如何在Ubuntu 20.04上安装和保护Grafana

本教程详细指导如何在Ubuntu 20.04上安装Grafana并使用SSL和Nginx反向代理增强安全性。首先,通过APT仓库安装Grafana,然后配置Nginx作为反向代理,以实现安全连接。接着,更新Grafana的默认凭据以提高安全性。此外,可选步骤包括设置GitHub OAuth应用,以便实现组织内用户的身份验证。通过这些步骤,你将拥有一个安全且功能强大的Grafana实例。

The author selected the COVID-19 Relief Fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.

作者选择了COVID-19救济基金来接受捐赠,这是Write for DOnations计划的一部分。

介绍 (Introduction)

Grafana is an open-source data visualization and monitoring tool that integrates with complex data from sources like Prometheus, InfluxDB, Graphite, and ElasticSearch. Grafana lets you create alerts, notifications, and ad-hoc filters for your data while also making collaboration with your teammates easier through built-in sharing features.

Grafana是一个开源数据可视化和监视工具,可与PrometheusInfluxDBGraphiteElasticSearch等来源的复杂数据集成。 Grafana使您可以为数据创建警报,通知和临时过滤器,同时还可以通过内置的共享功能更轻松地与队友进行协作。

In this tutorial, you will install Grafana and secure it with an SSL certificate and an Nginx reverse proxy. Once you have set up Grafana, you’ll have the option to configure user authentication through GitHub, allowing you to better organize your team permissions.

在本教程中,您将安装Grafana并使用SSL证书Nginx反向代理对其进行保护 。 设置Grafana后,您将可以选择通过GitHub配置用户身份验证,从而可以更好地组织团队权限。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

To follow this tutorial, you will need:


第1步-安装Grafana (Step 1 — Installing Grafana)

In this first step, you will install Grafana onto your Ubuntu 20.04 server. You can install Grafana either by downloading it directly from its official website or by going through an APT repository. Because an APT repository makes it easier to install and manage Grafana’s updates, you’ll use that method in this tutorial.

在第一步中,您将Grafana安装到Ubuntu 20.04服务器上。 您可以通过直接从 Grafana 的官方网站下载或通过APT存储库安装Grafana。 由于APT存储库使安装和管理Grafana的更新更加容易,因此在本教程中将使用该方法。

Download the Grafana GPG key with wget, then pipe the output to apt-key. This will add the key to your APT installation’s list of trusted keys, which will allow you to download and verify the GPG-signed Grafana package:

使用wget下载Grafana GPG密钥 ,然后将输出传递给apt-key 。 这会将密钥添加到您的APT安装的受信任密钥列表中,使您可以下载并验证GPG签名的Grafana软件包:

  • wget -q -O - https://packages.grafana.com/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -

    wget -q -O-https://packages.grafana.com/gpg.key | sudo apt键添加-

In this command, the option -q turns off the status update message for wget, and -O outputs the file that you downloaded to the terminal. These two options ensure that only the contents of the downloaded file are pipelined to apt-key.

在此命令中,选项-q关闭wget的状态更新消息,而-O将下载的文件输出到终端。 这两个选项可确保仅将下载文件的内容通过管道传递给apt-key

Next, add the Grafana repository to your APT sources:


  • sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://packages.grafana.com/oss/deb stable main"

    sudo add-apt-repository“ deb https://packages.grafana.com/oss/deb稳定主程序”

Refresh your APT cache to update your package lists:


  • sudo apt update

    sudo apt更新

You can now proceed with the installation:


  • sudo apt install grafana

    sudo apt安装grafana

Once Grafana is installed, use systemctl to start the Grafana server:


  • sudo systemctl start grafana-server

    sudo systemctl启动grafana服务器

Next, verify that Grafana is running by checking the service’s status:


  • sudo systemctl status grafana-server

    sudo systemctl状态grafana服务器

You will receive output similar to this:


● grafana-server.service - Grafana instance Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/grafana-server.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2020-05-21 08:08:10 UTC; 4s ago Docs: http://docs.grafana.org Main PID: 15982 (grafana-server) Tasks: 7 (limit: 1137) ...

This output contains information about Grafana’s process, including its status, Main Process Identifier (PID), and more. active (running) shows that the process is running correctly.

此输出包含有关Grafana流程的信息,包括其状态,主流程标识符(PID)等。 active (running)表明进程正在正确运行。

Lastly, enable the service to automatically start Grafana on boot:


  • sudo systemctl enable grafana-server

    sudo systemctl启用grafana服务器

You will receive the following output:


Synchronizing state of grafana-server.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install. Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable grafana-server Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/grafana-server.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/grafana-server.service.

