如何在Ubuntu 18.04上使用Ansible设置和保护etcd群集

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介绍 (Introduction)

etcd is a distributed key-value store relied on by many platforms and tools, including Kubernetes, Vulcand, and Doorman. Within Kubernetes, etcd is used as a global configuration store that stores the state of the cluster. Knowing how to administer etcd is essential to administering a Kubernetes cluster. Whilst there are many managed Kubernetes offerings, also known as Kubernetes-as-a-Service, that remove this administrative burden away from you, many companies still choose to run self-managed Kubernetes clusters on-premises because of the flexibility it brings.

etcd是许多平台和工具(包括KubernetesVulcandDoorman)所依赖的分布式键值存储。 在Kubernetes中,etcd用作存储群集状态的全局配置存储。 知道如何管理etcd对于管理Kubernetes集群至关重要。 尽管有许多托管的Kubernetes产品(也称为Kubernetes即服务 )可以减轻您的管理负担,但许多公司仍选择在本地运行自行管理的Kubernetes集群,因为它带来了灵活性。

The first half of this article will guide you through setting up a 3-node etcd cluster on Ubuntu 18.04 servers. The second half will focus on securing the cluster using Transport Layer Security, or TLS. To run each setup in an automated manner, we will use Ansible throughout. Ansible is a configuration management tool similar to Puppet, Chef, and SaltStack; it allows us to define each setup step in a declarative manner, inside files called playbooks.

本文的前半部分将指导您在Ubuntu 18.04服务器上设置3节点etcd集群。 下半年将重点介绍使用传输层安全性 ( TLS)保护群集的安全 。 要以自动化方式运行每个设置,我们将在整个过程中使用Ansible 。 Ansible是类似于PuppetChefSaltStack配置管理工具; 它允许我们以声明的方式在称为playbooks的文件内定义每个设置步骤。

At the end of this tutorial, you will have a secure 3-node etcd cluster running on your servers. You will also have an Ansible playbook that allows you to repeatedly and consistently recreate the same setup on a fresh set of servers.

在本教程的最后,您将在服务器上运行一个安全的3节点etcd集群。 您还将拥有Ansible剧本,可让您在全新的服务器上反复一致地重新创建相同的设置。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following:


Warning: Since the purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to setting up an etcd cluster on a private network, the three Ubuntu 18.04 servers in this setup were not tested with a firewall and are accessed as the root user. In a production setup, any node exposed to the public internet would require a firewall and a sudo user to adhere to security best practices. For more information, check out the Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 18.04 tutorial.

警告:由于本文的目的是为了介绍如何在专用网络上设置etcd群集,因此未使用防火墙测试此设置中的三台Ubuntu 18.04服务器,并以root用户身份对其进行访问。 在生产设置中,任何暴露于公共Internet的节点都将需要防火墙和sudo用户来遵守安全最佳实践。 有关更多信息,请查看《 Ubuntu 18.04初始服务器设置》教程。

步骤1 —为控制节点配置Ansible (Step 1 — Configuring Ansible for the Control Node)

Ansible is a tool used to manage servers. The servers Ansible is managing are called the managed nodes, and the machine that is running Ansible is called the control node. Ansible works by using the SSH keys on the control node to gain access to the managed nodes. Once an SSH session is established, Ansible will run a set of scripts to provision and configure the managed nodes. In this step, we will test that we are able to use Ansible to connect to the managed nodes and run the hostname command.

Ansible是用于管理服务器的工具。 Ansible管理的服务器称为受管节点 ,运行Ansible的计算机称为控制节点 。 Ansible通过使用控制节点上的SSH密钥来访问受管节点来工作。 建立SSH会话后,Ansible将运行一组脚本来配置和配置受管节点。 在此步骤中,我们将测试是否可以使用Ansible连接到受管节点并运行hostname命令

A typical day for a system administrator may involve managing different sets of nodes. For instance, you may use Ansible to provision some new servers, but later on use it to reconfigure another set of servers. To allow administrators to better organize the set of managed nodes, Ansible provides the concept of host inventory (or inventory for short). You can define every node that you wish to manage with Ansible inside an inventory file, and organize them into groups. Then, when running the ansible and ansible-playbook commands, you can specify which hosts or groups the command applies to.

对于系统管理员而言,典型的一天可能涉及管理不同的节点集。 例如,您可以使用Ansible来配置一些新服务器,但稍后使用它来重新配置另一组服务器。 为了使管理员能够更好地组织受管节点集,Ansible提供了主机清单 (或简称清单 )的概念。 您可以在清单文件中定义要使用Ansible管理的每个节点,并将它们组织成 。 然后,在运行ansibleansible-playbook命令时,可以指定该命令适用于哪些主机或组。

By default, Ansible reads the inventory file from /etc/ansible/hosts; however, we can specify a different inventory file by using the --inventory flag (or -i for short).

默认情况下,Ansible从/etc/ansible/hosts读取清单文件; 但是,我们可以使用--inventory标志(或简称-i )来指定其他清单文件。

To get started, create a new directory on your local machine (the control node) to house all the files for this tutorial:

首先,请在本地计算机( 控制节点 )上创建一个新目录,以容纳本教程的所有文件:

  • mkdir -p $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible

    mkdir -p $ HOME /操场/ etcd-ansible

Then, enter into the directory you just created:


  • cd $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible

    cd $ HOME / playground / etcd-ansible

Inside the directory, create and open a blank inventory file named hosts using your editor:


  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/hosts

    nano $ HOME / playground / etcd-ansible / hosts

Inside the hosts file, list out each of your managed nodes in the following format, replacing the public IP addresses highlighted with the actual public IP addresses of your servers:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / hosts
etcd1 ansible_host=etcd1_public_ip  ansible_user=root
etcd2 ansible_host=etcd2_public_ip  ansible_user=root
etcd3 ansible_host=etcd3_public_ip  ansible_user=root

The [etcd] line defines a group called etcd. Under the group definition, we list all our managed nodes. Each line begins with an alias (e.g., etcd1), which allows us to refer to each host using an easy-to-remember name instead of a long IP address. The ansible_host and ansible_user are Ansible variables. In this case, they are used to provide Ansible with the public IP addresses and SSH usernames to use when connecting via SSH.

[etcd]行定义了一个名为etcd的组。 在组定义下,我们列出了所有受管节点。 每行以一个别名(例如etcd1 ) etcd1 ,这使我们可以使用易于记忆的名称而不是长IP地址来引用每个主机。 ansible_hostansible_user是Ansible 变量 。 在这种情况下,它们用于为Ansible提供通过SSH连接时使用的公共IP地址和SSH用户名。

To ensure Ansible is able to connect with our managed nodes, we can test for connectivity by using Ansible to run the hostname command on each of the hosts within the etcd group:


  • ansible etcd -i hosts -m command -a hostname

    ansible etcd -i hosts -m命令-a主机名

Let us break down this command to learn what each part means:


  • etcd: specifies the host pattern to use to determine which hosts from the inventory are being managed with this command. Here, we are using the group name as the host pattern.

    etcd :指定主机模式 ,该主机模式用于确定通过此命令管理清单中的哪些主机。 在这里,我们使用组名作为主机模式。

  • -i hosts: specifies the inventory file to use.

    -i hosts :指定要使用的清单文件。

  • -m command: the functionality behind Ansible is provided by modules. The command module takes the argument passed in and executes it as a command on each of the managed nodes. This tutorial will introduce a few more Ansible modules as we progress.

    -m command :Ansible背后的功能由模块提供。 command模块采用传入的参数,并在每个受管节点上将其作为命令执行。 随着我们的进步,本教程将介绍更多的Ansible模块。

  • -a hostname: the argument to pass into the module. The number and types of arguments depend on the module.

    -a hostname :传递给模块的参数。 参数的数量和类型取决于模块。

After running the command, you will find the following output, which means Ansible is configured correctly:


etcd2 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> etcd2 etcd3 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> etcd3 etcd1 | CHANGED | rc=0 >> etcd1

Each command that Ansible runs is called a task. Using ansible on the command line to run tasks is called running ad-hoc commands. The upside of ad-hoc commands is that they are quick and require little setup; the downside is that they run manually, and thus cannot be committed to a version control system like Git.

Ansible运行的每个命令称为一个任务 。 在命令行上使用ansible来运行任务称为运行临时命令。 临时命令的优点是它们快速且几乎不需要设置。 缺点是它们是手动运行的,因此不能提交给像Git这样的版本控制系统。

A slight improvement would be to write a shell script and run our commands using Ansible’s script module. This would allow us to record the configuration steps we took into version control. However, shell scripts are imperative, which means we are responsible for figuring out the commands to run (the “how"s) to configure the system to the desired state. Ansible, on the other hand, advocates for a declarative approach, where we define "what” the desired state of our server should be inside configuration files, and Ansible is responsible for getting the server to that desired state.

