如何使用Docker Compose设置Laravel,Nginx和MySQL

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介绍 (Introduction)

Over the past few years, Docker has become a frequently used solution for deploying applications thanks to how it simplifies running and deploying applications in ephemeral containers. When using a LEMP application stack, for example, with PHP, Nginx, MySQL and the Laravel framework, Docker can significantly streamline the setup process.

在过去的几年中,由于Docker简化了在临时容器中运行和部署应用程序的方式,因此它已成为部署应用程序的常用解决方案。 例如,当使用LEMP应用程序堆栈以及PHPNginxMySQLLaravel框架时,Docker可以大大简化设置过程。

Docker Compose has further simplified the development process by allowing developers to define their infrastructure, including application services, networks, and volumes, in a single file. Docker Compose offers an efficient alternative to running multiple docker container create and docker container run commands.

Docker Compose通过允许开发人员在单个文件中定义其基础架构(包括应用程序服务,网络和卷),进一步简化了开发流程。 Docker Compose为运行多个docker container createdocker container run命令提供了一种有效的替代方法。

In this tutorial, you will build a web application using the Laravel framework, with Nginx as the web server and MySQL as the database, all inside Docker containers. You will define the entire stack configuration in a docker-compose file, along with configuration files for PHP, MySQL, and Nginx.

在本教程中,您将使用Laravel框架构建一个Web应用程序,其中Nginx作为Web服务器,MySQL作为数据库,所有这些都在Docker容器内。 您将在docker-compose文件中定义整个堆栈配置,以及PHP,MySQL和Nginx的配置文件。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

Before you start, you will need:


第1步—下载Laravel和安装依赖项 (Step 1 — Downloading Laravel and Installing Dependencies)

As a first step, we will get the latest version of Laravel and install the dependencies for the project, including Composer, the application-level package manager for PHP. We will install these dependencies with Docker to avoid having to install Composer globally.

第一步,我们将获取最新版本的Laravel并安装项目的依赖项,包括Composer ,这是PHP的应用程序级包管理器。 我们将使用Docker安装这些依赖项,以避免必须全局安装Composer。

First, check that you are in your home directory and clone the latest Laravel release to a directory called laravel-app:


  • cd ~

  • git clone https://github.com/laravel/laravel.git laravel-app

    git clone https://github.com/laravel/laravel.git laravel-app

Move into the laravel-app directory:


  • cd ~/laravel-app

    cd〜 / laravel-app

Next, use Docker’s composer image to mount the directories that you will need for your Laravel project and avoid the overhead of installing Composer globally:


  • docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer install

    泊坞窗运行--rm -v $ {pwd):/ app composer install

Using the -v and --rm flags with docker run creates an ephemeral container that will be bind-mounted to your current directory before being removed. This will copy the contents of your ~/laravel-app directory to the container and also ensure that the vendor folder Composer creates inside the container is copied to your current directory.

使用-v--rm标志与docker run创造一个短暂的容器,这将是绑定挂载到当前目录被删除之前。 这会将~/ laravel-app目录的内容复制到容器,并确保Composer在容器内部创建的vendor文件夹被复制到当前目录。

As a final step, set permissions on the project directory so that it is owned by your non-root user:


  • sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/laravel-app

    须藤chown -R $ USER:$ USER〜/ laravel-app

This will be important when you write the Dockerfile for your application image in Step 4, as it will allow you to work with your application code and run processes in your container as a non-root user.


With your application code in place, you can move on to defining your services with Docker Compose.

放置好应用程序代码后,您可以继续使用Docker Compose定义服务。

第2步-创建Docker Compose文件 (Step 2 — Creating the Docker Compose File)

Building your applications with Docker Compose simplifies the process of setting up and versioning your infrastructure. To set up our Laravel application, we will write a docker-compose file that defines our web server, database, and application services.

