TimesTen Warnings and Errors - TT40005 to TT48119 [ID 1339892.1]

TimesTen Warnings and Errors - TT40005 to TT48119 [ID 1339892.1]

In this Document
TimesTen Warnings and Errors - TT40005 to TT48119

Applies to:

TimesTen Data Server - Version: and later [Release: 7.0 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This is a list if the TimesTen Warnings and Errors from TT40005 to TT48119. It is based on Chapter 1 of Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Error Messages and SNMP Traps, Release 11.2.1. The main difference is that the warnings and errors are list in the TTnnnn format for ease of searching.


Anyone who might see one of these messages.

TimesTen Warnings and Errors - TT40005 to TT48119

If an error is prefixed with " Warning," the command completes but has a side effect the user should know about. For all other errors, the command terminates abnormally.

Errors 40000 - 49999

Error numberError or warning messageDetails
TT40005sbHttpListParse returned NULLInternal error. Daemon cannot honor a request from the cache agent. The reply message cannot be parsed. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40006Could not connect to TimesTen. Cache timer thread exit.The cache agent cannot connect to TimesTen. The timer thread used by cache aging is exiting. Review the connection settings and restart the cache agent to begin aging.
TT40007Could not connect to TimesTen. Cache aging thread exit.The cache agent cannot connect to TimesTen. The timer thread used by cache aging is exiting. Review the connection settings and restart the cache agent to begin aging.
TT40008Could not do aging, Cache aging thread will try to reconnect in 1 minute.The cache aging operation was unable to complete, the cache agent disconnects and then reconnects and retries in one minute. If the problem does not resolve itself after several retries, review the user error log to find the cause of the aging failure.
TT40009Error reading from deadman socketThe cache agent failed to read from the daemon socket. Cache agent is shutting down. If the cache agent does not restart automatically, restart it manually. If that does not work, then restart the main TimesTen daemon and then restart the cache agent manually if the cache agent policy requires it to be restarted manually.
TT40010Data read, fatal internal errorInternal error. The cache agent failed to read from the daemon socket. Cache agent is shutting down. If the cache agent does not restart automatically, restart it manually. If that does not work, then restart the main TimesTen daemon and then restart the cache agent manually if the cache agent policy requires it to be restarted manually.
TT40011Subdaemon exiting, main daemon goneThe cache agent detected that the TimesTen daemon is down. The cache agent is shutting down. To continue, restart the main TimesTen daemon. Then, restart the cache agent, if it does not restart automatically.
TT40012Error code setting synchronous socketsThe cache agent cannot set a synchronous socket during startup. The operating system error code is displayed in the message. Remove the cause of OS error and restart the cache agent.
TT40013Connect fail from connectToDaemon port portID as id selfIDInternal Error. The cache agent failed to connect to the TimesTen daemon at port portID as ID selfID. The TimesTen daemon may have died unexpectedly. Check the status of the main TimesTen daemon.
TT40014Could not create core service thread, exitingThe cache agent cannot create one of its core service threads at startup. It is shutting down.
TT40015Could not initialize connection to daemonThe cache agent cannot initialize the connection to daemon at startup. The cache agent is shutting down. The TimesTen daemon may have died unexpectedly. Check the status of the main TimesTen daemon.
TT40016Daemon did not accept port setting. Message: message, Error Code: codeInternal error. Daemon did not accept cache agent port setting. The details are included in this message.
TT40017Daemon did not accept port setting. Return code: code1 Request Return code: code2Internal error. Daemon did not accept cache agent port setting. The details are included in this message.
TT40018TimesTen error code:code msg messageThe cache agent has generated a Native TimesTen error. For more information see the description for that error in this chapter.
TT40019Unable to allocate an ODBC environment handleThe cache agent failed to allocate an ODBC environment handle. Refer to ODBC documentation to find the cause of failure.
TT40020Could not allocate ftclock, exitingInternal error message. ftClock thread cannot be initialized. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40021Could not create cache shutdown event, exitingThe cache agent cannot create an object that is used internally at startup. There may be insufficient memory or other a shortage of another system resource to initialize a condition variable. Stop the cache agent, free up the resources and restart the cache agent.
TT40022Could not create thread_name thread, agent will be restartedThe cache agent could not create the indicated thread. This may be caused by a lack of system resources to create another thread or the system limit on the total number of threads in a process may have been exceeded. Stop the agent, free up resources or adjust the system limit and restart the cache agent.
TT40026Could not initialize internal structure for scheduler, agent will be restartedThe cache agent could not initialize an internal structure for the scheduler. The cache agent is restarting automatically. This message usually follows another message that describes the details about the failure.
TT40030Cache agent has exceeded the maximum TimesTen connection limit of limitThe cache agent has too many connections to TimesTen. This is often caused by a large number of autorefresh attempts. Alter the autorefresh intervals on your cache groups to be less frequent and so that they are similar on most of your cache groups.
TT40031Connect failed (message)The cache agent failed to connect either to the TimesTen main daemon or to Oracle. The message included in this error may give more details. In addition, this message usually follows another message that describes the details about the failure.
TT40034Last number_of autorefreshes failed for cache groups within interval msecs ms. Autorefresh will be retried silentlyThe latest indicated number of have failed. The autorefresh operation is retried without writing new messages to the user error log. This message usually follows another message that describes the details about the failure.
TT40035Autorefresh number number failed for cache groups with interval msecs ms after number retries.An autorefresh for the indicated interval has failed. This message usually follows another message that describes the details about the failure. The autorefresh operation is being retried automatically.
TT40036Create/alter cache group failed because autorefresh for cache group cache_group_name is in the middle of shutting downCREATE CACHE GROUP and ALTER CACHE GROUP statements cannot be processed while the cache agent is shutting down the autorefresh thread for the cache group. Wait for the thread to finish shutting down and retry your DDL operation.
TT40037Could not allocate a new cache group structure. Scheduler thread exitingThe cache agent failed to allocate a new cache group structure. This may happen in response to CREATE CACHE GROUP or ALTER CACHE GROUP operation when there is a lack of memory or other system resource. One of the service threads (scheduler) is shutting down and autorefresh for all cache groups is stopped.Make the resource available and restart the cache agent.
TT40038Could not allocate a new refresher structure. Scheduler thread exitingThe cache agent failed to allocate a new refresh structure. Cache agent fails to allocate a new refresh structure. This may happen in response to CREATE CACHE GROUP or ALTER CACHE GROUP operation when there is a lack of memory or other system resource. One of the service threads (scheduler) is shutting down and autorefresh for all cache groups is stopped. Make the resource available and restart the cache agent.
TT40042Join of refresher-thread_name failedA thread join with a refresher thread failed during cache agent shutdown.
TT40043ODBC error from API call: api_nameThe specified ODBC call failed. Refer to the ODBC documentation for details.
TT40044No data source or driver specified; dialog prohibited. Check the DSN definition in the ODBC system administrator. The DSN must be a system DSN.This error only occurs on Windows systems. The cache agent could not connect to the TimesTen database because the data source or driver was not specified. Check the system DSN settings for this database.
TT40045No data source or driver specified; dialog prohibited. Check the DSN definition in the sys.odbc.ini file. The DSN must be a system DSN.This error only occurs on UNIX systems. The cache agent could not connect to the TimesTen database because the data source or driver was not specified. Check the system DSN settings for this database.
TT40046Error: mesage, ODBC SQL state = SQL_state, Additional Warning = codeThe specified ODBC call failed with the indicated details.
TT40047Call to SQLError failed with SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Need to increase size of message buffer.Internal Error, the cache agent's internal error buffer is too small for SQLError ODBC API call. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40048Call to SQLError failed with SQL_INVALID_HANDLE.Internal Error, the ODBC statement, connection, or environment handle passed to SQLError was invalid. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40049Call to SQLError failed with SQL_ERROR.Internal error, the call to SQLError fails to get more diagnostic information after a failed ODBC operation. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40050Detected invalid data store.TimesTen database has been invalidated, Cache agent shuts down, then restarts. Try the operation again.
TT40051Cannot attach to Oracle Server (Oracle error ORA-number). racleNetServiceName = <onet_svc_name>, ORACLE_HOME = Oracle_HomeThe cache agent cannot connect to the Oracle server. The Oracle error code is included in the message. Refer to "Unable to resolve Oracle Service Name" and "Unable to validate Oracle username and password" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40052Cannot start an Oracle session (Oracle error ORA-code). uid = user_name. pwd is hidden, TNS_ADMIN = tns_path , ORACLE_HOME= Oracle_install_dirCannot start an Oracle session. The Oracle error code and the intended user name are included in the message. The password is hidden for security reasons. Refer to "Unable to resolve Oracle Service Name" and "Unable to validate Oracle username and password" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40053OCIEnvCreate failed. Return code code_numberCalling OCIEnvCreate fails. The return code is included in the message. Verify the Oracle client installation. Refer to "Unable to resolve Oracle Service Name" and "Unable to validate Oracle username and password" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40054Could not login to Oracle. TNS timeout occurred.Received a TNS timeout error while trying to login to the Oracle server. Check the Oracle client/server setting and the network health. If the problem does not get fixed after an automatic restart, check the connection and restart cache agent. Refer to "Unable to resolve Oracle Service Name" and "Unable to validate Oracle username and password" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40055Delete query too long during unload.The system generated a query overflow in the system buffer, while executing an unload statement. This is usually caused by very a long WHERE clause in the UNLOAD CACHE GROUP statement, a large number of tables in the cache group, or very long WHERE clause in the cache group definition.
TT40056Not connected to Oracle during loadInternal error. A connection to Oracle was not established before the loading operation. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40057Table name too long: table_name.Internal error. The table name is too long. A table name cannot exceed 30 characters.
TT40058Select query too long during load.While executing a load statement, the system generated SELECT query overflowed a system buffer. This is usually caused by a very long WHERE clause in the LOAD statement, A large number of tables in the cache group, or very long WHERE clause in the cache group definition.
TT40059Select list too long during load.While executing a load statement, the system generated SELECT query overflowed a system buffer. This is usually caused by a very long WHERE clause in the LOAD statement, A large number of tables in the cache group, or very long WHERE clause in the cache group definition.
TT40060Error preparing Oracle statement: statementThere was an error while preparing the specified SQL statement on Oracle.
TT40061Error executing Oracle statement: statementThere was an error while executing the specified SQL statement on Oracle.
TT40062Column count does not match for cached tableThe Oracle table columns do not match the cached table columns. Check to determine if the Oracle table schema has been changed since the cache group was created.
TT40064Rowid descriptor alloc failureThe call to OCIDescriptorAlloc failed.
TT40066Internal buffer overflow during autorefresh initializationAutorefresh initialization failed because an internal buffer has overflowed. The required buffer size is proportional to the number of tables in the cache group, the number of columns, the number of columns in the primary key or foreign key, and the length of the WHERE clause of the cache group.
TT40067Failed during restarting autorefreshFailed to restart autorefresh for some of the cache groups during cache agent startup. This message usually follows another message that describes the details about the failure.
TT40068Failed to prepare the TimesTen SQL statement: statementThe cache agent encountered an error while preparing a TimesTen SQL statement. This message usually follows another message that describes the details about the failure.
TT40069Failed to retrieve from Oracle change log. query = query, curSOLog=logThe cache agent failed to retrieve rows from the Oracle change log for autorefresh. The failing query and the current log content are specified in this message. Make sure the Oracle table objects for autorefresh have not been removed and the autorefresh user has not been changed since the creation of the cache group.
TT40070Timeout while dropping an Oracle table. The query is queryA timeout occurred while dropping an Oracle table. The optional failed query is specified in the message. This may occur in response to either a ALTER CACHE GROUP or a DROP CACHE GROUP operation when the table is busy. This error is not fatal. The drop is retried when the cache agent gets restarted. If necessary, restart the cache agent to drop the table immediately.
TT40071Table is not found in Oracle: owner.tableThe specified table cannot be found in the Oracle database.
TT40072Failed in checkAutorefreshConnections, bad argumentInternal error. The autorefresh connection is bad. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40073Could not drop the Oracle objects. Either an Autorefresh uid was not provided or the uid was invalid.Failed to drop Oracle objects for autorefresh because either the cache administration user ID was not given or the UID was incorrect. Make sure the cache administration user ID provided at cache agent startup time is correct.
TT40076Failed calling OCI function: function_nameThe cache agent failed while calling the specified OCI API function. This message is usually followed by another message that describes the details about the failure.
TT40077Oracle native error code = error_code, msg = messageThe cache agent encountered a native Oracle error while calling an OCI function. The details are included in this message.
TT40078Assertion failed: messageInternal error. A cache agent internal consistency check failed. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40079Failed to malloc size memory_size. Please free system resources.Failed to malloc memory of the indicated size.
TT40081Failed to get Oracle username and password: error_numberFailed to get Oracle username and password, the details are included in this message.This may happen during the cache agent startup. This message usually follows another message which describes the details about the failure. The cache agent gets automatically restarted when this error occurs.
