEL5 or SuSE10 where the 10.1 seed database is not supported.

Note that filepath designations such as .../oms10g, .../agent10g and .../db10g are relative, represent generic locations, are for descriptive use only and indicate that the Parent Directory should be prepended to arrive at a usable filepath value. A descriptive character string such as ".../agent10g" should never be used in an installation exercise. The same is true for .../oraInventory, but in this case, the filepath to be prepended may not be the Parent Directory, rather the actual value should be that described in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

For this exercise, the following configuration is used in the examples. base product install stage: /u02/gc10201/ patchset install stage: /u02/gc10205/
Parent directory for installation: /u01/app/gc/
/oradata/ location for repository database: /u01/app/gc/oradata/
/oraInventory location: /u01/app/
All OS and DB access passwords, for simplicity: linux32
Respository database SID: emrep
OMS will be unlocked
/etc/oraInst.loc pointing to /u01/app
Values used in response files and command executions must be altered if a different configuration is used.

These values are for demonstration use only and should be changed to be applicable to the sytem receiving the installation.


To install Enterprise Manager Grid Control using a new database with the silent, software-only method, follow these steps:

A. Install Source Staging and Response File Preparation

1. Place the base product install stage for Linux ( in an accessible directory: i.e., /u02/gc10201

2. Modify the base install response file for the "Grid Control with a new database" install type, located at: /u02/gc10201/response/em_with_new_db.rsp.

Generic filepath form.:


3. Alter the following parameters from default as follows (archive this file before alterations):


- "dba" must be a valid OS user group
- INSTALLATION_NAME is user selectable, but a value must be provided

4. Place the Grid Control patchset in a different staging location, i.e., /u02/gc10205

5. Make a copy of the patchset response file.located at:


generic filepath form.:


6. Rename the copy in place to oms_patchset.rsp.

Alter the following parameters from default as follows in the oms_patchset.rsp file:

sl_pwdInfo={ "linux32" }
oracle.iappserver.st_midtier:szl_InstanceInformation={ "linux32" }

7. Make a copy of the patchset response file located at:


generic filepath form.


8. Rename the copy in place to agent_patchset.rsp.

9. Alter the following parameters from default as follows in the agent_patchset.rsp file:

sl_pwdInfo={ "linux32" }

B. Product and Patchset Installation without Configuration

1. Install the base release ( for Linux using the following command:

/u02/gc10201/runInstaller -noconfig -silent
-responseFile /u02/gc10201/response/em_with_new_db.rsp -force

generic command form.

/runInstaller -noconfig -silent
-responseFile /response/em_with_new_db.rsp -force

Use the -force command only when you want to install in an existing, nonempty directory.
/oradata/ will be placed in the parent directory as a result of this configuration, hence, it will not be empty.

Base product installation will be logged in three installActions<>.log files located in:

.../oraInventory/logs/ location (i.e., /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/ )

In addition, the installActions<>.log for each component is located in:


These three installActions<>.log files will represent the installations of the db10g, oms10g and agent10g Oracle Homes in time sequence. Note that the configuration assistant content normally to be found in the agent installActions<>.log (last in the time sequence) will be missing due to the “-noconfig” option used in the runInstaller command.

2. Log in as a root user in a new command session and run the following scripts on the host where you installed the base release of Enterprise Manager Grid Control, when prompted by the installer:

If this is the first Oracle product you just installed on the host (i.e., no /etc/oraInst.loc file exists yet), then run the script. from the Central Inventory:


Run the script. from the Oracle home directory of the database:


3. Certain opmn processes will be running merely as a result of installation, in spite of the fact that no configuration of the OMS Oracle Home has been performed. Stop these OPMN processes by running the following command from the Oracle Home directory of the OMS:

.../oms10g/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall

4. Apply the patchset to OMS:

/u02/gc10205/3731593/Disk1/runInstaller -noconfig -silent -responseFile /u02/gc10205/3731593/Disk1/response/oms_patchset.rsp -force

generic command form.

/3731593/Disk1/runInstaller -noconfig -silent -responseFile /3731593/Disk1/response/oms_patchset.rsp -force

Logging for the oms patchset application will be in the installActions<>.log for the patchset application found in either of these locations:


The installActions<>.log for the OMS patchset application will be later in timestamp than the three files created during installation. Again, no configuration assistant logging will be included due to the -noconfig option used in the runInstaller command.

5. Run the command:


No feedback will be given on successful execution in this case.

6. Apply patchset to Agent:

/u02/gc10205/3731593/Disk1/runInstaller -noconfig -silent -responseFile /u02/gc10205/3731593/Disk1/response/agent_patchset.rsp -force

generic form.

/3731593/Disk1/runInstaller -noconfig -silent -responseFile /3731593/Disk1/response/agent_patchset.rsp -force

Logging for the agent patchset application will be in the installActions<>.log for the patchset application found in either of these locations:


The installActions<>.log for the agent patchsest application will be later in timestamp than the three files created during installation or the file created during oms patchset application. Again, no configuration assistant logging will be included in the associated installActions<>.log due to the -noconfig option used in the runInstaller command.

