

When building a community, one of the biggest questions you’ll need to answer is this: do you need help to run it? Many times it’s a very stressful decision because you’ll need to give your moderators just enough power to make or break your community. To help you out, here I’ve answered nine questions that you’re likely to face as you hire and manage moderators. I realize that there are hundreds of forum software packages, so some questions may be more relevant to your particular situation than others. Ok, let’s get started!

建立社区时,您需要回答的最大问题之一是:您需要帮助来运行它吗? 很多时候,这是一个非常压力很大的决定,因为您需要给主持人足够的权力来建立或破坏社区。 为了帮助您,在这里,我已经回答了您雇用和管理主持人时可能会遇到的九个问题。 我意识到有数百个论坛软件包,因此某些问题可能比其他问题与您的具体情况更相关。 好的,让我们开始吧!

为什么需要主持人? (Why do you need moderators? )

To control your community You can have the best-looking forum, using the latest technologies, and still easily fail. Why? Because when potential members look at your site, they’ll seriously evaluate your current members. If you let members trash the forum and act like delinquents, no one will want to sign up in the future. Moderators are the support beams to your forum. They should have the power to honestly enforce your rules when you aren’t around.

控制您的社区您可以使用最先进的技术来建立外观最好的论坛,但仍然很容易失败。 为什么? 因为当潜在成员浏览您的网站时,他们会认真评估您当前的成员。 如果您让成员破坏论坛并以违法者的身份行事,那么将来没人会希望注册。 主持人是您论坛的支持梁。 当您不在时,他们应该有权诚实地执行您的规则。

To clean your community Moderators can edit out obscene content posted by forum delinquents, and move off-topic posts into a more appropriate forum. Depending on what forum software you use, there will be a range of other clean-up duties you can assign them.

为了清理您的社区,主持人可以编辑出犯罪者发布的淫秽内容,并将话题外的帖子移到更合适的论坛中。 根据您使用的论坛软件,您可以分配其他一系列清理任务。

To create the impression of a stable community No one wants to move into a high crime neighbourhood in real life — so why would Web users be any different? By having moderators, you show the visitor that you care enough about your forum to enlist help.

营造一个稳定社区的印象没有人愿意在现实生活中搬入犯罪率高的社区-那么,为什么网络用户会与众不同? 通过主持人,您可以向访问者表明您对论坛足够在意,可以寻求帮助。

The visitor will see that not only are you committed to looking after the forum, but also to looking after your moderators, and this will create the impression that the community is growing and stable.


To get big posters A funny thing usually happens when a member is promoted: they post more! If you don’t trust me, visit any successful forum and view its members. You’ll see the moderators are listed within the top 30 members (at least), and it’s no coincidence. They feel proud and want to show off their new title around the forums, so they’ll post more to get the extra recognition. They’ll also feel the weight of their obligation, which will demand their presence at the forum, and will ultimately increase their posting frequency.

获得大型海报在提升成员时通常会发生一件有趣的事情:他们张贴更多! 如果您不信任我,请访问任何成功的论坛并查看其成员。 您会看到主持人(至少)列在前30名成员中,这并非巧合。 他们感到自豪,并希望在论坛上炫耀自己的新头衔,因此他们将发表更多文章以赢得更多关注。 他们还将感到自己承担的责任很重,这将要求他们出席论坛,并最终增加他们的发布频率。

主持人的理想特征是什么? (What are the ideal traits in a moderator? )



I’ll admit, maturity is hard to define, and sometimes, to even recognize. Usually maturity is closely related with age, however I’ve met some crazy old guys and some extremely level-headed teenagers, so age can’t be used as your key criteria. One thing you can do to identify a mature member is to closely evaluate how they react when faced with different forum situations. Do they get angry easily? Are their answers usually unbiased? Are they considerate of others’ ideas and opinions? If you answered yes to those questions, then you might have found a mature member who’d make a good moderator.

我承认,很难定义成熟度,有时甚至很难识别。 通常,成熟度与年龄密切相关,但是我遇到了一些疯狂的老人和一些头脑平平的青少年,因此年龄不能用作您的关键标准。 识别成熟成员的一件事是密切评估他们在面对不同论坛情况时的React。 他们容易生气吗? 他们的答案通常是公正的吗? 他们是否考虑别人的想法和意见? 如果您对这些问题的回答是“是”,那么您可能已经找到了一位可以成为出色主持人的成熟成员。



To me, this criteria is flexible. Depending on what you want your moderators to do, their knowledge in the subject of your site may not be necessary. However, if you have a few good candidates to choose from, this criteria should be more heavily weighted than some others. If you have a moderator that knows a thing or two about your forum topic, then your members will follow and respect that moderator — and only good things can come from that. It will also save you time in disputes, as the moderator can argue effectively if their command is challenged, referring heavily to the forum topic, and leveraging their own knowledge.