稍有改进就是编写一个Shell脚本并使用Ansible的script模块运行我们的命令。 这将使我们能够记录进行版本控制的配置步骤。 但是,shell脚本是必不可少的 ,这意味着我们有责任弄清楚将系统配置为所需状态所需的运行命令(“方式”);另一方面,Ansible提倡采用声明式方法,在配置文件中定义“什么”服务器的期望状态,Ansible负责使服务器达到该期望状态。

The declarative approach is preferred because the intent of the configuration file is immediately conveyed, meaning it’s easier to understand and maintain. It also places the onus of handling edge cases on Ansible instead of the administrator, saving us a lot of work.

声明性方法是首选,因为配置文件的意图会立即传达,这意味着更易于理解和维护。 它还将处理边缘案例的责任放在了Ansible而非管理员身上,从而为我们节省了很多工作。

Now that you have configured the Ansible control node to communicate with the managed nodes, in the next step, we will introduce you to Ansible playbooks, which allow you to specify tasks in a declarative way.

现在您已经配置了Ansible控制节点与受管节点进行通信,在下一步中,我们将向您介绍Ansible 剧本 ,使您可以以声明的方式指定任务。

第2步-使用Ansible剧本获取受管节点的主机名 (Step 2 — Getting the Hostnames of Managed Nodes with Ansible Playbooks)

In this step, we will replicate what was done in Step 1—printing out the hostnames of the managed nodes—but instead of running ad-hoc tasks, we will define each task declaratively as an Ansible playbook and run it. The purpose of this step is to demonstrate how Ansible playbooks work; we will carry out much more substantial tasks with playbooks in later steps.

在此步骤中,我们将复制在步骤1中所做的工作(打印出受管节点的主机名),但是不是运行临时任务,而是声明性地将每个任务定义为Ansible剧本并运行它。 此步骤的目的是演示Ansible剧本的工作方式; 我们将在以后的步骤中使用剧本执行更多实质性任务。

Inside your project directory, create a new file named playbook.yaml using your editor:


  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    纳米$ HOME / playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml

Inside playbook.yaml, add the following lines:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml
- hosts: etcd
    - name: "Retrieve hostname"
      command: hostname
      register: output
    - name: "Print hostname"
      debug: var=output.stdout_lines

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y.


The playbook contains a list of plays; each play contains a list of tasks that should be run on all hosts matching the host pattern specified by the hosts key. In this playbook, we have one play that contains two tasks. The first task runs the hostname command using the command module and registers the output to a variable named output. In the second task, we use the debug module to print out the stdout_lines property of the output variable.

该剧本包含戏剧清单; 每个播放包含一个任务列表,应在与hosts键指定的主机模式匹配的所有主机上运行。 在这本剧本中,我们有一部戏剧包含两个任务。 第一个任务使用command模块运行hostname命令,并将输出注册到名为output的变量中。 在第二个任务中,我们使用debug模块打印output变量的stdout_lines属性。

We can now run this playbook using the ansible-playbook command:


  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i托管playbook.yaml

You will find the following output, which means your playbook is working correctly:


PLAY [etcd] *********************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************************************ ok: [etcd2] ok: [etcd3] ok: [etcd1] TASK [Retrieve hostname] ********************************************************************************************************** changed: [etcd2] changed: [etcd3] changed: [etcd1] TASK [Print hostname] ************************************************************************************************************* ok: [etcd1] => { "output.stdout_lines": [ "etcd1" ] } ok: [etcd2] => { "output.stdout_lines": [ "etcd2" ] } ok: [etcd3] => { "output.stdout_lines": [ "etcd3" ] } PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************ etcd1 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 etcd2 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 etcd3 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

Note: ansible-playbook sometimes uses cowsay as a playful way to print the headings. If you find a lot of ASCII-art cows printed on your terminal, now you know why. To disable this feature, set the ANSIBLE_NOCOWS environment variable to 1 prior to running ansible-playbook by running export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 in your shell.

注意: ansible-playbook有时会使用cowsay作为打印标题的好玩方式。 如果您发现终端上印有很多ASCII艺术字的母牛,现在您知道原因了。 要禁用此功能,请在外壳程序中运行export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1在运行export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 ansible-playbook之前将ANSIBLE_NOCOWS环境变量设置为1

In this step, we’ve moved from running imperative ad-hoc tasks to running declarative playbooks. In the next step, we will replace these two demo tasks with tasks that will set up our etcd cluster.

在这一步中,我们已经从运行命令式临时任务转变为运行声明式剧本。 在下一步中,我们将用设置etcd集群的任务替换这两个演示任务。

第3步-在受管节点上安装etcd (Step 3 — Installing etcd on the Managed Nodes)

In this step, we will show you the commands to install etcd manually and demonstrate how to translate these same commands into tasks inside our Ansible playbook.


etcd and its client etcdctl are available as binaries, which we’ll download, extract, and move to a directory that’s part of the PATH environment variable. When configured manually, these are the steps we would take on each of the managed nodes:

etcd及其客户端etcdctl可作为二进制文件使用,我们将下载它们,将其提取并移动到PATH环境变量的一部分中。 手动配置后,以下是我们将在每个受管节点上执行的步骤:

  • mkdir -p /opt/etcd/bin

    mkdir -p / opt / etcd / bin
  • cd /opt/etcd/bin

    cd / opt / etcd / bin
  • wget -qO- https://storage.googleapis.com/etcd/v3.3.13/etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar --extract --gzip --strip-components=1

    wget -qO- https://storage.googleapis.com/etcd/v 3.3.13 / etcd-v 3.3.13 -linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar-提取--gzip --strip-components = 1

  • echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/etcd/bin"' >> ~/.profile

    echo'export PATH =“ $ PATH:/ opt / etcd / bin”'>>〜/ .profile
  • echo 'export ETCDCTL_API=3" >> ~/.profile

    echo'export ETCDCTL_API = 3“ >>〜/ .profile

The first four commands download and extract the binaries to the /opt/etcd/bin/ directory. By default, the etcdctl client will use API v2 to communicate with the etcd server. Since we are running etcd v3.x, the last command sets the ETCDCTL_API environment variable to 3.

前四个命令将二进制文件下载并解压缩到/opt/etcd/bin/目录。 默认情况下, etcdctl客户端将使用API​​ v2与etcd服务器进行通信。 由于我们正在运行etcd v3.x,因此最后一个命令将ETCDCTL_API环境变量设置为3

Note: Here, we are using etcd v3.3.13 built for a machine with processors that use the AMD64 instruction set. You can find binaries for other systems and other versions on the the official GitHub Releases page.

注意:在这里,我们使用为机器上使用AMD64指令集的计算机而构建的etcd v3.3.13。 您可以在官方的GitHub Releases页面上找到其他系统和其他版本的二进制文件。

To replicate the same steps in a standardized format, we can add tasks to our playbook. Open the playbook.yaml playbook file in your editor:

要以标准化格式复制相同的步骤,我们可以将任务添加到剧本中。 在编辑器中打开playbook.yaml剧本文件:

  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    纳米$ HOME / playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml

Replace the entirety of the playbook.yaml file with the following contents:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Create directory for etcd binaries"
        path: /opt/etcd/bin
        state: directory
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0700
    - name: "Download the tarball into the /tmp directory"
        url: https://storage.googleapis.com/etcd/v3.3.13/etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64.tar.gz
        dest: /tmp/etcd.tar.gz
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0600
        force: True
    - name: "Extract the contents of the tarball"
        src: /tmp/etcd.tar.gz
        dest: /opt/etcd/bin/
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0600
          - --strip-components=1
        decrypt: True
        remote_src: True
    - name: "Set permissions for etcd"
        path: /opt/etcd/bin/etcd
        state: file
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0700
    - name: "Set permissions for etcdctl"
        path: /opt/etcd/bin/etcdctl
        state: file
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0700
    - name: "Add /opt/etcd/bin/ to the $PATH environment variable"
        path: /etc/profile
        line: export PATH="$PATH:/opt/etcd/bin"
        state: present
        create: True
        insertafter: EOF
    - name: "Set the ETCDCTL_API environment variable to 3"
        path: /etc/profile
        line: export ETCDCTL_API=3
        state: present
        create: True
        insertafter: EOF

Each task uses a module; for this set of tasks, we are making use of the following modules:

每个任务使用一个模块; 对于这组任务,我们使用以下模块:

  • file: to create the /opt/etcd/bin directory, and to later set the file permissions for the etcd and etcdctl binaries.

    file :创建/opt/etcd/bin目录,并在以后设置etcdetcdctl二进制文件的文件权限。

  • get_url: to download the gzipped tarball onto the managed nodes.

    get_url :将压缩的tarball下载到受管节点上。

  • unarchive: to extract and unpack the etcd and etcdctl binaries from the gzipped tarball.

    unarchive :从压缩的tarball中提取并解压缩etcdetcdctl二进制文件。

  • lineinfile: to add an entry into the .profile file.

    lineinfile :在.profile文件中添加一个条目。

To apply these changes, close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y. Then, on the terminal, run the same ansible-playbook command again:

