SAIR 3x0-101 Exam

Exam Number/Code : 3x0-101 Exam Name : level 1 installation and configraation Questions and Answers : 50 Q&As Update Time: 2010-04-23

1. Which of the following is/are TRUE about I/O addresses?
A. I/O addresses identify the shared memory between two devices.
B. I/O addresses assist in passing data back and forth once the device has been identified by the IRQ.
C. Devices can share I/O addresses.
D. None of the above.
E. Both B and C
Answer: B

2. The format of an IP address is w.x.y.z. What does each letter represent?
A. a decimal number from 1 to 64
B. a decimal number from 1 to 32
C. a decimal number from 1 to 16
D. a decimal number from 1 to 254
E. None of the above
Answer: D

3. Which of the following is TRUE about the Linux kernel? (Select the best answer.)
A. The kernel allows the user to directly interact with the hardware registers.
B. The kernel allows dynamic loading and unloading of device drivers.
C. The kernel is a software package that includes the shell.
D. The kernel is stored in the MBR.
Answer: B

4. When will a device conflict occur? (Select the best answer.)
A. When an I/O address and an IRQ address of a device are equivalent
B. When an I/O address, IRQ, DMA channel, or shared memory area of a device has the same value as that of
another device
C. When two network interface cards from the same manufacturer are installed on different buses on the same
computer (i.e., ISA and PCI)
D. When two devices share the same PCI slot
E. None of the above
Answer: B

5. Which of the following are TRUE about free and open source software? (Choose two.)
A. It promotes the evolution of software.
B. It does not yield rich productivity benefits or allow control over the software.
C. It requires expert knowledge to maintain.
D. All free and open source software is licensed under the GPL.
Answer: AC

6. Which of the following are FALSE about the GPL? (Choose two.)
A. The GPL uses copyright to prevent software from being taken over and kept from free public use.
B. GPL software may only be used for non-commercial purposes
C. GPL software comes with a warranty
D. GPL software can be sold.
Answer: BC

7. Proprietary software can be free software.
A. True
B. False
6. When all virtual consoles are being used, how would one log into the system without having another user log out?
(Select the best answer).
A. Log in using the parallel access port.
B. Log in using the network access port.
C. Log in using the multitasking access port.
D. Use the command "maketerm -8" to create an eighth virtual console.
E. One cannot log in.
Answer: B

8. When all virtual consoles are being used, how would one log into the system without having another user log out?
(Select the best answer).
A. Log in using the parallel access port.
B. Log in using the network access port.
C. Log in using the multitasking access port.
D. Use the command "maketerm -8" to create an eighth virtual console.
E. One cannot log in.
Answer: B

9. Which of the following is TRUE for a superuser?
A. The superuser is a user who has no file system restrictions.
B. The superuser cannot change system files.
C. Superuser is just a title; it is not an achieved rank of a user.
D. There is no difference between users and superusers.
Answer: A

10. When an environmental event occurs, the current program is suspended and an Interrupt Service Request is
entered. Before this, the state of the current program is saved so that the CPU can return to it.
A. True
B. False
4. Which of the following is/are TRUE about I/O addresses?
A. I/O addresses identify the shared memory between two devices.
B. I/O addresses assist in passing data back and forth once the device has been identified by the IRQ.
C. Devices can share I/O addresses.
D. None of the above.
E. Both B and C
Answer: B

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