SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM linyu.hwm;
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3274855064
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 464 (2)| 00:00:06 |
| 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | | |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| HWM | 149K| 464 (2)| 00:00:06 |
1 recursive calls
0 db block gets
2076 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
413 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
385 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
1 rows processed
SQL> alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count=8;
Session altered.
SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM linyu.hwm;
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3274855064
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 573 (1)| 00:00:07 |
| 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | | |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| HWM | 149K| 573 (1)| 00:00:07 |
1 recursive calls
0 db block gets
2076 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
413 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
385 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
1 rows processed
来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/7301064/viewspace-445550/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。