要应用这些更改,请按CTRL+X然后按Y ,关闭并保存playbook.yaml文件。 然后,在终端上,再次运行相同的ansible-playbook命令:

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i托管playbook.yaml

The PLAY RECAP section of the output will show only ok and changed:

输出的PLAY RECAP部分将仅显示ok并已changed

... PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************ etcd1 : ok=8 changed=7 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 etcd2 : ok=8 changed=7 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 etcd3 : ok=8 changed=7 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

To confirm a correct installation of etcd, manually SSH into one of the managed nodes and run etcd and etcdctl:

要确认正确安装了etcd,请手动将SSH SSH到一个受管节点中,然后运行etcdetcdctl

  • ssh root@etcd1_public_ip

    ssh root @ etcd1_public_ip

etcd1_public_ip is the public IP addresses of the server named etcd1. Once you have gained SSH access, run etcd --version to print out the version of etcd installed:

etcd1_public_ip是名为etcd1的服务器的公共IP地址。 获得SSH访问权限后,运行etcd --version打印出已安装的etcd版本:

  • etcd --version


You will find output similar to what’s shown in the following, which means the etcd binary is successfully installed:


etcd Version: 3.3.13 Git SHA: 98d3084 Go Version: go1.10.8 Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64

To confirm etcdctl is successfully installed, run etcdctl version:

要确认etcdctl成功安装后,运行etcdctl version

  • etcdctl version


You will find output similar to the following:


etcdctl version: 3.3.13 API version: 3.3

Note that the output says API version: 3.3, which also confirms that our ETCDCTL_API environment variable was set correctly.

请注意,输出显示API version: 3.3 ,这还确认我们的ETCDCTL_API环境变量设置正确。

Exit out of the etcd1 server to return to your local environment.


We have now successfully installed etcd and etcdctl on all of our managed nodes. In the next step, we will add more tasks to our play to run etcd as a background service.

现在,我们已经在所有受管节点上成功安装了etcdetcdctl 。 在下一步中,我们将在游戏中添加更多任务以将etcd作为后台服务运行。

步骤4 —为etcd创建一个单位文件 (Step 4 — Creating a Unit File for etcd)

The quickest way to run etcd with Ansible may appear to be to use the command module to run /opt/etcd/bin/etcd. However, this will not work because it will make etcd run as a foreground process. Using the command module will cause Ansible to hang as it waits for the etcd command to return, which it never will. So in this step, we are going to update our playbook to run our etcd binary as a background service instead.

使用Ansible运行etcd的最快方法似乎是使用command模块来运行/opt/etcd/bin/etcd 。 但是,这将不起作用,因为它将使etcd作为前台进程运行。 使用command模块将导致Ansible挂起,因为它等待etcd命令返回,而它永远不会挂起。 因此,在这一步中,我们将更新剧本,以将etcd二进制文件作为后台服务运行。

Ubuntu 18.04 uses systemd as its init system, which means we can create new services by writing unit files and placing them inside the /etc/systemd/system/ directory.

Ubuntu 18.04使用systemd作为其初始系统 ,这意味着我们可以通过编写单位文件并将它们放置在/etc/systemd/system/目录中来创建新服务。

First, inside our project directory, create a new directory named files/:


  • mkdir files


Then, using your editor, create a new file named etcd.service within that directory:


  • nano files/etcd.service

    纳米文件/ etcd.service

Next, copy the following code block into the files/etcd.service file:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / files / etcd.service
Description=etcd distributed reliable key-value store


This unit file defines a service that runs the executable at /opt/etcd/bin/etcd, notifies systemd when it has finished initializing, and always restarts if it ever exits.


Note: If you’d like to understand more about systemd and unit files, or want to tailor the unit file to your needs, read the Understanding Systemd Units and Unit Files guide.

注意:如果您想了解有关systemd和单位文件的更多信息,或者想根据需要定制单位文件,请阅读《 了解系统单位和单位文件》指南。

Close and save the files/etcd.service file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y.


Next, we need to add a task inside our playbook that will copy the files/etcd.service local file into the /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service directory for every managed node. We can do this using the copy module.

接下来,我们需要在剧本内添加一个任务,该任务会将每个受管节点的files/etcd.service本地文件复制到/etc/systemd/system/etcd.service目录中。 我们可以使用copy模块来做到这一点。

Open up your playbook:


  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    纳米$ HOME / playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml

Append the following highlighted task to the end of our existing tasks:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Set the ETCDCTL_API environment variable to 3"
        path: /etc/profile
        line: export ETCDCTL_API=3
        state: present
        create: True
        insertafter: EOF
    - name: "Create a etcd service"
        src: files/etcd.service
        remote_src: False
        dest: /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0644

By copying the unit file into the /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service, a service is now defined.

通过将单位文件复制到/etc/systemd/system/etcd.service ,现在可以定义一个服务。

Save and exit the playbook.


Run the same ansible-playbook command again to apply the new changes:


  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i托管playbook.yaml

To confirm the changes have been applied, first SSH into one of the managed nodes:


  • ssh root@etcd1_public_ip

    SSH 根 @ etcd1_public_ip

Then, run systemctl status etcd to query systemd about the status of the etcd service:

然后,运行systemctl status etcd来查询systemd有关etcd服务的状态:

  • systemctl status etcd


You will find the following output, which states that the service is loaded:


● etcd.service - etcd distributed reliable key-value store Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/etcd.service; static; vendor preset: enabled) Active: inactive (dead) ...

Note: The last line (Active: inactive (dead)) of the output states that the service is inactive, which means it would not be automatically run when the system starts. This is expected and not an error.

注意:输出的最后一行( Active: inactive (dead) )指出该服务是不活动的,这意味着在系统启动时该服务不会自动运行。 这是预期的,不是错误。

Press q to return to the shell, and then run exit to exit out of the managed node and back to your local shell:


  • exit


In this step, we updated our playbook to run the etcd binary as a systemd service. In the next step, we will continue to set up etcd by providing it space to store its data.

在这一步中,我们更新了剧本以将etcd二进制文件作为systemd服务运行。 在下一步中,我们将通过为其提供存储数据的空间来继续设置etcd。

步骤5 —配置数据目录 (Step 5 — Configuring the Data Directory)

etcd is a key-value data store, which means we must provide it with space to store its data. In this step, we are going to update our playbook to define a dedicated data directory for etcd to use.

etcd是键值数据存储,这意味着我们必须为其提供空间来存储其数据。 在这一步中,我们将更新我们的剧本以定义供etcd使用的专用数据目录。

Open up your playbook:


  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    纳米$ HOME / playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml

Append the following task to the end of the list of tasks:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Create a etcd service"
        src: files/etcd.service
        remote_src: False
        dest: /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0644
    - name: "Create a data directory"
        path: /var/lib/etcd/{{ inventory_hostname }}.etcd
        state: directory
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0755

Here, we are using /var/lib/etcd/hostname.etcd as the data directory, where hostname is the hostname of the current managed node. inventory_hostname is a variable that represents the hostname of the current managed node; its value is populated by Ansible automatically. The curly-braces syntax (i.e., {{ inventory_hostname }}) is used for variable substitution, supported by the Jinja2 template engine, which is the default templating engine for Ansible.

在这里,我们使用/var/lib/etcd/ hostname .etcd作为数据目录,其中hostname是当前受管节点的主机名。 inventory_hostname主机名是一个变量,表示当前受管节点的主机名。 它的值由Ansible自动填充。 大括号语法(即{{ inventory_hostname }} stock_hostname {{ inventory_hostname }} )用于变量替换 ,由Jinja2模板引擎支持,后者是Ansible的默认模板引擎。

Close the text editor and save the file.


Next, we need to instruct etcd to use this data directory. We do this by passing in the data-dir parameter to etcd. To set etcd parameters, we can use a combination of environment variables, command-line flags, and configuration files. For this tutorial, we will use a configuration file, as it is much neater to isolate all configurations into a file, rather than have configuration littered across our playbook.

接下来,我们需要指示etcd使用此数据目录。 为此,我们将data-dir参数传递给etcd。 要设置etcd参数,我们可以结合使用环境变量,命令行标志和配置文件。 在本教程中,我们将使用配置文件,因为将所有配置隔离到一个文件中比较整洁,而不是在我们的剧本中乱七八糟。

In your project directory, create a new directory named templates/:


  • mkdir templates


Then, using your editor, create a new file named etcd.conf.yaml.j2 within the directory:


  • nano templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2


Next, copy the following line and paste it into the file:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / templates / etcd.conf.yaml.j2
data-dir: /var/lib/etcd/{{ inventory_hostname }}.etcd

This file uses the same Jinja2 variable substitution syntax as our playbook. To substitute the variables and upload the result to each managed host, we can use the template module. It works in a similar way to copy, except it will perform variable substitution prior to upload.

