
Changing the domain name of your blog can be painful. I did it twice in two years on the same blog, and would not wish the headache on my very worst enemy. There are a million moving parts and if you overlook one, you could be in big trouble.

更改博客域名可能很麻烦。 两年来,我在同一博客上做了两次,不想让我最糟糕的敌人感到头痛。 有上百万个活动部件,如果您忽略其中一个,可能会遇到很大的麻烦。

What I’ve learned is that there are options … it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, and you can do yourself a huge favor if you explore the options before diving in.


Here are three of the options I considered when I decided that my blog needed a new domain.


选项1:整个Shebang,移动所有内容 (Option 1: The Whole Shebang, Move Everything)

This option involves exporting all of your content from your existing domain, importing it to your new domain and then setting up URL redirection to move all incoming traffic over to your new blog. Sounds simple, right? It’s not; that’s a grossly oversimplified explanation of what has to happen. It’s much more intense than that.

此选项涉及从现有域中导出所有内容,将其导入到新域中,然后设置URL重定向以将所有传入流量移至新博客。 听起来很简单,对吧? 不是; 这是对必须发生的事情的过于简化的解释。 比这要激烈得多。

I went this route for my first migration, mainly because I was also moving from Typepad to WordPress. It’s a bit easier to stay within the same blog platform, but moving the entire blog from any platform to any platform requires that you take a number of very specific steps.

我第一次迁移时选择了这条路线,主要是因为我也从Typepad迁移到WordPress。 保留在同一个博客平台中要容易一些,但是将整个博客从任何平台迁移到任何平台都需要您采取许多非常具体的步骤。

My advice is to first backup your database. Then, do your research and read through all of the tutorials you can find. While there are a number of good resources out there, many have different steps, and you’ll want to know everything there is to know before you start. And lastly, don’t start the migration unless you have a solid block of time (I’d shoot for at least two hours) to troubleshoot and fine-tune after the move, unless you don’t care if things are broken.

我的建议是首先备份数据库。 然后,进行研究,并通读所有可以找到的教程。 尽管这里有很多好的资源,但是很多资源都有不同的步骤,您需要在开始之前先了解所有要了解的内容。 最后,除非您有足够的时间(我会拍摄至少两个小时)来解决问题并在迁移后进行微调,否则不要开始迁移,除非您不在乎是否发生故障。

Here are a few resources to help you get started:


选项2:零敲碎打,只取最重要的东西 (Option 2: Piecemeal, Take the Most Important Stuff Only)

This option takes just a handful of your posts and content and requires a somewhat manual move to your new domain. This is what I did for my second blog move, just last week. This is an option if you don’t have thousands of posts you want to move over, you are taking a somewhat new approach on your new blog, and/or you intend to keep your old blog up, at least for a little while.

此选项仅占用您的一些帖子和内容,并且需要一些手动移动到新域。 这就是我上周第二次博客迁移时所做的事情。 如果您没有数以千计的帖子要移走,您在新博客上采用了某种新方法,并且/或者打算至少保留一小段时间来保留旧博客,则可以使用此选项。

My goal last week was to bring over the best posts, then set up the old blog to quietly exist and gently move traffic to the new blog. I started by following some of the same process described above to export posts and comments from my old blog, and then imported them into my new blog.

我上周的目标是带来最好的帖子,然后建立旧博客以使其安静地存在,并将访问量轻轻地转移到新博客。 我首先按照与上述相同的过程从旧博客中导出帖子和评论,然后将它们导入到新博客中。

After the initial content move, I did a number of little things to smooth out the rough edges. Here’s an overview of some of the steps I took that worked for my blog migration:

最初的内容移动之后,我做了很多小事情来平滑粗糙的边缘。 以下是我为博客迁移工作所采取的一些步骤的概述:

  • I uploaded all post images manually.

  • I used a post-specific redirection plugin on my old blog to redirect traffic to the new blog post (Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin).

    我在旧博客上使用了特定于帖子的重定向插件,将流量重定向到新博客帖子( 快速页面/帖子重定向插件 )。

  • I changed my Feedburner source to the new blog (and the updated any reference to the feed on the old blog to point to the new blog).

  • I added a “We Moved” notification on the old blog, directing visitors to the new blog.

  • I removed comment functionality from the old blog.


It’s not a perfect solution; you will probably lose some readership. But it can be a good option for some.

这不是一个完美的解决方案。 您可能会失去一些读者。 但这对于某些人来说可能是一个不错的选择。

选项3:从头开始,走开 (Option 3: Start Fresh, Just Walk Away)

If you haven’t been blogging for that long, don’t get a lot of traffic on your blog, are changing the overall topic of your blog, and/or it’s really not worth the hassle of moving your blog to a new domain, just start over.


You can take some of the steps in the piecemeal option above to capture some of your existing traffic, but it might make more sense to have a fresh start. Sometimes, the easiest option really is the best option.

您可以采取上述零星选项中的一些步骤来捕获一些现有流量,但是重新开始可能更有意义。 有时候,最简单的选择实际上就是最好的选择。

Have you ever changed the domain of your blog? What process did you take? Do you wish you did it differently?

您是否曾经更改过博客的域? 您采取了什么程序? 您希望自己做的另类吗?

Image credit (empty box): Ambrozjo

图片来源(空白框): Ambrozjo

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/three-options-for-changing-the-domain-name-of-your-blog/





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