如何在Ubuntu 18.04上设置具有HTTP / 2支持的Nginx

A previous version of this tutorial was written by Sergey Zhukaev.

本教程的先前版本由Sergey Zhukaev编写

介绍 (Introduction)

Nginx is a fast and reliable open-source web server. It gained its popularity due to its low memory footprint, high scalability, ease of configuration, and support for a wide variety of protocols.

Nginx是一种快速可靠的开源Web服务器。 它因其低内存占用,高可伸缩性,易于配置以及对各种协议的支持而广受欢迎。

HTTP/2 is a new version of the Hypertext Transport Protocol, which is used on the Web to deliver pages from server to browser. HTTP/2 is the first major update of HTTP in almost two decades: HTTP1.1 was introduced to the public back in 1999 when webpages were usually just a single HTML file with inline CSS stylesheet. The Internet has dramatically changed since then, and now we are facing the limitations of HTTP 1.1 — the protocol limits potential transfer speeds for most modern websites because it downloads parts of a page in a queue (the previous part must download completely before the download of the next part begins), and an average modern webpage requires about 100 request to be downloaded (each request is a picture, js file, css file, etc).

HTTP / 2是超文本传输​​协议的新版本,该协议在Web上用于将页面从服务器传递到浏览器。 HTTP / 2是近二十年来HTTP的首次重大更新:HTTP1.1于1999年引入公众,当时网页通常只是带有内联CSS样式表的单个HTML文件。 自那时以来,互联网发生了翻天覆地的变化,现在我们正面临HTTP 1.1的局限性-该协议限制了大多数现代网站的潜在传输速度,因为该协议将页面中的部分页面下载到队列中(前一部分必须在完全下载之前下载)接下来的部分开始),平均每个现代网页需要下载约100个请求(每个请求是图片,js文件,css文件等)。

HTTP/2 solves this problem because it brings a few fundamental changes:

HTTP / 2解决了此问题,因为它带来了一些基本变化:

  • All requests are downloaded in parallel, not in a queue

  • HTTP headers are compressed

  • Pages transfer as a binary, not as a text file, which is more efficient

  • Servers can “push” data even without the user’s request, which improves speed for users with high latency


Even though HTTP/2 does not require encryption, developers of two most popular browsers, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, stated that for the security reasons they will support HTTP/2 only for HTTPS connections. Hence, if you decide to set up servers with HTTP/2 support, you must also secure them with HTTPS.

尽管HTTP / 2不需要加密,但两个最受欢迎的浏览器(Google Chrome和Mozilla Firefox)的开发人员表示,出于安全原因,它们将仅对HTTPS连接支持HTTP / 2。 因此,如果决定设置支持HTTP / 2的服务器,则还必须使用HTTPS保护它们。

This tutorial will help you set up a fast and secure Nginx server with HTTP/2 support.

本教程将帮助您设置具有HTTP / 2支持的快速,安全的Nginx服务器。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

Before we get started, we will need a few things:


步骤1 —启用HTTP / 2支持 (Step 1 — Enabling HTTP/2 Support)

If you followed the server block set up step in the Nginx installation tutorial, you should have a server block for your domain at /etc/nginx/sites-available/your_domain with the server_namedirective already set appropriately. The first change we will make will be to modify your domain’s server block to use HTTP/2.

如果按照Nginx安装教程中服务器块设置步骤进行操作 ,则应该在/etc/nginx/sites-available/ your_domain为您的域设置一个服务器块,并且已经正确设置了server_name指令。 我们将进行的第一个更改是将您域的服务器块修改为使用HTTP / 2。

Open the configuration file for your domain:


  • sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/your_domain

    须藤纳米/ etc / nginx / sites-available / your_domain

In the file, locate the listen variables associated with port 443:


your_domain'> / etc / nginx / sites-available / your_domain
    listen [::]:443 ssl ipv6only=on; 
    listen 443 ssl; 

The first one is for IPv6 connections. The second one is for all IPv4 connections. We will enable HTTP/2 for both.

第一个用于IPv6连接。 第二个适用于所有IPv4连接。 我们将同时启用HTTP / 2。

Modify each listen directive to include http2:


your_domain'> / etc / nginx / sites-available / your_domain
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2 ipv6only=on; 
    listen 443 ssl http2; 

This tells Nginx to use HTTP/2 with supported browsers.

这告诉Nginx在支持的浏览器中使用HTTP / 2。

Save the configuration file and edit the text editor.


Whenever you make changes to Nginx configuration files, you should check the configuration for syntax errors, like this:


  • sudo nginx -t

    须藤Nginx -t

If the syntax is error-free, you will see the following output:


Output of sudo nginx -t
sudo nginx -t的输出
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

Next, we’ll configure our server to use a more restrictive list of ciphers.


第2步-删除旧的和不安全的密码套件 (Step 2 — Removing Old and Insecure Cipher Suites)

HTTP/2 has a blacklist of old and insecure ciphers, so we must avoid them. Cipher suites are cryptographic algorithms that describe how the transferred data should be encrypted.

HTTP / 2 列出了旧密码和不安全密码的黑名单 ,因此我们必须避免使用它们。 密码套件是一种加密算法,描述了应如何加密传输的数据。

The method you’ll use to define the ciphers depends on how you’ve configured your TLS/SSL certificates for Nginx.

用来定义密码的方法取决于为Nginx配置TLS / SSL证书的方式。

If you used Certbot to obtain your certificates, it also created the file /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf which contains ciphers which aren’t strong enough for HTTP/2. Modifying this file will unfortunately prevent Certbot from applying updates in the future, so we’ll just tell Nginx not to use this file and we’ll specify our own list of ciphers.

