

If you are a freelance graphic designer or photographer, then you need a way to show off your work. WordPress is hands down one of the best ways to manage your own website. You can easily update content in minutes and the high degree of customization means you can make your WordPress site look exactly the way you want it. We broke down the three main plugin categories into gallery plugins, share/bookmark plugins, and social media plugins.

如果您是自由图形设计师或摄影师,那么您需要一种方法来炫耀您的作品。 WordPress是管理您自己的网站的最佳方法之一。 您可以在几分钟内轻松地更新内容,高度的自定义意味着您可以使WordPress网站看起来完全符合您的期望。 我们将三个主要的插件类别细分为图库插件,共享/书签插件和社交媒体插件。

If you’re new to WordPress, plugins are one of the many awesome ways you can modify a WordPress site. They add extra features — much like downloading an app on your smartphone or loading a new brush set into Photoshop.

如果您不熟悉WordPress,则插件是您修改WordPress网站的众多绝佳方式之一。 它们添加了额外的功能-就像在智能手机上下载应用程序或将新画笔组加载到Photoshop中一样。

This collection of plugins have been tested on WordPress 3.3, released on December 10th, 2011. They all have solid reviews, and we give you some guidelines on implementing each so you can quickly get these plugins working for you. Best of all, they’re all FREE!

该插件集合已在2011年12月10日发布的WordPress 3.3上进行了测试。它们都经过了可靠的审查,并且我们为您提供了一些实施指南,以便您可以快速使用这些插件。 最重要的是,它们都是免费的!

图库插件 (Gallery Plugins)

These plugins help you build out either a home page or portfolio page so you can show off your graphic design or photography work. A great way to do just that is to demo your graphics or photos in a gallery or slideshow format. These plugins give you an easy way to put your graphics and photos on the front page of your site or in posts.

这些插件可帮助您建立主页或投资组合页面,以便炫耀您的图形设计或摄影作品。 做到这一点的一种好方法是以图库或幻灯片格式演示图形或照片。 这些插件使您可以轻松地将图形和照片放置在网站首页或帖子中。

WordPress [gallery]功能 (WordPress [ gallery ] Feature)

Many people don’t know that WordPress has a built-in feature just for displaying images. If you want a no hassle method of showing off lots of graphics fast, just add your images to the post and use the [ gallery ] shortcode in your post and you’re done. The default settings set up a nice little grid system with thumbnails of each image you add to the post. If you want to tweak the look and functionality, head on over to the WordPress Codex page just for the [ gallery ] feature.

许多人不知道WordPress具有仅用于显示图像的内置功能。 如果您想要一种快速显示大量图形的简便方法,只需将您的图像添加到帖子中,然后在帖子中使用[gallery]短代码即可。 默认设置设置了一个漂亮的小网格系统,其中包含您添加到帖子中的每个图像的缩略图。 如果您想调整外观和功能,请直接转到[Code Gallery]功能的WordPress Codex页面


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精选内容滑块 (Featured Content Slider)


This plugin is a solid choice if you want to put a short summary of each piece on your home page — and it’s pretty easy to get going. Just make a post with a single graphic, make that graphic your “featured content,” check a box on the bottom of the post editor, and the plugin does the rest. You simply put the short code [ featslider ] wherever you want the slider to appear or use the PHP code snippet provided in the documentation to hard code the slider into your site header or other location.

如果您想在首页上对每件作品做一个简短的摘要,那么此插件是一个不错的选择,而且很容易上手。 只需用单个图形制作一个帖子,将该图形作为您的“特色内容”,然后选中帖子编辑器底部的一个框,其余部分由插件完成。 您只需将短代码[featslider]放在要显示滑块的任何位置,或使用文档中提供PHP代码段将滑块硬编码到您的网站标题或其他位置。

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NextGEN画廊 (NextGEN Gallery)


If you are ready for a plugin that lets you tweak every detail of a slideshow presentation, then NextGEN Gallery is for you. This is not your quick fix option. While you can get a nice looking gallery up and running quickly, the extra options like rounded corners, number of columns, and other details are what make this plugin special.

如果您准备好使用一个插件来调整幻灯片演示的每个细节,那么NextGEN Gallery非常适合您。 这不是您的快速修复选项。 尽管您可以快速启动并快速运行漂亮的图库,但使此插件与众不同的还有诸如圆角,列数和其他详细信息之类的附加选项。

Once the plugin is installed, you will have a new option in your sidebar. You manually create each gallery and can control a multitude of options. Once you’ve tweaked to your heart’s content, you can add the gallery to a page or post using shortcodes. Everything from watermarks to rounded corners to randomized slideshows are available.

