
本文档详细介绍了如何使用React Hooks(useState和useEffect)创建一个倒计时计时器,适用于HacktoberFest等事件。首先介绍了所需环境,然后通过6个步骤指导读者创建和格式化倒计时,包括计算剩余时间、更新状态、管理副作用等。最终,通过JSX组件显示倒计时,并提供完整项目的代码链接。


介绍 (Introduction)

In this tutorial, you will create a countdown timer. This timer will help you learn how to leverage React hooks to update state and manage side effects in a React component.

在本教程中,您将创建一个倒数计时器。 这个计时器将帮助您学习如何利用React钩子来更新状态和管理React组件中的副作用。

With React hooks, you can create cleaner code, reusable logic between components, and update state without classes.


Countdown timers are a common UI component and can serve many purposes. They can communicate to users how long they have been doing something or how much time until some event happens. The event you will countdown to in this tutorial is DigitalOcean’s HacktoberFest.

倒数计时器是常见的UI组件,可以用于多种用途。 他们可以向用户传达他们已经做了多长时间,或者直到某个事件发生之前需要花费多长时间。 您将在本教程中倒数的事件是DigitalOcean的HacktoberFest

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a functional and reusable Countdown timer using React’s useState() and useEffect() hooks.


先决条件 (Prerequisites)

Before you begin this guide, you’ll need the following:


第1步-创建一个空项目 (Step 1 — Creating an Empty Project)

In this step, you’ll create a new project using Create React App. Then you will delete the sample project and related files that are installed when you bootstrap the project.

在这一步中,您将使用Create React App创建一个新项目。 然后,您将删除示例项目以及在引导项目时安装的相关文件。

To start, make a new project. In your terminal, run the following script to install a fresh project using create-react-app:

首先,创建一个新项目。 在您的终端中,运行以下脚本以使用create-react-app安装新项目:

  • npx create-react-app react-hooks-counter

    npx create-react-app react-hooks-counter

After the project is finished, change into the directory:


  • cd react-hooks-counter

    cd react-hooks-counter

In a new terminal tab or window, start the project using the Create React App start script. The browser will auto-refresh on changes, so leave this script running while you work:

在新的终端标签或窗口中,使用Create React App启动脚本启动项目。 浏览器将自动刷新所做的更改,因此在工作时请保持此脚本运行:

  • npm start


You will get a local running server. If the project did not open in a browser window, you can open it with http://localhost:3000/. If you are running this from a remote server, the address will be http://your_server_ip:3000.

您将获得本地正在运行的服务器。 如果未在浏览器窗口中打开项目,则可以使用http://localhost:3000/打开它。 如果您是从远程服务器运行的,则该地址将为http:// your_server_ip :3000

Your browser will load with a simple React application included as part of Create React App:

您的浏览器将加载一个简单的React应用程序,该应用程序是Create React App的一部分:

You will be building a completely new set of custom components, so you’ll need to start by clearing out some boilerplate code so that you can have an empty project.


To start, open src/App.js in a text editor. This is the root component that is injected into the page. All components will start from here. You can find more information about App.js at How To Set Up a React Project with Create React App.

首先,在文本编辑器中打开src/App.js 这是注入页面的根组件。 所有组件将从此处开始。 您可以在如何使用创建React App设置React项目中找到有关App.js更多信息。

Open src/App.js with the following command:


  • nano src/App.js

    纳米src / App.js

You will see a file like this:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js
import React from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <header className="App-header">
        <img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
          Edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
          rel="noopener noreferrer"
          Learn React

export default App;

Delete the line import logo from './logo.svg';. Then replace everything in the return statement to return a set of empty tags: <></>. This will give you a valid page that returns nothing. The final code will look like this:

import logo from './logo.svg';删除行import logo from './logo.svg'; 。 然后替换return语句中的所有内容以返回一组空标签: <></> 。 这将为您提供一个不返回任何内容的有效页面。 最终代码如下所示:

react-hooks-counter / src / App.js
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';

function App() {
  return <></>;

export default App;

Save and exit the text editor.


Finally, delete the logo since you won’t be using it in this application. It’s a good practice to remove unused files as you work to avoid confusion.