使用Docker Compose构建应用程序可简化基础架构的设置和版本控制过程。 要设置Laravel应用程序,我们将编写一个docker docker-compose文件,该文件定义了我们的Web服务器,数据库和应用程序服务。

Open the file:


  • nano ~/laravel-app/docker-compose.yml

    纳米〜/ laravel-app / docker-compose.yml

In the docker-compose file, you will define three services: app, webserver, and db. Add the following code to the file, being sure to replace the root password for MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, defined as an environment variable under the db service, with a strong password of your choice:

docker-compose文件中,您将定义三个服务: appwebserverdb 。 将以下代码添加到文件中,并确保使用您选择的强密码替换MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD密码(在db服务下定义为环境变量)

〜/ laravel-app / docker-compose.yml
version: '3'

  #PHP Service
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    image: digitalocean.com/php
    container_name: app
    restart: unless-stopped
    tty: true
      SERVICE_NAME: app
      SERVICE_TAGS: dev
    working_dir: /var/www
      - app-network

  #Nginx Service
    image: nginx:alpine
    container_name: webserver
    restart: unless-stopped
    tty: true
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - app-network

  #MySQL Service
    image: mysql:5.7.22
    container_name: db
    restart: unless-stopped
    tty: true
      - "3306:3306"
      MYSQL_DATABASE: laravel
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: your_mysql_root_password
      SERVICE_TAGS: dev
      SERVICE_NAME: mysql
      - app-network

#Docker Networks
    driver: bridge

The services defined here include:


  • app: This service definition contains the Laravel application and runs a custom Docker image, digitalocean.com/php, that you will define in Step 4. It also sets the working_dir in the container to /var/www.

    app :此服务定义包含Laravel应用程序,并运行一个自定义Docker映像digitalocean.com/php ,您将在步骤4中对其进行定义。它还将容器中的working_dir设置为/var/www

  • webserver: This service definition pulls the nginx:alpine image from Docker and exposes ports 80 and 443.

    webserver :此服务定义从Docker提取nginx:alpine映像 ,并公开端口80443

  • db: This service definition pulls the mysql:5.7.22 image from Docker and defines a few environmental variables, including a database called laravel for your application and the root password for the database. You are free to name the database whatever you would like, and you should replace your_mysql_root_password with your own strong password. This service definition also maps port 3306 on the host to port 3306 on the container.

    db :此服务定义从Docker中提取mysql:5.7.22映像 ,并定义了一些环境变量,包括用于您的应用程序的名为laravel的数据库和该数据库的密码。 您可以随意命名数据库,并且应使用自己的强密码替换your_mysql_root_password 。 该服务定义也映射端口3306的主机端口3306的容器上。

Each container_name property defines a name for the container, which corresponds to the name of the service. If you don’t define this property, Docker will assign a name to each container by combining a historically famous person’s name and a random word separated by an underscore.

每个container_name属性都为container_name定义一个名称,该名称与服务名称相对应。 如果您未定义此属性,则Docker将通过结合历史上著名人物的名字和一个由下划线分隔的随机词来为每个容器分配一个名称。

To facilitate communication between containers, the services are connected to a bridge network called app-network. A bridge network uses a software bridge that allows containers connected to the same bridge network to communicate with each other. The bridge driver automatically installs rules in the host machine so that containers on different bridge networks cannot communicate directly with each other. This creates a greater level of security for applications, ensuring that only related services can communicate with one another. It also means that you can define multiple networks and services connecting to related functions: front-end application services can use a frontend network, for example, and back-end services can use a backend network.

为了促进容器之间的通信,将服务连接到称为app-network的桥app-network 。 桥网络使用软件桥,该软件桥允许连接到同一桥网络的容器相互通信。 桥驱动程序会自动在主机中安装规则,以使不同桥网络上的容器无法直接相互通信。 这为应用程序创建了更高级别的安全性,确保只有相关服务才能相互通信。 这也意味着您可以定义连接到相关功能的多个网络和服务:例如, frontend应用程序服务可以使用frontend网络,而后端服务可以使用backend网络。

Let’s look at how to add volumes and bind mounts to your service definitions to persist your application data.


步骤3 —保留数据 (Step 3 — Persisting Data)

Docker has powerful and convenient features for persisting data. In our application, we will make use of volumes and bind mounts for persisting the database, and application and configuration files. Volumes offer flexibility for backups and persistence beyond a container’s lifecycle, while bind mounts facilitate code changes during development, making changes to your host files or directories immediately available in your containers. Our setup will make use of both.