TT40083Cache agent startup command line value missing for flag flagInternal error. The main TimesTen daemon started the cache agent with missing values for the indicated flag. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40084Cache agent startup command line flag flag has incorrect value valueInternal error. The main TimesTen daemon started the cache agent with incorrect values for the specified flag. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40086Could not allocate Oracle statement handleError allocating Oracle statement handle. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40087Could not allocate TimesTen statement handleError allocating a TimesTen statement handle. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40088Log reader TTC_FT_OBJECT_PREFIXgetMinSCN returned OCI_NO_DATAInternal error. getMinSCN should have returned at least one row, but was unable to do so. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40089Log reader getLmLock returned OCI_NO_DATAInternal error. getLmLock should have returned at least one row, but was unable to do so. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40090Log reader getLmUserCount returned OCI_NO_DATAInternal error. getLmUserCount should have returned at least one row, but was unable to do so.Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40091Log reader getLmUserCount returned OCI_NO_DATAInternal error. getLogLimit should have returned at least one row, but was unable to do so. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40092Oracle type type not supportedInternal error. Oracle type for the primary key is not supported. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40093Could not parse redo SQL cscn:cscn_name, SQL: statementInternal error. Parsing of redo SQL statement failed. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40094Unable to get primary key metadata for base table table_name, log table table_nameInternal error. Unable to get metadata for primary keys for the indicated base and log tables. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40096Log reader initialization failedLog reader allocation failed. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40108Could not derive the data store file name. Data store path = path_nameInternal Error. TimesTen could not derive the database name from the provided database input parameter to cache agent. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40114Connection to Oracle has not succeeded for last num minutes. Number of failed attempts: num. Initiating cache agent restart.At cache agent startup time, the cache agent cannot connect to Oracle. A CREATE CACHE GROUP or an ALTER CACHE GROUP statement can encounter this error because the operation was attempted too soon after the cache agent was started or because the cache agent was unable to establish a connect to Oracle. Messages in the user error log may provide details on the connection failures. If the problem does not resolve itself after several attempts, manually restart the cache agent. For more details see "Unable to resolve Oracle Service Name" and "Unable to validate Oracle username and password" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40115No cache groups will be autorefreshed until a connect to Oracle can be established. Will try to connect to Oracle silently every seconds seconds. Additional error information: message.At cache agent startup time, the cache agent cannot connect to Oracle. The cache agent keeps trying to connect to Oracle.
TT40116Fatal error occurred while trying to connect to Oracle. Check the Oracle Id, UID, PWD and the status of Oracle instance. No autorefreshing will occur until the problem is resolved and cache agent has been restarted.At cache agent startup time, the cache agent cannot connect to Oracle. The cache agent automatically shuts down and restarts. If the problem does not get fixed after this automatic restart, you should stop the cache agent, check the OracleID, UID, PWD & the status of the Oracle instance and restart cache agent.
TT40117AUTOREFRESH LOGSEQ ERROR: LogSeq(number) = error_ number considered not valid. It will not be stored in the datastore.Internal Error. TimesTen saw an invalid bookmark when trying to store the log sequence into TimesTen. The autorefresh can not move forward. It resumes from the last valid logseq number.
TT40119An error occurred while preparing or executing the following Oracle SQL statement: statementThis message usually follows another message that describes the details about the failure.
TT40120Autorefresh has not succeeded for cachegroups with interval interval ms for last minutes minutes. Number of failed attempts: num. Initiating cache agent restart.Autorefresh for the specified interval has failed in the indicated minutes, after the indicated number of attempts. The cache agent is restarting.
TT40121Auto-Refresh failed (Could not turn on table locking)Table-level locking could not be turned on for this autorefresh transaction. This autorefresh is being aborted and retried.
TT40122Could not parse fullname, name, in owner and name.TimesTen was unable to parse the cache group name during the autorefresh object validation for the specified cache group. Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40123Autorefresh trigger trigger_name is not enabled for table table_name. The cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name will not be refreshed.Autorefresh Oracle object validation for cache groups finds that the Oracle trigger trigger_name on the indicated table is not enabled. Autorefresh cannot work for the table. Either ALTER the AUTOREFRESH state of cache group to OFF and then back to ON, or drop and recreate the cache group. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40124Could not find autorefresh trigger trigger_name. The cache group owner.cache_group_name in data store data_store_name will not be refreshed.Autorefresh Oracle object validation for cache groups finds that the Oracle trigger trigger_name on the indicated table of the cache group was not found on Oracle. Autorefresh cannot work for the cache group. Either alter the AUTOREFRESH state of cache group to OFF and then back to ON, or drop and recreate the cache group. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40125Could not find the Oracle autorefresh object_typeobject_name for table table_name. The cache group cache_group_name cannot be refreshed in any datastores.A table in the cache group cache_group_name did not find the autorefresh object on the Oracle database. Autorefresh cannot work for the cache group. Either alter the Autorefresh state of cache group to OFF and then back to ON, or drop and recreate the cache group. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40126Autorefresh autorefresh_state for table table_name is not valid on Oracle. The cache group cache_group_name will not be refreshed.Autorefresh Oracle object validation for a cache group table found an invalid status for an autorefresh object on Oracle. Autorefresh cannot work for the cache group. Either alter the Autorefresh state of cache group to OFF and then back to ON, or drop and recreate the cache group. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40127Internal error: could not compute the difference of two dates.Autorefresh object validation could not complete because of this error.
TT40128Oracle object id is different - Oracle table table_name has been recreated since the cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name was created. The cache group will not be refreshedAutorefresh object validation for the cache group found an incompatibility between the cache group objectID and the objectID on Oracle.This could have been caused when a table was created on the Oracle database after the cache group was created. Autorefresh cannot work for the cache group. Either alter the Autorefresh state of cache group to OFF and then back to ON, or drop and recreate the cache group. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40129Oracle create date changed - Oracle table table_name has been recreated since the cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name was created. The cache group will not be refreshedAutorefresh object validation for the cache group found an incompatibility between the create date for the specified table in a TimesTen database and that on the Oracle database.This could have been caused when a table was created on the Oracle database after the cache group was created. Autorefresh cannot work for the cache group. Either alter the Autorefresh state of cache group to OFF and then back to ON, or drop and recreate the cache group. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40130AutoRefresh log table is older than base table - Oracle table table_name has been recreated since the cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name was created. The cache group will not be refreshedThe error occurs when autorefreshing Oracle object validation for the cache group. A change log table for table table_name is older than the table itself.This could have been caused when a table was created on the Oracle database after the cache group was created. Autorefresh cannot work for the cache group. Either alter the autorefresh state of cache group to OFF and then back to ON, or drop and recreate the cache group. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40131Could not parse table names for cache group owner.cache_group_name.Internal Error. The cache agent was unable to parse the tables names during the autorefresh object validation for the specified cache group. Autorefresh object validation could not complete because of this error.
TT40132Could not find user count row for table table_name in cache_group_name. Any autorefreshed cache group containing table table_name will not be refreshed.An autorefresh validation check could not find the Oracle user count row for the indicated table in user_count_table_name. Any autorefresh cache group containing the specified table is not refreshed. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40133The user count in the user count table table_name for table table_name in cache group owner.cache_group_name is NULL. The cache group may not be refreshed.An autorefresh validation check found user count to be NULL in the in the user_count_table_name for the specified cache group table. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40134The user count for table table_name in cache group owner.cache_group_name is less than 0.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40135The user count for table table_name in cache group owner .cache_group_name is equal to 0.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40136The log sequence number in the user count table table_name for table table_name in cache group owner.cache_group_name is NULL. The cache group may not be refreshed.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40137The log sequence number in the user count table table_name for table table_name in cache group cache_group_name is not equal to the largest logseq in the autorefresh log table table_name. The cache group may not be refreshed for all datastores.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40138The previous log sequence number is greater than the recorded refresh bookmark for table table_name in cache group cache_group_name in data store owner.data_store_nameA problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40139The user count table table_name on Oracle instance instance_name was not found. The autorefresh will not work for all datastore for this instance.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40140The sequence number for table table_name had changed but the table was not refreshed. cache_group_name cache group in data store data_store_name is out of sync.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40141The sequence number for table owner.table_name had changed but the table was not refreshed. The cache group in data store data_store_name is out of sync.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40143Could not find table table_name for cache group cache_group_name in Oracle. User user_name may not have privileges. The cache group will not be refreshed.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40144Table owner.table_name in cache group owner.cache_group_name is not valid on Oracle. The cache group will not be refreshed.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40145An internal autorefresh structure has not been initialized. Cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name will not be refreshed.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40146An internal autorefresh structure has not been initialized.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40147The id for cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name is invalid.A problem occurred while trying to validate an autorefresh Oracle object. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40148Could not generate hash of host and data store nameInternal error. A bi-propagated cache group operation failed to generate a hash of host and database name Contact TimesTen Technical Support
TT40149Was not able to initialize an internal autorefresh structure. The refresher will try to reinitialize the structure later. The cache agent failed to initialize an internal data structure used by autorefresh. This message usually follows another message that describes the details about the failure. TimesTen is retrying the initialization.
TT40157OCIHandleFree() failed.Check the health of the Oracle connection.
TT40158() failed. uid user_ID.Internal error. The cache agent failed to set the user ID of the session. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40159Could not initialize OCI function pointers. Error: messageThis is a cache agent initialization error. The OCI functions cannot be set up to be used with the cache agent. The specific error is included in the message and may provide a suggestion to solve the problem. Check both the Oracle and TimesTen installations. On UNIX systems, make sure the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set correctly.
TT40160Clean up of autorefresh Oracle objects failed. snprintf returned value with buffer length length.This is an internal error that occurred during clean up of autorefresh Oracle objects. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40162ODBC call failed with SQL_INVALID_HANDLEThis is an internal error indicating that an ODBC handle used by the cache agent is invalid. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40163OCI call failed with OCI_INVALID_HANDLEThis is an internal error indicating that an ODBC handle used by the cache agent is invalid. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40164OCIErrorGet failed with OCI_INVALID_HANDLEThis is an internal error. The OCIErrorGet call failed to get more diagnostic information after an OCI call failed. The OCI handle is invalid. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40165Unique Constraint is violated while loading table owner.table_nameThe unique constraint has been violated in TimesTen during a LOAD CACHE GROUP, MERGE or AUTOREFRESH operation on the indicated table.Unload the cache group and then reload it. If the error still occurs, contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40166Required table table_name does not exist on OracleAutorefresh Oracle object validation detected that the indicated table does not exist. The log table garbage collector can not work. To recreate the tables, recreate the autorefresh cache group. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40167owner.table_name table on Oracle does not have required lock rowsAutorefresh Oracle object validation detected that the indicated table does not exist. The log table garbage collector can not work. To recreate the rows, recreate the autorefresh cache group. For details on fixing this problem, refer to the "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT40169Can't initialize bookmark reporterThe Cache agent failed to initialize a new data structure used by the bookmark reporter.This may happen in response to a CREATE CACHE GROUP or ALTER CACHE GROUP statement due to a lack of memory or other system resource. The operation cannot continue successfully.Free up the necessary resources and reissue the DDL statement.
TT40173Can't initialize log table markerThe Cache agent failed to initialize a new data structure used by the log table marker.This may happen in response to a CREATE CACHE GROUP or ALTER CACHE GROUP statement due a lack of memory or other system resource. The operation cannot continue successfully.Free up the necessary resources and reissue the DDL statement.
TT40175Failover stopped. Failover will not take place.The cache agent detected an Oracle OCI_FO_ABORT failover event. The failover was unsuccessful. If the cache agent does not restart automatically, restart it manually.
TT40176Bad Failover Event: event.Internal error. The cache agent does not recognize the Oracle failover event.Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40177Could nto re-establish a connection in num minutes. Failover will not take placeThe connection to one of the Oracle RAC nodes failed and the cache agent could not failover to another Oracle RAC node. It timed out and the failover was unable to continue.If the cache agent does not restart automatically, restart it manually.