对我来说,这个标准是灵活的。 根据您希望主持人执行的操作,可能不需要他们对您网站的知识。 但是,如果您有几个不错的候选人可供选择,则该标准的权重应高于其他一些标准。 如果您的主持人知道有关您的论坛主题的一两件事,那么您的成员将跟随并尊重该主持人-只有好的事情可以从中得到。 这也将为您节省争执的时间,因为主持人可以有效地辩论他们的命令,如果他们的命令受到挑战,可以大量引用论坛主题并利用自己的知识。

A frequent visitor


It’s very important that the member already visits your forum, and establishes this as a habit. Depending on how active your forum is, you’ll want someone who will be there to perform their duties frequently. After all, what is the use of having a moderator if they only visit once a week? Depending on the member and the demand in your forums for a moderator, you might start off with a more than fair requirement that your moderators visit the site 4-5 days a week. In my experience, this seems to please the member, who will, in time, actually end up visiting the forums every day.

成员已经访问您的论坛并将其养成习惯是非常重要的。 根据您论坛的活跃程度,您希望有人在那里经常执行任务。 毕竟,如果主持人每周只拜访一次,那么有什么用呢? 根据成员和论坛中对主持人的需求,您可能会提出一个更为公平的要求,即主持人每周4-5天访问该网站。 以我的经验,这似乎使该成员感到满意,该成员实际上将最终每天都访问这些论坛。

Willingness to help others


For your forum to grow, you need leaders who are willing to go the extra mile to help another member out. One way you can determine how helpful a potential moderator is, is to check their new-topic-to-reply ratio. If the member replies more often than they start a new thread, then that member probably prefers to solve other people’s problems rather than create their own questions. This willingness to respond to others can have a great effect on your members: in short, they’ll respect your moderator. On the other hand, if your moderator posts new questions more frequently than they answer the queries of others, he or she might be seen as not knowing the forum topic, and therefore, not able or qualified to lead.

为了使论坛发展壮大,您需要愿意付出更多努力来帮助其他成员的领导者。 确定潜在主持人有多有用的一种方法是检查其新主题与答复的比率。 如果成员回答的频率超过了他们开始新线程的频率,则该成员可能更愿意解决其他人的问题,而不是提出自己的问题。 这种回应他人的意愿会对您的成员产生重大影响:总而言之,他们会尊重您的主持人。 另一方面,如果主持人发布新问题的频率高于回答其他人的疑问的速度,则他或她可能会被视为不了解论坛主题,因此无能力或无资格领导。

您什么时候应该招聘主持人? (When should you recruit a moderator?)

If your forum is subject to frequent spamming, or attracts immature visitors Don’t ignore it — it won’t go away, and don’t think you can handle it all yourself. You’ll soon see that people who post inappropriate topics or ads won’t stop until they’re challenged. And if they see that you’re understaffed, they’ll take advantage of it.

如果您的论坛经常遭受垃圾邮件攻击或吸引了不成熟的访问者,请不要忽略它-它不会消失,也不要认为您可以自己解决所有问题。 您很快就会看到发布不适当主题或广告的人直到受到挑战后才会停止。 如果他们发现您的人手不足,他们会利用它。

If your forum receives too many posts for you to read yourself Again, don’t fool yourself with this. When you start to feel overwhelmed by the number of posts that need reviewing, seek help. If you choose not to, then your guidelines will be broken without consequence, and you’ll start to wonder why the forum is dying. It’s also a great feeling to go on vacation and know that the forum will be well looked after while you’re away.

如果您的论坛收到太多帖子,以致您无法再次阅读 ,请不要自欺欺人。 当您对需要审查的帖子数量感到不知所措时,请寻求帮助。 如果您选择不这样做,那么您的指导方针将毫无后果地被打破,您将开始怀疑论坛为什么要死了。 度假也很高兴,而且您知道该论坛在您离开后将得到很好的照顾。

When you feel you need a team to help you take your community to the next level Ok, let’s say you’re doing fine with all the criteria above, but your forum isn’t growing, and it’s starting to get stale. This would be a great opportunity to make changes in the forum. Your members will enjoy the change, as it shows that you’re still looking ahead, and that the forum has a future. Recruiting a moderator is a good chance to get advice from someone who’s on the "outside". The moderator can supply some fresh ideas to make your forum more exciting and worthwhile for users.

