
If you’ve read some of my previous posts, I’ve reviewed the Divi WordPress theme by Elegant Themes. The makers of Divi have created a newer theme, centred more around bloggers and websites that publish a wide variety of articles and content types.

如果您已经阅读了我以前的一些文章,我已经查看了 Elegant Themes 的Divi WordPress主题。 Divi的创建者创建了一个新的主题,更多地围绕发布各种文章和内容类型的博客和网站为中心。

That theme is called Extra, and it has some pretty amazing and unique features. Let’s take a look at Extra, and some of the things you can do with that make it stand out.

该主题称为Extra,它具有一些非常惊人的独特功能。 让我们看一下Extra,您可以通过使用其中的一些功能使其脱颖而出。

Extra包含所有Divi模块 (Extra Contains All Divi Modules)

If you’ve gotten used to creating your sites with Divi, then you’ll be pleased to know that all of the modules you’ve grown accustomed to are included with Extra.


You can still use the drag and drop page builder, with all of the layout modules you’ve seen in Divi. You can create nearly any layout, and customize it to your liking.

您仍然可以使用拖放页面构建器以及在Divi中看到的所有布局模块。 您可以创建几乎任何布局,并根据自己的喜好对其进行自定义。

You’ll still have all of the options that come with each module, such as font choices, color choices, formatting, and the ability to add custom CSS to each module.


哪里特别突出 (Where Extra Stands Out)

版面 (Layouts)

Extra gives you the ability to create custom layouts for your blog page, with the Category Builder.


Go down to the Divi menu in the admin section of WordPress, and one of the submenus will be called the category builder. This is where you will be able to construct your own blog pages. However, this doesn’t have to be confined to a blog page.

转到WordPress管理部分中的Divi菜单,其中一个子菜单将称​​为类别构建器。 在这里,您将能够构建自己的博客页面。 但是,这不必局限于博客页面。

You could also create archive pages, or category breakdowns for highly refined and optimized content. This capability opens the doors for some unique layouts based on the type of content you want to show, as well as what you really want to emphasize.

您也可以创建存档页面,或为高度精炼和优化的内容分类分类。 此功能根据您要显示的内容类型以及您真正要强调的内容为某些独特的布局打开了大门。

定制模块 (Custom Modules)

custom modules

Extra has some custom modules to help you build any type of layout you desire. You have the ability to format these specific modules to give you a great degree of flexibility when building your pages. Let’s explore a few of the category-specific modules. What really sets Extra apart is your ability to customize the look of every element. You can customize:

Extra具有一些自定义模块,可帮助您构建所需的任何类型的布局。 您可以格式化这些特定的模块,从而在构建页面时具有极大的灵活性。 让我们探索一些特定于类别的模块。 真正与众不同的是,您可以自定义每个元素的外观。 您可以自定义:

  • The number of posts.

  • Whether things like dates, comments and meta information show.

  • You can choose to show only featured posts.

  • You can choose the sort order of posts.

  • Customize the colors of backgrounds, text, meta, and the read more button.

  • You can choose to show only certain categories in that section.


博客Feed石工 (Blog Feed Masonry)


You can create a masonry style blog feed, which is structured a lot like how Pinterest functions. This is a great option for a lot of blogs, because the content and the excerpts are not always uniform.

您可以创建一个砌体风格的博客供稿,其结构非常类似于Pinterest功能。 对于许多博客来说,这是一个不错的选择,因为内容和摘录并不总是一致的。

A masonry layout looks just as it sounds. All of the posts fit together in a way similar to bricks or stones do.

砌体布局看起来像听起来一样。 所有的柱子都以类似于砖或石头的方式装配在一起。

博客供稿标准 (Blog Feed Standard)

blog feed standard

This format enables you to create a traditional blog feed, where you have a featured image and the excerpt next to it. You can still customize it so that no excerpt shows, and you can control what information shows and doesn’t show, like ratings, meta information, etc.

