

--//执行 drop function scott.sleep ; 删除sys.source$相关记录仅仅是该命令的一小部分,恢复

SCOTT@book> @ &r/ver1
PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SCOTT@book> create table deptx as select * from dept ;
Table created.

SCOTT@book> @ &r/qq deptx 1
ROWID                  OBJECT       FILE      BLOCK        ROW ROWID_DBA                DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- -------------- -------------
AAAWGhAAEAAAAIjAAA      90529          4        547          0  0x1000223                   10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK

SCOTT@book> alter system checkpoint ;
System altered.

SCOTT@book> alter system checkpoint ;
System altered.

C.恢复相关设置一致,我以前这步从来不做,我觉得麻烦,因为select已经可以访问了.本文主要关注这里。而是直接sum apply。
D.sum apply.

BBED> map dba 4 ,547
File: /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf (4)
Block: 547                                   Dba:0x01000223
KTB Data Block (Table/Cluster)
struct kcbh, 20 bytes                      @0
struct ktbbh, 96 bytes                     @20
struct kdbh, 14 bytes                      @124
struct kdbt[1], 4 bytes                    @138
sb2 kdbr[4]                                @142
ub1 freespace[7946]                        @150
ub1 rowdata[92]                            @8096
ub4 tailchk                                @8188

BBED> p dba 4,547 kdbh
struct kdbh, 14 bytes                       @124                    Data Header Structure
   ub1 kdbhflag                             @124      0x00 (NONE)   N=pctfree hit(clusters); F=do not put on freelist; K=flushable cluster keys
   sb1 kdbhntab                             @125      1             Number of tables (>1 in clusters)
   sb2 kdbhnrow                             @126      4             Number of rows
   sb2 kdbhfrre                             @128     -1             First free row entry index; -1 = you have to add one
   sb2 kdbhfsbo                             @130      26            Freespace begin offset
   sb2 kdbhfseo                             @132      7972          Freespace end offset
   sb2 kdbhavsp                             @134      7946          Available space in the block
   sb2 kdbhtosp                             @136      7946          Total available space when all TXs commit

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=7945;
Warning: contents of previous BIFILE will be lost. Proceed? (Y/N) y
sb2 kdbhavsp                                @134      7945

BBED> sum dba 4,547 apply
Check value for File 4, Block 547:
current = 0x48ba, required = 0x48ba

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
BLOCK = 547

Block Checking: DBA = 16777763, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x7f7a00b3427c
kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
        used=118 fsc=0 avsp=7945 dtl=8064
Block 547 failed with check code 6110

--// dtl 猜测一下  最后tailchk 占用4个字节. 8192-4=8188,再减去124(注:kdbh的偏移量位置)就是8064.也就真正能写数据的空间8064.
--// 如果2个ITL槽对于一般表 kdbh的偏移就是100(表空间类型ASSM),很好记,ctas建立的表多了1个ITL槽,也就是多了24字节。

SCOTT@book> select sum(length(deptno)+length(dname)+length(loc)) n10 from dept;

--// used=118 看字面意思就是使用量。
--//如果加上长度指示器,字段数量指示器 (3+1)*4=16,68+16=84.
--//如果包括每条记录flag,lock 2个字节,共4条记录. 84+8=92,也与rowdata[92]对上。
--//还差118-92=26 字节。

BBED> map dba 4 ,547
File: /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf (4)
Block: 547                                   Dba:0x01000223
KTB Data Block (Table/Cluster)
struct kcbh, 20 bytes                      @0
struct ktbbh, 96 bytes                     @20
struct kdbh, 14 bytes                      @124
struct kdbt[1], 4 bytes                    @138
sb2 kdbr[4]                                @142
ub1 freespace[7946]                        @150
ub1 rowdata[92]                            @8096
ub4 tailchk                                @8188

--//观察 kdbhfsbo @130      26  Freespace begin offset 也正好对上。
dtl - used +fsc = avsp (注:这时错误,正确应该是dtl - used - fsc = avsp,这里是fsc=0)

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=7946;
sb2 kdbhavsp                                @134      7946

BBED> sum dba 4,547 apply
Check value for File 4, Block 547:
current = 0x48b9, required = 0x48b9

SCOTT@book> delete from deptx;
4 rows deleted.

SCOTT@book> commit ;
Commit complete.

SCOTT@book> alter system checkpoint ;
System altered.