This confirms that systemd has created the necessary symbolic links to autostart Grafana.


Grafana is now installed and ready for use. Next, you wil secure your connection to Grafana with a reverse proxy and SSL certificate.

Grafana现在已安装并可以使用。 接下来,您将使用反向代理和SSL证书来保护与Grafana的连接。

步骤2 —设置反向代理 (Step 2 — Setting Up the Reverse Proxy)

Using an SSL certificate will ensure that your data is secure by encrypting the connection to and from Grafana. But, to make use of this connection, you’ll first need to reconfigure Nginx as a reverse proxy for Grafana.

使用SSL证书将通过加密与Grafana之间的连接来确保您的数据安全。 但是,要利用此连接,您首先需要将Nginx重新配置为Grafana的反向代理。

Open the Nginx configuration file you created when you set up the Nginx server block with Let’s Encrypt in the Prerequisites. You can use any text editor, but for this tutorial we’ll use nano:

使用“ 先决条件 ”中的“让我们加密”来设置Nginx服务器块时,打开您创建的Nginx配置文件。 您可以使用任何文本编辑器,但是在本教程中,我们将使用nano

  • sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/your_domain

    须藤纳米/ etc / nginx / sites-available / your_domain

Locate the following block:


/ etc / nginx / sites-available / your_domain
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

Because you already configured Nginx to communicate over SSL and because all web traffic to your server already passes through Nginx, you just need to tell Nginx to forward all requests to Grafana, which runs on port 3000 by default.


Delete the existing try_files line in this location block and replace it with the following proxy_pass option:

删除此location block现有的try_files行,并将其替换为以下proxy_pass选项:

/ etc / nginx / sites-available / your_domain
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;

This will map the proxy to the appropriate port. Once you’re done, save and close the file by pressing CTRL+X, Y, and then ENTER if you’re using nano.

这会将代理映射到适当的端口。 完成后,如果要使用nano ,请按CTRL+XY ,然后按ENTER保存并关闭文件。

Now, test the new settings to make sure everything is configured correctly:


  • sudo nginx -t

    须藤Nginx -t

You will receive the following output:


nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

Finally, activate the changes by reloading Nginx:


  • sudo systemctl reload nginx


You can now access the default Grafana login screen by pointing your web browser to https://your_domain. If you’re unable to reach Grafana, verify that your firewall is set to allow traffic on port 443 and then re-trace the previous instructions.

现在,您可以通过将Web浏览器指向https:// your_domain来访问默认的Grafana登录屏幕。 如果您无法访问Grafana,请验证防火墙是否设置为允许端口443上的流量,然后重新跟踪前面的说明。

With the connection to Grafana encrypted, you can now implement additional security measures, starting with changing Grafana’s default administrative credentials.


第3步-更新凭据 (Step 3 — Updating Credentials)

Because every Grafana installation uses the same administrative credentials by default, it is a best practice to change your login information as soon as possible. In this step, you’ll update the credentials to improve security.

由于默认情况下每个Grafana安装都使用相同的管理凭据,因此,最佳实践是尽快更改您的登录信息。 在此步骤中,您将更新凭据以提高安全性。

Start by navigating to https://your_domain from your web browser. This will bring up the default login screen where you’ll see the Grafana logo, a form asking you to enter an Email or username and Password, a Log in button, and a Forgot your password? link.

首先从Web浏览器导航到https:// your_domain 。 这将显示默认的登录屏幕,您将在其中看到Grafana徽标,一个表格,要求您输入电子邮件或用户名密码登录按钮以及忘记密码? 链接。

Enter admin into both the Email or username and Password fields and then click on the Log in button.

在“ 电子邮件”或“用户名”和“ 密码”字段中输入admin ,然后单击“ 登录”按钮。

On the next screen, you’ll be asked to make your account more secure by changing the default password:


Enter the password you’d like to start using into the New password and Confirm new password fields.


From here, you can click Submit to save the new information or press Skip to skip this step. If you skip, you will be prompted to change the password next time you log in.

在这里,您可以单击提交以保存新信息,或按跳过以跳过此步骤。 如果您跳过,则下次登录时将提示您更改密码。

In order to increase the security of your Grafana setup, click Submit. You’ll go to the Welcome to Grafana dashboard:

为了提高您的Grafana设置的安全性,请点击提交 。 您将转到“ 欢迎使用Grafana”信息中心:

You’ve now secured your account by changing the default credentials. Next, you will make changes to your Grafana configuration so that nobody can create a new Grafana account without your permission.