当您觉得需要一个团队来帮助您将社区提升到一个新的水平时,好的,可以说您在上述所有条件下都做得不错,但是您的论坛并没有增长,而且已经开始变得陈旧。 这将是在论坛中进行更改的绝佳机会。 您的成员将享受到这一变化,因为它表明您仍在展望未来,并且该论坛还有未来。 招聘主持人是一个很好的机会,可以从外部的人那里获得建议。 主持人可以提供一些新鲜的想法,以使您的论坛更加激动人心并且对用户有价值。

如何招募合适的主持人? (How can you recruit the right moderator? )

Research the potential recruit as much as possible The best thing you can do is to find out everything you can about this person. Play the investigator: view their past topics to see how they handled adversity. Check out their profile and see what information they’ve included in their bio, what their favorite links are, and any other information that will give you an insight into who they really are.

尽可能研究潜在的新兵 。最好的办法是找出有关此人的一切。 扮演调查员:查看他们过去的主题,以了解他们如何应对逆境。 查看他们的个人资料,查看他们的个人资料中包含哪些信息,他们最喜欢的链接是什么,以及任何其他信息,它们可以使您深入了解他们的真实身份。

Make sure you have a decent online friendship It is a good idea to have a relationship with the potential moderator before you promote them. If you don’t already know them, set aside a week to really get to know the member. You may just see a side of the member you don’t want showing up in your forum. Having a friendship before you promote them also opens up a lot of communication channels. Otherwise your conversations with the member could seem awkward and almost forceful, or — even worse — you could experience long periods with no communication at all.

确保您拥有良好的在线友谊在提拔潜在主持人之前,与他们保持良好关系是个好主意。 如果您还不认识他们,那么请花一个星期来真正了解他们。 您可能只是不想在论坛中出现该成员的一面。 在提拔他们之前建立友谊也打开了很多交流渠道。 否则,您与成员的对话可能看起来很尴尬且几乎是有力的,或者甚至更糟的是,您可能会经历很长一段时间,甚至根本没有交流。

Read the recruit’s posts and see how he or she handles different situations We’ve discussed this breifly already, but it really is important to see how your potential recruit reacts to hostile situations. Otherwise, you could blindly recruit a moderator and wind up praying they’ll handle confrontations maturely. Also, make sure they’re polite, and that they welcome new members, as this shows that they care, and are willing to go the extra mile — even if they have nothing to gain themselves.

阅读新兵的帖子,看看他或她如何处理不同的情况我们已经简短地讨论了这一点,但是了解潜在的新兵如何对付敌对局势确实很重要。 否则,您可以盲目招募主持人并结束祈祷,以使他们能够成熟地应对对抗。 另外,请确保他们有礼貌,并欢迎新成员,因为这表明他们很在意,并愿意加倍努力-即使他们无所作为。

Ask other members what they think of the possible recruit Indirectly figure out a way to see what others think of the member. View past topics to see if other members follow the recruit and respect him or her. If the other members don’t get along with your recruit, then trouble is ahead.

询问其他成员他们对可能招募者的看法间接地找到一种方法,以了解其他人对该成员的看法。 查看过去的主题,看看其他成员是否跟随新兵并尊重他或她。 如果其他成员与您的应聘者不相处,那就麻烦了。

Email the member, ask if they’d like to be a moderator, and analyze their reply When you’ve gone through the above criteria, it’s time to ask the member what they think about becoming an official leader in your forum. This could actually be a make or break criteria: many times I’ve received a reply with little evidence of care or interest. Phrases like "I’ll give it a shot", "I’ll try", and "If you want me to" are a dead giveaway that this is not the right person for the job. A winning member should show that they are honored, and would really like to help out the forum. Try your best to determine the tone in the message.