Docker具有强大而便捷的功能来持久化数据。 在我们的应用程序中,我们将使用绑定挂载来持久化数据库,应用程序和配置文件。 卷提供了超出容器生命周期的备份和持久性的灵活性,而绑定挂载则有助于在开发过程中更改代码,从而可以对容器中的主机文件或目录进行立即更改。 我们的设置将同时使用两者。

Warning: By using bind mounts, you make it possible to change the host filesystem through processes running in a container, including creating, modifying, or deleting important system files or directories. This is a powerful ability with security implications, and could impact non-Docker processes on the host system. Use bind mounts with care.

警告:通过使用绑定装载,您可以通过容器中运行的进程来更改主机文件系统,包括创建,修改或删除重要的系统文件或目录。 这是一项具有安全隐患的强大功能,并且可能会影响主机系统上的非Docker进程。 小心使用装订架。

In the docker-compose file, define a volume called dbdata under the db service definition to persist the MySQL database:

dbdata docker-compose文件中,在db服务定义下定义一个名为dbdata的卷以保留MySQL数据库:

〜/ laravel-app / docker-compose.yml
#MySQL Service
      - dbdata:/var/lib/mysql
      - app-network

The named volume dbdata persists the contents of the /var/lib/mysql folder present inside the container. This allows you to stop and restart the db service without losing data.

命名卷dbdata存在的/var/lib/mysql文件夹的内容。 这使您可以停止并重新启动db服务,而不会丢失数据。

At the bottom of the file, add the definition for the dbdata volume:


〜/ laravel-app / docker-compose.yml
    driver: local

With this definition in place, you will be able to use this volume across services.


Next, add a bind mount to the db service for the MySQL configuration files you will create in Step 7:


〜/ laravel-app / docker-compose.yml
#MySQL Service
      - dbdata:/var/lib/mysql
      - ./mysql/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf

This bind mount binds ~/laravel-app/mysql/my.cnf to /etc/mysql/my.cnf in the container.


Next, add bind mounts to the webserver service. There will be two: one for your application code and another for the Nginx configuration definition that you will create in Step 6:

接下来,将绑定安装添加到webserver服务。 将有两个:一个用于您的应用程序代码,另一个用于您将在步骤6中创建的Nginx配置定义:

〜/ laravel-app / docker-compose.yml
#Nginx Service
      - ./:/var/www
      - ./nginx/conf.d/:/etc/nginx/conf.d/
      - app-network

The first bind mount binds the application code in the ~/laravel-app directory to the /var/www directory inside the container. The configuration file that you will add to ~/laravel-app/nginx/conf.d/ will also be mounted to /etc/nginx/conf.d/ in the container, allowing you to add or modify the configuration directory’s contents as needed.

第一个绑定安装将~/laravel-app目录中的应用程序代码绑定到容器内的/var/www目录。 您将添加到~/laravel-app/nginx/conf.d/的配置文件也将安装到/etc/nginx/conf.d/中的/etc/nginx/conf.d/中,从而允许您根据需要添加或修改配置目录的内容。

Finally, add the following bind mounts to the app service for the application code and configuration files:


〜/ laravel-app / docker-compose.yml
#PHP Service
       - ./:/var/www
       - ./php/local.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/local.ini
      - app-network

The app service is bind-mounting the ~/laravel-app folder, which contains the application code, to the /var/www folder in the container. This will speed up the development process, since any changes made to your local application directory will be instantly reflected inside the container. You are also binding your PHP configuration file, ~/laravel-app/php/local.ini, to /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/local.ini inside the container. You will create the local PHP configuration file in Step 5.

app服务将包含应用程序代码的~/laravel-app文件夹绑定安装到容器中的/var/www文件夹中。 这将加速开发过程,因为对本地应用程序目录所做的任何更改都会立即反映在容器内。 您还将PHP配置文件~/laravel-app/php/local.ini绑定到容器内的/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/local.ini中。 您将在步骤5中创建本地PHP配置文件。

Your docker-compose file will now look like this:


〜/ laravel-app / docker-compose.yml
version: '3'

  #PHP Service
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    image: digitalocean.com/php
    container_name: app
    restart: unless-stopped
    tty: true
      SERVICE_NAME: app
      SERVICE_TAGS: dev
    working_dir: /var/www
      - ./:/var/www
      - ./php/local.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/local.ini
      - app-network