TT40178Failed to register failover callback for server handle handle.The cache agent failed to register the Oracle RAC failover callback function. No action is needed if the application is not running against a Oracle RAC server. If you are running against a Oracle RAC server, verify that the Oracle OCI client is the latest 9i or 10g client and that TAF is enabled.
TT40179OCIHandleAlloc() failed.The cache agent may have run out of memory or another system resource. Contact TimesTen Technical Support if the problem persist.
TT40180Unexpected row count. Expecting count. Got count.Oracle objects required for autorefresh operations could not be uninstalled because a DDL lock could not be acquired. Restart the cache agent. If the error persists, contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT40181object could not be found on Oracle. Check that user has privileges on Oracle_objectThe Oracle object could not be found.Verify that the specified Oracle user has the correct privileges on the object.
TT40182Timestamp descriptor alloc failureThe call to OCIDescriptorAlloc failed.
TT40183Could not retrieve aging lifetime for cache group with cgID IDInternal error. The cache agent could not retrieve the aging lifetime for cache group from the TimesTen database.This message usually follows another message that describes the details about the failure. Load/refresh cache group fails.
TT40185Can't initialize marker structure for autorefresh threadThe cache agent failed to initialize a new data structure used by the log table marker for the autorefresher thread.
TT40186Can't initialize tablespace full alert writer structureThe cache agent failed to initailize a new data structure used by tablespace full alert writer.
TT40187Can't initialize tablespace full alerter structureThe cache agent failed to initailize a new data structure used by tablespace full alerter.
TT40188No cache groups will be autorefreshed since the data store is marked "not alive" and the recovery method is "none."The database is dead and cannot be refreshed.
TT40189Cache group cachegroup_name will not be autorefreshed because the cache group is marked "not alive" and the recovery method is "manual."The database is dead. You must manually autorefresh the cache groups.
TT44000Warning: Statement statementThe TimesTen ODBC driver returns the SQL warning included in the message.
TT44001Warning: warning_message, ODBC SQL state = state, Additional Warning = warning_messageThe TimesTen ODBC driver returns the SQL warning included in the message.
TT44002Table loading warning summary: number_of data truncationsThis message reports the number of data truncations that occurred during a LOAD CACHE GROUP statement.
TT44003Table loading warning: Data truncated for table table_name, row row_num, column column_numWarning: A data truncation occurred at the specified row and column while loading the specified table.
TT44004OCIDescriptorFree : RowId descriptor was not freed. i=row, error=codeInternal warning, the OCIDescriptorFree call did not succeed for specified row with the OCI error code that is included in this message.
TT44005Table loading warning summary: number_of column values truncatedThe specified number of column values were truncated during a LOAD CACHE GROUP statement.
TT44007Table refresh warning: Data truncated for table table_name, row row_num, column column_numThe specified number of data truncations occurred for the specified table, row and column.
TT44009Warning: Oracle object cleanup failed.The cache agent may not have cleaned up all the Oracle objects. If necessary, clean up the objects manually.
TT44010Warning: cmd: commandThe cache agent encountered an Oracle OCI warning while processing the specified command.
TT44011Oracle warning i = warning_no: error_messageThe cache agent encountered one or more warning(s) while executing an Oracle OCI call. The details are included in this message.
TT44017Newly updated records are missing from log table table_name because of truncation. Table owner.table_name will be fully refreshedThe specified table must be fully refreshed because log table was truncated. For details on fixing this problem, see "Incremental autorefresh becomes full autorefresh" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44022The cache agent has not been able to established a connection to Oracle. No cache groups will be refreshed until a connection is made. Check the status of the Oracle instance.The cache agent encountered this error after either a CREATE CACHE GROUP or ALTER CACHE GROUP statement because the operation came too soon after the cache agent started or the cache agent could not establish a connection to Oracle.Other error messages in the user error log may provide details on connection failures. Resolve the connection problem manually if does not resolve after several retries, and restart the cache agent. Refer to the "Unable to resolve Oracle Service Name" and "Unable to validate Oracle username and password" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44023Cache agent was successfully able to connect to Oracle after number_of_attempts failed attemptsThe cache agent was initially having trouble connecting to Oracle but it succeeded after the indicated number of retries.
TT44024Could not find the object id for table owner.table_name in the autorefresh structure. The cache agent may be lagging behind.This is a warning message.
TT44025Could not find the cache group owner.cache_group_name in data store data_store_name. The cache agent maybe lagging behind. The cache group will not be validated.This is a warning message.
TT44026The autorefresh mode for cache group owner.cache_group_name in data store data_store_name is different from refresher. The cache agent is lagging behind.This is a warning message.
TT44027The autorefresh state for cache group owner.cache_group_name in data store data_store_name is different from refresher. The cache agent is lagging behind.This is a warning message.
TT44028Cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name has number tables yet the refresher has number tables.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT44029Cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name has table table_name yet the refresher has table table_nameInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT44030Autorefresh log table table_name is empty. The autorefresher will perform. a full refresh on all datastores in order to recovery.For details on fixing this problem, see "Incremental autorefresh becomes full autorefresh" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44031The log sequence number has changed but the table table_name in cache group owner.cache_group_name was not refreshed. Will check if it is refreshed during the next validation cycle.For details on fixing this problem, see "Incremental autorefresh becomes full autorefresh" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44032The current log sequence number is greater than the recorded bookmark for the table table_name in cache group owner.cache_group_name in data store data_store_name. The table should have been refreshed but was not. Will check if it is refreshed during the next validation cycle.For details on fixing this problem, see "Incremental autorefresh becomes full autorefresh" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44033The cache agent for data store data_store_name shows that the cache group owner.cache_group_name is an incremental autorefresh cache group yet the system table shows that it is not. The cache agent may be lagging behind.This error could occur after the mode was altered from INCREMENTAL to FULL. Contact TimesTen Technical Support if the problem does not fix itself by the next validation cycle.
TT44034The cache agent indicates that cache group cache_group_name is active, incrementally refreshed and has interval msecs ms for data store data_store_name. But the TimesTen system tables indicate that the cache group should not be incrementally refreshed in this interval. The cache agent may be lagging behind.This error could occur after an ALTER CACHE GROUP operation.Contact TimesTen Technical Support if the problem does not fix itself by the next validation cycle.
TT44035The TimesTen system tables indicates that cache group owner.cache_group_name is active, incrementally refreshed and has interval msecs ms for data store data_store_name. But the cache agent is not currently incrementally refreshing it in this interval. The cache agent may be lagging behind.This error could occur after an ALTER CACHE GROUP operation.Contact TimesTen Technical Support if the problem does not fix itself by the next validation cycle.
TT44036The log table table_name has been truncated and will result in a full refresh of the table table_name in data store data_store_name.For details on fixing this problem, see "Incremental autorefresh becomes full autorefresh" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44037The table table_name on data store data_store_name is currently out of sync with Oracle. The bookmark for the table is bookmark_name. If this warning appears again with the same bookmark, then the cache agent is not making any progress refreshing this table. Otherwise if the warning does not appear again with the same bookmark, the cache agent was only temporarily behind. For details on fixing this problem, see "Incremental autorefresh becomes full autorefresh" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44038The last recorded log sequence number is larger than the current log sequence number for table table_name for cache group owner.cache_group_name. Updates might get lost.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT44040The log table marker is not making progress for tables in refresh interval msecs ms in data store data_store_name. New records are being autorefreshed but bookmark is not moving ahead, causing duplicate workInternal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT44041Autorefresh was not able to acquire lock on one of the cache groups, may be because a DDL transaction is open on the cache group. Autorefresh will be retried number times without waiting for next autorefresh intervalMake sure there are no open DDL transactions on the cache group.
TT44042Twosafe replication transaction was committed without commit acknowledgement from subsriber because failed to get acknowledgement within the specified timeout intervalThe cache agent forced a commit of a TWOSAFE transaction because it did not receive an acknowledgement. This causes replication subscribers to be behind.
TT44043Entry for object id object_name exists in TTC_ FT_OBJECT_PREFIXagent_status but missing from TTC_FT_ OBJECT_PREFIXuser_count tableFor details on fixing this problem, see "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44044Last autorefresh for interval "msecs" ms has not finished after " msecs " ms"An autorefresh transaction is taking significantly longer than the specified autorefresh interval. The first parameter of this message indicates the specified autorefresh interval. The second parameter indicates how long the transaction has been in progress. For details on fixing this problem, see "Incremental autorefresh not progressing" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44045pthread_cond_timedwait failed with return value return_valueInternal error. An operating system call failed.
TT44046Failover error. Retrying...This is an internal warning indicating that a TimesTen operation meant to handle Oracle failover was not successful. The cache agent is retrying the operation.No action is needed if no other error messages are present.
TT44047Operation is aborted because cache agent is shutting downWarning. The cache agent is shutting down.
TT44048OCIDescriptorFree failedInternal warning. The OCIDescriptorFree call did not succeed.
TT44049Could not get LockTruncator lock because the SYNC_OBJS table or LockTruncator row does not exist. Will try again after 1 minuteFor details on fixing this problem, see "Validate autorefresh Oracle objects" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.
TT44051Binding the database column with the output C type + precision can result in overflow errors or truncation warnings.Internal error.
TT44053OCI function pointers initialization warning: . No action needed.This warning can occur during cache agent initialization when a function was not found in the client library. No action is needed as the system will not use that function. Check that the OCI client library version is 11.1 or later.
TT47000TimesTen cache agent Version version, time_of_builddate_of_buildThis message indicates the version of the cache agent. The version is of the format major.minor.patch.buildtime.builddate.
TT47001Watching for main daemon terminationInformational message. The agent thread that detects TimesTen daemon shutdown event is up running.
TT47002Registered with daemon: Port port_no, id IDInformational message. The cache agent has registered itself with daemon.
TT47003Starting up cache agent for data store data_store_nameInformational message. The cache agent is reporting the database name that it is managing.
TT47006Received request requestInformational message. The cache agent received a request. The request format is internal
TT47007Replied OKInformational message. The cache agent replied to a request by sending an OK message
TT47008Replied Missing typeInformational message. The cache agent received a request but the message type was not specified.
TT47009The request was denied because it was not sent by an authorized processInformational message. The cache agent rejected a request because the request was not sent by an authorized process.
TT47010Refreshed cache group: cache_group_nameInformational message. A manual refresh statement has been done through the Cache agent on the indicated cache group.
TT47011Loaded cache group: cache_group_nameInformational message. A manual load statement has been done through the cache agent on the indicated cache group.
TT47012Stopped autorefresh for cache group: cache_group_nameInformational message. The stop autorefresh request for the specified cache group has been received and queued.
TT47013Bad requestInformational message. The requested message cannot be handled by the cache agent.
TT47015pthread_key_create executed: keyInformational message. The cache agent thread is starting.
TT47016Logging off of OracleInformational message. Logging off from Oracle.
TT47017Disconnected from OracleInformational message. Disconnect from Oracle.
TT47018name interval_valueL: Trying to free orphan cache group cache_group_nameCache groups that no longer belong to any autorefresh intervals are orphan cache groups. Cache agent is cleaning up the specified orphan cache group from its internal data structure.
TT47026Last autorefresh for interval msecs ms has not finished after msecs msInformational message. The cache agent cannot keep up with the autorefresh requests. Use a longer autorefresh interval.
TT47029refresher started for interval interval_value millisecondsInformational message. The autorefresh handler thread for the specified interval has started.
TT47030refresher for interval msecs milliseconds is about to exitInformational message. The autorefresh handler thread for the specified interval is about to exit
TT47037Disabled autorefresh for cache group: cache_group_nameInformational message. The scheduler has disabled autorefresh for the specified cache group.
TT47038Enabled autorefresh for cache group: cache_group_nameInformational message. The scheduler has enabled autorefresh for the specified cache group.
TT47043OracleNetServiceName not specified. Will not be able to perform. autorefreshes.Informational message. The OracleNetServiceName attribute is not specified on the DSN. The cache agent cannot perform. any autorefresh tasks
TT47044Logging into OracleInformational message. Cache agent is logging into Oracle.
TT47045Connected to OracleInformational message. The cache agent has connected to Oracle.
TT47046Already connected for caching for data_store_nameInformational message. The cache agent is using an existing connection to Oracle to operate on database.
TT47047"Free error handle handle_nameInformational message. The cache agent is freeing an OCI error handle used when setting up a connection to Oracle.
TT47048Processing Oracle SQL: statement.Informational message. This message follows an error message. It indicates the error occurred while the cache agent was processing the specified Oracle SQL statement.
TT47049Performing a full refresh with cache group root table: owner.tablenameInformational message. The cache agent is performing a full refresh on the specified table.
TT47050Performing a full refreshInformational message. The cache agent is performing a full refresh.
TT47051restarting autorefresh for cache group: cache_group_nameInformational message. The cache agent is restarting the autorefresh for the specified cache group. This happens during cache agent startup.
TT47052re-started autorefresh for cache_group_name cache groupsInformational message. The cache agent is restarting the autorefresh for the specified cache groups. This happens during cache agent startup.