该文件使用与我们的剧本相同的Jinja2变量替换语法。 要替换变量并将结果上传到每个托管主机,我们可以使用template模块。 它的copy方式类似,不同之处在于它将在上传之前执行变量替换。

Exit from etcd.conf.yaml.j2, then open up your playbook:


  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    纳米$ HOME / playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml

Append the following tasks to the list of tasks to create a directory and upload the templated configuration file into it:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Create a data directory"
        mode: 0755
    - name: "Create directory for etcd configuration"
        path: /etc/etcd
        state: directory
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0755
    - name: "Create configuration file for etcd"
        src: templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2
        dest: /etc/etcd/etcd.conf.yaml
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0600

Save and close this file.


Because we’ve made this change, we need to update our service’s unit file to pass it the location of our configuration file (i.e., /etc/etcd/etcd.conf.yaml).

因为已经进行了更改,所以我们需要更新服务的单位文件,以将其传递到配置文件的位置(即/etc/etcd/etcd.conf.yaml )。

Open the etcd service file on your local machine:


  • nano files/etcd.service

    纳米文件/ etcd.service

Update the files/etcd.service file by adding the --config-file flag highlighted in the following:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / files / etcd.service
Description=etcd distributed reliable key-value store

ExecStart=/opt/etcd/bin/etcd --config-file /etc/etcd/etcd.conf.yaml

Save and close this file.


In this step, we used our playbook to provide a data directory for etcd to store its data. In the next step, we will add a couple more tasks to restart the etcd service and have it run on startup.

在此步骤中,我们使用了剧本为etcd提供了一个数据目录来存储其数据。 在下一步中,我们将添加更多任务以重新启动etcd服务并使其在启动时运行。

第6步—启用和启动etcd服务 (Step 6 — Enabling and Starting the etcd Service)

Whenever we make changes to the unit file of a service, we need to restart the service to have it take effect. We can do this by running the systemctl restart etcd command. Furthermore, to make the etcd service start automatically on system startup, we need to run systemctl enable etcd. In this step, we will run those two commands using the playbook.

每当我们更改服务的单位文件时,我们都需要重新启动服务以使其生效。 我们可以通过运行systemctl restart etcd命令来做到这一点。 此外,要使etcd服务在系统启动时自动启动,我们需要运行systemctl enable etcd 。 在这一步中,我们将使用剧本运行这两个命令。

To run commands, we can use the command module:


  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    纳米$ HOME / playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml

Append the following tasks to the end of the task list:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Create configuration file for etcd"
        mode: 0600
    - name: "Enable the etcd service"
      command: systemctl enable etcd
    - name: "Start the etcd service"
      command: systemctl restart etcd

Save and close the file.


Run ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml once more:

运行ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml再次ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i托管playbook.yaml

To check that the etcd service is now restarted and enabled, SSH into one of the managed nodes:


  • ssh root@etcd1_public_ip

    SSH 根 @ etcd1_public_ip

Then, run systemctl status etcd to check the status of the etcd service:

然后,运行systemctl status etcd来检查etcd服务的状态:

  • systemctl status etcd


You will find enabled and active (running) as highlighted in the following; this means the changes we made in our playbook have taken effect:

您将发现enabledactive (running)如以下突出显示; 这意味着我们在剧本中所做的更改已生效:

● etcd.service - etcd distributed reliable key-value store Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/etcd.service; static; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) Main PID: 19085 (etcd) Tasks: 11 (limit: 2362)

In this step, we used the command module to run systemctl commands that restart and enable the etcd service on our managed nodes. Now that we have set up an etcd installation, we will, in the next step, test out its functionality by carry out some basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations.

在此步骤中,我们使用command模块来运行systemctl命令,这些命令可在etcd管节点上重新启动并启用etcd服务。 现在我们已经设置了etcd安装,接下来,我们将通过执行一些基本的创建,读取,更新和删除(CRUD)操作来测试其功能。

第7步-测试etcd (Step 7 — Testing etcd)

Although we have a working etcd installation, it is insecure and not yet ready for production use. But before we secure our etcd setup in later steps, let’s first understand what etcd can do in terms of functionality. In this step, we are going to manually send requests to etcd to add, retrieve, update, and delete data from it.

尽管我们已经安装了etcd,但它并不安全,还没有准备好用于生产环境。 但是在以后的步骤中保护etcd设置之前,让我们首先了解etcd在功能方面可以做什么。 在这一步中,我们将手动将请求发送到etcd,以从中添加,检索,更新和删除数据。

By default, etcd exposes an API that listens on port 2379 for client communication. This means we can send raw API requests to etcd using an HTTP client. However, it’s quicker to use the official etcd client etcdctl, which allows you to create/update, retrieve, and delete key-value pairs using the put, get, and del subcommands, respectively.

默认情况下,etcd公开一个侦听端口2379进行客户端通信的API。 这意味着我们可以使用HTTP客户端将原始API请求发送到etcd。 但是,使用官方的etcd客户端etcdctl ,它允许您分别使用putgetdel子命令来创建/更新,检索和删除键值对。

Make sure you’re still inside the etcd1 managed node, and run the following etcdctl commands to confirm your etcd installation is working.


First, create a new entry using the put subcommand.


The put subcommand has the following syntax:


etcdctl put key value

On etcd1, run the following command:

etcd1上 ,运行以下命令:

  • etcdctl put foo "bar"

    etcdctl把foo放到“ bar”

The command we just ran instructs etcd to write the value "bar" to the key foo in the store.


You will then find OK printed in the output, which indicates the data persisted:



We can then retrieve this entry using the get subcommand, which has the syntax etcdctl get key:

然后,我们可以使用get子命令检索该条目,该命令的语法为etcdctl get key

  • etcdctl get foo


You will find this output, which shows the key on the first line and the value you inserted earlier on the second line:


foo bar

We can delete the entry using the del subcommand, which has the syntax etcdctl del key:

我们可以使用del子命令删除条目,该命令的语法为etcdctl del key

  • etcdctl del foo

    etcdctl del foo

You will find the following output, which indicates the number of entries deleted:



Now, let’s run the get subcommand once more in an attempt to retrieve a deleted key-value pair:


  • etcdctl get foo


You will not receive an output, which means etcdctl is unable to retrieve the key-value pair. This confirms that after the entry is deleted, it can no longer be retrieved.

您将不会收到输出,这意味着etcdctl无法检索键值对。 这确认删除条目后,将无法再检索它。

Now that you’ve tested the basic operations of etcd and etcdctl, let’s exit out of our managed node and back to your local environment:


  • exit


In this step, we used the etcdctl client to send requests to etcd. At this point, we are running three separate instances of etcd, each acting independently from each other. However, etcd is designed as a distributed key-value store, which means multiple etcd instances can group up to form a single cluster; each instance then becomes a member of the cluster. After forming a cluster, you would be able to retrieve a key-value pair that was inserted from a different member of the cluster. In the next step, we will use our playbook to transform our 3 single-node clusters into a single 3-node cluster.

在这一步中,我们使用etcdctl客户端将请求发送到etcd。 此时,我们正在运行三个单独的etcd实例,每个实例彼此独立。 但是,etcd被设计为分布式键值存储,这意味着可以将多个etcd实例组成一个集群 。 然后,每个实例都成为集群的成员 。 形成集群后,您将能够检索从集群的其他成员插入的键值对。 下一步,我们将使用剧本将3个单节点群集转换为3个节点群集。

步骤8 —使用静态发现形成集群 (Step 8 — Forming a Cluster Using Static Discovery)

To create one 3-node cluster instead of three 1-node clusters, we must configure these etcd installations to communicate with each other. This means each one must know the IP addresses of the others. This process is called discovery. Discovery can be done using either static configuration or dynamic service discovery. In this step, we will discuss the difference between the two, as well as update our playbook to set up an etcd cluster using static discovery.

要创建一个3节点群集而不是3个1节点群集,我们必须配置这些etcd安装以相互通信。 这意味着每个人都必须知道其他人的IP地址。 此过程称为发现 。 可以使用静态配置动态服务发现来完成发现 。 在这一步中,我们将讨论两者之间的区别,并更新我们的剧本以使用静态发现来建立一个etcd集群。

Discovery by static configuration is the method that requires the least setup; this is where the endpoints of each member are passed into the etcd command before it is executed. To use static configuration, the following conditions must be met prior to the initialization of the cluster:

通过静态配置发现是需要最少设置的方法。 这是每个成员的端点在执行之前传递到etcd命令中的位置。 要使用静态配置,必须在集群初始化之前满足以下条件:

  • the number of members are known

  • the endpoints of each member are known

  • the IP addresses for all endpoints are static


If these conditions cannot be met, then you can use a dynamic discovery service. With dynamic service discovery, all instances would register with the discovery service, which allows each member to retrieve information about the location of other members.