  #Nginx Service
    image: nginx:alpine
    container_name: webserver
    restart: unless-stopped
    tty: true
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - ./:/var/www
      - ./nginx/conf.d/:/etc/nginx/conf.d/
      - app-network

  #MySQL Service
    image: mysql:5.7.22
    container_name: db
    restart: unless-stopped
    tty: true
      - "3306:3306"
      MYSQL_DATABASE: laravel
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: your_mysql_root_password
      SERVICE_TAGS: dev
      SERVICE_NAME: mysql
      - dbdata:/var/lib/mysql/
      - ./mysql/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf
      - app-network

#Docker Networks
    driver: bridge
    driver: local

Save the file and exit your editor when you are finished making changes.


With your docker-compose file written, you can now build the custom image for your application.


第4步—创建Dockerfile (Step 4 — Creating the Dockerfile)

Docker allows you to specify the environment inside of individual containers with a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile enables you to create custom images that you can use to install the software required by your application and configure settings based on your requirements. You can push the custom images you create to Docker Hub or any private registry.

Docker允许您使用Dockerfile在单个容器内指定环境。 Dockerfile使您可以创建自定义映像,可用于安装应用程序所需的软件并根据需要配置设置。 您可以将创建的自定义映像推送到Docker Hub或任何私有注册表。

Our Dockerfile will be located in our ~/laravel-app directory. Create the file:

我们的Dockerfile将位于我们的~/laravel-app目录中。 创建文件:

  • nano ~/laravel-app/Dockerfile

    纳米〜/ laravel-app / Dockerfile

This Dockerfile will set the base image and specify the necessary commands and instructions to build the Laravel application image. Add the following code to the file:

Dockerfile将设置基础映像并指定必要的命令和指令以构建Laravel应用程序映像。 将以下代码添加到文件中:

〜/ laravel-app / php / Dockerfile
FROM php:7.2-fpm

# Copy composer.lock and composer.json
COPY composer.lock composer.json /var/www/

# Set working directory
WORKDIR /var/www

# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    build-essential \
    libpng-dev \
    libjpeg62-turbo-dev \
    libfreetype6-dev \
    locales \
    zip \
    jpegoptim optipng pngquant gifsicle \
    vim \
    unzip \
    git \

# Clear cache
RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install extensions
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql mbstring zip exif pcntl
RUN docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ --with-png-dir=/usr/include/
RUN docker-php-ext-install gd

# Install composer
RUN curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

# Add user for laravel application
RUN groupadd -g 1000 www
RUN useradd -u 1000 -ms /bin/bash -g www www

# Copy existing application directory contents
COPY . /var/www

# Copy existing application directory permissions
COPY --chown=www:www . /var/www

# Change current user to www
USER www

# Expose port 9000 and start php-fpm server
CMD ["php-fpm"]

First, the Dockerfile creates an image on top of the php:7.2-fpm Docker image. This is a Debian-based image that has the PHP FastCGI implementation PHP-FPM installed. The file also installs the prerequisite packages for Laravel: mcrypt, pdo_mysql, mbstring, and imagick with composer.

首先,Dockerfile在php:7.2-fpm Docker映像之上创建一个映像 。 这是一个基于Debian的映像,其中安装了PHP FastCGI实现PHP-FPM 。 该文件还为Laravel安装了必备软件包: mcryptpdo_mysqlmbstringimagick以及composer

The RUN directive specifies the commands to update, install, and configure settings inside the container, including creating a dedicated user and group called www. The WORKDIR instruction specifies the /var/www directory as the working directory for the application.

RUN指令指定用于更新,安装和配置容器内设置的命令,包括创建名为www的专用用户和组。 WORKDIR指令将/var/www目录指定为应用程序的工作目录。

Creating a dedicated user and group with restricted permissions mitigates the inherent vulnerability when running Docker containers, which run by default as root. Instead of running this container as root, we’ve created the www user, who has read/write access to the /var/www folder thanks to the COPY instruction that we are using with the --chown flag to copy the application folder’s permissions.