TT47053Error executing the following Oracle SQL statement: statementInformational message. Oracle returned an error while executing the specified SQL statement. This may not be an error condition for the cache agent.
TT47054TimesTen transaction committed.Informational message. A TimesTen transaction has been committed.
TT47055Autorefresh rolled back.Informational message. An autorefresh operation has been rolled back.
TT47056Performing an incremental refresh on table: owner.table_nameInformational message. The cache agent is performing an incremental autorefresh on the specified table.
TT47057Oracle object busy. Will retry: msecsInformational message. The Oracle object is being used by other user. The operation is retried in the indicate number of milliseconds.
TT47058Executing Oracle statement: statementInformational message. The indicated statement is being executed on the Oracle database.
TT47059Successfully executed Oracle SQL statement: statementInformational message. The Oracle SQL statement has been successfully executed
TT47060Performing a full refresh on subtree with root: owner.tablenameInformational message. The cache agent is performing a full refresh on a subtree of cache group with the specified root table.
TT47061Error preparing the following Oracle SQL statement: statementThe cache agent encountered an error while preparing the specified SQL statement on Oracle.
TT47062Rowid was 0 for cascadeUpDelete on table: table_nameThis is an internal message indicating the intermediate steps of autorefresh.
TT47063Executing Delete statement: statementThe cache agent executed the specified DELETE statement.
TT47064Starting cleanup of the Oracle objectsInformational message. The cache agent has begun cleaning up Oracle objects that were used by autorefresh.
TT47065Successfully executed Oracle SQL statement: statementInformational message. The cache agent has successfully executed the indicated Oracle SQL statement.
TT47066Cleanup of the Oracle objects completedInformational message. The cache agent has finished cleaning up Oracle objects that were used by autorefresh.
TT47067Lost connection to Oracle -- shutting down the cache agent, cmd: commandInformational message. The Oracle connection was lost while executing the indicated command. The cache agent is shutting down and restarting. If the cache agent does not start automatically, restart it manually.
TT47070No new connection during shutdownInformational message. A request of a new TimesTen/Oracle connection was denied because the cache agent is in the shutdown process. Wait for the cache agent to completely shutdown and then restart the agent and attempt the connection.
TT47071Warning Ignored: message, ODBC SQL state = SQL_state, Additional Warning = codeInformational message. The cache agent has purposely ignored the TimesTen ODBC warning, the SQL state and the TimesTen warning code indicated in the message.
TT47072Error Ignored: message, ODBC SQL state = SQL_state, Additional Error = error_codeInformational message. The cache agent has purposely ignored the TimesTen ODBC error, the SQL state and the TimesTen error code indicated in the message.
TT47073Cannot connect to Oracle while the cache agent is during shutdownInformational message. The cache agent cannot connect to Oracle while the cache agent shutting down.
TT47074Cache agent is shutting down all service threadsInformational message. The cache agent is shutting down all service threads.
TT47075Cache agent is in final shutdown stageInformational message. The cache agent has shutdown all service threads and is in final shutdown mode
TT47076Cache agent has started all service threads.Informational message. The cache agent has started all service threads during startup.
TT47077Cache agent for data store data_store_name is shutting downInformational message. The cache agent is shutting down.
TT47078Autorefresh number number succeeded for interval msecs millisecondsInformational message. Autorefresh for interval msecs succeeded
TT47084ftSchedulerGetRefreshStats: cannot find cache group with cgID IDInternal Error. TimesTen cannot find the indicated cache group.
TT47085AUTOREFRESH advances to new LOG SEQ Log Seq(num) = table_name in cache group cache_group_nameThe autorefresh bookmark for indicated table has been advanced to the indicated log sequence. This indicates the autorefresh has brought in some new changes to TimesTen
TT47086Retry timeout is mins minutes.The cache agent is waiting for an Oracle object to come alive. The cache agent retries the operation in the indicated number of minutes.
TT47087Cache agent refreshedh cache group owner.cache_group_nameInformational message. The cache agent refreshed the root table rows in the specified cache group.
TT47088Cache agent refreshed number root table rows for this intervalCache agent refreshed the indicated number of root table rows for this interval.
TT47090DDL on base table after creating trigger - DDL has been executed on table owner.table_name after the cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name was created. The cache group may not be refreshed or may be out of sync.The cache agent has that the Oracle table has been altered after an autorefresh cache group has been defined on it. As a result, the cache group may not refresh correctly.
TT47092Cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name does not have autorefresh mode set to incremental. No validation is required.Informational message. Autorefresh is not set for the specific cache group.
TT47093Validation starting: Starting validation check for cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name.Informational message. The cache agent is validating the Oracle objects for tracking changes for the indicated cache group.
TT47094Anomalies were found in the objects used to autorefresh the cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name.Informational message. The cache agent has found anomalies in autorefresh tracking objects for the indicated cache group.
TT47095Anomalies were found in the objects used to autorefresh cache groups in refresh interval msecs for data store data_store_name.Informational message. The cache agent has found anomalies in autorefresh tracking objects for the cache groups with the specified refresh interval.
TT47096No anomalies were found in the objects used to autorefresh the cache group cache_group_name in data store data_store_name.Informational message. Autorefresh validation has successfully completed
TT47097Validation aborted: A fatal error occurred while validating cache groups in refresh interval msecs for data store data_store_name.Informational message. The cache agent encountered an error while validating the autorefresh objects for the specified interval.
TT47098Number of bipropagate rows deleted: number_of_rowsInformational message. The cache agent is tracking an operation on cache groups using both the autorefresh and propagate feature.
TT47100The cache agent will wait at least min minutes before validating cache groups.Informational message. The cache agent is waiting for at least the specified number of minutes before validating the autorefresh objects.
TT47107Autorefresh thread is skipping marking the logs because it was not able to get the locks. Autorefresh will be performed but performance may degrade. Failed SQL: statementThe autorefresher was not able to get the necessary locks to mark the log tables. Another autorefresher may be marking the logs. The autorefresher is skipping this step and move on to performing the autorefresh. The negative side effect of this is that the autorefresher may perform. some inserts twice.
TT47108Autorefresh state for this cache group cache_group_name is no longer ON. Autorefresh will be retried after refreshing the new stateInformational message. The current autorefresh state for this cache group is not ON.
TT47109Autorefresh mode for this cache group cache_group_name is no longer incremetal. Autorefresh will be retried after refreshing the new modeInformational message. The autorefresh mode has changed for this cache group.
TT47110object_id object, bookmark bookmark_nameInformational message. The autorefresh bookmark for the specified table.
TT47111Cache agent successful in getting oneTruncator lock for garbage collectionInformational message. The cache agent has locked the oneTruncator autorefresh object successfully.
TT47112Garbage collector deleted num rows from TTC_FT_OBJECT_PREFIXobject _L where logseq log_sequenceInformational message. The garbage collector deleted said number of rows.
TT47113Log Table Marker marked number rows of log table TTC_FT_OBJECT_PREFIXo object _L with logseq log_sequenceInformational message. The progress of log marking for autorefresh.
TT47116Detect Environment Variable: variable_name, Value: valueInformational message. The cache agent obtained a value from the indicated environment variable.
TT47117Autorefresh thread for interval msecs ms is connected to instance instance_name on host host_name. Server handle handleInformational message. The cache agent thread for autorefresh of cache groups with the specified autorefresh interval has connected to Oracle.
TT47118Starting autorefresh number number for interval msecsmsInformational message. The cache agent is starting an autorefresh with the specified autorefresh interval.
TT47119Autorefresh number number finished for interval msecs msInformational message. Autorefresh has completed.
TT47120Failing over connection. Failover type is type.Informational message. The cache agent is starting an Oracle RAC failover of the indicated type, where type is one of: SESSION, SELECT or unknown.
TT47121Failover completed.Informational message. The failover has completed.
TT47122Failover callback function called.Informational message. The cache agent's registered Oracle RAC failover callback function has been called.
TT47123Failover callback function registered for server handle handle_name.Informational message. The cache agent has registered an Oracle RAC callback function for failover
TT47125thread thread for interval msecs ms is connected to instance id ID. Server handle handleInformational message. The autorefresh thread for cache groups with the specified autorefresh interval has connected to Oracle.
TT47126Failover stopped. Cache agent shutting down.Informational message. The cache agent cannot do an Oracle RAC failover since the cache agent is already in shutdown mode.
TT47127Autorefresh marker thread exiting.Informational message. The autorefresh marker thread is exiting.
TT47128Autorefresh garbage collector thread exiting.Informational message. The autorefresh garbage collector thread is exiting.
TT47129Autorefresh mode for this cache group cache_group_name is no longer full. Autorefresh will be retried after refreshing the new modeInformational message. Autorefresh mode has changed for this cache group.
TT47130Full autorefresh will be performed on the table owner.table_name because an initial load was not performedInformational message. The application did not load the cache group after it was created. As a result, the first autorefresh is a full refresh.
TT47131Lock info object:lockInformational message. This is an internal message tracking locks on cache agent synchronization objects.
TT47132Skipped reporting bookmark for object_id objectInformational message. The cache agent skipped a reporting bookmark for the table with the specified object ID.
TT47133Error freeing odbc handleInformational message. The cache agent encountered an error when it tried to free a TimesTen ODBC handle.
TT47135Thread thread_name encountered an invalid value for argument argument while adding a cache group to the cache agent scheduler. Cache group cache_group_name will not be autorefreshed.One of the arguments passed to a routine to add a cache group to the scheduler did not pass a validity check. The cache group is not added to the scheduler and therefore is not autorefreshed.
TT47136The cache agent hasn't fully initialized yet. The cache group cache_group_name will be refreshed after initialization is complete.This is an informational message. A CREATE or ALTER CACHE GROUP statement was issued before the cache agent had a chance to initialize. The CREATE or ALTER operation takes effect after the initialization completes. No action needed from user.
TT47137Handle invalid due to client failover.Re-initiate the handle. An automatic failover has occurred.
TT47138DDL Lock: lock_infoThis is an information message. A DDL lock has been created.
TT47139DDL Lock: lock_infoThis is a warning message. A DDL lock may interfere with operations.
TT47140The cache agent information message: Cache group pointer pointer; name name; state state_number; newxpointer pointerThere is an internal cache group INFO message in the daemon log.
TT47141Refresher thread with id ID_number and interval interval_amount ms with bejoined.There is an internal cache group INFO message in the daemon log.
TT47142type interval: number ms, isDead: number, first cg: nameThere is an internal cache group INFO message in the daemon log.
TT47143name threadId: number isDead: number, first cg: nameThere is an internal cache group INFO message in the daemon log.
TT47150Heartbeat thread initialization failed.Cache agent heartbeat thread allocation failed
TT47151Heartbeat thread started. Freq: number seconds.Informational message that the heartbeat thread has started.
TT47152Heartbeat thread has exited.Informational message that the heartbeat thread has exited.
TT47153DeadDsMonitor thread initialization failed.Cache Agent dead database monitor thread allocation failed.
TT47154Dead database monitor thread hstarted. Freq: number seconds.Informational message that the dead database monitor thread has started.
TT47155Dead database monitor thread has exited.Informational message that the dead database message has exited.
TT47156message: informationInformational generic dead database message.
TT47157No cache groups will be autorefreshed since recovery method is manual. Deadcount=value, NumActiveCgs=valueYou must manually refresh the indicated cache groups.
TT47158Cache groups will undergo manual recovery. Deadcount=value, NumActiveCgs=valueYou must manually recover the indicated cache groups
TT47159LogTblMarker thread initalization failed.Cache agent dead database monitor thread allocation failed.
TT47160LogTblGc thread initialization failed.There is an internal cache group INFO message in the daemon log.
TT47161Tablespace full alerter started for with polling period number seconds.Informational message. The thread to monitor the Oracle tablespace has started.
TT47162Tablespace full alerter exitedNear tablespace full alerter exited message
TT47163percent of the tablespace has been used. This exceeds your threshold value of value.Tablespace used above threshold
TT47164percent of the tablespace has been used. This exceeds your threshold value of number.Tablespace used above threshold.
TT47165The tablespace full alerter requires name privilegs. Alerter is shutting down.Alerter lacks appropriate Oracle privileges
TT47166Log Table Marker marked number rows of log table. "TTC_FT_OBJECT_PREFIX" name_L with logseq name through name "TT_INT64_FMT"This is an informational message indicating the progress of the autorefresh log marker.
TT47167Tablespace full alert writer started for with polling period number secondsNear tablespace full alerter writer started message.
TT47168Tablespace full alert writer exitedNear tablespace full alerter writer exited message.
TT47169The tablespace full alert writer requires name privileges. Will shut down the alerter.Alerter writer lacks appropriate Oracle privileges.
TT47170Could not determine the size of the Oracle tablespace.Alerter writer could not determine the size o the Oracle tablespace.
TT47171Tablespace full alert writer updated cache statistics table. Tablespace used percentage percentThis is an informational message from the progress thread monitoring the Oracle tablespace. The message indicates how much tablespace is in use.
TT47172Heartbeat updated.Informational daemon message.
TT47173Bad Oracle agent tuning parameter read by name thread. P1=value, P2=value, P3=valueInformational daemon message.
TT47174Autorefresh of cache group < group>, failed time(s) due to lock conflicts.For this dynamic cache group, autorefresh was unable to complete due to lock conflicts with another application. Indicates the number of times failed due to lock conflicts.
TT47175Autorefresh of cache group has escalated locks, after roll backs.For this dynamic cache group, a threshold count of autorefresh lock conflict failures was reached. Autorefresh will now escalate its locks and priority to improve its chances of completion.
TT47189Cache group > will not be autorefreshed because the cache group is marked not alive and the recovery method is manual.The cache group has been marked dead because the cache agent has been down too long. You have configured the cache group in a way that requires a full manual refresh to recover the cache group. You have not executed a full manual refresh on the cache group, so the cache group will not be autorefreshed.