安装插件后,边栏中将有一个新选项。 您可以手动创建每个图库,并可以控制多个选项。 调整好内容后,您可以将图库添加到页面或使用简码发布。 从水印到圆角再到随机幻灯片,无所不包。

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另一个Photoblog(YAPB) (Yet Another Photoblog (YAPB))

This is a plugin that will convert your WordPress site into true Photoblog, but it’s not for the tame of heart. You will likely need to select an initial WordPress theme that is either designed or compliant with YAPB and then add the plugin.

这是一个可以将您的WordPress网站转换为真正的Photoblog的插件,但这并不是为了让您心服口服。 您可能需要选择一个设计或与YAPB兼容的初始WordPress主题,然后添加该插件。

The way you use YAPB is by uploading a single image per post and using the post to give it a description. Posts designated as YABP posts show up either on your home page or other location you have to manually create (or use one of the pre-fab themes). Once in place, YABP is a wonderful tool that lets you very quickly add tons of graphics and images. You can pair down your site to almost nothing but graphics and images if you want.

您使用YAPB的方式是为每个帖子上传一个图像,然后使用该帖子进行描述。 指定为YABP帖子的帖子会显示在您的主页上或您必须手动创建(或使用预制主题之一)的其他位置。 到位后,YABP是一个很棒的工具,可让您非常快速地添加大量图形和图像。 如果需要,您几乎可以将网站与图形和图像配对。

Further, there are a number of plugins that have been developed just for YABP. Examples include bulk uploaders, sidebar widgets, and exporters to name a few. It’s very robust, but takes a learned hand to make it functional unless you’re willing to start over.

此外,还有许多仅针对YABP开发的插件。 示例包括批量上传器,侧边栏小部件和导出器等。 它非常健壮,但是除非您愿意重新开始,否则需要熟练的手来使其发挥作用。

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共享/书签插件 (Share/Bookmark Plugins)

You got the portfolio, your site looks great, now it’s time to let the world share your glorious art. The easiest way for people to share is through social sharing. Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and others are common. These plugins make it easy for your website visitors to click and share.

您有了作品集,您的网站看起来很棒,现在是时候让全世界分享您的辉煌艺术了。 人们共享的最简单方法是通过社交共享。 Twitter,Facebook,Google +等是常见的。 这些插件使您的网站访问者可以轻松点击和共享。

Twitter Facebook社交分享 (Twitter Facebook Social Share)


If you just want the basics — Facebook likes, Google +1’s, Twitter, and StumbleUpon — then this is your best bet. It has all the basic features you need and can be customized if needed. Most people don’t need the dozens of social sharing options, so the four big sharing sites are just fine. You can put the social icons at the top, the bottom, both, or on the sides. It’s easy to use and fool-proof.

如果您只想了解基础知识,例如Facebook喜欢,Google + 1,Twitter和StumbleUpon,那么这是您最好的选择。 它具有您需要的所有基本功能,并且可以根据需要进行自定义。 大多数人不需要数十种社交共享选项,因此四个大型共享站点就可以了。 您可以将社交图标放在顶部,底部,两者或侧面。 易于使用且防呆。

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Shareaholic / Sexy书签 (Shareaholic/SexyBookmarks)


This plugin puts a tool at the bottom of a post (or other assignable location) where the icons look like they’re peeking out from behind a background. Prior to hovering over the buttons, only the top row is visible — and you can order which icons appear on the top row. In this example we put Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ at the top to make sure those brands get seen.

此插件将工具放在帖子底部(或其他可分配的位置)的底部,图标看起来像是从背景后面窥视的。 将鼠标悬停在按钮上之前,只有最上面的行可见-并且您可以命令哪些图标显示在最上面的行。 在此示例中,我们将Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn和Google+放在顶部,以确保这些品牌被看到。

You can select as many or as few as you want. The “Share the knowledge” graphic can be edited and the plugin has several versions to choose from as well.

您可以选择任意多个。 可以编辑“分享知识”图形,并且插件也有多个版本可供选择。

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分享这个 (ShareThis)


The ShareThis button has been around for awhile and it has one big advantage: it makes it easy for a user to publish your content across multiple sharing sites. You can tweak it to choose where you want it to appear, but for the most part it’s low profile until the user clicks or hovers over the ShareThis button.

ShareThis按钮已经存在了一段时间,它有一个很大的优势:它使用户可以轻松地在多个共享站点上发布您的内容。 您可以对其进行调整,以选择要显示的位置,但是在大多数情况下,它是低调的,直到用户单击或将鼠标悬停在ShareThis按钮上。

It’s probably the easiest plugin to install, too. Just search for ShareThis in the plugins menu and install. Nothing else is needed.

它也可能是最容易安装的插件。 只需在插件菜单中搜索ShareThis并安装。 不需要什么了。

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无插件版本(高级) (No Plugin Version (Advanced))


Want a way to hard-code social media links into a certain section of your site, whether that’s at the end of a post, in your navigation bar, or in a widget? The folks over at WorpdPressAPI put together an elegant method of loading social media icons and links with a simple walk-through of how to install. The advantage is that this method is “lighter” in terms of page load and server load and you can tweak it directly.

