

What are the key Excel skills for specialists in your profession? Are there specific functions or features that you use all the time? If someone wanted to improve their Excel skills to prepare for a job in your area, what would you tell them?

专业人士的Excel关键技能是什么? 您是否一直使用特定的功能或特性? 如果有人想提高自己的Excel技能来为您所在地区的工作做准备,您会告诉他们什么?

专家的Excel技能 (Excel Skills for Specialists)

Someone asked me if there was a site that listed Excel skills required for different professions, or specialization areas. For example, what Excel skills do you need as an engineer, a research scientist, an accountant, or an investment analyst?

有人问我,是否有一个网站列出了不同专业或专业领域所需的Excel技能。 例如,作为工程师,研究科学家,会计师或投资分析师,您需要哪些Excel技能?

I didn't know of an all-in-one list, and Google didn't help me find one either. It's a good place to get started though!

我不知道一个多合一的列表,而Google也不帮我找到一个。 不过,这是一个入门的好地方!

基本Excel技能 (Basic Excel Skills)

Before you worry about specialized Excel skills, be sure that you have the basic Excel skills mastered. That link takes you to a list on this blog, and there's good advice in the comments too.

在担心专门的Excel技能之前,请确保您已掌握基本的Excel技能 。 该链接会将您带到此博客上的列表,并且注释中也有很好的建议。

Excel专业化提示 (Excel Specialization Tips)

Since I couldn't find an all-in-one list, let's start one. Here are a few articles that focus on Excel specializations. They look helpful, at a first glance, but I haven't researched them thoroughly, or clicked all the links on them.

由于我找不到多合一列表,因此让我们开始一个列表。 以下是一些专注于Excel专业化的文章。 乍一看,它们看起来很有帮助,但我尚未对其进行彻底研究,也没有单击它们上的所有链接。

This is a short list of what I looked for, before including an article with Excel skills for specialists:


  • not just a list of function names – examples, Excel tips and career advice too

  • don't have 47 pop-ups or auto-playing videos

  • free info, not just a promo for paid courses


If there are any other good articles that you know of, please mention them in the comments, and I'll take a look.


Excel for Finance and Accounting (Excel for Finance and Accounting)

  • Excel Skills for Wall Street  - Wall Street Oasis forum question – What resources in Excel did you use on your first project?

    华尔街的Excel技能 -华尔街绿洲论坛问题–您在第一个项目中使用了Excel中的哪些资源?

  • Excel for Finance/Accounting – On Quora, "What should be in a university's Excel course for finance and accounting?" Great tips in the comments

    Excel for Finance / Accounting –在Quora上,“大学的Excel财务和会计课程应该包括什么?” 评论中的重要提示

  • Guide to Excel for Finance – Good intro, on the Investopedia site, but a bit annoying to navigate. Use the scrollable topic list at the top left.

    Excel for Finance指南 – Investopedia网站上的入门介绍,但是导航有些麻烦。 使用左上方的可滚动主题列表。

  • Excel Tricks for CAs – Top tips from Excel wizards in the ICAS, a professional accountants' group.

    CA的Excel技巧 –来自ICAS(专业会计师小组)中Excel向导的重要提示。

Excel for数据分析师 (Excel for Data Analysts)

工程师和科学家Excel (Excel for Engineers and Scientists)

创建自己的技能列表 (Create Your Own List of Skills)

Here's another way to figure out which specialized Excel skills you need – look at the lesson outlines for Excel courses, or the table of contents for Excel books.


  • Look for Excel courses on Coursera, Udemy, and other websites. The lesson outlines are usually available, and quite detailed.  For example, take a look at the syllabus for Coursera's Mastering Data Analysis in Excel course. Click the View Full Syllabus button, then click the Expand link in each lesson.

    在Coursera,Udemy和其他网站上查找Excel课程。 课程大纲通常是可用的,并且非常详细。 例如,查看Excel课程中Coursera的Mastering Data Analysis课程大纲。 单击查看完整课程表按钮,然后单击每个课程中的扩展链接。

  • On Amazon, search for books in a specialized area, such as Excel for Engineer and Scientists. Click on a book that looks interesting, then use the "Look Inside" feature to see the table of contents.

    在亚马逊上,在专门的区域中搜索书籍,例如Excel for Engineer and Scientists 。 单击看起来有趣的书,然后使用“向内看”功能查看目录。

Make notes about the topics that are covered, and the functions they'll teach. Then, find websites where you can learn more about those Excel skills for specialists, on your own.

记下有关的主题及其将要教授的功能。 然后,找到可以自己了解有关专家Excel技能的更多信息的网站。

There are lots of Excel function tutorials on my Contextures website, and many other tutorials, videos and sample workbooks.

我的Contextures网站上有很多Excel函数教程 ,还有许多其他教程,视频和示例工作簿

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2017/06/08/excel-skills-for-specialists/






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