现在,您已通过更改默认凭据来保护自己的帐户。 接下来,您将对Grafana配置进行更改,以便没有您的允许,任何人都不能创建新的Grafana帐户。

步骤4 —禁用Grafana注册和匿名访问 (Step 4 — Disabling Grafana Registrations and Anonymous Access)

Grafana provides options that allow visitors to create user accounts for themselves and preview dashboards without registering. When Grafana isn’t accessible via the internet or when it’s working with publicly available data like service statuses, you may want to allow these features. However, when using Grafana online to work with sensitive data, anonymous access could be a security problem. To fix this problem, make some changes to your Grafana configuration.

Grafana提供的选项允许访问者自行创建用户帐户并预览仪表板而无需注册。 当无法通过Internet访问Grafana或使用服务状态等公共可用数据时,您可能希望允许使用这些功能。 但是,当使用Grafana在线处理敏感数据时,匿名访问可能是一个安全问题。 要解决此问题,请对您的Grafana配置进行一些更改。

Start by opening Grafana’s main configuration file for editing:


  • sudo nano /etc/grafana/grafana.ini


Locate the following allow_sign_up directive under the [users] heading:


# disable user signup / registration
;allow_sign_up = true

Enabling this directive with true adds a Sign Up button to the login screen, allowing users to register themselves and access Grafana.

启用此指令为true会将“ 注册”按钮添加到登录屏幕,从而允许用户注册自己并访问Grafana。

Disabling this directive with false removes the Sign Up button and strengthens Grafana’s security and privacy.

禁用此指令为false将删除“ 注册”按钮,并增强Grafana的安全性和隐私性。

Uncomment this directive by removing the ; at the beginning of the line and then setting the option to false:

通过删除;取消注释此指令; 在该行的开头,然后将选项设置为false

# disable user signup / registration
allow_sign_up = false

Next, locate the following enabled directive under the [auth.anonymous] heading:


# enable anonymous access
;enabled = false

Setting enabled to true gives non-registered users access to your dashboards; setting this option to false limits dashboard access to registered users only.

设置enabledtrue给非注册用户访问您的仪表板; 将此选项设置为false将仪表板访问权限仅限制为注册用户。

Uncomment this directive by removing the ; at the beginning of the line and then setting the option to false.

通过删除;取消注释此指令; 在该行的开头,然后将选项设置为false

# enable anonymous access
enabled = false

Save the file and exit your text editor.


To activate the changes, restart Grafana:


  • sudo systemctl restart grafana-server

    sudo systemctl重新启动grafana-server

Verify that everything is working by checking Grafana’s service status:


  • sudo systemctl status grafana-server

    sudo systemctl状态grafana服务器

Like before, the output will report that Grafana is active (running).

像以前一样,输出将报告Grafana active (running)

Now, point your web browser to https://your_domain. To return to the Sign Up screen, bring your cursor to your avatar in the lower left of the screen and click on the Sign out option that appears.

现在,将您的Web浏览器指向https:// your_domain 。 要返回“ 注册”屏幕,请将光标移至屏幕左下方的头像,然后单击出现的“ 注销”选项。

Once you have signed out, verify that there is no Sign Up button and that you can’t sign in without entering login credentials.

退出后,请确认没有“ 注册”按钮,并且如果没有输入登录凭据就无法登录。

At this point, Grafana is fully configured and ready for use. Next, you can simplify the login process for your organization by authenticating through GitHub.

至此,Grafana已完全配置并可以使用。 接下来,您可以通过GitHub进行身份验证,从而简化组织的登录过程。

(可选)步骤5 —设置GitHub OAuth应用 ((Optional) Step 5 — Setting Up a GitHub OAuth App)

For an alternative approach to signing in, you can configure Grafana to authenticate through GitHub, which provides login access to all members of authorized GitHub organizations. This can be particularly useful when you want to allow multiple developers to collaborate and access metrics without having to create Grafana-specific credentials.

对于登录的另一种方法,您可以配置Grafana通过GitHub进行身份验证,从而提供对授权GitHub组织的所有成员的登录访问权限。 当您要允许多个开发人员进行协作并访问指标而不必创建特定于Grafana的凭据时,这特别有用。

Start by logging in to a GitHub account associated with your organization and then navigate to your GitHub profile page at https://github.com/settings/profile.

首先登录到与您的组织关联的GitHub帐户,然后浏览到https://github.com/settings/profile GitHub个人资料页面。

Switch settings context by clicking on your name on the left side of the screen then selecting your organization in the dropdown menu. This will switch context from Personal settings to Organization settings.

