如何在CentOS 8上安装Linux,Nginx,MySQL,PHP(LEMP)堆栈

介绍 (Introduction)

The LEMP software stack is a group of software that can be used to serve dynamic web pages and web applications written in PHP. The name “LEMP” is an acronym that describes a Linux operating system with an Nginx (pronounced like “Engine-X”) web server. The backend data is stored in a MariaDB database and the dynamic processing is handled by PHP.

LEMP软件堆栈是一组软件,可用于为用PHP编写的动态网页和Web应用程序提供服务。 名称“ LEMP”是一个首字母缩写词,描述了具有Nginx(发音为“ E ngine-X”)Web服务器的L inux操作系统。 后端数据存储在A M ariaDB数据库和动态处理被P HP处理。

The database layer in a LEMP stack is typically a MySQL database server, but prior to the release of CentOS 8, MySQL wasn’t available from the default CentOS repositories. Because of this, MariaDB, a community fork of MySQL, became a widely accepted alternative to MySQL as the default database system for LEMP stacks on CentOS machines. MariaDB works as a drop-in replacement for the original MySQL server, which in practice means you can switch to MariaDB without having to make any configuration or code changes in your application.

LEMP堆栈中的数据库层通常是MySQL数据库服务器,但是在CentOS 8发行之前,默认CentOS存储库中不提供MySQL。 因此, MariaDB是MySQL的一个社区分支,已成为MySQL的广泛接受的替代品,作为CentOS计算机上LEMP堆栈的默认数据库系统。 MariaDB可以替代原始MySQL服务器,实际上,这意味着您可以切换到MariaDB,而无需在应用程序中进行任何配置或代码更改。

In this guide, you’ll install a LEMP stack on a CentOS 8 server. Although MySQL is available from the default repositories in CentOS 8, this guide will walk through the process of setting up a LEMP stack with MariaDB as the database management system.

在本指南中,您将在CentOS 8服务器上安装LEMP堆栈。 尽管CentOS 8的默认存储库中提供了MySQL,但本指南将逐步介绍使用MariaDB作为数据库管理系统设置LEMP堆栈的过程。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

To follow this guide, you’ll need access to a CentOS 8 server as a non-root user with sudo privileges, and an active firewall installed on your server. To set this up, you can follow our Initial Server Setup Guide for CentOS 8.

要遵循本指南,您需要以具有sudo特权的非root用户身份访问CentOS 8服务器,并在服务器上安装了活动防火墙。 要进行设置,您可以遵循我们的《 CentOS 8初始服务器设置指南》

第1步-安装Nginx Web服务器 (Step 1 — Installing the Nginx Web Server)

In order to display web pages to our site visitors, we are going to employ Nginx, a high-performance web server. We’ll use the dnf package manager, which is the new default package manager on CentOS 8, to install this software.

为了向网站访问者显示网页,我们将使用高性能的Web服务器Nginx。 我们将使用dnf软件包管理器(它是CentOS 8上新的默认软件包管理器)来安装此软件。

Install the nginx package with:


  • sudo dnf install nginx


When prompted, enter y to confirm that you want to install nginx.


After the installation is finished, run the following command to enable and start the server:


  • sudo systemctl start nginx

    sudo systemctl启动nginx

In case you have enabled the firewalld firewall as per our initial server setup guide, you will need to allow connections to Nginx. The following command will permanently enable HTTP connections, which run on port 80 by default:

如果您按照我们的初始服务器设置指南启用了firewalld防火墙,则需要允许连接到Nginx。 以下命令将永久启用HTTP连接,默认情况下该端口在端口80上运行:

  • sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http

    sudo firewall-cmd-永久--add-service = http

To verify that the change was applied, you can run:


  • sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --list-all

    sudo firewall-cmd-永久--list-all

You’ll see output like this:


public target: default icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: sources: services: cockpit dhcpv6-client http ssh ports: protocols: masquerade: no forward-ports: source-ports: icmp-blocks: rich rules:

You’ll need to reload the firewall configuration so the changes take effect:


  • sudo firewall-cmd --reload

    sudo firewall-cmd-重新加载

With the new firewall rule added, you can test if the server is up and running by accessing your server’s public IP address or domain name from your web browser.