如果不能满足这些条件,则可以使用动态发现服务。 使用动态服务发现,所有实例都会在发现服务中注册,这允许每个成员检索有关其他成员位置的信息。

Since we know we want a 3-node etcd cluster, and all our servers have static IP addresses, we will use static discovery. To initiate our cluster using static discovery, we must add several parameters to our configuration file. Use an editor to open up the templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2 template file:

由于我们知道我们需要一个3节点的etcd集群,并且我们所有的服务器都具有静态IP地址,因此我们将使用静态发现。 要使用静态发现启动集群,我们必须向配置文件中添加几个参数。 使用编辑器打开templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2模板文件:

  • nano templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2


Then, add the following highlighted lines:


〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / templates / etcd.conf.yaml.j2
data-dir: /var/lib/etcd/{{ inventory_hostname }}.etcd
name: {{ inventory_hostname }}
initial-advertise-peer-urls: http://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2380
listen-peer-urls: http://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2380,
advertise-client-urls: http://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2379
listen-client-urls: http://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2379,
initial-cluster-state: new
initial-cluster: {% for host in groups['etcd'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] }}=http://{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2380{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}

Close and save the templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2 file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y.


Here’s a brief explanation of each parameter:


  • name - a human-readable name for the member. By default, etcd uses a unique, randomly-generated ID to identify each member; however, a human-readable name allows us to reference it more easily inside configuration files and on the command line. Here, we will use the hostnames as the member names (i.e., etcd1, etcd2, and etcd3).

    name -成员的易读名称。 默认情况下,etcd使用唯一的,随机生成的ID来标识每个成员。 但是,人类可读的名称使我们可以在配置文件内部和命令行中更轻松地引用它。 在这里,我们将使用主机名作为成员名(即etcd1etcd2etcd3 )。

  • initial-advertise-peer-urls - a list of IP address/port combinations that other members can use to communicate with this member. In addition to the API port (2379), etcd also exposes port 2380 for peer communication between etcd members, which allows them to send messages to each other and exchange data. Note that these URLs must be reachable by its peers (and not be a local IP address).

    initial-advertise-peer-urls其他成员可以用来与该成员通信的IP地址/端口组合的列表。 除了API端口( 2379 )之外,etcd还公开了端口2380以便etcd成员之间进行对等通信,从而允许它们彼此之间发送消息并交换数据。 请注意,这些URL的对等方必须可以访问(而不是本地IP地址)。

  • listen-peer-urls - a list of IP address/port combinations where the current member will listen for communication from other members. This must include all the URLs from the --initial-advertise-peer-urls flag, but also local URLs like The destination IP address/port of incoming peer messages must match one of the URLs listed here.

    listen-peer-urls -IP地址/端口组合的列表,当前成员将在其中侦听其他成员的通信。 这必须包括--initial-advertise-peer-urls标志中的所有URL,还必须包括127.0.0.1:2380类的本地URL。 传入对等消息的目标IP地址/端口必须与此处列出的URL之一匹配。

  • advertise-client-urls - a list of IP address/port combinations that clients should use to communicate with this member. These URLs must be reachable by the client (and not be a local address). If the client is accessing the cluster over public internet, this must be a public IP address.

    advertise-client-urls客户端用于与该成员通信的IP地址/端口组合的列表。 客户端必须可以访问这些URL(而不是本地地址)。 如果客户端通过公共Internet访问群集,则该地址必须是公共IP地址。

  • listen-client-urls - a list of IP address/port combinations where the current member will listen for communication from clients. This must include all the URLs from the --advertise-client-urls flag, but also local URLs like The destination IP address/port of incoming client messages must match one of the URLs listed here.

    listen-client-urls -IP地址/端口组合的列表,当前成员将在其中侦听来自客户端的通信。 这必须包括--advertise-client-urls标志中的所有URL,还必须包括127.0.0.1:2379类的本地URL。 传入客户端消息的目标IP地址/端口必须与此处列出的URL之一匹配。

  • initial-cluster - a list of endpoints for each member of the cluster. Each endpoint must match one of the corresponding member’s initial-advertise-peer-urls URLs.

    initial-cluster中每个成员的端点列表。 每个端点必须匹配相应成员的initial-advertise-peer-urls URL中的一个。

  • initial-cluster-state - either new or existing.

    initial-cluster-state state- newexisting

To ensure consistency, etcd can only make decisions when a majority of the nodes are healthy. This is known as establishing quorum. In other words, in a three-member cluster, quorum is reached if two or more of the members are healthy.

为了确保一致性,etcd仅在大多数节点运行状况良好时才能做出决策。 这称为建立仲裁 。 换句话说,在三成员群集中,如果两个或两个以上成员健康,则达到法定人数。

If the initial-cluster-state parameter is set to new, etcd will know that this is a new cluster being bootstrapped, and will allow members to start in parallel, without waiting for quorum to be reached. More concretely, after the first member is started, it will not have quorum because one third (33.33%) is less than or equal to 50%. Normally, etcd will halt and refuse to commit any more actions and the cluster will never be formed. However, with initial-cluster-state set to new, it will ignore the initial lack of quorum.

如果将initial-cluster-state参数设置为new ,则etcd将知道这是一个正在引导的新集群,并将允许成员并行启动,而无需等待达到法定人数。 更具体地讲,第一个成员启动后就不会达到法定人数,因为三分之一(33.33%)小于或等于50%。 通常,etcd将停止并拒绝执行任何其他操作,并且该集群将永远不会形成。 但是,将initial-cluster-state设置为new ,它将忽略最初缺乏仲裁的情况。

If set to existing, the member will try to join an existing cluster, and expects quorum to already be established.

如果设置为existing ,则成员将尝试加入现有集群,并期望已经建立仲裁。

Note: You can find more details about all supported configuration flags in the Configuration section of etcd’s documentation.

注意:您可以在etcd文档的“ 配置”部分中找到有关所有受支持的配置标志的更多详细信息。

In the updated templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2 template file, there are a few instances of hostvars. When Ansible runs, it will collect variables from a variety of sources. We have already made use of the inventory_hostname variable before, but there are a lot more available. These variables are available under hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']. Here, we are extracting the private IP addresses of each node and using it to construct our parameter value.

在更新的templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2模板文件中,有一些hostvars实例。 当Ansible运行时,它将从各种来源收集变量。 我们之前已经使用了inventory_hostname变量,但是还有更多可用的方法。 这些变量在hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']下可用。 在这里,我们提取每个节点的私有IP地址,并使用它来构造我们的参数值。

Note: Because we enabled the Private Networking option when we created our servers, each server would have three IP addresses associated with them:

注意:因为在创建服务器时启用了“ 专用网络”选项,所以每个服务器将具有与之关联的三个IP地址:

  • A loopback IP address - an address that is only valid inside the same machine. It is used for the machine to refer to itself, e.g.,

    环回 IP地址-仅在同一台机器内部有效的地址。 它用于机器引用自身,例如127.0.0.1

  • A public IP address - an address that is routable over the public internet, e.g.,

    公共 IP地址-可通过公共Internet路由的地址,例如178.128.169.51

  • A private IP address - an address that is routable only within the private network; in the case of DigitalOcean Droplets, there’s a private network within each datacenter, e.g.,

    专用 IP地址-只能在专用网络内路由的地址; 对于DigitalOcean Droplet,每个数据中心内都有一个专用网络,例如10.131.82.225

Each of these IP addresses are associated with a different network interface—the loopback address is associated with the lo interface, the public IP address is associated with the eth0 interface, and the private IP address with the eth1 interface. We are using the eth1 interface so that all traffic stays within the private network, without ever reaching the internet.

这些IP地址中的每一个都与不同的网络接口相关联-环回地址与lo接口相关联,公用IP地址与eth0接口相关联,专用IP地址与eth1接口相关联。 我们正在使用eth1接口,以便所有流量都保持在专用网络内,而永远不会到达Internet。

Understanding of network interfaces is not required for this article, but if you’d like to learn more, An Introduction to Networking Terminology, Interfaces, and Protocols is a great place to start.


The {% %} Jinja2 syntax defines the for loop structure that iterates through every node in the etcd group to build up the initial-cluster string into a format required by etcd.