给该成员发送电子邮件,询问他们是否愿意担任主持人,并分析他们的回复当您满足上述条件时,是时候询问该成员他们对成为论坛的正式领导者的想法了。 这实际上可能是一个成败标准:很多次我收到的回复都很少有人关心或感兴趣。 诸如“我会给我一个机会”,“我会尝试”和“如果你想让我这样做”这样的短语是个绝招,表明这不是该职位的合适人选。 获胜的成员应表明他们感到荣幸,并真的想为论坛提供帮助。 尽力确定消息中的提示音。

您如何控制主持人? (How can you control your moderators?)

Set up a "Moderators’ FAQ" or "Rules" page This tip will save you lots of time answering the questions your new moderators will inevitably ask. Even if you think your set up is user-friendly, a new moderator will always ask how to edit a message, etc. You need to also create some kind of rules or guidelines page so that your moderators can learn, understand, and practice your theory of forum management. In reality, this means that they’ll know when to complete small tasks like deleting, editing, and moving topics. Otherwise you’ll let the moderators effectively come up with their own methods, which will create problems in the future.

设置“主持人的常见问题”或“规则”页面此技巧将为您节省大量时间回答新主持人不可避免地要提出的问题。 即使您认为自己的设置对用户友好,新的主持人也会始终询问如何编辑邮件等。您还需要创建某种规则或准则页面,以便主持人可以学习,理解和练习自己的信息。论坛管理理论。 实际上,这意味着他们将知道何时完成诸如删除,编辑和移动主题之类的小任务。 否则,您将让主持人有效地提出自己的方法,这将在将来造成问题。

Email them your expectations Once you have elected your new moderator, email them a personal welcome letter. Show the moderator a little of your forum management theory and clearly state what you expect from him or her. Make sure it’s a casual and fun letter — you don’t want to scare the new moderator away. If you have chat events or a private forum, tell the moderator how they can access these features.

通过电子邮件将您的期望发送给他们当您选出新主持人后,通过电子邮件向他们发送一封个人欢迎信。 向主持人展示您的论坛管理理论,并清楚陈述您对他或她的期望。 确保这是一封轻松有趣的信-您不想吓to新主持人。 如果您有聊天事件或私人论坛,请告诉主持人他们如何使用这些功能。

Keep in constant contact with the new moderator Make sure you’re around to answer all the moderator’s questions — trust me, it’s worth the hassle in the long run. Soon they will have everything figured out, and you can leave them to their duties. For the first week or so, make sure you closely evaluate how they handle their new responsibilities. Don’t assume for a second that they won’t abuse some power you’ve given them. If you think they should have done something differently in a situation, then coolly email them. Think of this as a training period: the more time you spend on the training period, the less time you’ll spend in the future.

不断与新版主保持联系确保您可以回答所有版主的问题-相信我,从长远来看,这是值得的麻烦。 很快他们就会搞清楚一切,您可以让他们去履行职责。 在大约第一周的时间里,请确保您仔细评估他们如何处理新职责。 不要再假设他们不会滥用您赋予他们的某些权力。 如果您认为他们在某种情况下应该做一些不同的事情,请给他们发电子邮件。 将此视为培训期:您花费在培训期上的时间越多,将来花费的时间就越少。

Create an exclusive means to communicate with your moderators One popular way to accomplish this, is through a private forum. I personally like this method, as long as the forum is hidden from other members: otherwise regular members feel they’re left out. Creating a private forum is a great way to communicate your experiences to your moderators. They can post questions, ideas, problems and so on. It’s also a good way to discuss future plans, and by doing this, your moderators will feel more involved with the site and its future.

创建与主持人进行交流的专有方式实现此目标的一种流行方法是通过私人论坛。 只要论坛对其他成员隐藏,我个人喜欢这种方法:否则,普通成员感到自己被排除在外了。 创建私人论坛是与主持人交流经验的好方法。 他们可以发布问题,想法,问题等等。 这也是讨论未来计划的好方法,通过这样做,您的主持人会感觉与站点及其未来更加紧密地联系在一起。

如何使主持人感觉良好? (How can you make your moderators feel good?)

Email them once a month, and let them know how much you appreciate their helping out Remember that these moderators are volunteers; they give up their free time to help you out. When you find your true moderators, you must try everything in your power to make them happy and keep their interest in the site alive. Moderators will continue if they know their duties and presence on the site is appreciated and wanted. Send them a nice email once in a while, asking how they are and telling them how much you appreciate what they’re doing.

