

Svelte makes handling the state of a single component very easy.


But how do we pass state around across components?


使用道具传递状态 (Passing state around using props)

The first strategy is common to other UI frameworks and it’s passing state around using props, lifting the state up.


When a component needs to share data with another, the state can be moved up in the components tree until there’s a common parent to those components.


The state needs to be passed down until it reaches all the components that need this state information.


This is done using props, and it’s a technique that I think is the best as it’s simple.


Check the Svelte Props tutorial for more on props.

查看Svelte Props教程,以获取有关道具的更多信息。

上下文API (The Context API)

There are cases where props are not practical. Perhaps 2 components are so distant in the components tree that we’d have to move state up to the top level component.

在某些情况下道具不实用。 在组件树中,也许2个组件之间的距离是如此之遥,以至于我们不得不将状态提升到顶级组件。

In this case, another technique can be used and it’s called context API, and it’s ideal when you want to let multiple components communicate with descendants, but you don’t want to pass props around.

在这种情况下,可以使用另一种技术,称为上下文API ,当您希望让多个组件与子代通信但又不想传递道具时,它是理想的选择。

The context API is provided by 2 functions which are provided by the svelte package: getContext and setContext.

上下文API由svelte包提供的2个函数提供: getContextsetContext

You set an object in the context, associating it to a key:


import { setContext } from 'svelte'

const someObject = {}

setContext('someKey', someObject)

Into another component you can use getContext to retrieve the object assigned to a key:


import { getContext } from 'svelte'

const someObject = getContext('someKey')

You can only use getContext to retrieve a key either in the component that used setContext, or in one if its descendants.


If you want to let two components living in 2 different component trees communicate, there’s another tool for us: stores.

如果您想让位于2个不同组件树中的两个组件进行通信,那么还有另一种工具供我们使用: stores

使用Svelte商店 (Using Svelte stores)

Svelte stores are a great tool to handle your app state when components need to talk to each other without passing props around too much.


You must first import writable from svelte/store:


import { writable } from 'svelte/store'

and create a store variable using the writable() function, passing the default value as the first argument:


const username = writable('Guest')

This can be put into a separate file, which you can import into multiple components, for example called store.js (it’s not a component, so it can be in a .js file instead of .svelte:

可以将其放入一个单独的文件中,您可以将其导入多个组件,例如,称为store.js (它不是组件,因此可以位于.js文件而不是.svelte

import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
export const username = writable('Guest')

Any other component now loading this file can access the store:


import { username } from './store.js'

Now the value of this variable can be set to a new value using set(), passing the new value as the first argument:


username.set('new username')

And it can be updated using the update() function, which differs from set() because you don’t just pass the new value to it - you run a callback function that is passed the current value as its argument:


const newUsername = 'new username!'
username.update(existing => newUsername)

You can add more logic here:


username.update(existing => {
  console.log(`Updating username from ${existing} to ${newUsername}`)
  return newUsername

To get the value of the store variable once, you can use the get() function exported by svelte/store:

拿到店里变量的值一次 ,就可以使用get()的导出函数svelte/store

import { readable, get } from 'svelte/store'
export const username = writable('Guest')
get(username) //'Guest'

To create a reactive variable instead, that’s updated whenever it changes, you can prepend the store variable using $, in this example $username. Using that will make the component rerender whenever the stored value changes.

要创建React式变量(每当它更改时都会更新),可以使用$存放存储变量,在本示例中$username 。 只要存储值更改,使用该命令将使组件重新呈现。

Svelte considers $ to be a reserved value and will prevent you to use it for things that are not related to stores values (and which might lead to confusion), so if you are used to prepend DOM references using $, don’t do it in Svelte.


Another option, best suited if you need to execute some logic when the variable changes, is to use the subscribe() method of username:


username.subscribe(newValue => {

In addition to writable stores, Svelte provides 2 special kinds of stores: readable stores and derived stores.

除了可写存储外,Svelte还提供2种特殊类型的存储: 可读存储派生存储

苗条的可读商店 (Svelte Readable Stores)

Readable stores are special because they can’t be updated from the outside - there’s no set() or update() method. Instead, once you set the initial state, they can’t be modified from the outside.

可读存储很特殊,因为它们不能从外部进行更新-没有set()update()方法。 相反,一旦设置了初始状态,便无法从外部对其进行修改。

The official Svelte docs show an interesting example using a timer to update a date. I can think of setting up a timer to fetch resource from the network, perform an API call, get data from the filesystem (using a local Node.js server) or anything else that can be set up autonomously.

Svelte官方文档显示了一个有趣的示例,该示例使用计时器来更新日期。 我可以考虑设置一个计时器,以从网络获取资源,执行API调用,从文件系统获取数据(使用本地Node.js服务器)或其他任何可以自动设置的内容。

In this case instead of using writable() to initialize the store variable, we use readable():


import { readable } from 'svelte/store'
export const count = readable(0)

You can provide a function after the default value, that will be responsible for updating it. This function receives the set function to modify the value:

您可以在默认值之后提供一个函数,该函数将负责更新它。 此函数接收set函数来修改值:

import { readable } from 'svelte/store'
export const count = readable(0, set => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000)

In this case, we update the value from 0 to 1 after 1 second.


You can setup an interval in this function, too:


import { readable, get } from 'svelte/store'
export const count = readable(0, set => {
  setInterval(() => {
	  set(get(count) + 1)
  }, 1000)

You can use this in another component like this:


import { count } from './store.js'


Card.svelte派生商店 (Svelte Derived Stores)

A derived store allows you to create a new store value that depends on the value of an existing store.


You can do so using the derived() function exported by svelte/store, which takes as first parameter the existing store value, and as a second parameter a function, which receives that store value as its first parameter:


import { writable, derived } from 'svelte/store'

export const username = writable('Guest')

export const welcomeMessage = derived(username, $username => {
  return `Welcome ${$username}`
import { username, welcomeMessage } from './store.js'


翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/svelte-state-management/






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