

Today we continue the story on basics of composition for graphic designers and photographers. We will talk about the dynamics and statics in the composition, of that there is a rhythm, to learn to slow down and speed up the movement. Then we will review what is the symmetry and asymmetry in the composition, and as equilibrium is achieved. And finally you will read about using of the rules of the composition in advertising.

今天,我们继续为平面设计师和摄影师撰写有关构图基础的故事。 我们将讨论构图中的动态和静态,其中要有节奏,以学会减慢和加快运动速度。 然后,我们将回顾组成中的对称性和不对称性,以及达到平衡时的对称性。 最后,您将了解在广告中使用合成规则的情况。

图像中的动态和静态,运动和节奏 (Dynamics and statics in the image, movement and rhythm)

Dynamic composition – a composition in which we have the impression of motion and internal dynamics. Static composition creates the impression of immobility.

动态构图–一种具有运动和内部动力学印象的构图。 静态构图给人留下不动的印象。

dynamics and statics

dynamics and statics

Left image looks static. Right picture creates the illusion of movement. Why? Because we know very well from our own experience that will be with the round element, if we incline the surface on which it is located. And perceive this element on the picture as the moving element. Thus, for the transmission of motion in the composition we can use diagonal lines.

左图看起来很静态。 正确的画面会产生运动的错觉。 为什么? 因为我们根据自己的经验非常了解圆形元素,所以如果我们倾斜圆形元素所在的表面。 并将图片上的该元素视为移动元素。 因此,对于合成中的运动传递,我们可以使用对角线。

You can also transfer the motion, leaving a free space in front of a moving object to our imagination that may continue this movement.




The movement can be transmitted by sequentially display of some moments of this movement.


movement moments

movement moments

Also, for the transmission of motion we can use a greased, blurred background and directional lines of the composition in the direction of motion of the object.


Statics in the composition is achieved by lack of diagonal lines, lack of free space in front of the object and the presence of vertical lines.


运动可以减慢或加快 (The movement can be slowed down or speeded up)

slowing down and speeding up

slowing down and speeding up

It seems that the movement in the left picture faster than on the right. That is the way our brains is constructed. We read and write from left to right. And our movement is perceived easier from left to right. We can slow down the motion with presence of vertical lines in the composition.

左图中的运动似乎比右图中的运动快。 那就是我们大脑构造的方式。 我们从左到右读写。 从左到右,我们的运动更加轻松。 如果合成中存在垂直线,我们可以减慢运动速度。

slow down

slow down

作曲的节奏 (The rhythm in the composition)

The rhythm – one of the key moments in art. It can make the composition calm or nervous, aggressive or soothing. Rhythm is caused by repetition. We live in a world of different rhythms. This is the change of seasons, day and night, the stars, the sound of raindrops on the roof, rhythm of heart… In nature, the rhythm is uniform. But in art we can isolate rhythmic patterns, emphasize, resize, thereby giving the composition a special mood.

节奏–艺术中的关键时刻之一。 它可以使组合物镇定或紧张,激进或舒缓。 节奏是由重复引起的。 我们生活在一个不同节奏的世界中。 这是季节,白天和黑夜,星星,屋顶上的雨滴声,心律的变化……在自然界中,律律是一致的。 但是在艺术中,我们可以隔离节奏模式,强调,调整大小,从而使构图具有特殊的气氛。

The rhythm in the visual arts can be created by repeating the colors, objects, spots of light and shadows.


rhythm in the composition

rhythm in the composition

rhythm in the composition

rhythm in the composition

rhythm in the composition

rhythm in the composition

组成中的对称和不对称,达到平衡 (Symmetry and asymmetry in the composition, the attainment of equilibrium)

构图中的对称性 (The symmetry in the composition)

As already mentioned, in the nature, a large number of visual images obey the low of symmetry. That is why the symmetry is easily perceived by us and in the composition. In the visual arts symmetry is achieved by a such placement of objects, that one part of the composition is like a mirror image of the other. The symmetry axis passes through the geometric center. Symmetrical composition serves to transmit peace, stability, reliability, and sometimes, majesty. However, we don’t need to create an absolutely symmetrical image. After all, in nature there is nothing perfect.

如已经提到的,自然界中,大量视觉图像服从于对称性的低下。 这就是为什么对称性很容易为我们和组成所感知。 在视觉艺术中,对称性是通过这样放置物体来实现的,即构图的一部分像另一部分的镜像。 对称轴穿过几何中心。 对称组成有助于传递和平,稳定,可靠,有时甚至是威严。 但是,我们不需要创建绝对对称的图像。 毕竟,自然界中没有完美的事物。



Symmetry – this is the easiest way to achieve balance in the composition. However, not only one.

对称性-这是在合成中达到平衡的最简单方法。 但是,不仅如此。

不对称,达到平衡 (Asymmetry, achieving of equilibrium)

To understand what is the balance, we can imagine a mechanical scales.




In this case, the law of symmetry works. At the left and right scales equidistant symmetrically arranged two elements of the same shape and size. They create a balance. Asymmetry disrupts this balance. And if one of the objects is bigger, it is a simple way to outweigh the less.