通过单击屏幕左侧的名称,然后在下拉菜单中选择您的组织来切换设置上下文。 这会将上下文从“ 个人设置”切换为“ 组织设置”

On the next screen, you’ll see your Organization profile where you can change settings like your Organization display name, organization Email, and organization URL.

在下一个屏幕上,您将看到组织配置文件 ,您可以在其中更改设置,例如组织显示名称 ,组织电子邮件和组织URL

Because Grafana uses OAuth—an open standard for granting remote third parties access to local resources—to authenticate users through GitHub, you’ll need to create a new OAuth application within GitHub.


Click the OAuth Apps link under Developer settings on the lower left-hand side of the screen.

点击屏幕左下角“ 开发者设置 ”下的OAuth应用链接。

If you don’t already have any OAuth applications associated with your organization on GitHub, you’ll be told there are No Organization Owned Applications. Otherwise, you’ll see a list of the OAuth applications already connected to your account.

如果您在GitHub上还没有与您的组织相关联的OAuth应用程序,则会提示您没有组织拥有的应用程序 。 否则,您将看到已经连接到您的帐户的OAuth应用程序列表。

Click the New OAuth App button to continue.


On the next screen, fill in the following details about your Grafana installation:


  • Application name - This helps you distinguish your different OAuth applications from one another.

    应用程序名称 -这有助于您将不同的OAuth应用程序彼此区分开。

  • Homepage URL - This tells GitHub where to find Grafana. Type https://your_domain into this field, replacing your_domain with your domain.

    主页URL-告诉GitHub在哪里可以找到Grafana。 在此字段中输入https:// your_domain ,用您的域替换your_domain

  • Application Description - This provides a description of your OAuth application’s purpose.

    应用程序描述 -提供OAuth应用程序用途的描述。

  • Application callback URL - This is the address where users will be sent once successfully authenticated. For Grafana, this field must be set to https://your_domain/login/github.

    应用程序回调URL-这是成功验证身份后将发送用户的地址。 对于Grafana,此字段必须设置为https:// your_domain /login/github

Keep in mind that Grafana users logging in through GitHub will see the values you entered in the first three preceding fields, so be sure to enter something meaningful and appropriate.


When completed, the form will look something like:


Click the green Register application button.


You will now be redirected to a page containing the Client ID and Client Secret associated with your new OAuth application. Make note of both values, because you will need to add them to Grafana’s main configuration file to complete the setup.

现在,您将被重定向到包含与新OAuth应用程序关联的客户端ID客户端密钥的页面。 记下这两个值,因为您需要将它们添加到Grafana的主配置文件中以完成设置。

Warning: Make sure to keep your Client ID and Client Secret in a secure and non-public location, because they could be used as the basis of an attack.


With your GitHub OAuth application created, you’re now ready to reconfigure Grafana to use GitHub for authentication.

创建了GitHub OAuth应用程序后,您现在就可以重新配置Grafana以使用GitHub进行身份验证了。

(可选)步骤6 —将Grafana配置为GitHub OAuth应用 ((Optional) Step 6 — Configuring Grafana as a GitHub OAuth App)

To complete GitHub authentication for your Grafana setup, you will now make some changes to your Grafana configuration files.


To begin, open the main Grafana configuration file.


  • sudo nano /etc/grafana/grafana.ini


Locate the [auth.github] heading, and uncomment this section by removing the ; at the beginning of every line except ;allowed_domains = and ;team_ids =, which will not be changed in this tutorial.

找到[auth.github]标题,并通过删除;取消注释本节; 在除;allowed_domains =;team_ids =之外的每一行的开头,在本教程中不会更改。

Next, make the following changes:


  • Set enabled and allow_sign_up to true. This will enable GitHub Authentication and permit members of the allowed organization to create accounts themselves. Note that this setting is different from the allow_sign_up property under [users] that you changed in Step 4.

    设置enabled并将allow_sign_up设置为true 。 这将启用GitHub身份验证,并允许所允许组织的成员自己创建帐户。 请注意,此设置与您在步骤4中更改的[users]下的allow_sign_up属性不同。

  • Set client_id and client_secret to the values you got while creating your GitHub OAuth application.

    client_idclient_secret设置为创建GitHub OAuth应用程序时获得的值。

  • Set allowed_organizations to the name of your organization to ensure that only members of your organization can sign up and log in to Grafana.