{% %} Jinja2语法定义了for循环结构,该结构循环遍历etcd组中的每个节点,以将initial-cluster字符串构建为etcd所需的格式。

To form the new three-member cluster, you must first stop the etcd service and clear the data directory before launching the cluster. To do this, use an editor to open up the playbook.yaml file on your local machine:

要形成新的三成员集群,必须先停止etcd服务并清除数据目录,然后再启动集群。 为此,请使用编辑器在本地计算机上打开playbook.yaml文件:

  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    纳米$ HOME / playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml

Then, before the "Create a data directory" task, add a task to stop the etcd service:

然后,在"Create a data directory"任务之前,添加一个任务以停止etcd服务:

〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
        group: root
        mode: 0644
    - name: "Stop the etcd service"
      command: systemctl stop etcd
    - name: "Create a data directory"

Next, update the "Create a data directory" task to first delete the data directory and recreate it:

接下来,更新"Create a data directory"任务以首先删除数据目录并重新创建它:

〜/ playground / etcd-ansible / playbook.yaml
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Stop the etcd service"
      command: systemctl stop etcd
    - name: "Create a data directory"
        path: /var/lib/etcd/{{ inventory_hostname }}.etcd
        state: "{{ item }}"
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0755
        - absent
        - directory
    - name: "Create directory for etcd configuration"

The with_items property defines a list of strings that this task will iterate over. It is equivalent to repeating the same task twice but with different values for the state property. Here, we are iterating over the list with items absent and directory, which ensures that the data directory is deleted first and then re-created after.

with_items属性定义此任务将迭代的字符串列表。 这等效于重复两次相同的任务,但是对state属性使用不同的值。 在这里,我们遍历该列表,其中absent项目和directory ,这可确保首先删除数据目录,然后再重新创建。

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y. Then, run ansible-playbook again. Ansible will now create a single, 3-member etcd cluster:

通过按CTRL+X然后按Y关闭并保存playbook.yaml文件。 然后,再次运行ansible-playbook 。 Ansible现在将创建一个由3个成员组成的etcd集群:

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i托管playbook.yaml

You can check this by SSH-ing into any etcd member node:


  • ssh root@etcd1_public_ip

    SSH 根 @ etcd1_public_ip

Then run etcdctl endpoint health --cluster:

然后运行etcdctl endpoint health --cluster运行etcdctl endpoint health --cluster

  • etcdctl endpoint health --cluster


This will list out the health of each member of the cluster:


http://etcd2_private_ip:2379 is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 2.517267ms http://etcd1_private_ip:2379 is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 2.153612ms http://etcd3_private_ip:2379 is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 2.639277ms

We have now successfully created a 3-node etcd cluster. We can confirm this by adding an entry to etcd on one member node, and retrieving it on another member node. On one of the member nodes, run etcdctl put:

We have now successfully created a 3-node etcd cluster. We can confirm this by adding an entry to etcd on one member node, and retrieving it on another member node. On one of the member nodes, run etcdctl put :

  • etcdctl put foo "bar"

    etcdctl put foo "bar"

Then, use a new terminal to SSH into a different member node:

Then, use a new terminal to SSH into a different member node:

  • ssh root@etcd2_public_ip

    ssh root @ etcd2_public_ip

Next, attempt to retrieve the same entry using the key:

Next, attempt to retrieve the same entry using the key:

  • etcdctl get foo

    etcdctl get foo

You will be able to retrieve the entry, which proves that the cluster is working:

You will be able to retrieve the entry, which proves that the cluster is working:

foo bar

Lastly, exit out of each of the managed nodes and back to your local machine:

Lastly, exit out of each of the managed nodes and back to your local machine:

  • exit

  • exit


In this step, we provisioned a new 3-node cluster. At the moment, communication between etcd members and their peers and clients are conducted through HTTP. This means the communication is unencrypted and any party who can intercept the traffic can read the messages. This is not a big issue if the etcd cluster and clients are all deployed within a private network or virtual private network (VPN) which you fully control. However, if any of the traffic needs to travel through a shared network (private or public), then you should ensure this traffic is encrypted. Furthermore, a mechanism needs to be put in place for a client or peer to verify the authenticity of the server.

In this step, we provisioned a new 3-node cluster. At the moment, communication between etcd members and their peers and clients are conducted through HTTP. This means the communication is unencrypted and any party who can intercept the traffic can read the messages. This is not a big issue if the etcd cluster and clients are all deployed within a private network or virtual private network (VPN) which you fully control. However, if any of the traffic needs to travel through a shared network (private or public), then you should ensure this traffic is encrypted. Furthermore, a mechanism needs to be put in place for a client or peer to verify the authenticity of the server.

In the next step, we will look at how to secure client-to-server as well as peer communication using TLS.

In the next step, we will look at how to secure client-to-server as well as peer communication using TLS.

Step 9 — Obtaining the Private IP Addresses of Managed Nodes (Step 9 — Obtaining the Private IP Addresses of Managed Nodes)

To encrypt messages between member nodes, etcd uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, or HTTPS, which is a layer on top of the Transport Layer Security, or TLS, protocol. TLS uses a system of private keys, certificates, and trusted entities called Certificate Authorities (CAs) to authenticate with, and send encrypted messages to, each other.

To encrypt messages between member nodes, etcd uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure , or HTTPS , which is a layer on top of the Transport Layer Security , or TLS , protocol. TLS uses a system of private keys, certificates, and trusted entities called Certificate Authorities (CAs) to authenticate with, and send encrypted messages to, each other.

In this tutorial, each member node needs to generate a certificate to identify itself, and have this certificate signed by a CA. We will configure all member nodes to trust this CA, and thus also trust any certificates it signs. This allows member nodes to mutually authenticate with each other.

In this tutorial, each member node needs to generate a certificate to identify itself, and have this certificate signed by a CA. We will configure all member nodes to trust this CA, and thus also trust any certificates it signs. This allows member nodes to mutually authenticate with each other.

The certificate that a member node generates must allow other member nodes to identify itself. All certificates include the Common Name (CN) of the entity it is associated with. This is often used as the identity of the entity. However, when verifying a certificate, client implementations may compare whether the information it collected about the entity match what was given in the certificate. For example, when a client downloads the TLS certificate with the subject of CN=foo.bar.com, but the client is actually connecting to the server using an IP address (e.g.,, then there’s a mismatch and the client may not trust the certificate. By specifying a subject alternative name (SAN) in the certificate, it informs the verifier that both names belong to the same entity.

The certificate that a member node generates must allow other member nodes to identify itself. All certificates include the Common Name (CN) of the entity it is associated with. This is often used as the identity of the entity. However, when verifying a certificate, client implementations may compare whether the information it collected about the entity match what was given in the certificate. For example, when a client downloads the TLS certificate with the subject of CN=foo.bar.com , but the client is actually connecting to the server using an IP address (eg, ), then there's a mismatch and the client may not trust the certificate. By specifying a subject alternative name (SAN) in the certificate, it informs the verifier that both names belong to the same entity.

Because our etcd members are peering with each other using their private IP addresses, when we define our certificates, we’ll need to provide these private IP addresses as the subject alternative names.

Because our etcd members are peering with each other using their private IP addresses, when we define our certificates, we'll need to provide these private IP addresses as the subject alternative names.

To find out the private IP address of a managed node, SSH into it:

To find out the private IP address of a managed node, SSH into it:

  • ssh root@etcd1_public_ip

    ssh root @ etcd1_public_ip

Then run the following command:

Then run the following command:

  • ip -f inet addr show eth1

    ip -f inet addr show eth1

You’ll find output similar to the following lines:

You'll find output similar to the following lines:

3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000 inet brd scope global eth1 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

In our example output, is the private IP address of the managed node, and the only information we are interested in. To filter out everything else apart from the private IP, we can pipe the output of the ip command to the sed utility, which is used to filter and transform text.

In our example output, is the private IP address of the managed node, and the only information we are interested in. To filter out everything else apart from the private IP, we can pipe the output of the ip command to the sed utility , which is used to filter and transform text.

  • ip -f inet addr show eth1 | sed -En -e 's/.*inet ([0-9.]+).*/\1/p'

    ip -f inet addr show eth1 | sed -En -e 's/.*inet ([0-9.]+).*/\1/p'

Now, the only output is the private IP address itself:

Now, the only output is the private IP address itself:


Once you’re satisfied that the preceding command works, exit out of the managed node:

Once you're satisfied that the preceding command works, exit out of the managed node:

  • exit


To incorporate the preceding commands into our playbook, first open up the playbook.yaml file:

To incorporate the preceding commands into our playbook, first open up the playbook.yaml file:

  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

Then, add a new play with a single task before our existing play:

Then, add a new play with a single task before our existing play:

- hosts: etcd
    - shell: ip -f inet addr show eth1 | sed -En -e 's/.*inet ([0-9.]+).*/\1/p'
      register: privateIP
- hosts: etcd

The task uses the shell module to run the ip and sed commands, which fetches the private IP address of the managed node. It then registers the return value of the shell command inside a variable named privateIP, which we will use later.

The task uses the shell module to run the ip and sed commands, which fetches the private IP address of the managed node. It then registers the return value of the shell command inside a variable named privateIP , which we will use later.

In this step, we added a task to the playbook to obtain the private IP address of the managed nodes. In the next step, we are going to use this information to generate certificates for each member node, and have these certificates signed by a Certificate Authority (CA).

In this step, we added a task to the playbook to obtain the private IP address of the managed nodes. In the next step, we are going to use this information to generate certificates for each member node, and have these certificates signed by a Certificate Authority (CA).

Step 10 — Generating etcd Members' Private Keys and CSRs (Step 10 — Generating etcd Members’ Private Keys and CSRs)

In order for a member node to receive encrypted traffic, the sender must use the member node’s public key to encrypt the data, and the member node must use its private key to decrypt the ciphertext and retrieve the original data. The public key is packaged into a certificate and signed by a CA to ensure that it is genuine.