通过这种格式,您可以创建传统的博客供稿,在该供稿中具有特色图片和摘录。 您仍然可以对其进行自定义,以便不显示任何摘录,还可以控制显示和不显示的信息,例如评分,元信息等。


If you want to mix things up a bit, or you’ll like to emphasize some of your best content, you can create a featured posts slider. When you create a post, you can choose to make it a featured post. If so, it will show up where you specify to display featured posts. You can limit the number of posts.

如果您想混合一些东西,或者想强调一些最佳内容,则可以创建一个特色文章滑块。 创建帖子时,可以选择使其成为特色帖子。 如果是这样,它将显示在您指定显示特色帖子的位置。 您可以限制帖子的数量。

The great thing about this is that you aren’t limited to just featured posts. If you just want the most recent posts from a specific category to show, you can do that, too. Other options include the ability to limit title characters, and you can have the slider autoplay.

很棒的是,您不仅限于精选文章。 如果您只想显示特定类别的最新帖子,也可以这样做。 其他选项包括限制标题字符的功能,并且可以使滑块自动播放。

帖子 (Posts)


If you just want your articles to show as regular posts, you can do that with this module. One thing that you can do with this module is control the post title format. You can have it display titles, category names and sub titles.

如果您只是想将文章显示为常规文章,则可以使用此模块来完成。 您可以使用此模块做的一件事是控制帖子标题格式。 您可以显示标题,类别名称和子标题。

posts carousel

If you have a compact space with limited real estate, you can use the posts carousel to display them in a rotating row. This is a great way to have your best posts cycle through which will pique curiosity with some visitors.

如果您的空间狭小且不动产有限,则可以使用旋转木马轮播来显示它们。 这是保持最佳帖子周期的一种好方法,通过它可以激起一些访问者的好奇心。

标签式帖子 (Tabbed Posts)

tabbed posts

Tabbed posts are by far one of my favorite features. If you have a couple of main categories that you want to display in a compact section, the tabbed posts module is perfect for that.

到目前为止,选项卡式帖子是我最喜欢的功能之一。 如果要在紧凑的部分中显示几个主要类别,则选项卡式帖子模块非常适合。

You can add multiple tabs, and you can control which categories of your site display on each tab. You can also control whether or not they are featured.

您可以添加多个选项卡,并且可以控制在每个选项卡上显示网站的类别。 您还可以控制它们是否具有特色。

广告 (Ads)

This is where a lot of other magazine WordPress themes fall short. It’s tough to get readers to engage with ads, because they know where to expect them. Most themes only enable you to place them in the sidebar, or you have to embed them in the middle of an article, which is and eyesore, just to make a few bucks.

这是许多其他杂志WordPress主题不足的地方。 要让读者参与广告是很困难的,因为他们知道在哪里期望广告。 大多数主题只能使您将它们放在侧边栏中,或者必须将它们嵌入到文章的中间,这很让人眼花,乱,只是赚了几美元。

However, Extra enables you to place ads on a page wherever you like. This makes for a much better presentation, and they are much more likely to be viewed and clicked on if visitors aren’t expecting them. It’s easier to block out an ad in your mind if you know where to expect it.

但是,借助Extra,您可以将广告放置在您喜欢的页面上。 这样可以使演示效果更好,并且如果访问者不期望看到它们,则更有可能被查看和点击。 如果您知道在哪里期望广告,就更容易在您的脑海中屏蔽广告。

等级 (Ratings)

If you want to engage further with your visitors, and you want some feedback on the content that they actually want to see, Extra has a ratings feature that allows visitors to leave a rating for your content. This is great because it allows you to focus more on what visitors want to see and read, and less on what they don’t.