最后,删除徽标,因为您将不在此应用程序中使用徽标。 最好在删除工作时删除未使用的文件,以免造成混乱。

In the terminal window type the following command:


  • rm src/logo.svg

    rm src / logo.svg

If you look at your browser, you will see a blank screen:


Now that the project is set up, you can create your first component.


步骤2 —计算还剩下多少时间 (Step 2 — Calculating How Much Time is Left)

In this step, you will create a function that calculates the time remaining between the current date and the first day of HacktoberFest.


First, set up a function called calculateTimeLeft:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js
const calculateTimeLeft = () => {};

Next, inside the function, you will use the JavaScript Date object to find the current year.

接下来,在函数内部,您将使用JavaScript Date对象查找当前year

Create a variable called year that is set to the JavaScript date method Date.getFullYear().

创建一个名为year的变量,该变量设置为JavaScript date方法Date.getFullYear()

Add the following code inside the calculateTimeLeft function:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js
const calculateTimeLeft = () => {

let year = new Date().getFullYear();


Note: You can use the JavaScript Date object to work with dates and times.

注意:您可以使用JavaScript Date对象处理日期和时间。

The Date.getFullYear() method will grab the current year.


You can now use this variable to calculate the difference between the current date and the first day of HacktoberFest.


Inside the calculateTimeLeft function and below the year variable, add a new variable called difference. Set it equal to a new Date object with the following code:

里面的calculateTimeLeft功能及以下的year变量,添加一个名为新变量difference 。 使用以下代码将其设置为新的Date对象:

react-hooks-counter / src / App.js
const calculateTimeLeft = () => {
let year = new Date().getFullYear();

const difference = +new Date(`${year}-10-1`) - +new Date();

The + before the new Date object is shorthand to tell JavaScript to cast the object as an integer, which gives you the object’s Unix timestamp represented as microseconds since the epoch.


To keep the code reusable, you use a JavaScript Template Literal and add in the year variable along with the month and day of HacktoberFest. HacktoberFest starts on October 1st each year. When you use the year variable in place of a hard-coded year, you will always have the current year.

为了使代码可重复使用,您可以使用JavaScript模板文字,并添加year变量以及HacktoberFest的月份和日期。 HacktoberFest于每年的10月1日开始。 当您使用year变量代替硬编码的年份时,您将始终拥有当前年份。

Now that you calculated the total number of milliseconds until the countdown timer expires, you need to convert the number of milliseconds to something more friendly and human-readable.


步骤3 —格式化为天,小时,分钟和秒 (Step 3 — Formatting to Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds)

In this step, you will create an empty object called timeLeft, use an if statement to check if there is time remaining, and calculate the total number of hours, minutes, and seconds by using math and the modulus (%) operator. Finally, you will return the timeLeft.

在此步骤中,您将创建一个名为timeLeft的空对象,使用if语句检查是否还有剩余时间,并通过使用数学和模数( % )运算符来计算小时,分钟和秒的总数。 最后,您将返回timeLeft

First, create the empty object called timeLeft which will then be filled in with days, hours, minutes, and seconds in the if statement.


Add the following code inside the calculateTimeLeft function and below the difference variable:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js
const calculateTimeLeft = () => {
let year = new Date().getFullYear();
let difference = +new Date(`${year}-10-1`) - +new Date();

let timeLeft = {};


Now create an if statement that will compare the difference variable to see if it is greater than 0.


Add this code inside the calculateTimeLeft function and below the timeLeft variable:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js
 if (difference > 0) {
    timeLeft = {
      days: Math.floor(difference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)),
      hours: Math.floor((difference / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24),
      minutes: Math.floor((difference / 1000 / 60) % 60),
      seconds: Math.floor((difference / 1000) % 60)

In this code, you round the numbers from the day, hours, minutes, and seconds down and drop the remainder to get a whole number value. You can then compare the difference to see if it is greater than 0.

在此代码中,您将日期,小时,分钟和秒的数字四舍五入,然后减去其余部分以获得整数值。 然后,您可以比较difference以查看其是否大于0

Finally, you need to return timeLeft so that you can use the value elsewhere in the component.