You see this message in the daemon log every time the cache group is scheduled for autorefresh and the full manual refresh to recover the cache group has not been performed.

TT48001Could not obtain host list from Oracle Clusterware found in CRS_HOMEVerify the value of the -crshome option in the ttcrsagent.options file and verify whether Oracle Clusterware is running on each host by calling: crsctl check crs.
TT48002CRS_home not found in the ttcragent.options fileThe path of the Oracle Clusterware installation is not found in the ttcrsagent.options file. Verify that the file contains the -crshome option.
TT48003Failed to load Oracle Clusterware API library.Unable to load the Clusterware API library from Oracle Clusterware installed in CRS_HOME. An OS error should precede this message and may be found in the ttcwerrors.log file. If the API libraries are absent in the directory CRS_HOME/lib, you may need to reinstall Oracle Clusterware.
TT48004Clusterware_function failed with status = CRS_error_numberCheck the indicated Oracle Clusterware error message for details.
TT48005One or more clusters are active on the host host_nameBecause one or more TimesTen clusters are currently active on the indicated host, any attempt to shut down the TimesTen Cluster agent by calling ttCWAdmin -shutdown -localhost fails.
TT48006The cluster configuration file attribute attribute_name for DSN dsn_name in the cluster configuration file file_name does not have an assigned value.Verify your TimesTen cluster configuration file and enter a value for the indicated attribute.
TT48007Virtual IP resources do not exist in the cluster for DSN dsn_name.Oracle Clusterware virtual IP resources must be created before a user can create a cluster with advanced high availability. As the root or administrator user, create the resources by calling ttCWAdmin -createVIPS -dsn dsn_name
TT48008A cluster for the DSN dsn_name has already been registered.Stop and deregister the cluster corresponding to the DSN, before you create a new cluster with the same DSN.
TT48009Private hostname not found for the host host_name.The private hostname for the indicated host name was not returned by Oracle Clusterware. Verify the cluster configuration by calling crsctl check cluster. If the host is not listed, follow the procedure in the Oracle Clusterware documentation to add it. If the host is listed, contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48010Connection to TimesTen Cluster agent on host host_name failed.The TCP connect to the TimesTen Cluster agent on the host failed. Check the ttcwerrors.log file on the indicated host for any errors occurring before this error. If no network error is detected, contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48011Could not successfully send cluster configuration model for DSN dsn_name to TimesTen Cluster agent on host host_nameThis error may occur as the result of an incorrect input to a ttCWAdmin utility command, an incorrect value in the TimesTen cluster configuration file, or due to network errors.