In order for a member node to receive encrypted traffic, the sender must use the member node's public key to encrypt the data, and the member node must use its private key to decrypt the ciphertext and retrieve the original data. The public key is packaged into a certificate and signed by a CA to ensure that it is genuine.

Therefore, we will need to generate a private key and certificate signing request (CSR) for each etcd member node. To make it easier for us, we will generate all key pairs and sign all certificates locally, on the control node, and then copy the relevant files to the managed hosts.

Therefore, we will need to generate a private key and certificate signing request (CSR) for each etcd member node. To make it easier for us, we will generate all key pairs and sign all certificates locally, on the control node, and then copy the relevant files to the managed hosts.

First, create a directory called artifacts/, where we’ll place the files (keys and certificates) generated during the process. Open the playbook.yaml file with an editor:

First, create a directory called artifacts/ , where we'll place the files (keys and certificates) generated during the process. Open the playbook.yaml file with an editor:

  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

In it, use the file module to create the artifacts/ directory:

In it, use the file module to create the artifacts/ directory:

    - shell: ip -f inet addr show eth1 | sed -En -e 's/.*inet ([0-9.]+).*/\1/p'
      register: privateIP
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  become: False
    - name: "Create ./artifacts directory to house keys and certificates"
        path: ./artifacts
        state: directory
- hosts: etcd

Next, add another task to the end of the play to generate the private key:

Next, add another task to the end of the play to generate the private key:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  become: False
    - name: "Generate private key for each member"
        path: ./artifacts/{{item}}.key
        type: RSA
        size: 4096
        state: present
        force: True
      with_items: "{{ groups['etcd'] }}"
- hosts: etcd

Creating private keys and CSRs can be done using the openssl_privatekey and openssl_csr modules, respectively.

Creating private keys and CSRs can be done using the openssl_privatekey and openssl_csr modules, respectively.

The force: True attribute ensures that the private key is regenerated each time, even if it exists already.

The force: True attribute ensures that the private key is regenerated each time, even if it exists already.

Similarly, append the following new task to the same play to generate the CSRs for each member, using the openssl_csr module:

Similarly, append the following new task to the same play to generate the CSRs for each member, using the openssl_csr module:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  become: False
    - name: "Generate private key for each member"
      with_items: "{{ groups['etcd'] }}"
    - name: "Generate CSR for each member"
        path: ./artifacts/{{item}}.csr
        privatekey_path: ./artifacts/{{item}}.key
        common_name: "{{item}}"
          - digitalSignature
          - serverAuth
          - IP:{{ hostvars[item]['privateIP']['stdout']}}
          - IP:
        force: True
      with_items: "{{ groups['etcd'] }}"

We are specifying that this certificate can be involved in a digital signature mechanism for the purpose of server authentication. This certificate is associated with the hostname (e.g., etcd1), but the verifier should also treat each node’s private and local loopback IP addresses as alternative names. Note that we are using the privateIP variable that we registered in the previous play.

We are specifying that this certificate can be involved in a digital signature mechanism for the purpose of server authentication. This certificate is associated with the hostname (eg, etcd1 ), but the verifier should also treat each node's private and local loopback IP addresses as alternative names. Note that we are using the privateIP variable that we registered in the previous play.

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y. Then, run our playbook again:

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y . Then, run our playbook again:

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

We will now find a new directory called artifacts within our project directory; use ls to list out its contents:

We will now find a new directory called artifacts within our project directory; use ls to list out its contents:

  • ls artifacts

    ls artifacts

You will find the private keys and CSRs for each of the etcd members:

You will find the private keys and CSRs for each of the etcd members:

etcd1.csr etcd1.key etcd2.csr etcd2.key etcd3.csr etcd3.key

In this step, we used several Ansible modules to generate private keys and public key certificates for each of the member nodes. In the next step, we will look at how to sign a certificate signing request (CSR).

In this step, we used several Ansible modules to generate private keys and public key certificates for each of the member nodes. In the next step, we will look at how to sign a certificate signing request (CSR).

Step 11 — Generating CA Certificates (Step 11 — Generating CA Certificates)

Within an etcd cluster, member nodes encrypt messages using the receiver’s public key. To ensure the public key is genuine, the receiver packages the public key into a certificate signing request (CSR) and has a trusted entity (i.e., the CA) sign the CSR. Since we control all the member nodes and the CAs they trust, we don’t need to use an external CA and can act as our own CA. In this step, we are going to act as our own CA, which means we’ll need to generate a private key and a self-signed certificate to function as the CA.

Within an etcd cluster, member nodes encrypt messages using the receiver's public key. To ensure the public key is genuine, the receiver packages the public key into a certificate signing request (CSR) and has a trusted entity (ie, the CA) sign the CSR. Since we control all the member nodes and the CAs they trust, we don't need to use an external CA and can act as our own CA. In this step, we are going to act as our own CA, which means we'll need to generate a private key and a self-signed certificate to function as the CA.

First, open the playbook.yaml file with your editor:

First, open the playbook.yaml file with your editor:

  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

Then, similar to the previous step, append a task to the localhost play to generate a private key for the CA:

Then, similar to the previous step, append a task to the localhost play to generate a private key for the CA:

- hosts: localhost
  - name: "Generate CSR for each member"
    with_items: "{{ groups['etcd'] }}"
    - name: "Generate private key for CA"
        path: ./artifacts/ca.key
        type: RSA
        size: 4096
        state: present
        force: True
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Create directory for etcd binaries"

Next, use the openssl_csr module to generate a new CSR. This is similar to the previous step, but in this CSR, we are adding the basic constraint and key usage extension to indicate that this certificate can be used as a CA certificate:

Next, use the openssl_csr module to generate a new CSR. This is similar to the previous step, but in this CSR, we are adding the basic constraint and key usage extension to indicate that this certificate can be used as a CA certificate:

- hosts: localhost
    - name: "Generate private key for CA"
        path: ./artifacts/ca.key
        type: RSA
        size: 4096
        state: present
        force: True
    - name: "Generate CSR for CA"
        path: ./artifacts/ca.csr
        privatekey_path: ./artifacts/ca.key
        common_name: ca
        organization_name: "Etcd CA"
          - CA:TRUE
          - pathlen:1
        basic_constraints_critical: True
          - keyCertSign
          - digitalSignature
        force: True
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Create directory for etcd binaries"

Lastly, use the openssl_certificate module to self-sign the CSR:

Lastly, use the openssl_certificate module to self-sign the CSR:

- hosts: localhost
    - name: "Generate CSR for CA"
        path: ./artifacts/ca.csr
        privatekey_path: ./artifacts/ca.key
        common_name: ca
        organization_name: "Etcd CA"
          - CA:TRUE
          - pathlen:1
        basic_constraints_critical: True
          - keyCertSign
          - digitalSignature
        force: True
    - name: "Generate self-signed CA certificate"
        path: ./artifacts/ca.crt
        privatekey_path: ./artifacts/ca.key
        csr_path: ./artifacts/ca.csr
        provider: selfsigned
        force: True
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Create directory for etcd binaries"

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y. Then, run our playbook again to apply the changes:

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y . Then, run our playbook again to apply the changes:

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

You can also run ls to check the contents of the artifacts/ directory:

You can also run ls to check the contents of the artifacts/ directory:

  • ls artifacts/

    ls artifacts/

You will now find the freshly generated CA certificate (ca.crt):

You will now find the freshly generated CA certificate ( ca.crt ):

ca.crt ca.csr ca.key etcd1.csr etcd1.key etcd2.csr etcd2.key etcd3.csr etcd3.key

In this step, we generated a private key and a self-signed certificate for the CA. In the next step, we will use the CA certificate to sign each member’s CSR.

In this step, we generated a private key and a self-signed certificate for the CA. In the next step, we will use the CA certificate to sign each member's CSR.

Step 12 — Signing the etcd members' CSRs (Step 12 — Signing the etcd members’ CSRs)

In this step, we are going to sign each member node’s CSR. This will be similar to how we used the openssl_certificate module to self-sign the CA certificate, but instead of using the selfsigned provider, we will use the ownca provider, which allows us to sign using our own CA certificate.

In this step, we are going to sign each member node's CSR. This will be similar to how we used the openssl_certificate module to self-sign the CA certificate, but instead of using the selfsigned provider, we will use the ownca provider, which allows us to sign using our own CA certificate.