The complete configuration will look like this:


enabled = true
allow_sign_up = true
client_id = your_client_id_from_github
client_secret = your_client_secret_from_github
scopes = user:email,read:org
auth_url = https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
token_url = https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
api_url = https://api.github.com/user
;allowed_domains =
;team_ids =
allowed_organizations = your_organization_name

You’ve now told Grafana everything it needs to know about GitHub. To complete the setup, you’ll need to enable redirects behind a reverse proxy. This is done by setting a root_url value under the [server] heading.

现在,您已经告诉Grafana它需要了解的有关GitHub的所有信息。 要完成设置,您需要在反向代理后面启用重定向。 这是通过在[server]标题下设置root_url值来完成的。

root_url = https://your_domain

Save your configuration and close the file.


Then, restart Grafana to activate the changes:


  • sudo systemctl restart grafana-server

    sudo systemctl重新启动grafana-server

Lastly, verify that the service is up and running.


  • sudo systemctl status grafana-server

    sudo systemctl状态grafana服务器

The output will indicate that the service is active (running).

输出将指示该服务active (running)

Now, test your new authentication system by navigating to https://your_domain. If you are already logged in to Grafana, hover your mouse over the avatar log in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, and click on Sign out in the secondary menu that appears next to your name.

现在,通过导航到https:// your_domain来测试新的身份验证系统。 如果您已经登录到Grafana,请将鼠标悬停在屏幕左下角的头像日志上,然后在您的名字旁边显示的辅助菜单中单击退出

On the login page, you’ll see a new section under the original Log in button that includes a Sign in with GitHub button with the GitHub logo.

在登录页面上,您将在原始“ 登录”按钮下看到一个新部分,其中包括带有GitHub标志的“ 使用GitHub登录”按钮。

Click on the Sign in with GitHub button to be redirected to GitHub, where you’ll sign in to your GitHub account and confirm your intention to Authorize Grafana.

单击“ 使用GitHub登录”按钮以重定向到GitHub,您将在此登录GitHub帐户并确认打算授权Grafana

Click the green Authorize your_github_organization button.


Note: Make sure your GitHub account is a member of your approved organization and your Grafana email address matches your GitHub email address. If you try to authenticate with a GitHub account that isn’t a member of your approved organization, you’ll get a Login Failed message telling you User not a member of one of the required organizations.

注意:确保您的GitHub帐户是您批准的组织的成员,并且您的Grafana电子邮件地址与您的GitHub电子邮件地址匹配。 如果您尝试使用不属于已批准组织成员的GitHub帐户进行身份验证,则会收到“ 登录失败”消息,告诉您用户不是所需组织之一的成员

You will now be logged in with your existing Grafana account. If a Grafana account doesn’t already exist for the user you logged in as, Grafana will create a new user account with Viewer permissions, ensuring that new users can only use existing dashboards.

现在,您将使用现有的Grafana帐户登录。 如果您以其身份登录的用户尚不存在Grafana帐户,则Grafana将创建具有查看者权限的新用户帐户,以确保新用户只能使用现有的仪表板。

To change the default permissions for new users, open the main Grafana configuration file for editing.


  • sudo nano /etc/grafana/grafana.ini


Locate the auto_assign_org_role directive under the [users] heading, and uncomment the setting by removing the ; at the beginning of the line.

[users]标题下找到auto_assign_org_role指令,并通过删除;取消注释设置; 在该行的开头。

Set the directive to one of the following values:


  • Viewer — can only use existing dashboards

    Viewer -只能使用现有的仪表板

  • Editor — can use, modify, and add dashboards

    Editor -可以使用,修改和添加仪表板

  • Admin — has permission to do everything

    Admin -有权执行所有操作

This tutorial will set the auto-assign to Viewer:


auto_assign_org_role = Viewer

Once you’ve saved your changes, close the file and restart Grafana:


  • sudo systemctl restart grafana-server

    sudo systemctl重新启动grafana-server

Check the service’s status:


  • sudo systemctl status grafana-server

    sudo systemctl状态grafana服务器

Like before, the status will read active (running).

像以前一样,状态将显示为active (running)

At this point, you have fully configured Grafana to allow members of your GitHub organization to register and use your Grafana installation.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this tutorial you installed, configured, and secured Grafana, and you also learned how to permit members of your organization to authenticate through GitHub.


To extend your current Grafana installation, see the list of official and community-built dashboards and plugins. To learn more about using Grafana in general, see the official Grafana documentation, or check out our other monitoring tutorials.

要扩展您当前的Grafana安装,请参阅官方和社区构建的仪表板插件的列表 。 要了解有关一般使用Grafana的更多信息,请参阅Grafana官方文档 ,或查看我们的其他监控教程

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-grafana-on-ubuntu-20-04





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