每月给他们发送电子邮件一次,让他们知道您对他们的帮助有多大的帮助 。 他们放弃空闲时间来帮助您。 当您找到真正的主持人时,必须尽一切努力使他们高兴并保持对网站的兴趣。 如果主持人知道他们的职责和在网站上的存在受到赞赏和希望,他们将继续。 偶尔向他们发送一封精美的电子邮件,询问他们的情况,并告诉他们您对他们的工作表示赞赏。

When you first recruit a new moderator, create a new topic to welcome them Have you ever been to a party where you don’t know anyone, and it looks like you’ll end up standing by the punch bowl all night feeling uncomfortable? But then someone out of the blue says ‘Hi’, and you feel a little better. Often new moderators feel unconfortable when they first begin — and even if they have been around the forum for a while, welcoming them through a dedicated thread is a really nice gesture, and a great way for you and other members to boost the morale of the new moderator. Simply introduce them, and express how happy you are to have them aboard.

当您第一次招募新的主持人时,创建一个新的主题来欢迎他们,您是否曾经参加过一个不认识任何人的聚会,看起来您最终会整夜站在打Kong碗旁感到不舒服吗? 但是后来有人突然说“嗨”,你会感觉好一些。 新版主持人刚开始时通常会感到无比自豪-即使他们已经在论坛上呆了一段时间,通过专门的话题欢迎他们也确实是一个很好的姿态,也是您和其他成员提高士气的一种好方法。新版主。 简单介绍一下它们,并表达您将它们带入您的满意程度。

If you have a ranking system, make sure the moderator stands out For instance, allocate them a different badge or star color. It makes them feel important, and helps members recognize your moderators. This means members can more easily message the moderators with questions and comments, as well.

如果您有排名系统,请确保主持人脱颖而出 。例如,为他们分配其他徽章或星形。 它使他们感到很重要,并帮助成员认识您的主持人。 这意味着成员还可以更轻松地向主持人发送问题和评论。

Find another word for moderator Depending on your forum subject, you can get really creative about what you call your forum helpers. Over time the name "moderator" has gotten a little twisted, and has started to imply negative connotations. To provide some fun and excitement in your forum, find a neat word to call your moderators — they’ll appreciate it. Here are a few I’ve come up with:

为主持人找一个新词根据论坛主题的不同,您可以真正称呼论坛助手。 随着时间的流逝,“主持人”这个名称有些扭曲,并开始暗示负面含义。 要在您的论坛中提供一些乐趣和刺激,请找到一个简洁的词来称呼您的主持人-他们将不胜感激。 以下是我提出的一些建议:

  • Guide

  • Leader

  • Official

  • Governor

  • Expert

  • Advisor

  • Mentor

  • Helper

  • Staff

  • Officer

  • Sensei

如何保留主持人? (How can you keep your moderators?)

Keep the forums moving forward Continue to add features and promote the forum. No one wants to moderate a dead or stagnant forum. My personal goal in my own forum is to introduce a new feature every week, whether it’s a chat event or a new forum feature. Moderators will recognize that this site is a pretty happening place, and thay’ll want to continue to help out. They’ll stick around only as long as the site continues to grow and prosper.

保持论坛向前发展继续添加功能并推广论坛。 没有人愿意主持一个死气沉沉或停滞不前的论坛。 我在自己的论坛中的个人目标是每周介绍一个新功能,无论是聊天事件还是新的论坛功能。 主持人将认识到该网站是一个正在发生的地方,并且他们希望继续提供帮助。 只要网站继续发展和繁荣,它们就会留下来。

Backup your mentors in disputes If there’s a dispute between a member and a moderator, side slightly with the moderator. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, but try to follow it as much as possible. You and your moderators are a team, and you need to show your leadership. Sometimes being a moderator can be stressful, and they can take a lot of flack, but if you back them up, they’ll feel better. If they did something wrong, such as deleting a topic incorrectly, calmly show them their error and how to better moderate in the future.

备份有争议的导师如果成员与主持人之间有争议,请稍稍与主持人站在一起。 当然,此规则总是有例外,但是请尽可能遵循它。 您和主持人是一个团队,您需要展现领导才能。 有时,担任主持人可能会感到压力很大,他们可能会冒很多麻烦,但是如果您备份他们,他们会感觉更好。 如果他们做错了什么,例如错误地删除了主题,请冷静地向他们显示他们的错误以及将来如何更好地缓解。

Keep your moderators informed They are part of the site and want to know what’s happening. If there is a secret new forum coming soon, tell them about it and ask what they think. Let them grow as leaders, and give their input on the site’s development. They will feel more important and a greater part of the site.