If there are no errors in the configuration file or returned by the ttCWAdmin utility command, check the ttcwerrors.log file on the indicated host for errors that occurred before this error. If no network error was detected, contact TimesTen Technical Support.

TT48012Could not successfully verify user ID and password(s) for DSN dsn_name.Verify that the indicated database exists. If the database is present, verify the values for the user ID and password. If IMDB Cache is enabled, verify the Oracle password.
TT48013Failed to create active standby pair replication scheme for DSN dsn_name on host host_nameCheck for errors in the ttcwerrors.log and the ttmesg.log files. If the same replication scheme can be created manually without using the ttCWAdmin utility, contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48014Failed to register the cluster for DSN dsn_name with Oracle Clusterware.Check the ttcwmesg.log and ttcwerrors.log files for errors that occurred before this error.

Also, verify that Oracle Clusterware is running by running the command crsctl check crs.

Verify if the cluster corresponding to the DSN is already registered.

If the cluster is not previously registered, check for errors in ttcwerrors.log and crsd.log.

TT48015Failed to register resource resource_name with Oracle Clusterware.Check the ttcwmesg.log and ttcwerrors.log files for errors that occurred before this error.

Verify that Oracle Clusterware is running by running the command crsctl check crs.

Verify that attribute values specified in the TimesTen cluster configuration file are correct.

TT48016TimesTen Cluster agent received NULL Oracle password for DSN dsn_name.You must specify a non-NULL Oracle password.
TT48017No -tns_admin option specified in the ttendaemon.options file.The tns_admin daemon option is required to configure a TimesTen cluster.
TT48018Failed to register direct-linked application resources for DSN dsn_name with Oracle Clusterware.Verify that the application attributes are correct in the cluster configuration file for the specified DSN.

Also, verify the presence of the application script. in the script. install directory on every host.

TT48019Failed to restore DSN dsn_name on the localhost.The TimesTen restore command failed. Check the timestend.log and ttmesg.log files for error messages.
TT48020TimesTen cluster containing DSN dsn_name not found.There is no registered cluster containing the specified DSN.

If the cluster was created previously, creation may have failed. Drop the existing cluster by calling:

ttCWAdmin -drop -dsn dsn_name

Create a new closer by calling:

ttCWAdmin - create -dsn dsn_name

TT48021Resource resource_name not registered.The specified resource is not registered with Oracle Clusterware.