创建具有受限权限的专用用户和组可缓解运行Docker容器(默认情况下以root身份运行)时的固有漏洞。 我们不是创建容器的root用户 ,而是创建了www用户,该用户对/var/www文件夹具有读/写访问权限,这要归功于COPY指令,该指令与--chown标志一起用于复制应用程序文件夹的权限。

Finally, the EXPOSE command exposes a port in the container, 9000, for the php-fpm server. CMD specifies the command that should run once the container is created. Here, CMD specifies "php-fpm", which will start the server.

最后, EXPOSE命令在容器9000公开用于php-fpm服务器的端口。 CMD指定在创建容器后应运行的命令。 在这里, CMD指定了"php-fpm" ,它将启动服务器。

Save the file and exit your editor when you are finished making changes.


You can now move on to defining your PHP configuration.


步骤5 —配置PHP (Step 5 — Configuring PHP)

Now that you have defined your infrastructure in the docker-compose file, you can configure the PHP service to act as a PHP processor for incoming requests from Nginx.


To configure PHP, you will create the local.ini file inside the php folder. This is the file that you bind-mounted to /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/local.ini inside the container in Step 2. Creating this file will allow you to override the default php.ini file that PHP reads when it starts.

要配置PHP,您将在php文件夹中创建local.ini文件。 这是您在步骤2中绑定安装到容器内的/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/local.ini的文件。创建此文件将使您能够覆盖PHP读取的默认php.ini文件。当它开始的时候。

Create the php directory:


  • mkdir ~/laravel-app/php

    mkdir〜/ laravel-app / php

Next, open the local.ini file:


  • nano ~/laravel-app/php/local.ini

    纳米〜/ laravel-app / php / local.ini

To demonstrate how to configure PHP, we’ll add the following code to set size limitations for uploaded files:


〜/ laravel-app / php / local.ini

The upload_max_filesize and post_max_size directives set the maximum allowed size for uploaded files, and demonstrate how you can set php.ini configurations from your local.ini file. You can put any PHP-specific configuration that you want to override in the local.ini file.

upload_max_filesizepost_max_size指令设置了上载文件的最大允许大小,并演示了如何从local.ini文件设置php.ini配置。 您可以将要覆盖的任何特定于PHP的配置放入local.ini文件中。

Save the file and exit your editor.


With your PHP local.ini file in place, you can move on to configuring Nginx.

放置好PHP local.ini文件后,您就可以继续配置Nginx。

第6步—配置Nginx (Step 6 — Configuring Nginx)

With the PHP service configured, you can modify the Nginx service to use PHP-FPM as the FastCGI server to serve dynamic content. The FastCGI server is based on a binary protocol for interfacing interactive programs with a web server. For more information, please refer to this article on Understanding and Implementing FastCGI Proxying in Nginx.

配置了PHP服务后,您可以修改Nginx服务以将PHP-FPM用作FastCGI服务器来提供动态内容。 FastCGI服务器基于二进制协议,用于将交互程序与Web服务器接口。 有关更多信息,请参考有关在Nginx中理解和实现FastCGI代理的文章。

To configure Nginx, you will create an app.conf file with the service configuration in the ~/laravel-app/nginx/conf.d/ folder.


First, create the nginx/conf.d/ directory:


  • mkdir -p ~/laravel-app/nginx/conf.d

    mkdir -p〜/ laravel-app / nginx / conf.d

Next, create the app.conf configuration file:


  • nano ~/laravel-app/nginx/conf.d/app.conf

    纳米〜/ laravel-app / nginx / conf.d / app.conf

Add the following code to the file to specify your Nginx configuration:


〜/ laravel-app / nginx / conf.d / app.conf
server {
    listen 80;
    index index.php index.html;
    error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
    root /var/www/public;
    location ~ \.php$ {
        try_files $uri =404;
        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
        fastcgi_pass app:9000;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
        gzip_static on;

The server block defines the configuration for the Nginx web server with the following directives:

服务器块使用以下指令定义Nginx Web服务器的配置:

  • listen: This directive defines the port on which the server will listen to incoming requests.

    listen :此伪指令定义服务器将在其上侦听传入请求的端口。

  • error_log and access_log: These directives define the files for writing logs.