如果您使用Certbot来获取证书,那么它还会创建文件/etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf ,其中包含的密码强度不足以支持HTTP / 2。 不幸的是,修改此文件将阻止Certbot将来应用更新,因此我们仅告诉Nginx不要使用此文件,并指定自己的密码列表。

Open the server block configuration file for your domain:


sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/your_domain

Locate the line that includes the options-ssl-nginx.conf file and comment it out:


your_domain'> / etc / nginx / sites-available / your_domain
# include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot<^>

Below that line, add this line to define the allowed ciphers:


your_domain'> / etc / nginx / sites-available / your_domain

Save the file and exit the editor.


If you used self-signed certificates or used a certificate from a third party and configured it according to the prerequisites, open the file /etc/nginx/snippets/ssl-params.conf in your text editor:

如果您使用自签名证书或使用来自第三方的证书并根据先决条件进行了配置, /etc/nginx/snippets/ssl-params.conf在文本编辑器中打开文件/etc/nginx/snippets/ssl-params.conf

  • sudo nano /etc/nginx/snippets/ssl-params.conf


Locate the following line:



Modify it so it looks like this:



Save the file and exit your editor.


Once again, check the configuration for syntax errors:


  • sudo nginx -t

    须藤Nginx -t

If you see any errors, address them and test again.


Once you see no syntax errors, restart Nginx:


  • sudo systemctl reload nginx


With the server restarted, let’s verify that it works.


步骤3 —验证是否启用了HTTP / 2 (Step 3 — Verifying that HTTP/2 is Enabled)

Let’s ensure the server is running and working with HTTP/2.

让我们确保服务器正在运行并且正在使用HTTP / 2。

Use the curl command to make a request to your site and view the headers:


  • curl -I -L https://your_domain

    curl -I -L https:// your_domain

You’ll see the following output:


HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu) Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 19:07:12 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 194 Connection: keep-alive Location: https://your_domain/ HTTP/2 200 server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu) date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 19:07:12 GMT content-type: text/html content-length: 16 last-modified: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 16:55:37 GMT etag: "5b3f9f09-10" accept-ranges: bytes

You can also verify that HTTP/2 is in use in Google Chrome. Open Chrome and navigate to http://your_domain. Open the Chrome Developer Tools (View -> Developer -> Developer Tools) and reload the page (View -> Reload This Page). Navigate to the Network tab, right-click on the table header row that starts with Name, and select the Protocol option from the popup menu.

您还可以验证Google Chrome浏览器中是否使用了HTTP / 2。 打开Chrome浏览器,然后导航到http:// your_domain 。 打开Chrome开发者工具( 视图 -> 开发者 -> 开发者工具 ),然后重新加载页面( 视图 -> 重新加载此页面 )。 导航到“ 网络”选项卡,右键单击以Name开头的表标题行,然后从弹出菜单中选择“ 协议”选项。

You’ll see h2 (which stands for HTTP/2) in a new Protocol column, indicating that HTTP/2 is working.

您将在新的Protocol列中看到h2 (代表HTTP / 2),表明HTTP / 2正在运行。

At this point, you’re ready to serve content through the HTTP/2 protocol. Let’s improve security and performance by enabling HSTS.

此时,您已准备好通过HTTP / 2协议提供内容。 让我们通过启用HSTS来提高安全性和性能。

步骤4 —启用HTTP严格传输安全性(HSTS) (Step 4 — Enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS))

Even though your HTTP requests redirect to HTTPS, you can enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to avoid having to do those redirects. If the browser finds an HSTS header, it will not try to connect to the server via regular HTTP again for a given time period. No matter what, it will exchange data using only encrypted HTTPS connection. This header also protects us from protocol downgrade attacks.

即使您的HTTP请求重定向到HTTPS,您也可以启用HTTP严格传输安全性 (HSTS)来避免进行那些重定向。 如果浏览器找到HSTS标头,则在给定的时间段内,它将不会尝试通过常规HTTP重新连接到服务器。 无论如何,它将仅使用加密的HTTPS连接交换数据。 此标头还可以保护我们免受协议降级攻击

Open the Nginx configuration file in your editor:


sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Add this line to the file to enable HSTS:


http {
    # Virtual Host Configs

    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
    include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000" always;

The max-age is set in seconds. The value 15768000 is equivalent to 6 months.

max-age以秒为单位设置。 值15768000等于6个月。

By default, this header is not added to subdomain requests. If you have subdomains and want HSTS to apply to all of them, you should add the includeSubDomains variable at the end of the line, like this:

默认情况下,此标头不添加到子域请求中。 如果您有子域,并且希望HSTS应用于所有子域,则应在该行的末尾添加includeSubDomains变量,如下所示:

add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains" always;

Save the file, and exit the editor.


Once again, check the configuration for syntax errors:


  • sudo nginx -t

    须藤Nginx -t

Finally, restart the Nginx server to apply the changes.


  • sudo systemctl reload nginx


结论 (Conclusion)

Your Nginx server is now serving HTTP/2 pages. If you want to test the strength of your SSL connection, please visit Qualys SSL Lab and run a test against your server. If everything is configured properly, you should get an A+ mark for security.

您的Nginx服务器现在正在提供HTTP / 2页面。 如果要测试SSL连接的强度,请访问Qualys SSL Lab并针对您的服务器运行测试。 如果一切配置正确,则应该获得A +标记以确保安全。

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-nginx-with-http-2-support-on-ubuntu-18-04

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