Note: In case you are using DigitalOcean as DNS hosting provider, you can check our product docs for detailed instructions on how to set up a new domain name and point it to your server.

注意 :如果您使用DigitalOcean作为DNS托管服务提供商,则可以查看我们的产品文档,以获取有关如何设置新域名并将其指向服务器的详细说明。

If you do not have a domain name pointed at your server and you do not know your server’s public IP address, you can find it by running the following command:


  • ip addr show eth0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2; }' | sed 's/\/.*$//'

    ip addr显示eth0 | grep inet | awk'{print $ 2; }'| sed's /\/.*$//'

This will print out a few IP addresses. You can try each of them in turn in your web browser.

这将打印出一些IP地址。 您可以依次在网络浏览器中尝试使用它们。

As an alternative, you can check which IP address is accessible, as viewed from other locations on the internet:


  • curl -4 icanhazip.com

    卷曲-4 icanhazip.com

Type the address that you receive in your web browser and it will take you to Nginx’s default landing page:


If you see this page, then your web server is now correctly installed.


第2步-安装MariaDB (Step 2 — Installing MariaDB)

Now that you have a web server up and running, you need to install a database system to be able to store and manage data for your site. We’ll install MariaDB, a community-developed fork of the original MySQL server by Oracle.

现在,您已启动并运行了Web服务器,您需要安装数据库系统,以便能够存储和管理站点数据。 我们将安装MariaDB ,这是Oracle原始MySQL服务器的社区开发分支。

To install this software, run:


  • sudo dnf install mariadb-server


When the installation is finished, you can enable and start the MariaDB server with:


  • sudo systemctl start mariadb

    sudo systemctl启动mariadb

To improve the security of your database server, it’s recommended that you run a security script that comes pre-installed with MariaDB. This script will remove some insecure default settings and lock down access to your database system. Start the interactive script by running:

为了提高数据库服务器的安全性,建议您运行预先安装了MariaDB的安全脚本。 该脚本将删除一些不安全的默认设置,并锁定对数据库系统的访问。 通过运行以下命令来启动交互式脚本:

  • sudo mysql_secure_installation


This script will take you through a series of prompts where you can make some changes to your MariaDB setup. The first prompt will ask you to enter the current database root password. This is not to be confused with the system root user. The database root user is an administrative user with full privileges over the database system. Because you just installed MariaDB and haven’t made any configuration changes yet, this password will be blank, so just press ENTER at the prompt.

该脚本将引导您完成一系列提示,您可以在其中对MariaDB设置进行一些更改。 第一个提示将要求您输入当前的数据库根密码。 请勿将其与系统root用户混淆。 数据库根用户是对数据库系统具有完全特权的管理用户。 因为您刚刚安装了MariaDB且尚未进行任何配置更改,所以该密码将为空,因此只需在提示符下按ENTER

The next prompt asks you whether you’d like to set up a database root password. Because MariaDB uses a special authentication method for the root user that is typically safer than using a password, you don’t need to set this now. Type N and then press ENTER.

下一个提示询问您是否要设置数据库根密码。 由于MariaDB为用户使用一种特殊的身份验证方法,该方法通常比使用密码更安全,因此您现在无需设置此方法。 键入N ,然后按ENTER

From there, you can press Y and then ENTER to accept the defaults for all the subsequent questions. This will remove anonymous users and the test database, disable remote root login, and load these new rules so that the server immediately respects the changes you have made.

在此处,您可以按Y ,然后按ENTER以接受所有后续问题的默认设置。 这将删除匿名用户和测试数据库,禁用远程root登录,并加载这些新规则,以便服务器立即尊重您所做的更改。

When you’re finished, log in to the MariaDB console by typing:


  • sudo mysql


This will connect to the MariaDB server as the administrative database user root, which is inferred by the use of sudo when running this command. You should see output like this:

这将以管理数据库用户root身份连接到MariaDB服务器,这是通过在运行此命令时使用sudo推断出来的。 您应该看到如下输出:

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 9 Server version: 10.3.17-MariaDB MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]>

Notice that you didn’t need to provide a password to connect as the root user. That works because the default authentication method for the administrative MariaDB user is unix_socket instead of password. Even though this might look like a security concern at first, it makes the database server more secure because the only users allowed to log in as the root MariaDB user are the system users with sudo privileges connecting from the console or through an application running with the same privileges. In practical terms, that means you won’t be able to use the administrative database root user to connect from your PHP application.