--//如果加上长度指示器,字段数量指示器 (3+1)*4=16,68+16=84.(不包括flag,lock标识)

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[0]
rowdata[66]                                 @8162
flag@8162: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH)
lock@8163: 0x02
cols@8164:    0

BBED> p ktbbh.ktbbhitl[1]
struct ktbbhitl[1], 24 bytes                @68
   struct ktbitxid, 8 bytes                 @68
      ub2 kxidusn                           @68       0x000a
      ub2 kxidslt                           @70       0x0010
      ub4 kxidsqn                           @72       0x00004f79
   struct ktbituba, 8 bytes                 @76
      ub4 kubadba                           @76       0x00c00119
      ub2 kubaseq                           @80       0x0fcc
      ub1 kubarec                           @82       0x04
   ub2 ktbitflg                             @84       0x2004 (KTBFUPB)
   union _ktbitun, 2 bytes                  @86
      sb2 _ktbitfsc                         @86       84
      ub2 _ktbitwrp                         @86       0x0054
   ub4 ktbitbas                             @88       0x1764e8fb

--//注意看下划线, ktbbh.ktbbhitl._ktbitun._ktbitfsc=84.与推测一致。

BBED> p kdbh
struct kdbh, 14 bytes                       @124
   ub1 kdbhflag                             @124      0x00 (NONE)
   sb1 kdbhntab                             @125      1
   sb2 kdbhnrow                             @126      4
   sb2 kdbhfrre                             @128     -1
   sb2 kdbhfsbo                             @130      26
   sb2 kdbhfseo                             @132      7972
   sb2 kdbhavsp                             @134      7946
   sb2 kdbhtosp                             @136      8038

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=7945;
Warning: contents of previous BIFILE will be lost. Proceed? (Y/N) y
sb2 kdbhavsp                                @134      7945

BBED> sum dba 4,547 apply
Check value for File 4, Block 547:
current = 0xd46b, required = 0xd46b

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
BLOCK = 547

Block Checking: DBA = 16777763, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x7f04d01be27c
kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
        used=34 fsc=84 avsp=7945 dtl=8064
Block 547 failed with check code 6110

--// dtl - used - fsc = avsp ,特此更正。
--//8064-34-84=7946 ,哎学习还是不认真,缺少交流。

--//used=34 很容易确定
--//观察 kdbhfsbo @130      26  Freespace begin offset 也正好对上。
--//删除记录后 包括每条记录flag,lock 2个字节,共4条记录,8个字节,相加正好26+8=34.
--//简单一点  118-84=34.

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=7946;
sb2 kdbhavsp                                @134      7946

BBED> sum dba 4,547 apply
Check value for File 4, Block 547:
current = 0xd468, required = 0xd468

2.清除fsc=0 .
3.修改tosp=avsp .

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[0]
rowdata[66]                                 @8162
flag@8162: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH)
lock@8163: 0x02
cols@8164:    0

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[1]
rowdata[44]                                 @8140
flag@8140: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH)
lock@8141: 0x02
cols@8142:    0

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[2]
rowdata[24]                                 @8120
flag@8120: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH)
lock@8121: 0x02
cols@8122:    0

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[3]
rowdata[0]                                  @8096
flag@8096: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH)
lock@8097: 0x02
cols@8098:    0

assign dba 4,547 offset 8162=0x2c
assign dba 4,547 offset 8140=0x2c
assign dba 4,547 offset 8120=0x2c
assign dba 4,547 offset 8096=0x2c

BBED> x /4rncc *kdbr[3]
rowdata[0]                                  @8096
flag@8096: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
lock@8097: 0x00
cols@8098:    3

col    0[2] @8099: 40
col   1[10] @8102: OPERATIONS
col    2[6] @8113: BOSTON

rowdata[24]                                 @8120
flag@8120: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
lock@8121: 0x00
cols@8122:    3

col    0[2] @8123: 30
col    1[5] @8126: SALES
col    2[7] @8132: CHICAGO

rowdata[44]                                 @8140
flag@8140: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
lock@8141: 0x00
cols@8142:    3

col    0[2] @8143: 20
col    1[8] @8146: RESEARCH
col    2[6] @8155: DALLAS

rowdata[66]                                 @8162
flag@8162: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
lock@8163: 0x00
cols@8164:    3

col    0[2] @8165: 10
col   1[10] @8168: ACCOUNTING
col    2[8] @8179: NEW YORK

BBED> sum dba 4,547 apply
Check value for File 4, Block 547:
current = 0xd468, required = 0xd468

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
BLOCK = 547

Block Checking: DBA = 16777763, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x172107c
kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
        used=118 fsc=84 avsp=7946 dtl=8064
Block 547 failed with check code 6110

--//修改fsc=0.满足 dtl-used-fsc=avsp
BBED> assign ktbbh.ktbbhitl[1]._ktbitun._ktbitfsc=84
sb2 _ktbitfsc                               @86       0

BBED> sum dba 4,547 apply
Check value for File 4, Block 547:
current = 0xd43c, required = 0xd43c

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
BLOCK = 547

Block Checking: DBA = 16777763, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x172127c
kdbchk: space available on commit is incorrect
        tosp=8038 fsc=0 stb=0 avsp=7946
Block 547 failed with check code 6111

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhtosp=kdbh.kdbhavsp
sb2 kdbhtosp                                @136      7946

BBED> sum dba 4,547 apply
Check value for File 4, Block 547:
current = 0xd450, required = 0xd450

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
BLOCK = 547


SCOTT@book> alter system flush buffer_cache ;
System altered.

SCOTT@book> select * from deptx;
    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
---------- -------------- -------------
        10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
        30 SALES          CHICAGO
        40 OPERATIONS     BOSTON

2.清除fsc=0 .
3.修改tosp=avsp .
4.更正以前的错误:dtl - used - fsc = avsp

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