Open up your playbook:

Open up your playbook:

  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

Append the following highlighted task to the "Generate self-signed CA certificate" task:

Append the following highlighted task to the "Generate self-signed CA certificate" task:

- hosts: localhost
    - name: "Generate self-signed CA certificate"
        path: ./artifacts/ca.crt
        privatekey_path: ./artifacts/ca.key
        csr_path: ./artifacts/ca.csr
        provider: selfsigned
        force: True
    - name: "Generate an `etcd` member certificate signed with our own CA certificate"
        path: ./artifacts/{{item}}.crt
        csr_path: ./artifacts/{{item}}.csr
        ownca_path: ./artifacts/ca.crt
        ownca_privatekey_path: ./artifacts/ca.key
        provider: ownca
        force: True
      with_items: "{{ groups['etcd'] }}"
- hosts: etcd
  become: True
    - name: "Create directory for etcd binaries"

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y. Then, run the playbook again to apply the changes:

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y . Then, run the playbook again to apply the changes:

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

Now, list out the contents of the artifacts/ directory:

Now, list out the contents of the artifacts/ directory:

  • ls artifacts/

    ls artifacts/

You will find the private key, CSR, and certificate for every etcd member and the CA:

You will find the private key, CSR, and certificate for every etcd member and the CA:

ca.crt ca.csr ca.key etcd1.crt etcd1.csr etcd1.key etcd2.crt etcd2.csr etcd2.key etcd3.crt etcd3.csr etcd3.key

In this step, we have signed each member node’s CSRs using the CA’s key. In the next step, we are going to copy the relevant files into each managed node, so that etcd has access to the relevant keys and certificates to set up TLS connections.

In this step, we have signed each member node's CSRs using the CA's key. In the next step, we are going to copy the relevant files into each managed node, so that etcd has access to the relevant keys and certificates to set up TLS connections.

Step 13 — Copying Private Keys and Certificates (Step 13 — Copying Private Keys and Certificates)

Every node needs to have a copy of the CA’s self-signed certificate (ca.crt). Each etcd member node also needs to have its own private key and certificate. In this step, we are going to upload these files and place them in a new /etc/etcd/ssl/ directory.

Every node needs to have a copy of the CA's self-signed certificate ( ca.crt ). Each etcd member node also needs to have its own private key and certificate. In this step, we are going to upload these files and place them in a new /etc/etcd/ssl/ directory.

To start, open the playbook.yaml file with your editor:

To start, open the playbook.yaml file with your editor:

  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

    nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/playbook.yaml

To make these changes on our Ansible playbook, first update the path property of the Create directory for etcd configuration task to create the /etc/etcd/ssl/ directory:

To make these changes on our Ansible playbook, first update the path property of the Create directory for etcd configuration task to create the /etc/etcd/ssl/ directory:

- hosts: etcd
        - absent
        - directory
    - name: "Create directory for etcd configuration"
        path: "{{ item }}"
        state: directory
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0755
        - /etc/etcd
        - /etc/etcd/ssl
    - name: "Create configuration file for etcd"

Then, following the modified task, add three more tasks to copy the files over:

Then, following the modified task, add three more tasks to copy the files over:

- hosts: etcd
    - name: "Copy over the CA certificate"
        src: ./artifacts/ca.crt
        remote_src: False
        dest: /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.crt
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0644
    - name: "Copy over the `etcd` member certificate"
        src: ./artifacts/{{inventory_hostname}}.crt
        remote_src: False
        dest: /etc/etcd/ssl/server.crt
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0644
    - name: "Copy over the `etcd` member key"
        src: ./artifacts/{{inventory_hostname}}.key
        remote_src: False
        dest: /etc/etcd/ssl/server.key
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: 0600
    - name: "Create configuration file for etcd"

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y.

Close and save the playbook.yaml file by pressing CTRL+X followed by Y .

Run ansible-playbook again to make these changes:

Run ansible-playbook again to make these changes:

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

In this step, we have successfully uploaded the private keys and certificates to the managed nodes. Having copied the files over, we now need to update our etcd configuration file to make use of them.

In this step, we have successfully uploaded the private keys and certificates to the managed nodes. Having copied the files over, we now need to update our etcd configuration file to make use of them.

Step 14 — Enabling TLS on etcd (Step 14 — Enabling TLS on etcd)

In the last step of this tutorial, we are going to update some Ansible configurations to enable TLS in an etcd cluster.

In the last step of this tutorial, we are going to update some Ansible configurations to enable TLS in an etcd cluster.

First, open up the templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2 template file using your editor:

First, open up the templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2 template file using your editor:

  • nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2

    nano $HOME/playground/etcd-ansible/templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2

Once inside, change all URLs to use https as the protocol instead of http. Additionally, add a section at the end of the template to specify the location of the CA certificate, server certificate, and server key:

Once inside, change all URLs to use https as the protocol instead of http . Additionally, add a section at the end of the template to specify the location of the CA certificate, server certificate, and server key:

data-dir: /var/lib/etcd/{{ inventory_hostname }}.etcd
name: {{ inventory_hostname }}
initial-advertise-peer-urls: https://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2380
listen-peer-urls: https://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2380,
advertise-client-urls: https://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2379
listen-client-urls: https://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2379,
initial-cluster-state: new
initial-cluster: {% for host in groups['etcd'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] }}=https://{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2380{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}

  cert-file: /etc/etcd/ssl/server.crt
  key-file: /etc/etcd/ssl/server.key
  trusted-ca-file: /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.crt
  cert-file: /etc/etcd/ssl/server.crt
  key-file: /etc/etcd/ssl/server.key
  trusted-ca-file: /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.crt

Close and save the templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2 file.

Close and save the templates/etcd.conf.yaml.j2 file.

Next, run your Ansible playbook:

Next, run your Ansible playbook:

  • ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

    ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml

Then, SSH into one of the managed nodes:

Then, SSH into one of the managed nodes:

  • ssh root@etcd1_public_ip

    ssh root @ etcd1_public_ip

Once inside, run the etcdctl endpoint health command to check whether the endpoints are using HTTPS, and if all members are healthy:

Once inside, run the etcdctl endpoint health command to check whether the endpoints are using HTTPS, and if all members are healthy:

  • etcdctl --cacert /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.crt endpoint health --cluster

    etcdctl --cacert /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.crt endpoint health --cluster

Because our CA certificate is not, by default, a trusted root CA certificate installed in the /etc/ssl/certs/ directory, we need to pass it to etcdctl using the --cacert flag.

Because our CA certificate is not, by default, a trusted root CA certificate installed in the /etc/ssl/certs/ directory, we need to pass it to etcdctl using the --cacert flag.

This will give the following output:


https://etcd3_private_ip:2379 is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 19.237262ms https://etcd1_private_ip:2379 is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 4.769088ms https://etcd2_private_ip:2379 is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 5.953599ms

To confirm that the etcd cluster is actually working, we can, once again, create an entry on one member node, and retrieve it from another member node:

To confirm that the etcd cluster is actually working, we can, once again, create an entry on one member node, and retrieve it from another member node:

  • etcdctl --cacert /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.crt put foo "bar"

    etcdctl --cacert /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.crt put foo "bar"

Use a new terminal to SSH into a different node:

Use a new terminal to SSH into a different node:

  • ssh root@etcd2_public_ip

    ssh root @ etcd2_public_ip

Now retrieve the same entry using the key foo:

Now retrieve the same entry using the key foo :

  • etcdctl --cacert /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.crt get foo

    etcdctl --cacert /etc/etcd/ssl/ca.crt get foo

This will return the entry, showing the output below:

This will return the entry, showing the output below:

foo bar

You can do the same on the third node to ensure all three members are operational.

You can do the same on the third node to ensure all three members are operational.

结论 (Conclusion)

You have now successfully provisioned a 3-node etcd cluster, secured it with TLS, and confirmed that it is working.

You have now successfully provisioned a 3-node etcd cluster, secured it with TLS, and confirmed that it is working.

etcd is a tool originally created by CoreOS. To understand etcd’s usage in relation to CoreOS, you can read How To Use Etcdctl and Etcd, CoreOS’s Distributed Key-Value Store. The article also guides you through setting up a dynamic discovery model, something which was discussed but not demonstrated in this tutorial.

etcd is a tool originally created by CoreOS . To understand etcd's usage in relation to CoreOS, you can read How To Use Etcdctl and Etcd, CoreOS's Distributed Key-Value Store . The article also guides you through setting up a dynamic discovery model, something which was discussed but not demonstrated in this tutorial.

As mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial, etcd is an important part of the Kubernetes ecosystem. To learn more about Kubernetes and etcd’s role within it, you can read An Introduction to Kubernetes. If you are deploying etcd as part of a Kubernetes cluster, know that there are other tools available, such as kubespray and kubeadm. For more details on the latter, you can read How To Create a Kubernetes Cluster Using Kubeadm on Ubuntu 18.04.

As mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial, etcd is an important part of the Kubernetes ecosystem. To learn more about Kubernetes and etcd's role within it, you can read An Introduction to Kubernetes . If you are deploying etcd as part of a Kubernetes cluster, know that there are other tools available, such as kubespray and kubeadm . For more details on the latter, you can read How To Create a Kubernetes Cluster Using Kubeadm on Ubuntu 18.04 .

Finally, this tutorial made use of many tools, but could not dive into each in too much detail. In the following you’ll find links that will provide a more detailed examination of each tool:

Finally, this tutorial made use of many tools, but could not dive into each in too much detail. In the following you'll find links that will provide a more detailed examination of each tool:

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-and-secure-an-etcd-cluster-with-ansible-on-ubuntu-18-04





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