If the cluster was created previously, creation may have failed. Drop the existing cluster by calling:

ttCWAdmin -drop -dsn dsn_name

Create a new cluster by calling:

ttCWAdmin - create -dsn dsn_name

TT48022TimesTen cluster containing DSN dsn_name is not completely registered.Check for resources that are not registered with Oracle Clusterware by reviewing error messages that appear in the ttcwerrors.log file before this error.

Drop the existing cluster by calling:

ttCWAdmin -drop -dsn dsn_name

Create a new cluster by calling:

ttCWAdmin - create -dsn dsn_name

TT48023TimesTen cluster containing DSN dsn_name is already running.Drop the existing cluster by calling: ttCWAdmin -drop -dsn dsn_name
TT48024TimesTen cluster containing DSN dsn_name failed to start.Check the ttcwmesg.log and ttcwerrors.log files in the daemon home directory for errors that occurred before this error.

Also, check the crsd.log file in the CRS_HOME/log/hostname/crsd directory for errors that occurred before this error.

TT48025The resource resource_name is still online.Stop the cluster containing the specified resource by calling: ttCWAdmin -stop -dsn dsn_name
TT48026The cluster containing DSN dsn_name failed to stop.Contact TimesTen Technical Support if this call fails.
TT48027The cluster for DSN dsn_name partly offline.Some resources of the specified cluster are offline.

You may be able to restart the offline resources by calling:

ttCWAdmin -start -dsn dsn_name

TT48028Could not deregister the TimesTen cluster for containing DSN dsn_name.The replication scheme does not exist in the specified cluster databases. Stop the cluster by calling:

ttCWAdmin -stop -dsn dsn_name

The drop the cluster by calling:

ttCWAdmin -drop -dsn dsn_name

TT48029Failed to drop active standby pair replication scheme for DSN dsn_name on host host_name.The replication scheme does not exist in the specified database on the specified host.
TT48030TimesTen Cluster agent could not find application script. script_name for the TimesTen cluster containing DSN dsn_name.Verify that the application script. exists in the script. installation directory on all hosts of the cluster.
TT48031Failed to create action script. for Oracle Clusterware resource resource_name of the TimnesTen clsuter containing the DSN dsn_name.Verify that the permissions are correct and there is enough and available space in the script. installation directory.
TT48032Failed to delete action script. for Clusterware resource resource_name of the TimesTen cluster containing the DSN dsn_name.Verify that the permissions in the script. installation directory are correct.
TT48033Syntax error exists in line "line_text" in cluster configuration file file_name for DSN dsn_name.See the description of the attribute in the "TimesTen Configuration Attributes for Oracle Clusterware" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for the correct configuration file syntax.
TT48034An unkown attribute attribute_name mentioned in the cluster configuration file file_name for DSN dsn_name.See the description of the attribute in the "TimesTen Configuration Attributes for Oracle Clusterware" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for the correct configuration file syntax.
TT48035Conflicting attribute attribute_name in the cluster configuration file file_name for the DSN dsn_name.Multiple entries found for the specified attribute in the cluster configuration file. Remove the conflicting attribute(s) and retry the operation.
TT48036Illegal value value for attribute attribute_name in the cluster configuration file file_name for the DSN dsn_name.See the description of the attribute in the "TimesTen Configuration Attributes for Oracle Clusterware" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for the correct configuration file syntax.
TT48037Number of subscribers for the TimesTen cluster containing DSN dsn_name exceeded the maximum.See "System Limits" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database System Tables and Limits Reference for the maximum number of subscribers in an active standby pair.
TT48038Application type of Subscriber specified for application application_name, but no subscribers are configured for the TimesTen cluster containing the DSN dsn_name.An application type of Subscriber may only be configured if the TimesTen cluster contains subscriber databases.
TT48039Invalid subscriber index specified for application application_name in the TimesTen cluster containing the DSN dsn_name.The specified subscriber index may not be 0 or less, or greater than the number of subscriber databases.
TT48040Orphaned or conflicting application attribute attribute_name specified in the cluster configuration file file_name for DSN dsn_name.Verify that the TimesTen cluster configuration file for specified DSN does not contain duplicate application attributes and that the first application attribute for each application is AppName.
TT48041Connection to Oracle with OracleNetServiceName name failed.In the sys.odbc.ini entry for the DSN, verify the value for OracleNetServiceName attribute. Also verify that the -tns_admin option is specified correctly in the ttendaemon.options file.

Finally, check that the Oracle database is still live.

TT48042Failed to determine installation information.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48043The send string string is too long.The length of an attribute value or a replication scheme is limited to 409600.

Verify the length of the attribute values in the cluster configuration file, and the replication scheme if it is specified using the RepDDL attribute.

TT48044Wrong ACK ack_string received.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48045No DSN specified in ttCWAdmin command command_line.Most ttCWAdmin utility commands require that you specify the DSN. Retry the command with the option -dsn dsn_name.
TT48046Could not connect to remote data store on host host_name.The host is down, or the TimesTen main daemon or replication agent are down on the specified host, or the database on the specified host is not an active or standby master.
TT48047Replication checksum checksum_value of the local store dsn_name does not match the original checksum checksum_value of the replication scheme.This is a transient error. The local database is automatically duplicated from the remote database in the event of a checksum mismatch.
TT48048Another resources is already running the action program binary_executable_name for the DSN dsn_name.Transient error. A new source is starting, but the specified local database is managed by an existing Oracle Clusterware resource. The cluster automatically relocates the new resource to a different host.
TT48049Failed to start/stop the replication agent for the DSN dsn_name.Transient error. The cluster automatically corrects the problem.
TT48050Failed to start/stop the cache agent for the DSN dsn_name.This may occur if no cache groups are defined in the DSN, but the CacheConnect attribute is specified with a value of "Y" in the TimesTen cluster configuration file.
TT48051TimesTen cluster action program binary_executable_name timed out for the DSN dsn_name.The cluster action program was unable to bring up the database with a replication state of either active or standby, or was unable to create a subscriber. This may happen if there is a network error in the cluster, or the original active database is destroyed.
TT48052Failed to determine the master host containing the DSN dsn_name.The local host should be one of the master hosts or contain one of the master VIP addresses in an active standby pair scheme.

Contact TimesTen Technical Support.

TT48053Could not find remote active data store for the DSN dsn_name.The cluster action program was unable to contact the remote active database.

This may be a transient network problem.

TT48054TimesTen cluster program could not destroy the data store with the DSN dsn_name.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48055Could not find standby host in the replication scheme for the DSN dsn_name.A query to the replication system table TTREP.TTSTORES has failed. Check for SQL errors in the ttmesg.log file.
TT48056Could not find data store backup directory for the DSN dsn_name.Verify that the backup directory is accessible from all hosts in the TimesTen cluster.
TT48057Another TimesTen Cluster agent is running.Stop the TimesTen Cluster agent manually by calling ttCWAdmin -shutdown.
TT48058TimesTen Cluster agent received an unkown command: command_string.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48059TimesTen Cluster agent did not successfully receive all parameters of the cluster.The ttCWAdmin utility command closed the connection to the TimesTen Cluster agent due to previous errors or due to a TCP timeout. The TCP timeout for communication between ttCWAdmin and the TimesTen Cluster agent is 30 seconds.

Retry the operation if no previous errors or a timeout are mentioned in the ttcwerrors.log file.

TT48060TimesTen Cluster agent could not successfully verify Oracle password for the racleNetServiceName = oracle_net_service_name.Verify that the Oracle password is correct.
TT48061TimesTen Cluster agent received NULL user ID for the DSN dsn_name.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48062TimesTen Cluster agent received NULL password for the DSN dsn_name.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48063TimesTen Cluster agent could not create files on socket_file_directory.On Linux and Unix systems, all cluster processes of a particular TimesTen instance have their socket files in the temporary directory crsTT_instance admin_instance name. Oracle Clusterware executes action programs that communicate with the TimesTen cluster processes through these file sockets.

Make sure that the TimesTen instance administrator and the Clusterware administrator users have read, write and execute permissions on the temp (/tmp) directory.

In the ttcwerrors.log file, check if any OS errors occurred before this error.

TT48064Failed to determine the status of the TimesTen main daemon with the daemon home directory daemon_home_directory and daemon port number port_number.The daemon is not running, or it is running in a different home directory and with a different port number.

Verify that the daemon is running in the appropriate location.

If the daemon is running, contact TimesTen Technical support with the detailed output from ttversion -m on the terminal where the daemon was started.

TT48065Failed to obtain replication route from TTCW: error_string.If you get this error when Oracle Clusterware is managing replication, contact TimesTen Technical Support. If Oracle Clusterware is not managing replication, you can ignore this error.
TT48066The master/subscriber host name host_name is invalid.Verify that the host name is correct and the host exists in the network domain name system.
TT48067Failed to read the cluster configuration file file_nameCheck for OS errors preceding this error in the ttcwerrors.log file.
TT48068Failed to obtain an IP address for the host host_nameVerify that the host name is correct and the host exists in the network domain name system.
TT48069Process_name failed to connect to the DSN dsn_name due to the error ODBC_native_error_numberCheck for specific connection errors in the ttmesg.log file.
TT48070Virtual IP addresses for the DSN dsn_name were not found in the cluster configuration file file_name.A cluster configuration that uses virtual IP addresses must contain the attribute MasterVIP, specifying the virtual IPs to be used for master databases. If the configuration includes subscribers, it must also include the attribute SubscriberVIP.
TT48071The resource resource_name is offline.An Oracle Clusterware resource is offline. If the TimesTen Cluster agent is offline, bring it up by calling:

ttCWAdmin -init

If the TimesTen Cluster agent is online, call:

ttCWAdmin -start -dsn dsn_name

to bring up all other resources.

