

Wikipedia is one of the most powerful sites on the web, as we noted earlier this month. We found that Wikipedia pages appeared on the first page of Google results (the most dominant search engine in the world) for more than 50% of the most searched for web topics. But who is wielding all that power?

就像我们在本月初提到的那样 ,Wikipedia是网络上功能最强大的网站之一。 我们发现Wikipedia页面出现在Google搜索结果的第一页(世界上最主要的搜索引擎)中,占搜索量最多的网络主题的50%以上。 但是谁在行使所有这些权力?

Because Wikipedia is open to edits from anyone, it means that anyone can influence one of the most influential sites on the web. That’s all at once empowering and potentially dangerous. Below are five sites that can help you keep tabs on Wikipedia.

因为Wikipedia可以接受任何人的编辑,所以这意味着任何人都可以影响网络上最具影响力的网站之一。 这就是一次赋权并且潜在的危险。 以下是五个站点,可帮助您在Wikipedia上保留标签。

删除 (Deletionpedia)

A lot of attention is paid to the number of Wikipedia articles being added every month, but less is paid to the thousands of articles that are deleted. Some of these articles probably don’t have a place on the site — such as this rather useless list of Wikipedia article with the word ‘system’ in the title — but others might be more contentious and were only deleted after long, and often times heated debates.

每月增加的Wikipedia文章数量引起了很多关注,而删除的数千篇文章却很少关注。 其中一些文章可能在网站上没有位置-例如维基百科的这个相当无用的列表,标题中带有“ system”一词 -但其他文章可能更具争议性,并且很长时间之后才被删除激烈的辩论。

Deletionpedia keeps archives of all the pages removed from Wikipedia and the cited reason for removal. Its archive has over 63,000 pages removed from the encyclopedia site. Ironically, there is a debate raging right now over whether to delete the Deletionpedia page from Wikipedia. Seriously.

Deletionpedia保留从Wikipedia删除的所有页面以及引用的删除原因的存档。 它的档案库已从百科全书库网站上删除了63,000多页。 具有讽刺意味的是,关于是否从Wikipedia删除Deletionpedia页面,目前正在进行激烈的辩论。 说真的

维基百科信任项目 (Wikipedia Trust Project)

The Wikipedia Trust Project from the University of California Santa Cruz scans articles at Wikipedia and color codes them based on a trust rating of the people who wrote the article. The way it works is by looking at editors of the Wikipedia article in question and assigning trust to each editor based on previous edits — more trust for those whose edits are often kept and less for those whose edits are often changed or reversed. The article is then color coded based on their contributions.

加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁斯大学的“维基百科信任项目”会扫描维基百科上的文章,并根据撰写该文章的人的信任度对它们进行颜色编码。 它的工作方式是查看有问题的Wikipedia文章的编辑者,然后根据以前的编辑为每个编辑者分配信任-对于那些经常保留其编辑的人来说,信任度更高,而对于那些经常更改或撤消其编辑的人则更信任。 然后根据文章的贡献对文章进行颜色编码。

The project has a demo site up using a dump of the Wikipedia database from February 06, 2007, but the project page has more up-to-date version of WikiTrust source code available for download under and open source BSD license.

该项目有一个演示站点 ,使用的是2007年2月6日以来的Wikipedia数据库转储,但是该项目页面上有WikiTrust源代码的最新版本,可以根据BSD许可证和开放源代码BSD许可进行下载。

WikiScanner (WikiScanner)

WikiScanner, a project by Virgil Griffith at the California Institute of Technology, matches up Wikipedia edits with the organization where they originated by IP address. The idea is to search out and expose so-called “salacious edits,” in which companies, politicians, or others scrub their own articles.

WikiScanner是加利福尼亚理工学院的Virgil Griffith的一个项目,它通过IP地址将Wikipedia编辑与组织来源进行匹配。 这个想法是搜索并公开所谓的“ 色情编辑 ”,公司,政界人士或其他人在其中编辑自己的文章。

Wikiscanner has received probably the most mainstream press coverage of any site in this round up, but unfortunately hasn’t updated its database since August 2007. A major overhaul of the site was promised for summer 2008, but so far it hasn’t materialized.


维基仪表板 (WikiDashboard)

A project out of the famed Palo Alto Research Center, WikiDashboard is a Wikipedia browser that adds a stat bar that shows who is editing articles and how often. “The idea is that if we provide social transparency and enable attribution of work to individual workers in Wikipedia, then this will eventually result in increased credibility and trust in the page content, and therefore higher levels of trust in Wikipedia,” writes PARC’s Bongwon Suh and Ed Chi of the project.

WikiDashboard是著名的Palo Alto研究中心的一个项目,它是一个Wikipedia浏览器,它添加了一个统计栏,显示谁在编辑文章以及编辑的频率。 PARC的Bongwon Suh写道:“我们的想法是,如果我们提供社会透明度并允许将工作归因于Wikipedia中的单个工作人员,那么最终将导致信誉和对页面内容的信任,从而使对Wikipedia的信任度更高。”和项目的Ed Chi

The Augmented Social Congnition Research Group maintains an interesting blog that often includes insights learned via the Dashboard project.


维基百科 (Wikirage)

Wikirage is a trend application for Wikipedia that keeps track of the most popular articles based on edits. Not surprisingly the most edited article today is the one on Yankee Stadium, a night after the famed American ball park closed.

Wikirage是Wikipedia的趋势应用程序,可根据编辑跟踪最流行的文章。 毫不奇怪,今天最受欢迎的文章是扬基体育场上的那篇文章,那是著名的美国棒球场关闭后的一个晚上。

Wikirage is helpful for keeping track of the most popular articles on Wikipedia, which are often ripe for vandalism. Popularity is sometimes an indication of a contentious article that might be prone to bias. Wikirage also keeps track of reversions and undos, making it easier to identify articles where content arguments between editors are more likely to be taking place.

Wikirage有助于跟踪Wikipedia上最流行的文章,这些文章通常容易遭到破坏。 受欢迎程度有时表明有争议的文章可能易于产生偏见。 Wikirage还跟踪还原和撤消操作,从而更容易识别在编辑者之间更可能发生内容争论的文章。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-ways-to-keep-tabs-on-wikipedia/





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