请注意,您无需提供密码即可以root用户身份进行连接。 之所以unix_socket ,是因为管理MariaDB用户的默认身份验证方法是unix_socket而不是password 。 即使最初看起来像是一个安全问题,它仍使数据库服务器更加安全,因为唯一允许以root MariaDB用户身份登录的用户是具有sudo特权的系统用户,这些用户从控制台或通过运行该命令的应用程序进行连接相同的特权。 实际上,这意味着您将无法使用管理数据库用户从PHP应用程序进行连接。

For increased security, it’s best to have dedicated user accounts with less expansive privileges set up for every database, especially if you plan on having multiple databases hosted on your server. To demonstrate such a setup, we’ll create a database named example_database and a user named example_user, but you can replace these names with different values.

为了提高安全性,最好为每个数据库设置专用的用户帐户,并为其设置较少的扩展特权,尤其是如果您计划在服务器上托管多个数据库时。 为了演示这种设置,我们将创建一个名为example_database的数据库和一个名为example_user的用户,但是您可以将这些名称替换为不同的值。

To create a new database, run the following command from your MariaDB console:


  • CREATE DATABASE example_database;

    创建数据库example_database ;

Now you can create a new user and grant them full privileges on the custom database you’ve just created. The following command defines this user’s password as password, but you should replace this value with a secure password of your own choosing:

现在,您可以创建一个新用户,并向他们授予您刚创建的自定义数据库的全部特权。 以下命令将该用户的密码定义为password ,但是您应使用自己选择的安全密码替换此值:

  • GRANT ALL ON example_database.* TO 'example_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION;

    将所有内容都授予example_database 。*到' example_user '@'localhost'由' password '加上GRANT OPTION标识;

This will give the example_user user full privileges over the example\_database database, while preventing this user from creating or modifying other databases on your server.


Flush the privileges to ensure that they are saved and available in the current session:




Following this, exit the MariaDB shell:

之后,退出MariaDB shell:

  • exit


You can test if the new user has the proper permissions by logging in to the MariaDB console again, this time using the custom user credentials:


  • mysql -u example_user -p

    mysql -u example_user -p

Note the -p flag in this command, which will prompt you for the password you chose when creating the example_user user. After logging in to the MariaDB console, confirm that you have access to the example\_database database:

请注意此命令中的-p标志,它将提示您输入创建example_user用户时选择的密码。 登录到MariaDB控制台后,请确认您有权访问example\_database数据库:



This will give you the following output:


+--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | example_database | | information_schema | +--------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

To exit the MariaDB shell, type:

要退出MariaDB shell,请输入:

  • exit


At this point, your database system is set up and you can move on to installing PHP, the final component of the LEMP stack.


第3步-安装PHP-FPM (Step 3 — Installing PHP-FPM)

You have Nginx installed to serve your content and MariaDB installed to store and manage your data. Now you can install PHP to process code and generate dynamic content for the web server.

您已经安装了Nginx来提供内容,已经安装了MariaDB来存储和管理数据。 现在,您可以安装PHP来处理代码并为Web服务器生成动态内容。

While Apache embeds the PHP interpreter in each request, Nginx requires an external program to handle PHP processing and act as bridge between the PHP interpreter itself and the web server. This allows for a better overall performance in most PHP-based websites, but it requires additional configuration. You’ll need to install php-fpm, which stands for “PHP fastCGI process manager”, and tell Nginx to pass PHP requests to this software for processing. Additionally, you’ll need php-mysqlnd, a PHP module that allows PHP to communicate with MySQL-based databases. Core PHP packages will automatically be installed as dependencies.