TT48072Incorrect response received from TimesTen Cluster agent for the DSN dsn_name.Verify that the TimesTen Cluster agent is running and is listening to an available TCP port.
TT48073The line line in the cluster configuration file is too long. It must be less than posix_LINE_MAX_value.If a configuration line is too long, it may be split into multiple lines. Each line may be ended with a "\" character to indicate that it should be concatenated with the following line. The final concatenated string may be no longer than 2 * posix_LINE_MAX_value.
TT48074The concatenated line line in the cluster configuration file is too long. It must be less than two times posix_LINE_MAX_value.An attribute value is too long and must be shortened.
TT48075The TimesTen cluster configuration for the DSNdsn_name was not found in the cluster configuration file file_name.Verify that the configuration is specified correctly for the specified DSN in the cluster configuration file.
TT48076Less than two host names specified for MasterHosts for the DSN dsn_name in the cluster configuration file file_name.At least two host names must be specified for MasterHosts.
TT48077Invalid AppType specified for the application application_nameThe AppType attribute for an application cannot be specified as Active or Standby when the ClusterType is Subscriber.
TT48078Attribute attribute_name missing for the DSN dsn_name in the cluster configruation file file_name.A required virtual IP attribute is missing from the cluster configuration file.
TT48079No value specified for SubscriberHosts for the DSN dsn_name in the cluster configuration file file_name.If the ClusterType of the cluster configuration is Subscriber, at least one host name must be specified for SubscriberHosts.
TT48080Less than two virtual IP addresses specified for MasterVIP for the DSN dsn_ name in the cluster configuration file file_name.If the ClusterType of the cluster configuration is Active and VIPInterface and VIPNetMask are specified, you must specify at least two virtual IP addresses for the attribute MasterVIP.
TT48081No value specified for SubscriberVIP for the DSN dsn_name in the cluster configuration file file_name.If subscribers exist in the cluster configuration and VIPInterface and VIPNetMask are also specified, you must specify at least one virtual IP address for the attribute SubscriberVIP.
TT48082Backups illegally specified for the DSN dsn_name in the cluster configuration file file_name.Backups may only be specified for a DSN when the ClusterType is Active.
TT48083A required attribute missing for the application application_name for the DSN dsn_name in the cluster configuration file file_name.See the description of the attribute in the "TimesTen Configuration Attributes for Oracle Clusterware" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database TimesTen to TimesTen Replication Guide for the correct configuration file syntax.
TT48084The TimesTen cluster monitor process process_name failed.The specified process has failed. Check the preceding errors in the ttcwerrors.log file for details.
TT48085Failed to create directory L for socket files.A directory must be created for socket files in /tmp on UNIX and C:\Temp on Windows. Check for preceding OS errors in the ttcwerrors.log file.
TT48086Failed to obtain port number for the TimesTen Cluster agent.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48087Failed to obtain process ID file file_name for reading.Every cluster monitor process creates a file in the TimesTen info directory that contains its process ID. If this file is missing, the corresponding cluster monitor process is probably not running. If you continuously get this error, contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48088Failed to delete directory socket file directory directory_name.Check OS errors preceding this error in the ttcwerrors.log file.
TT48089TimesTen Cluster agent could not succesfully receive all application information for the DSN dsn_name.Check for TCP communication errors or OS errors preceding this error in the ttcwerrors.log file.
TT48090TimesTen Cluster agent could not successfully receive attribute_name for the cluster containing the DSN dsn_name.Check for TCP communication errors or OS errors preceding this error in the ttcwerrors.log file.
TT48091TimesTen Cluster agent could not determine OracleNetServiceName from the DSN dsn_name.Verify that OracleNetServiceName is specified in the DSN configuration in the ODBCINI file.
TT48092TimesTen Cluster agent could not successfully send attribute_verification_code for the clsuter containing the DSN dsn_name.Check for TCP communication errors or OS errors preceding this error in the ttcwerrors.log file.
TT48093TimesTen Cluster agent could not alter autorefresh state to PAUSED for the cache group cache_group_name on the DSN dsn_name.Internal error. Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48094The cluster monitor process process_name for the DSN dsn_ name failed to obtain connection string.This error may be received if the database does not yet exist. Contact TimesTen Technical Support if the error is received when the database exists.
TT48095The cluster monitor process process_name detected an invalid data store for the DSN dsn_name.This error may be received while a failed database is in the process of recovery.
TT48096The DSN dsn_name on Remote master host host_name is unavailable.A cluster monitor process failed to get a response from the remote replication agent.
TT48097Data store dsn_name has changed its role to ACTIVE/STANDBY/IDLEThe specified database changed roles without the intervention of a cluster monitor process.
TT48098Cluster backup failed for the data store dsn_name on host host_name.Check preceding errors in the ttcwerrors.log file.
TT48099TimesTen daemon is not running on port port_number.The TimesTen main daemon may have failed. Check for errors in the ttmesg.log file.
TT48100TimesTen daemon port port_number in use by TimesTen daemon for other unknown instance with process ID process_id_number.The configured TimesTen daemon port is not available to the current instance.
TT48101TimesTen daemon port port_number is in use by an unknown process.The TimesTen daemon port is not available to the instance.
TT48102The host name host_name in the TTREP.TTSTORES table of data store dsn_name does not match the assigned host name host_name.The host name found in the TTREP.TTSTORES system table of the database does not match the host name assigned to the cluster program monitoring it. If the database is a standby master or a subscriber, it is being replaced with a duplicate from the active master. If the database is an active master, it is being recovered from a backup if backups are enabled, otherwise it failed.
TT48103The local CTN (timestamp, sequence_number) on the data store dsn_name is larger than that of the data store on the remote host host_name (timestamp, sequence_number).Trapped transactions exist on a failed active master database (the transactions were not replicated to the standby master before the database failed). The database is being duplicated to create standby master database that also contains all transactions.
TT48104And internal error has occurred for the TimesTen cluster containing the DSN dsn_name. Error_details.Check for preceding errors in the ttcwerrors.log file.
TT48105The data store space usage has exceeded PermSize on DSN dsn_name.The database has run out of space and is considered failed.
TT48106The data store dsn_name on remote host host_name has declared the local store as FAILED.If communication is interrupted between the replication agents long enough to meet the configured FAILTHRESHOLD value for the local data tore, it is automatically recovered by the cluster monitor program.
TT48107The replication agent for data store dsn_name is not running.The replication agent for the specified database is not running. Oracle Clusterware is restarting it.
TT48108The cache agent for data store dsn_name is not running.The cache agent for the specified database is not running. The Oracle Clusterware is restarting it.
TT48109The remote VIP host_name/ip_address for the data store dsn_name is running on the local host.This may happen if two master VIP addresses start running on the same physical host, such as when only one master host is available. hen an additional host becomes available.
TT48110The remote data store dsn_name on host host_name is not in the ACTIVE state.The remote master database is not in the ACTIVE replication state.
TT48111The local data store dsn_name is not in the ACTIVE or STANDBY state.The local master database is expected to be in the ACTIVE or STANDBY replication state during an intermittent transitional situation for the database, especially during a roll out or when a role change occurs. If you receive this message for any other situation, contact Support.
TT48112The last heartbeat from the remote application agent for data store was more than 60 seconds ago.A heartbeat was not received from the remote replication agent. Verify the network connection between the remote and local hosts.
TT48113Cache grid configuration error for dsn string.stringThis error may appear when executing the ttCWAdmin -create utility. The cache grid configuration in the cluster configuration file is incorrect or incomplete for the cluster configuration of a particular DSN. The first string provides the DSN. The second string provides the error detail.
TT48114Failed to string cache grid string for the DSN string. This message appears when a cluster monitor process fails to attach or detach the cache grid agent in a cluster of a particular DSN.
TT48115Not allowed since this store (datastore on hostname) is managed by ClusterwareA particular operation is disallowed since the database on a host is managed by clusterware. The list of forbidden SQL operations include:
  • Starting or stopping replication agents

  • Starting or stopping cache agents

  • Altering or dropping an active standby pair

TT48116Unsupported Clusterware version version_num.The Clusterware version for this user does not work with TimesTen.
TT48117Unable to obtain Clusterware version.Contact TimesTen Technical Support.
TT48118The local CTN (%"TT_UINTP_FMT", %"TT_UINTP_FMT") on the data store is smaller than that of the data store on remote host (%"TT_UINTP_FMT", %"TT_UINTP_FMT") with virtual IP configured.While a cluster monitor is bringing up a standby or a read-only subscriber database, and the database is already present locally, the replication CTN of the local database is checked with that of the remote master database. If the CTN of the local database is smaller than that of the remote master database, the local database may have missed transactions that the remote master database had sent. In that case, the local database is destroyed and duplicated from the remote master.

This can occur with virtual IP configuration since a standby or a read-only subscriber database can be relocated from one physical host to another.

TT48119Database not attached to Grid.The datasbase is not attached to the Grid. This message can occur at run-time if the database is invalidated, or if Grid communication fails. The process ttCRSmaster reports this message. There is no user action needed. The process ttCRSmaster will automatically attempt to attach to the Grid.


NOTE:1274161.1 - TimesTen 11.2.1.X Documentation Set - Error And SNMP Trap Guide
Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Error Messages and SNMP Traps, Release 11.2.1

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