    error_logaccess_log :这些指令定义用于写入日志的文件。

  • root: This directive sets the root folder path, forming the complete path to any requested file on the local file system.

    root :此伪指令设置根文件夹路径,形成本地文件系统上任何请求的文件的完整路径。

In the php location block, the fastcgi_pass directive specifies that the app service is listening on a TCP socket on port 9000. This makes the PHP-FPM server listen over the network rather than on a Unix socket. Though a Unix socket has a slight advantage in speed over a TCP socket, it does not have a network protocol and thus skips the network stack. For cases where hosts are located on one machine, a Unix socket may make sense, but in cases where you have services running on different hosts, a TCP socket offers the advantage of allowing you to connect to distributed services. Because our app container is running on a different host from our webserver container, a TCP socket makes the most sense for our configuration.

php location块中, fastcgi_pass指令指定app服务正在侦听端口9000上的TCP套接字。 这使得PHP-FPM服务器通过网络而不是在Unix套接字上进行侦听。 尽管Unix套接字在速度上比TCP套接字略有优势,但它没有网络协议,因此会跳过网络堆栈。 对于主机位于一台计算机上的情况,可以使用Unix套接字,但是对于在不同主机上运行的服务,TCP套接字具有的优势是可以连接到分布式服务。 由于我们的app容器与webserver容器在不同的主机上运行,​​因此TCP套接字最适合我们的配置。

Save the file and exit your editor when you are finished making changes.


Thanks to the bind mount you created in Step 2, any changes you make inside the nginx/conf.d/ folder will be directly reflected inside the webserver container.


Next, let’s look at our MySQL settings.


第7步-配置MySQL (Step 7 — Configuring MySQL)

With PHP and Nginx configured, you can enable MySQL to act as the database for your application.


To configure MySQL, you will create the my.cnf file in the mysql folder. This is the file that you bind-mounted to /etc/mysql/my.cnf inside the container in Step 2. This bind mount allows you to override the my.cnf settings as and when required.

要配置MySQL,您将在mysql文件夹中创建my.cnf文件。 这是你压圈安装到文件/etc/mysql/my.cnf容器内部在步骤2中此绑定安装允许覆盖所述my.cnf如需要时和设置。

To demonstrate how this works, we’ll add settings to the my.cnf file that enable the general query log and specify the log file.


First, create the mysql directory:


  • mkdir ~/laravel-app/mysql

    mkdir〜/ laravel-app / mysql

Next, make the my.cnf file:


  • nano ~/laravel-app/mysql/my.cnf

    纳米〜/ laravel-app / mysql / my.cnf

In the file, add the following code to enable the query log and set the log file location:


〜/ laravel-app / mysql / my.cnf
general_log = 1
general_log_file = /var/lib/mysql/general.log

This my.cnf file enables logs, defining the general_log setting as 1 to allow general logs. The general_log_file setting specifies where the logs will be stored.

my.cnf文件启用日志,并将general_log设置定义为1以允许常规日志。 general_log_file设置指定日志的存储位置。

Save the file and exit your editor.


Our next step will be to start the containers.


步骤8 —修改环境设置并运行容器 (Step 8 — Modifying Environment Settings and Running the Containers)

Now that you have defined all of your services in your docker-compose file and created the configuration files for these services, you can start the containers. As a final step, though, we will make a copy of the .env.example file that Laravel includes by default and name the copy .env, which is the file Laravel expects to define its environment:

既然您已经在docker-compose文件中定义了所有服务并创建了这些服务的配置文件,则可以启动容器。 不过,作为最后一步,我们将复制.env.example默认包含的.env.example文件,并将其命名为.env副本,这是Laravel希望定义其环境的文件:

  • cp .env.example .env

    cp .env.example .env

You can now modify the .env file on the app container to include specific details about your setup.


Open the file using nano or your text editor of choice:


  • nano .env


Find the block that specifies DB_CONNECTION and update it to reflect the specifics of your setup. You will modify the following fields:

查找指定DB_CONNECTION的块,并对其进行更新以反映设置的细节。 您将修改以下字段:

  • DB_HOST will be your db database container.


  • DB_DATABASE will be the laravel database.


  • DB_USERNAME will be the username you will use for your database. In this case, we will use laraveluser.