虽然Apache在每个请求中都嵌入了PHP解释器,但Nginx需要一个外部程序来处理PHP处理并充当PHP解释器本身和Web服务器之间的桥梁。 这可以在大多数基于PHP的网站中提供更好的整体性能,但是需要其他配置。 您需要安装php-fpm ,它代表“ PHP fastCGI进程管理器”,并告诉Nginx将PHP请求传递给该软件进行处理。 此外,您将需要php-mysqlnd ,这是一个PHP模块,允许PHP与基于MySQL的数据库进行通信。 核心PHP软件包将自动安装为依赖项。

To install the php-fpm and php-mysql packages, run:


  • sudo dnf install php-fpm php-mysqlnd

    须藤dnf安装php-fpm php-mysqlnd

When the installation is finished, you’ll need to edit the /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf file in order to adjust a couple settings.


The default text editor that comes with CentOS 8 is vi. vi is an extremely powerful text editor, but it can be somewhat obtuse for users who lack experience with it. You might want to install a more user-friendly editor such as nano to facilitate editing configuration files on your CentOS 8 server:

CentOS 8随附的默认文本编辑器是vivi是一个功能非常强大的文本编辑器,但对于缺乏使用经验的用户而言,它可能会有些迟钝。 您可能需要安装更加用户友好的编辑器(例如nano以方便在CentOS 8服务器上编辑配置文件:

  • sudo dnf install nano


Now open the /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf configuration file using nano or your editor of choice:


  • sudo nano /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf


Now look for the user and group directives. If you are using nano, you can hit CTRL+W to search for these terms inside the open file.

现在查找usergroup指令。 如果您使用的是nano ,则可以按CTRL + W在打开的文件中搜索这些术语。

; Unix user/group of processes
; Note: The user is mandatory. If the group is not set, the default user's group
;       will be used.
; RPM: apache user chosen to provide access to the same directories as httpd
user = apache
; RPM: Keep a group allowed to write in log dir.
group = apache

You’ll notice that both the user and group variables are set to apache. We need to change these to nginx:

您会注意到, usergroup变量都设置为apache 。 我们需要将它们更改为nginx

; RPM: apache user chosen to provide access to the same directories as httpd
user = nginx
; RPM: Keep a group allowed to write in log dir.
group = nginx

Save and close the file when you’re done editing. If you are using nano, do so by pressing CTRL + X, then Y and ENTER.

完成编辑后,保存并关闭文件。 如果使用nano ,请按CTRL + X ,然后按YENTER

To enable and start the php-fpm service, run:


  • sudo systemctl start php-fpm

    sudo systemctl启动php-fpm

Finally, restart the Nginx web server so that it loads the configuration files created by the php-fpm installation:

最后,重新启动Nginx Web服务器,以便它加载由php-fpm安装创建的配置文件:

  • sudo systemctl restart nginx

    sudo systemctl重启nginx

Your web server is now fully set up. In the next step, we’ll create a PHP testing script to make sure everything works as expected.

您的Web服务器现已完全设置。 在下一步中,我们将创建一个PHP测试脚本以确保一切正常。

第4步-使用Nginx测试PHP (Step 4 — Testing PHP with Nginx)

On CentOS 8, the default php-fpm installation automatically creates configuration files that will allow your Nginx web server to handle .php files in the default document root located at /usr/share/nginx/html. You won’t need to make any changes to Nginx’s configuration in order for PHP to work correctly within your web server.

在CentOS 8上,默认的php-fpm安装会自动创建配置文件,该文件将使您的Nginx Web服务器能够处理位于/usr/share/nginx/html的默认文档根目录中的.php文件。 您无需对Nginx的配置进行任何更改即可使PHP在您的Web服务器中正常工作。

The only adjustment we’ll make is to change the default permission settings on your Nginx document root folder. This way, you’ll be able to create and modify files in that directory with your regular system user, without the need to prefix each command with sudo.

我们要做的唯一调整是更改Nginx文档根文件夹上的默认权限设置。 这样,您将可以与常规系统用户一起在该目录中创建和修改文件,而无需在每个命令前加上sudo前缀。

The following command will change the ownership of the default Nginx document root to a user and group called sammy, so be sure to replace the highlighted username and group in this command to reflect your system’s username and group.


  • sudo chown -R sammy.sammy /usr/share/nginx/html/

    sudo chown -R sammy 。 萨米 / usr / share / nginx / html /

We’ll now create a test PHP page to make sure the web server works as expected.


Create a new PHP file called info.php at the /usr/share/nginx/html directory:


  • nano /usr/share/nginx/html/info.php

    纳米/ usr / share / nginx / html / info.php

The following PHP code will display information about the current PHP environment running on the server:




When you are finished, save and close the file.