7. Run the command as root:


C. Configuring the Gid Control Installation with the Script.

1. Ensure that the .../db10g/oui/bin/ file has ’execute’ permission.

2. Use the following procedure to preserve and set the PERL5IB environment variable:

Make a backup of the PERL5LIB variable value:



export PERL5LIB=/u01/app/gc/oms10g/perl/lib/5.6.1

generic form.:

export PERL5LIB=/oms10g/perl/lib/5.6.1

3. Configure Enterprise Manager Grid Control by running the script.

/u01/app/gc/oms10g/perl/bin/perl /u01/app/gc/oms10g/sysman/install/ /u01/app/gc

Generic form.:

/oms10g/perl/bin/perl /oms10g/sysman/install/

Logging for this action will start in the:


As the configuration assistants are run through the progress of the script, ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/cfgfw/ files will begin to populate with the results of these configuration actions for each Oracle Home in its respective directory (i.e., .../db10g/, .../oms10g/ or .../agent10g/). As operational actions (i.e., process start) are taken in the configuration steps, operational logs will be populated in these locations:


amongst others. Note that the the agent on a cluster will have logs located under , alternatively.

4. The configuration may take around an hour with little session update at times.
It may be instructive to follow the progress of the configuration in these files:

.../db10g/cfgtoollogs/oui/configActions<>.log (for the configuration assistant master list progress)
.../oms10g/cfgtoollogs/cfgfw/CfmLogger<>.log (for the OMS configuration assistants details)
.../oms10g/sysman/log/emrepmgr* (for the progress of the repository upgrade)

5. Successful finish of the configuration script. will be denoted by this messaging in the command session (ignore date): OMS patch configuration done

Restarting the DBMS jobs in the Repository Database.

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Jan 18 16:37:45 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Commit complete.

SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

6. Verify the component version for the OMS in any of these ways:

1) "About Oracle Enterprise manager" in the console view.
2) .../oms10g/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
3) OUI "installed Products" view
4) .../oms10g/bin/emctl status oms
5) .../agent10g/bin/emctl status agent (10.2)

7. Verify the OMS' new Application Server version ( in any of these ways:

1) Application Server main target page
2) Home/Deployments Summary view for Application Server Installations in Grid Control
3) Deplyments/Deployments Summary view for Application Server Installations in Grid Control
4) .../oms10g/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
5) OUI "installed Products" view
6) Main page of OMS/AS Application Server Control web site
7) Application Server Control home page for the OMS installation.

8. Verify the component version for the agent in any of these ways:

1) Grid Control agent page view.
2) emctl status agent
3) .../agent10g/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
4) OUI "installed Products" view
5) Setup/Agents view in Grid Control

D. Troubleshooting Failure if EM_DBMS_JOBS are running during configuration

1. If the script. fails, then review the database configuration log file. The database configuration log file is available in .../db10g/cfgtoollogs/cfgfw.

Scan through the logs to see if you have the following error message:

The installer has detected that there are background dbms jobs currently running in the Repository Database.

2. If you see the error message, then before upgrading the Management Repository, do the following:

Check the status of EM_DBMS_JOBS with this query:

Select count(*) FROM dba_jobs_running run_job,gv$session sess WHERE sess.sid = run_job.sid AND sess.schemaname = 'SYSMAN';

This query should return no rows to allow configuration to succeed.

Stop the running DBMS jobs by logging in to SQL as SYSDBA and running the following command:

SQL> exec sysman.emd_maintenance.remove_em_dbms_jobs;

Stop and restart the database.

Check the status of SYSMAN user account:

- Log in to SQLPlus as SYSDBA and run the following query:

SQL> select username,account_status from dba_users;

- Ensure that the SYSMAN user account is in ’open’ status. If the account is not in open status, then run the following command:

alter user SYSMAN account unlock;

- Commit the changes by running the following command:

SQL> commit;

- Run the query again to see if all jobs have indeed stopped.

3. Rerun the script.

Note: For, unsecured access to Grid Control (using HTTP URL) is restricted by default. Instead, use HTTPS URL. If you still want to use the HTTP URL, then unlock it using the following command:

emctl secure unlock -console

4. After installation is complete, restart the DBMS jobs by running the following commands, one after the other:

SQL> exec sysman.emd_maintenance.submit_em_dbms_jobs;
SQL> commit;

5. The database should be immediately upgraded to a supported version.

6. Review the post patch requirements of Note 853691.1 "ALERT: Important Upgrade Steps Required for Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10gR5 ( Upgrades" for OMS and agent post-patch maintenance requirements. This is also a good time to apply the pre-patch database maintenance actions from this note, which can optionally be performed after OMS patching. The database should be upgraded from the seed version ( to a supported version before database maintenance is undertaken.

E. Potential Pitfalls and Points of Interest:

1. Database bug 5345437 may be encountered after patched agent startup. This bug prevents the agent from completing upload at some point, after initial upload success. The agent will continue to operate, but cannot upload further and cannot upload on restart. Applying the 5345437 database bugpatch to the repository database will allow the agent to continue to upload regularly.

2. There will appear to be an agent stage in the OMS Oracle Home at .../oms10g/sysman/agent_download/. This is not a complete stage, as the patched Grid Control product is installed, so the existing directory will need to be emptied and a complete agent will need to be placed in this staging location to accommodate future agent pull or push deployments.

F. References:

Oracle® Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation Guide
10g Release 5 (

Oracle® Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration
10g Release 5 (

Oracle® Enterprise Manager Grid Control Release Notes for Linux and Microsoft Windows
10g Release 4 (


NOTE:853691.1 - Upgrade Grid Control 10.2.0.x to - Important Steps Required

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