Add this code inside the calculateTimeLeft function and below the if statement:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js
const calculateTimeLeft = () => {
    let year = new Date().getFullYear();
    let difference = +new Date(`${year}-10-1`) - +new Date();
    let timeLeft = {};

    if (difference > 0) {
      timeLeft = {
        days: Math.floor(difference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)),
        hours: Math.floor((difference / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24),
        minutes: Math.floor((difference / 1000 / 60) % 60),
        seconds: Math.floor((difference / 1000) % 60)

  return timeLeft;


Now that you have created a function that calculates the time left until Hacktoberfest, you can add in the app state that will control and update your timer.


第4步-使用useStateuseEffect更新您的应用程序状态 (Step 4 — Updating Your App State with useState and useEffect)

With React Hooks, you can add state management capabilities to existing functional components without converting them to a class. In this step, you will import the useState and useEffect hooks from React to manage state in this component.

使用React Hooks,您可以将状态管理功能添加到现有功能组件中,而无需将其转换为类。 在这一步中,您将从React导入useStateuseEffect钩子以管理此组件中的状态。

At the top of the App.js file, add useState and useEffect in your import statement:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";

This code tells React that you want to use these specific hooks and their functionality that is available from React.


To make the countdown timer work, you will need to wire up the time remaining method we previously coded to update the state:


Add this code below the calculateTimeLeft function:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js

const [timeLeft, setTimeLeft] = useState(calculateTimeLeft());


This JavaScript syntax is called array destructuring. The useState method accepts a parameter to set the initial state and returns an array containing the current state and a function to set the state.


timeLeft will carry our time left object of intervals and provide us with a method to set the state. On component load, the timeLeft value is set to the current time left value.

timeLeft将携带间隔的剩余时间对象,并为我们提供一种设置状态的方法。 在组件加载时, timeLeft值设置为当前剩余时间值。

Next, you will use the useEffect hook to deal with the component side effects.


Note: A side effect is anything that affects something outside the scope of the function being executed.

注意: 副作用是任何会影响正在执行的函数范围之外的内容的东西。

In this solution, you will use a setTimeout method inside of the useEffect hook. setTimeout and the similar setInterval method are common React patterns when used inside of the useEffect hook.

在此解决方案中,您将在useEffect挂钩内使用setTimeout方法。 在useEffect挂钩内使用setTimeout和类似的setInterval方法是常见的React模式。

Most async behaviors like the setTimeout method in React are defined with a combination of the useEffect and useState hooks.


Note: You can read more about when and how to use methods like setTimeout and setInterval in this section of the React Docs.

注意:您可以在React Docs的这一部分中阅读有关何时以及如何使用诸如setTimeoutsetInterval类的方法的更多信息。

Add this code below the useState() function:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js

const [timeLeft, setTimeLeft] = useState(calculateTimeLeft());

useEffect(() => {
  const timer = setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000);


The useEffect is what updates the amount of time remaining. By default, React will re-invoke the effect after every render.

useEffect是更新剩余时间量的内容。 默认情况下,React将在每次渲染后重新调用效果。

Every time the variable timeLeft is updated in the state, the useEffect fires. Every time that fires, we set a timer for 1 second (or 1,000ms), which will update the time left after that time has elapsed.

每次在状态中更新变量timeLeftuseEffect触发useEffect 。 每次触发时,我们都将计时器设置为1秒(或1,000毫秒),该计时器将更新经过该时间后的剩余时间。

The cycle will continue every second after that.


To help to eliminate the potential of stacking timeouts and causing an error you should add the clearTimeout method inside the useEffect hook as well.


Add a clearTimeout method and pass in the variable timer as a parameter:


useEffect(() => {
    const timer=setTimeout(() => {
      setYear(new Date().getFullYear());
    }, 1000);
    // Clear timeout if the component is unmounted
    return () => clearTimeout(timer);

The return function runs every time the useEffect runs the timer except for the first run of the component and will clear out the timeout if the component is unmounted.


Now that your state is set to the calculateTimeLeft() object and is updating inside your effect hook, it can be used to build your display component.


步骤5 —使用Object.keys (Step 5 — Using Object.keys)

In this step, you will use Object.keys to iterate over the timeLeft object and build out a display component. You will use the display component to show the time left before HacktoberFest begins.