    DB_USERNAME将是您将用于数据库的用户名。 在这种情况下,我们将使用laraveluser

  • DB_PASSWORD will be the secure password you would like to use for this user account.



Save your changes and exit your editor.


With all of your services defined in your docker-compose file, you just need to issue a single command to start all of the containers, create the volumes, and set up and connect the networks:


  • docker-compose up -d

    docker-compose up -d

When you run docker-compose up for the first time, it will download all of the necessary Docker images, which might take a while. Once the images are downloaded and stored in your local machine, Compose will create your containers. The -d flag daemonizes the process, running your containers in the background.

首次运行docker-compose up时,它将下载所有必要的Docker映像,这可能需要一段时间。 一旦下载了图像并将其存储在本地计算机中,Compose将创建您的容器。 -d标志守护进程,在后台运行容器。

Once the process is complete, use the following command to list all of the running containers:


  • docker ps


You will see the following output with details about your app, webserver, and db containers:


CONTAINER ID NAMES IMAGE STATUS PORTS c31b7b3251e0 db mysql:5.7.22 Up 2 seconds>3306/tcp ed5a69704580 app digitalocean.com/php Up 2 seconds 9000/tcp 5ce4ee31d7c0 webserver nginx:alpine Up 2 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp

The CONTAINER ID in this output is a unique identifier for each container, while NAMES lists the service name associated with each. You can use both of these identifiers to access the containers. IMAGE defines the image name for each container, while STATUS provides information about the container’s state: whether it’s running, restarting, or stopped.

此输出中的CONTAINER ID是每个容器的唯一标识符,而NAMES列出了与每个容器相关的服务名称。 您可以使用这两个标识符来访问容器。 IMAGE定义每个容器的映像名称,而STATUS提供有关容器状态的信息:容器是运行,重新启动还是停止。

We’ll now use docker-compose exec to set the application key for the Laravel application. The docker-compose exec command allows you to run specific commands in containers.

现在,我们将使用docker-compose exec设置Laravel应用程序的应用程序密钥。 docker-compose exec命令允许您在容器中运行特定命令。

The following command will generate a key and copy it to your .env file, ensuring that your user sessions and encrypted data remain secure:


  • docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate

    docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate

You now have the environment settings required to run your application. To cache these settings into a file, which will boost your application’s load speed, run:

现在,您具有运行应用程序所需的环境设置。 要将这些设置缓存到文件中,这将提高应用程序的加载速度,请运行:

  • docker-compose exec app php artisan config:cache

    docker-compose exec app php artisan config:cache

Your configuration settings will be loaded into /var/www/bootstrap/cache/config.php on the container.


As a final step, visit http://your_server_ip in the browser. You will see the following home page for your Laravel application:

最后一步,在浏览器中访问http:// your_server_ip 。 您将为您的Laravel应用程序看到以下主页:

With your containers running and your configuration information in place, you can move on to configuring your user information for the laravel database on the db container.


第9步-为MySQL创建用户 (Step 9 — Creating a User for MySQL)

The default MySQL installation only creates the root administrative account, which has unlimited privileges on the database server. In general, it’s better to avoid using the root administrative account when interacting with the database. Instead, let’s create a dedicated database user for our application’s Laravel database.

默认MySQL安装仅创建管理帐户,该帐户在数据库服务器上具有无限特权。 通常,最好在与数据库进行交互时避免使用管理帐户。 相反,让我们为应用程序的Laravel数据库创建一个专用的数据库用户。

To create a new user, execute an interactive bash shell on the db container with docker-compose exec:

要创建新用户,请使用docker-compose execdb容器上执行交互式bash shell:

  • docker-compose exec db bash

    docker-compose exec db bash

Inside the container, log into the MySQL root administrative account:

在容器内,登录到MySQL 管理帐户:

  • mysql -u root -p

    mysql -u root -p

You will be prompted for the password you set for the MySQL root account during installation in your docker-compose file.

