

Raise your hand if you hate free stuff.


Raise your hand if you hate making more money.


If your hands are still firmly planted on your keyboard or smartphone, continue reading, because I’m about to introduce you to 6 completely free WordPress plugins that will boost your WordPress site’s revenue.


“增加收入”是什么意思? (What Do I Mean by ‘Boost Revenue’?)

To answer that, let’s look at your website’s sales equation.


Traffic x Conversion Rate = Revenue


If you remember any of your high school algebra, you’ll see that an increase in either of these values:


  • Traffic

  • Conversion Rate


    … will directly increase revenue.


Well, it’s that simple. Each of these plugins boosts your revenue by increasing either your traffic or your conversion rate.

好吧,就是这么简单。 这些插件中的每一个都可以通过增加流量或转化率来增加收入。

1. SumoMe分享栏 (1. SumoMe Share Bar)

One of the best ways to increase your traffic is through social media. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn host hundreds of millions of users that can be channeled to your site.

增加流量的最好方法之一是通过社交媒体。 像Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Instagram和LinkedIn这样的网站托管着数以亿计的用户,可以将其引导到您的网站。

The most effective way to reach these users isn’t through direct promotion, but rather, through compelling your existing audience to promote your site for you on their own social profiles.


But how do you do that?


The first step is to create content people want to share. The second step is to make sharing that content ridiculously easy.

第一步是创建人们想要共享的内容。 第二步是使共享内容变得异常容易。

This is where SumoMe’s Share app comes into play. Unlike most share bars, this one hangs out at the bottom of your screen on mobile, giving readers the option to share at any moment.

这就是SumoMe的Share应用程序发挥作用的地方。 与大多数共享栏不同,此栏悬挂在移动设备屏幕的底部,使读者可以随时选择共享。

SumoMe Share

With the constant sharing option (and reminder) this plugin will give you an instant boost in mobile social shares, which means more traffic to your website.


2. Yoast的WordPress SEO (2. WordPress SEO by Yoast)

In addition to social platforms, organic search is an ideal channel for website traffic.


If you can rank well for the right search terms, Google will send you a continuous stream of free traffic. Unlike social content or paid advertising, organic search traffic tends to be relatively consistent, allowing you to yield long-term, aggregating returns on your investment.

如果您可以根据正确的搜索词进行排名,则Google会向您连续发送免费流量。 与社交内容或付费广告不同,自然搜索流量趋向于相对一致,从而使您可以长期,累计地获得投资回报。

While there are many keys to search engine optimization (SEO), the first step is optimizing your website itself. This includes steps like optimizing your meta descriptions and making your site easy for search bots to index.

尽管搜索引擎优化(SEO)有很多关键,但第一步是优化网站本身。 这包括优化您的元描述和使您的网站易于搜索机器人索引的步骤。

The WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast helps you do all of this and more, with a simple, easy-to-use interface that takes care of the more technical end for you.

YoastWordPress SEO插件通过一个简单易用的界面为您解决了更多技术问题,可帮助您完成所有这些以及更多工作。

WordPress SEO by Yoast

Simply install the plugin, input your page and post keywords/keyphrases and meta descriptions, and you’re pretty much good to go.


3. WP真正简单的健康 (3. WP Really Simple Health)

Hosting uptime is incredibly important to your business, and while there are some great WordPress hosting providers out there, you should always be monitoring your hosting performance to ensure adequate uptime.


The WP Really Simple Health plugin allows you to do just that. This very simple plugin tracks and displays server uptime, memory utilization, and CPU load.

WP Really Simple Health插件使您可以做到这一点。 这个非常简单的插件可以跟踪并显示服务器的正常运行时间,内存利用率和CPU负载。

WP Really Simple Health

Many hosting providers are able to promise 99.9% uptime by discounting scheduled maintenance in their ToS. This means your site could be down for 3 hours every week without you even knowing about it, provided you didn’t read the fine print.

许多托管服务提供商可以通过降低其ToS中的计划维护来保证99.9%的正常运行时间。 这意味着您的网站可能会每周中断3个小时,甚至您可能不知道它,但前提是您没有阅读详细说明。

By monitoring your uptime with this lightweight plugin, you can make sure you know exactly how your site is performing.


Please note that this plugin hasn’t been updated in a while, so keep that in mind when testing on your own site.


4. SumoMe ListBuilder (4. SumoMe ListBuilder)

Collecting emails is the best way to increase your site traffic and sell products or services.


There are a number of ways to build an email list, but one method that has consistently proven itself successful is opt-in popups.


While a popup might seem spammy or annoying, it forces users to make a decision. If they have enjoyed your content, their foot is already in the door, and they will be less likely to say no to an offer of more free content.