告知主持人他们是网站的一部分,想知道发生了什么事。 如果即将推出一个秘密的新论坛,请告诉他们并询问他们的想法。 让他们成长为领导者,并为网站的发展提供意见。 他们会觉得自己更重要,并且会在网站中占更大的比例。

您什么时候应该与主持人“闲聊”? (When should you have a "little talk" with your moderators?)

If they haven’t been visiting frequently This is quite possibly the most likely scenario in which you’ll need to have a chat with your moderator. If you realize that they haven’t been around in a week or so, casually email them to ask if everything is ok and remind them that you really need them to moderate a few times a week. If that doesn’t work, email them an ultimatum, and then regretfully inform them they are relieved of their duties. Don’t be shy about this: having tardy moderators not only gives you extra work and more stress, but your members will notice it too, and begin to wonder whether you’re a good admin.

如果他们不经常访问,这很可能是您最需要与主持人聊天的情况。 如果您意识到他们一周左右都没来过,请随便给他们发送电子邮件,询问一切是否正常,并提醒他们您确实需要他们每周进行几次缓和。 如果这不起作用,请给他们发送最后通email,然后遗憾地通知他们他们已解除职务。 不要对此害羞:具有慢速的主持人不仅会给您带来额外的工作和更多的压力,而且您的成员也会注意到这一点,并开始怀疑您是否是一名优秀的管理员。

If they let obscene content run through your community You need to stress that the moderators act according to your guidelines. If they let language fly without giving out warnings or editing the offending posts, then they are no better than those making the posts. They won’t earn any respect from other members, and they make your forum look bad. Again, email them or relieve them of their duties.

如果他们让淫秽内容贯穿您的社区,您需要强调版主应按照您的指南行事。 如果他们在不发出警告或不编辑有问题的帖子的情况下让语言飞扬,那么他们就比发布这些帖子的人更好。 他们不会赢得其他成员的任何尊重,而且会使您的论坛看起来糟透了。 再次,给他们发送电子邮件或减轻他们的职责。

If they display a lack of tolerance or show major biases Depending on your forum subject, many topics can get offensive in nature and very sensitive. For example, topics like religion are notorious for attracting fanatics who rant their opinions. If a moderator joins in, rants their own biased opinions, locks topics they don’t agree with, or edits posts because they don’t like them, then you have a problem. To be effective, your moderators should remain objective during heated discussions, and try to calm things down before they get themselves into a fight.

如果他们表现出缺乏宽容性或表现出重大偏见,则取决于您的论坛主题,许多主题在本质上可能会变得令人反感且非常敏感。 例如,诸如宗教之类的话题因吸引狂热分子而臭名昭著。 如果主持人加入,发表自己的偏见,锁定他们不同意的主题,或者因为不喜欢而编辑帖子,那么您就遇到了问题。 为有效起见,主持人在激烈的讨论中应保持客观,并在使自己陷入战斗之前设法让事情平静下来。

If they abuse their power Locking or editing topics that the moderator doesn’t agree with is a type of power abuse that’s more common than you’d think. You usually won’t notice because you can’t tell what they’ve edited or deleted unless a member comes out and complains. Again this can be controlled by solid rules and guidelines for your moderators and the rest of the members.

如果他们滥用权力锁定或编辑主持人不同意的主题是一种比您想象的更常见的权力滥用。 您通常不会注意到,因为除非有成员出来并抱怨,否则您无法告诉他们它们的编辑或删除内容。 同样,这可以通过针对主持人和其他成员的可靠规则和准则来控制。

Building a community takes a lot of work — I bet I opened up many eyes with this article, and hope this shows how dealing with moderators can turn you into a manager. Like all things though, it takes a lot of time, hard work, and dedication. To be successful you must trust your moderators and make them feel important. Keep them updated on the community’s status and talk to them. In the end, it’s all fun and games, so enjoy it! Good luck!

建立社区需要大量的工作-我敢打赌我在这篇文章中睁开了很多眼睛,并希望这表明与主持人打交道如何可以将您变成经理。 像所有事物一样,它需要大量时间,辛勤工作和奉献精神。 为了成功,您必须信任主持人并使他们感到重要。 让他们了解社区的状况并与他们交谈。 最后,它既有趣又有趣,请尽情享受吧! 祝好运!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/super-moderator-guide/


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