在这种情况下,对称定律起作用。 在左右比例尺上,等距对称地排列两个形状和大小相同的元素。 他们创造了平衡。 不对称破坏了这种平衡。 而且,如果其中一个对象较大,则是一种简单的方法来抵消较小的对象。



However it is possible to balance these objects by adding to the composition anything as a counterweight. Asymmetry in this case remains:

然而,可以通过向组合物中添加任何物质作为配重来平衡这些目的。 在这种情况下,不对称仍然存在:

ballanced asymmetry

ballanced asymmetry

Or, to achieve equilibrium in the asymmetry, we can outweigh a bigger element closer to the center:


ballanced asymmetry

ballanced asymmetry

Achieving of equilibrium is one of the most important stages in the construction of asymmetrical compositions, and often at the same time guided by an intuitive sense of balance. This feeling can be developed through a variety of exercises.

达到平衡是构造不对称成分的最重要阶段之一,并且通常同时以直观的平衡感为指导。 这种感觉可以通过各种锻炼得到发展。

Equilibrium can be achieved by contrasting sizes, shapes, spots of color and shade. If you notice that some detail of the composition greatly outweighs all others, you can try to change the color, light, shape or balance it with any other object that is added to the opposite side.

可以通过对比大小,形状,颜色斑点和阴影来实现平衡。 如果您发现构图的某些细节远远超过所有其他细节,则可以尝试更改颜色,灯光,形状或使其与添加到对面的任何其他对象平衡。

在广告中使用构成规则 (The use of the rules of the composition in advertising)

正确呈现信息 (Proper presentation of information)

To learn how to build complex compositional schemes, to express their thoughts, to transmit the idea of the work, develop a sense of unity and of equilibrium in addition to the base knowledgeof the composition, it is required a talent and many years of training. During the existence of fine art, artists, architects and photographers showed a huge amount of compositional schemes, utilizing a range of tools to achieve composition.

要学习如何建立复杂的构图方案,表达思想,传达工作思路,发展构图的统一感和平衡感,除了需要构图的基础知识外,还需要人才和多年的培训。 在美术存在期间,艺术家,建筑师和摄影师展示了大量的构图方案,它们利用各种工具来实现构图。

In addition to the complex artistic works, compliance with the rules of the composition is as important for the proper presentation of information in the advertisement. Whether you make an advertising snapshot of any product, place the graphic information on a site or a banner, provide a finished product to the customer for approval, you can not go without constructing of the composition.

除了复杂的艺术作品外,遵守构图规则对于正确展示广告中的信息同样重要。 无论您制作任何产品的广告快照,将图形信息放置在网站上还是横幅上,将成品提供给客户以供批准,都离不开构图。

The information provided must be in the center of the composite. For this purpose it is necessary to allocate one of the existing methods. Would be the best allocation of brightness. When submitting information, place a light object on a dark background, dark – on the contrary. Try not to use a mottled background, it can be distracting.

提供的信息必须位于组合的中心。 为此,有必要分配一种现有方法。 将是亮度的最佳分配。 相反,提交信息时,请将明亮的物体放在黑暗的背景上。 尽量不要使用斑驳的背景,否则可能会分散注意力。

Do not forget about integrity. If case of multiple objects, do not place them randomly. It is best to arrange them in the form of simple geometric shapes. Try to keep a balance in this case. If an object should not be placed in the center, it is better to put it on the right to view moving toward him, as we read and view images, we left to right. Proper presentation of information – the key to success. Try to give it enough time and attention.

不要忘记诚信。 如果有多个物体,请勿将其随机放置。 最好以简单的几何形状排列它们。 在这种情况下,请尝试保持平衡。 如果不应将物体放置在中央,则最好将其放在右侧以观察朝他的移动,因为在阅读和查看图像时,我们是从左至右。 正确呈现信息–成功的关键。 尝试给它足够的时间和注意力。

如何使用构图规则 (How to use the rules of the composition)

Composition rules are not mandatory for compliance. Quite the contrary. Some rules contradict each other (for example, the transmission of motion and transfer the rest).

组成规则不是强制性的。 恰恰相反。 一些规则相互矛盾(例如,运动的传递和其余部分的传递)。

If a person’s face in the picture is rotated in any direction, you must leave a space on that side, to look not rested in the barrier. Valentin Serov in portrait Yermolova violates this rule of the composition, thereby creating the impression that the actress is looking at us right from the canvas.

如果图片中人的脸向任何方向旋转,则必须在该侧留出一定的空间,以免被障碍物挡住。 瓦伦丁·谢罗夫(Valentin Serov)的肖像伊莫洛娃(Yermolova)违反了这种构图规则,因此给人一种印象,即这位女演员正从画布上看着我们。

Valentin Serov

Valentin Serov

Violation of the rules of the composition may be intended. Especially in such a precarious and complex industry like advertising. If we put a horizontal line in the packaging design of juice not by the rule of the golden section, but a little above, so, the juice pack will seem higher.

可能会违反组成规则。 特别是在广告这样不稳定,复杂的行业中。 如果我们不按照黄金分割的规则在果汁的包装设计中放置一条水平线,而是在上方一点,那么果汁包装看起来会更高。

But before breaking any rule, it is necessary to know and be able to use it. Remember, if you break the rules, you must be aware of what you’re doing.

但是在违反任何规则之前,有必要知道并能够使用它。 请记住,如果您违反规则,则必须了解自己在做什么。

That’s it for today. In the locked form below you can find some composition tips.

今天就这样。 在下面的锁定表格中,您可以找到一些构图技巧。



composition tips

composition tips


[/ sociallocker]

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/basics-of-composition-in-graphic-design-part-2/






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