discourse 安装_如何在Ubuntu 18.04上安装Discourse

discourse 安装

介绍 (Introduction)

Discourse is an open-source discussion platform. You can use Discourse as a mailing list, a discussion forum, or a long-form chat room. In this tutorial, you will install Discourse in an isolated environment using Docker, a containerization application.

话语是一个开源的讨论平台。 您可以将Discourse用作邮件列表,讨论论坛或长型聊天室。 在本教程中,您将使用容器化应用程序Docker在独立的环境中安装Discourse。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

Before you get started, there are a few things you will need:


第1步-下载话语 (Step 1 — Downloading Discourse)

Before downloading and installing Discourse, create the /var/discourse directory. This is where all your Discourse-related files will reside:

在下载和安装Discourse之前,请创建/var/discourse目录。 这是您所有与Discourse相关的文件所在的位置:

sudo mkdir /var/discourse

Finally, clone the official Discourse Docker Image into /var/discourse:

最后,将官方Discourse Docker映像克隆到/var/discourse

sudo git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker.git /var/discourse

With the Discourse Docker image in place, you can now install and configure your platform.

放置好Discourse Docker映像后,您现在可以安装和配置平台。

第2步-安装和配置话语 (Step 2 — Installing and Configuring Discourse)

Move to the /var/discourse directory:


cd /var/discourse

Now launch the included setup script:


sudo ./discourse-setup

The Discourse installation script will ask the following questions:


  • Hostname for your Discourse?


Enter discourse.your_domain, or whatever hostname you’ve chosen for your platform.


  • Email address for admin account?


Choose the email address that you want to use for the Discourse admin account. It can be unrelated to your Discourse domain and can be any email address you find convenient.

选择您要用于Discourse管理员帐户的电子邮件地址。 它可能与您的Discourse域无关,并且可以是您认为方便的任何电子邮件地址。

Note that this email address will become the Discourse administrator default. Later, you will need to reuse this email address when you set up Discourse from its control panel.

请注意,该电子邮件地址将成为Discourse管理员的默认地址。 稍后,在从其控制面板设置Discourse时,您将需要重用此电子邮件地址。

  • SMTP server address?


  • SMTP user name?


  • SMTP port?


  • SMTP password?


Enter your SMTP server details for these questions. If you’re using Mailgun, the SMTP server address will be smtp.mailgun.org, and the username and password are the SMTP credentials for your domain under Mailgun’s domains tab.

输入这些问题的SMTP服务器详细信息。 如果您使用Mailgun ,则SMTP服务器地址将为smtp.mailgun.org ,而用户名和密码是您在Mailgun的“ 域”标签下的的SMTP凭据。

Finally, the Discourse installation script will ask you to confirm all these settings. Confirm your settings, and the script will generate a configuration file called app.yml. The installation process will begin automatically.

最后,Discourse安装脚本将要求您确认所有这些设置。 确认设置,脚本将生成一个名为app.yml的配置文件。 安装过程将自动开始。

Note: If you need to change or fix these settings after installation, edit your /containers/app.yml file and run ./launcher rebuild app. Otherwise, your changes will not take effect.

注意 :如果在安装后需要更改或修复这些设置,请编辑/containers/app.yml文件并运行./launcher rebuild app 。 否则,您的更改将不会生效。

The Discourse installation will take approximately 2-8 minutes, after which your instance will be running. Now you can open a web browser and create an administrator account.

Discourse安装将花费大约2-8分钟,之后您的实例将运行。 现在,您可以打开Web浏览器并创建管理员帐户。

步骤3 —注册管理员帐户 (Step 3 — Registering an Administrator Account)

Visit discourse.your_domain in your favorite web browser, and you will see the Discourse ‘Congrats’ splash screen.

在您喜欢的Web浏览器中访问discourse.your_domain ,您将看到Discourse“恭喜”初始屏幕。

If you receive a 502 Bad Gateway error, try waiting a minute or two and then refreshing your browser; your Discourse installation might not have completed.

如果收到502 Bad Gateway错误,请尝试等待一两分钟,然后刷新浏览器;否则,请重新启动。 您的Discourse安装可能尚未完成。

When the page loads, click the blue Register button. You’ll see a form entitled Register Admin Account with the following fields:

页面加载后,单击蓝色的“ 注册”按钮。 您将看到一个标题为Register Admin Account的表单,其中包含以下字段:

  • Email: Choose the email address you provided earlier from the pull-down menu.

    电子邮件 :从下拉菜单中选择您之前提供的电子邮件地址。

  • Username: Choose a username.


  • Password: Choose a strong password.

    密码 :选择一个强密码。

Then click the blue Register button on the form to submit it. You’ll see a dialog that says Confirm your Email. Check your inbox for the confirmation email. If you didn’t receive it, try clicking the Resend Activation Email button. If you’re still unable to register a new admin account, please see the Discourse email troubleshooting checklist.

然后单击表单上的蓝色“ 注册”按钮以提交它。 您会看到一个对话框,显示确认您的电子邮件 。 检查收件箱中的确认电子邮件。 如果未收到,请尝试单击“ 重新发送激活电子邮件”按钮。 如果您仍然无法注册新的管理员帐户,请参阅Discourse电子邮件故障排除清单

After registering your admin account, the setup wizard will launch and guide you through Discourse’s basic configuration. You can walk through it now or click Maybe Later to skip.

注册您的管理员帐户后,安装向导将启动并指导您完成Discourse的基本配置。 您可以立即浏览,也可以单击稍后可能跳过。

After completing or skipping the setup wizard, you’ll see some topics and Discourse’s Admin Quick Start Guide. The quick start guide is labeled READ ME FIRST, and contains tips for further customizing your Discourse installation.

完成或跳过设置向导后,您将看到一些主题和Discourse的《管理员快速入门指南》 。 快速入门指南标有“请先阅读我” ,其中包含有关进一步自定义Discourse安装的提示。

Your Discourse platform is now ready for use. If you need to upgrade Discourse in the future, you can do so from the command line by pulling the latest version of the code from the Git repo and rebuilding the app:

您的Discourse平台现在可以使用了。 如果将来需要升级Discourse,则可以从命令行通过从Git存储库中提取代码的最新版本并重建应用程序来进行升级:

cd /var/discourse
sudo git pull
sudo ./launcher rebuild app

You can also update Discourse in your browser. Visit http://discourse.your_domain/admin/upgrade, click Upgrade to the Latest Version, and following the instructions.

您也可以在浏览器中更新Discourse。 访问http:// discourse.your_domain /admin/upgrade ,单击“ 升级到最新版本” ,然后按照说明进行操作。

结论 (Conclusion)

You can now start managing your Discourse forum and let users sign up. You can learn more about Discourse’s features on the official Discourse About page.

现在,您可以开始管理您的Discourse论坛,并允许用户注册。 您可以在官方的Discourse About页面上了解有关Discourse功能的更多信息。

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-discourse-on-ubuntu-18-04

discourse 安装





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