如果您想与访问者进一步互动,并且希望获得他们实际希望看到的内容的反馈,则Extra具有评级功能,访问者可以对您的内容进行评级。 这很棒,因为它使您可以将更多的精力集中在访问者想要看到和阅读的内容上,而不必关注他们不需要的内容。

超级菜单 (Mega Menus)

If you’re running an online magazine, you can enable Extra’s special mega menu styles to create a special experience for your visitors. This includes adding featured images to posts in the mega menu, which is proven to increase engagement.

如果您正在运行在线杂志,则可以启用Extra的特殊巨型菜单样式来为访问者创造特殊的体验。 这包括在大型菜单的帖子中添加特色图片,事实证明这可以增加参与度。

自定义小部件 (Custom Widgets)

Besides having custom post formats and a few other bells and whistles, Extra also comes packed with custom widgets, to give your site a consistent look, with a lot of extra functionality.


追随者计数 (Follower Counts)

Nothing builds authority like social proof. When people visit your site and see that you have thousands of followers, it makes them want to follow you too, so they aren’t left in the dark.

没有什么能像社会证明那样建立权威。 当人们访问您的网站并看到您有成千上万的关注者时,这也使他们也希望关注您,因此他们不会被蒙在鼓里。

作者小部件 (Authors Widget)

If your site has more than one author, this widget will put them on display. This is great because readers who like the work of certain authors can find more articles written by them. This will increase your pageviews, especially if you have good content.

如果您的站点有多个作者,则此小部件将把它们显示出来。 这很棒,因为喜欢某些作者的作品的读者可以找到他们撰写的更多文章。 这将增加您的综合浏览量,尤其是如果您拥有良好的内容。

Twitter的饲料 (Twitter Feed)

Social interaction is key for any website’s success. Having a Twitter feed that updates on your website is a great way to entice visitors to follow you, especially if your account is really active.

社交互动是任何网站成功的关键。 拥有一个在您的网站上更新的Twitter feed是吸引访问者关注您的好方法,尤其是在您的帐户确实处于活动状态时。

最近的帖子 (Recent Posts)

Having a sidebar widget that displays your most recent posts is a great way to show visitors your latest content, without expecting them to click on your blog page. Many visitors will come directly from searching on Google, so they end up landing directly on a post. This makes it easy for them to spot your latest content and entice them to take a look.

拥有一个显示您最新帖子的侧边栏小部件,是一种向访问者显示您最新内容的好方法,而不必期望他们单击​​您的博客页面。 许多访问者直接来自Google搜索,因此最终直接进入了帖子。 这使他们很容易发现您的最新内容并吸引他们进行浏览。

最近的评论 (Recent Reviews)

If your site has a lot of active reviews on your posts or products, it’s a great way to get the attention of new visitors. When they see a lot of people chiming in on your posts or products, they are likely to want to see what others have to say. This is especially true for products. If they are thinking of making a similar purchase they can learn from others’ experiences.

如果您的网站对您的帖子或产品有很多活跃的评论,那么这是吸引新访客的好方法。 当他们看到很多人喜欢您的帖子或产品时,他们很可能想看看别人怎么说。 对于产品尤其如此。 如果他们正在考虑进行类似的购买,则可以从他人的经验中学到东西。

最近的影片 (Recent Videos)

Visitors love video content. If you have video content, like a podcast or training videos, it’s a great way to displays those in a way that gets noticed. They’ll display nicely in the sidebar.

访客喜欢视频内容。 如果您有视频内容(例如播客或培训视频),那么这是一种以引起关注的方式显示视频内容的好方法。 它们将在边栏中很好地显示。

结论 (Conclusion)

Extra is a powerful WordPress theme that has a lot of unique features. On top of being able to use a drag and drop modular system to build your website, you can also customize the blog section, creating a truly unique experience for your visitors.

Extra是一个功能强大的WordPress主题,具有许多独特功能。 除了可以使用拖放式模块化系统来构建网站之外,您还可以自定义博客部分,为访问者创造真正独特的体验。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/review-extra-wordpress-magazine-theme/





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