虽然弹出窗口看起来是垃圾邮件或令人讨厌,但它会迫使用户做出决定。 如果他们喜欢您的内容,那么他​​们的脚已经在门口,他们不太可能拒绝提供更多免费内容。

SumoMe’s ListBuilder app let’s you quickly and easily include an opt-in popup on your website.


SumoMe List Builder

While there are a wide variety of premium templates, the above example is completely free. You’ll see an instant increase in your subscription rate after setting up this app.

尽管有各种各样的高级模板,但是上面的示例是完全免费的。 设置此应用后,您的订阅费会立即增加。

5. WPtouch Mobile (5. WPtouch Mobile)

Nowadays, it’s rare to find a new WordPress theme that isn’t mobile responsive. If there was a question, let me just go ahead and tell you right now, “DON’T build a non-responsive website.”

如今,很少有新的WordPress主题无法响应移动。 如果有问题,请允许我立即告诉您,“不要建立无响应的网站。”

That said, you may find yourself with a non-responsive website you can’t afford to remodel. That’s where the WPtouch Mobile plugin comes in.

就是说,您可能会发现自己无力负担不起改造网站的费用。 这就是WPtouch Mobile插件的来源。

This handy plugin allows you to quickly create a simple mobile theme for your website. It’s free, and it works great for getting your content on mobile without the cost or hassle of revamping your website.

这个方便的插件可让您快速为您的网站创建一个简单的移动主题。 它是免费的,并且非常适合在移动设备上获取内容,而无需花费任何成本或麻烦来修改网站。


While there are some good reasons to go ahead and invest in a mobile-focused website, this free plugin is a fantastic option for when you need to make some cheap, on-the-fly adjustments.


6.邀请引荐 (6. InviteReferrals)

Everyone knows referrals are worth their weight in gold. After all, people tend to trust the recommendations of their friends above and beyond the advice of random Internet strangers.

每个人都知道推荐是值得的。 毕竟,人们倾向于信任朋友的建议,而不仅仅是随机互联网陌生人的建议。

The InviteReferrals plugin helps you turn your existing customers into referral machines.


Invite Referrals

This easy-to-use plugin lets you instantly reward customers with special offers whenever they give a referral. It also features a clean, attractive design, which puts it in rare company as far as free plugins are concerned.

这个易于使用的插件可让您在推荐客户时立即为他们提供特惠。 它还具有简洁,引人注目的设计,就免费插件而言,它在罕见的公司中占有一席之地。

摘要 (Summary)

Implementing tools to increase your site’s revenue doesn’t need to be expensive. There is a lot of low-hanging fruit out there for those willing to find it.

实施工具来增加网站的收入并不需要太昂贵。 对于那些愿意找到它的人来说,有很多低落的果实。

Use these 6 free WordPress plugins to instantly boost your sales.


How about you? What free plugins have you used to boost sales?

你呢? 您使用了哪些免费的插件来促进销售?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/free-wordpress-plugins-to-help-boost-your-sites-revenue/


收费下载资源专业版 WordPress插件,经过完美测试运行于wordpress 3.1.x-3.8.x版本,很多做素材和资源分享的网站也许都希望增加付费下载,而国外的插件要么就是商城购物,要么下载不支持支付功能,这款收费下载资源插件能够满足你的需求,wordpress 插件可以解决收费下载资源这一空白,这个插件支持所有投稿者发布资源,并且获得收益,可申请提现,管理员可对提现金额设置收取平台建设费。 管理员的功能: 已经在程序中集成支付宝(担保交易/双功能接口/即时到帐) 设置会员提现手续费比率 设置安全模式(使支付宝担保交易无法充值成功,即时到帐可充值成功) 设置用户推广提成比率 设置货币昵称(例如:Q币) 设置充值比例(例如:1元=10Q币) 查询整个平台全部消费记录 查询整个平台全部充值记录 查看与处理取现申请列表 查看全部收益与推广 推广用户消费获得提成 站内转账 商品列表 后台给用户充值与扣费 查询用户余额、充值记录、消费记录 发布收费下载资源 发布收费查看内容 在消费清单中下载资源 投稿者的功能: 发布收费下载资源 发布收费查看内容 查看消费记录 推广用户消费获得提成 申请支付宝取现 查看自己的收益与推广 查看充值记录 站内转账 在线充值 在消费清单中下载资源 订阅者的功能: 查看消费记录 在线充值 站内转账 在消费清单中下载资源 推广用户消费获得提成 申请支付宝取现 查看自己的收益与推广 其他功能: 下载路径加密功能 投稿者7天内只能申请1次提现,防止反复提现为站长带来麻烦 VIP会员(VIP专享、VIP半价、VIP免费) 如果下载文件升级了,已付费会员可以继续免费下载 优化注册页面 colorbox灯箱弹窗特效 前端个人中心(可直接充值、查看消费等) 收费下载资源 WordPress插件演示》 www.thefox.cn




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