Now we can test whether our web server can correctly display content generated by a PHP script. Go to your browser and access your server hostname or IP address, followed by /info.php:

现在,我们可以测试我们的Web服务器是否可以正确显示PHP脚本生成的内容。 转到浏览器并访问服务器主机名或IP地址,然后/info.php


You’ll see a page similar to this:


After checking the relevant information about your PHP server through that page, it’s best to remove the file you created as it contains sensitive information about your PHP environment and your CentOS server. You can use rm to remove that file:

在通过该页面检查有关PHP服务器的相关信息之后,最好删除您创建的文件,因为该文件包含有关PHP环境和CentOS服务器的敏感信息。 您可以使用rm删除该文件:

  • rm /usr/share/nginx/html/info.php

    rm / usr / share / nginx / html / info.php

You can always regenerate this file if you need it later. Next, we’ll test the database connection from the PHP side.

如果以后需要,可以随时重新生成该文件。 接下来,我们将从PHP端测试数据库连接。

第5步-从PHP测试数据库连接(可选) (Step 5 — Testing Database Connection from PHP (Optional))

If you want to test if PHP is able to connect to MariaDB and execute database queries, you can create a test table with dummy data and query for its contents from a PHP script.


First, connect to the MariaDB console with the database user you created in Step 2 of this guide:


  • mysql -u example_user -p

    mysql -u example_user -p

Create a table named todo_list. From the MariaDB console, run the following statement:

创建一个名为todo_list的表。 在MariaDB控制台中,运行以下语句:

CREATE TABLE example_database.todo_list (
    content VARCHAR(255),
    PRIMARY KEY(item_id)

Now, insert a few rows of content in the test table. You might want to repeat the next command a few times, using different values:

现在,在测试表中插入几行内容。 您可能需要使用不同的值重复执行下一条命令几次:

  • INSERT INTO example_database.todo_list (content) VALUES ("My first important item");

    插入INTO example_database 。 todo_list (内容)VALUES(“ 我的第一个重要项目 ”);

To confirm that the data was successfully saved to your table, run:


  • SELECT * FROM example_database.todo_list;

    SELECT * FROM example_database 。 todo_list ;

You will see the following output:


+---------+--------------------------+ | item_id | content | +---------+--------------------------+ | 1 | My first important item | | 2 | My second important item | | 3 | My third important item | | 4 | and this one more thing | +---------+--------------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.000 sec)

After confirming that you have valid data in your test table, you can exit the MariaDB console:


  • exit


Now you can create the PHP script that will connect to MariaDB and query for your content. Create a new PHP file in your custom web root directory using your preferred editor. We’ll use nano for that:

现在,您可以创建将连接到MariaDB并查询您内容PHP脚本。 使用首选编辑器在自定义Web根目录中创建一个新PHP文件。 我们将为此使用nano

  • nano /usr/share/nginx/html/todo_list.php

    纳米/ usr / share / nginx / html / todo_list.php

Add the following content to your PHP script:


$user = "example_user";
$password = "password";
$database = "example_database";
$table = "todo_list";

try {
  $db = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$database", $user, $password);
  echo "<h2>TODO</h2><ol>"; 
  foreach($db->query("SELECT content FROM $table") as $row) {
    echo "<li>" . $row['content'] . "</li>";
  echo "</ol>";
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";

Save and close the file when you’re done editing.


You can now access this page in your web browser by visiting your server’s host name or public IP address, followed by /todo_list.php:



You should see a page like this, showing the content you’ve inserted in your test table:


That means your PHP environment is ready to connect and interact with your MariaDB server.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this guide, you’ve built a flexible foundation for serving PHP websites and applications to your visitors, using Nginx as web server. You’ve set up Nginx to handle PHP requests through php-fpm, and you also set up a MariaDB database to store your website’s data.

在本指南中,您使用Nginx作为Web服务器,为为访问者提供PHP网站和应用程序奠定了灵活的基础。 您已经设置了Nginx来通过php-fpm处理PHP请求,并且还设置了一个MariaDB数据库来存储您的网站数据。

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-nginx-mysql-php-lemp-stack-on-centos-8

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