想要一种将社交媒体链接硬编码到您网站的特定部分的方法,无论是在帖子的结尾,在导航栏中还是在小部件中? WorpdPressAPI上的人们使用一种简单的安装方法演练了一种优雅的加载社交媒体图标和链接的方法。 优点是,此方法在页面加载和服务器负载方面“更轻”,您可以直接对其进行调整。



社交媒体插件 (Social Media Plugins)

Every designer should take advantage of building long-term relationships, and social media like Twitter and Facebook allow you to create the potential for daily contact with customers, fans, and friends. These plugins make it easy to quickly add social media links to your WordPress site.

每个设计师都应利用建立长期关系的优势,Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体可让您创造与客户,粉丝和朋友进行日常联系的潜力。 这些插件使您可以轻松快速地将社交媒体链接添加到您的WordPress网站。

社交媒体小工具 (Social Media Widget)


If you have dozens of social media pages like a Facebook Fan Page, Google+ Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc — this plugin puts your link to each of these social media pages in your sidebar. This plugin has several social media icon packs to choose from and several sizes: 16px, 32px (default), and 64px. Oh yeah, and you can add custom icon packs, too!

如果您有数十个社交媒体页面(例如Facebook粉丝页面,Google +页面,Twitter,LinkedIn等),则此插件会将您的链接放置在侧边栏中。 该插件有多个社交媒体图标包可供选择,并具有多种尺寸:16px,32px(默认)和64px。 哦,是的,您也可以添加自定义图标包!

Just install, go to your Appearance -> Widgets and drag it into the widget-enabled area of your choosing. Then you have to paste each link from your social media sites into the available fields. It’s easy to use and you can even add custom sites!

只需安装,请转到外观->小部件,然后将其拖到您选择的启用小部件的区域中。 然后,您必须将社交媒体网站中的每个链接粘贴到可用字段中。 它易于使用,甚至可以添加自定义网站!

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跟我来插件 (Follow Me Plugin)


This cool little plugin adds a small pop-out along the left or right side of your site. If the user clicks it, a window opens and they can click on one of dozens of social media sites on which they can follow you. You can configure one or dozens.

这个很棒的小插件会在您网站的左侧或右侧添加一个弹出窗口。 如果用户单击它,则将打开一个窗口,他们可以单击可以跟随您的数十个社交媒体网站之一。 您可以配置一个或多个。

After installation, go to the Settings -> Follow Me Options screen to add sites. You can configure where the tab shows up on the page — left or right — as well as a few other tweaks. It’s a straightforward way to keep your site uncluttered.

安装后,转到设置->跟随我的选项屏幕以添加站点。 您可以配置选项卡在页面上的显示位置(向左或向右)以及其他一些调整。 这是使您的网站整洁的直接方法。

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What else should every designer have? Any critical plugins missing for showing off your work and sharing it with the rest of the world?

每个设计师还应该拥有什么? 是否缺少炫耀您的作品并与世界其他地方分享的重要插件?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-plugins-for-graphic-designers-and-photographers/


AlexKing的插件,sofish本地化的一个插件,这并不是汉化,而是中文化(本土化),原因是国内使用DIGG等国外社会化标签网太少了。这个插件也受到了很多中文用户的欢迎,其功能是可以分享你的文章到多个国内主流的网络书签站,让更多的中文用户看到你的文章。 在进行中文化的过程中,主要是把去掉了国外不常用的网络书签,加上了国内主流的网络书签、社区、微博客分享等,分别包括:Del.icio.us(美味书签)、我挖网(DigBuzz)、QQ书签、收客网(Shouker)、百度搜藏、趣摘网、Google书签、Technorati、Diglog、饭否、 365key、FaceBook、POCO网摘、Windows Live、新浪vivi和雅虎书签。新增的都是中文用户比较经常接触的。 中文化的目的有两个: 可以方便用户对文章进行收藏和分享,并且提高页面的收录; 这个插件并不点位置,但功能不比其他插件差。 Share this安装使用: 下载Share this插件,将文件解压缩,上传到/wp-content/plugins/目录。 在后台启用这个插件,一切OK!享受这个插件给你带来的乐趣吧! 按照成功后,在前台页面你可以看到如右图的图标, 点击后图标,进入相关页面,如下图(点击浏览全图): 安装成功后它是自动显示的,如果你选择了不自动显示,那么你需要添加下面的代码来调用这个插件: 在插件面打开: <?php if (function_exists(akst_share_form)) {akst_share_link();} ?> 在原页面打开: <?php if (function_exists(akst_share_link)) {akst_share_link();} ?> 注: 如果按说明设置后效果仍未显示,只是因为JS未完全加载! 这就导致致了很多人在一个页面可以显示效果,另外一个页面不可以的情况。




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