系统会提示您在docker-compose文件中输入在安装过程中为MySQL 帐户设置的密码。

Start by checking for the database called laravel, which you defined in your docker-compose file. Run the show databases command to check for existing databases:

首先检查您在laravel docker-compose文件中定义的名为laravel的数据库。 运行show databases命令以检查现有数据库:

  • show databases;


You will see the laravel database listed in the output:


+--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | laravel | | mysql | | performance_schema | | sys | +--------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Next, create the user account that will be allowed to access this database. Our username will be laraveluser, though you can replace this with another name if you’d prefer. Just be sure that your username and password here match the details you set in your .env file in the previous step:

接下来,创建将被允许访问该数据库的用户帐户。 我们的用户名将为laraveluser ,不过您可以根据laraveluser将其替换为另一个名称。 只要确保您的用户名和密码与您在上一步中在.env文件中设置的详细信息匹配.env

  • GRANT ALL ON laravel.* TO 'laraveluser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_laravel_db_password';

    将所有内容授予laravel。*致' laraveluser '@'%'由' your_laravel_db_password '标识;

Flush the privileges to notify the MySQL server of the changes:




Exit MySQL:


  • EXIT;


Finally, exit the container:


  • exit


You have configured the user account for your Laravel application database and are ready to migrate your data and work with the Tinker console.


步骤10 —迁移数据并使用Tinker Console (Step 10 — Migrating Data and Working with the Tinker Console)

With your application running, you can migrate your data and experiment with the tinker command, which will initiate a PsySH console with Laravel preloaded. PsySH is a runtime developer console and interactive debugger for PHP, and Tinker is a REPL specifically for Laravel. Using the tinker command will allow you to interact with your Laravel application from the command line in an interactive shell.

随着应用程序的运行,您可以迁移数据并尝试使用tinker命令,该命令将启动一个预加载Laravel的PsySH控制台。 PsySH是用于PHP的运行时开发人员控制台和交互式调试器,而Tinker是专门用于Laravel的REPL。 使用tinker命令将使您可以在交互式Shell中从命令行与Laravel应用程序进行交互。

First, test the connection to MySQL by running the Laravel artisan migrate command, which creates a migrations table in the database from inside the container:

首先,通过运行Laravel artisan migrate migrations命令测试与MySQL的连接,该命令从容器内部在数据库中创建一个migrations表:

  • docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate

    docker-compose exec app php artisan migration

This command will migrate the default Laravel tables. The output confirming the migration will look like this:

该命令将迁移默认的Laravel表。 确认迁移的输出如下所示:

Migration table created successfully. Migrating: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table Migrated: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table Migrating: 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table Migrated: 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table

Once the migration is complete, you can run a query to check if you are properly connected to the database using the tinker command:


  • docker-compose exec app php artisan tinker

    docker-compose exec app php artisan tinker

Test the MySQL connection by getting the data you just migrated:


  • \DB::table('migrations')->get();

    \ DB :: table('migrations')-> get();

You will see output that looks like this:


=> Illuminate\Support\Collection {#2856 all: [ {#2862 +"id": 1, +"migration": "2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table", +"batch": 1, }, {#2865 +"id": 2, +"migration": "2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table", +"batch": 1, }, ], }

You can use tinker to interact with your databases and to experiment with services and models.


With your Laravel application in place, you are ready for further development and experimentation.


结论 (Conclusion)

You now have a LEMP stack application running on your server, which you’ve tested by accessing the Laravel welcome page and creating MySQL database migrations.


Key to the simplicity of this installation is Docker Compose, which allows you to create a group of Docker containers, defined in a single file, with a single command. If you would like to learn more about how to do CI with Docker Compose, take a look at How To Configure a Continuous Integration Testing Environment with Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu 16.04. If you want to streamline your Laravel application deployment process then How to Automatically Deploy Laravel Applications with Deployer on Ubuntu 16.04 will be a relevant resource.

简化此安装的关键是Docker Compose,它允许您使用单个命令创建一组在单个文件中定义的Docker容器。 如果您想了解有关如何使用Docker Compose进行CI的更多信息,请查看如何在Ubuntu 16.04上使用Docker和Docker Compose配置连续集成测试环境 。 如果您想简化Laravel应用程序的部署过程,那么如何在Ubuntu 16.04上使用Deployer自动部署Laravel应用程序将是一个相关资源。

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-laravel-nginx-and-mysql-with-docker-compose





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