在此步骤中,将使用Object.keys遍历timeLeft对象并构建一个显示组件。 您将使用显示组件显示HacktoberFest开始之前的剩余时间。

First, create a new variable under the useEffect hook called timerComponents:

首先,在useEffect钩子下创建一个新的变量, useEffecttimerComponents

react-hooks-counter / src / App.js

useEffect(() => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000);

const timerComponents = [];

After iterating over the keys in timeLeft, you will use this variable to push a new JSX component with the time left.


Next, use Object.keys to iterate over the timeLeft object you returned from your calculateTimeLeft function.


Add this code in the timerComponents variable:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js

const timerComponents = [];

Object.keys(timeLeft).forEach((interval) => {
  if (!timeLeft[interval]) {

      {timeLeft[interval]} {interval}{" "}


Here the code loops through the properties of the timeLeft object. If the timer interval has a value above zero, it adds an element to the timerComponents array.

在这里,代码循环遍历timeLeft对象的属性。 如果计时器间隔的值大于零,则会将一个元素添加到timerComponents数组。

Note: The extra {" "} in the code is used so that the intervals that display the time left do not run into each other when displayed on the screen.

注意:使用代码中多余的{" "} ,以便在屏幕上显示时,显示剩余时间的间隔不会相互冲突。

The {} allow you to use JavaScript inside your JSX and the "" add the space.


Now you are ready to add the new JSX in the App components return statement to display the time left until HacktoberFest.


第6步-显示剩余时间 (Step 6 — Displaying the Time Left)

In this step, you will add several JSX components to the app component’s return statement. You will use a ternary operator to check if there is time left or if it is time for HacktoberFest,

在此步骤中,您将向应用程序组件的return语句中添加几个JSX组件。 您将使用三元运算符来检查是否还有剩余时间或是否是HacktoberFest的时间,

To use the timerComponents array, you need to check its length and either return it or let the user know that the timer has already elapsed.


Add this code inside the empty return statement:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js

return (
    {timerComponents.length ? timerComponents : <span>Time's up!</span>}


In React JSX components, you use a ternary operator in place of a JavaScript if statement. This is because only expressions are allowed inside JSX.

在React JSX组件中,您使用三元运算符代替JavaScript if语句。 这是因为JSX内仅允许使用表达式。

The timerComponents.length line of code checks to see if there is anything inside the timerComponents array and renders it if there is, otherwise it renders Time's up!.

代码的timerComponents.length行将检查timerComponents数组中是否有任何内容,如果存在,则将其呈现,否则呈现Time's up!

Next, you will add two more JSX components to the return statement to let the user know what they are counting down:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js

return (
 <h1>HacktoberFest 2020 Countdown</h1>
    <h2>With React Hooks!</h2>   
    {timerComponents.length ? timerComponents : <span>Time's up!</span>}

To use the current year instead of hard coding 2020, you can create a new state variable and set the initial state to new Date().getFullYear();.

要使用当前年份而不是硬编码2020 ,可以创建一个新的状态变量并将初始状态设置为new Date().getFullYear();

Below the first useState() variable, add this code:


react-hooks-counter / src / App.js

const [timeLeft, setTimeLeft] = useState(calculateTimeLeft());
const [year] = useState(new Date().getFullYear(););


This method will grab the current year like you used in the calculateTimeLeft function.


You can then remove the hardcoded 2020 from your h1 and replace it with year:

然后,您可以从h1删除硬编码的2020 ,并将其替换为year

react-hooks-counter / src / App.js

return (
    <h1>HacktoberFest {year}Countdown</h1>
    <h2>With React Hooks!</h2>
    {timerComponents.length ? timerComponents : <span>Time's up!</span>}

This will display your state variable, which will now always have the current year. Your completed project will look like this:

这将显示您的状态变量,现在将始终具有当前年份。 您完成的项目将如下所示:

Check out this GitHub repository to see the full code.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this tutorial, you built a countdown UI component using the useState and useEffect hooks to manage and update your applications state.


From here, you can learn how to style React components to create a more attractive countdown UI.


You can also follow the full How To Code in React.js series on DigitalOcean to learn even more about developing with React.

您还可以在DigitalOcean上关注React.js中完整的“ 如何编写代码”系列,以了解有关使用React开发的更多信息。



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