tracker协议分析_在Excel中分析Food Tracker数据


To keep track of what I'm eating, I use the LoseIt food tracker app on my iPhone and iPad. It's easy to use, and creates nice summaries for each day and week. To see how things are going, I'd like to analyze that food tracker data in Excel, instead of being limited to the preset options in LoseIt.

为了跟踪我在吃什么,我在iPhone和iPad上使用LoseIt食物跟踪器应用程序。 它易于使用,并且每天和每周都会创建漂亮的摘要。 为了查看进展情况,我想在Excel中分析食物跟踪器数据,而不是局限于LoseIt中的预设选项。

在Excel中分析Food Tracker数据 (Analyze Food Tracker Data in Excel)

Here's an overview of how I got my LoseIt data into Excel. For more details, go to the Food Tracker Workbook page on my website.

这是我如何将LoseIt数据导入Excel的概述。 有关更多详细信息,请转到我的网站上的Food Tracker Workbook页面

You can get my master workbook there too, and links to a couple of other workbooks, where you can enter your own data, if you don't use LoseIt.


第一步 (The First Step)

I couldn't see any way to export the weekly stats from LoseIt on the iPad, but a Google search showed that it was possible from the online version, at


NOTE: I use the free version of LoseIt, so things might look different in the premium version.


输入或编辑数据 (Enter or Edit Data)

The Home page on the website showed the current day's data, and you can add your food information there, for today's meals. It's actually easier to enter things on that screen, than it is on the iPhone. It doesn't fit in your pocket as easily though!

网站上的主页显示了当天的数据,您可以在其中添加有关今天的饭菜的食物信息。 实际上,在该屏幕上输入内容比在iPhone上输入要容易。 不过,它不太适合放在口袋里!

There is a Goals tab too, where you can set a target weight and other details, and there are several other tabs that you can explore.


获得见解 (Get the Insights)

If you want to export the data, click the Insights button at the top of the screen. It looks discouraging at first, because the Food Insights option is selected by default, and the report is covered with an "Upgrade Now!" message.

如果要导出数据,请单击屏幕顶部的“见解”按钮。 乍一看令人沮丧,因为默认情况下选中了Food Insights选项,并且报告包含“立即升级!”。 信息。

Ignore that (unless you really want to upgrade), and click the Weekly Summary option in the list of Summaries.


The Weekly Summary page shows charts for calories, weight and steps. There is also a list with a few nutrients – fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbs, and protein, and your totals for those.

每周摘要页面显示卡路里,体重和步数的图表。 还有一个包含一些营养素的列表-脂肪,胆固醇,钠,碳水化合物和蛋白质,以及这些营养素的总计。

I won't bore you with a screen shot of my Weekly Summary page. Just imagine that the calorie count is exactly on goal, and I walked 10K steps every day.

我不会为“每周摘要”页面提供屏幕截图。 试想一下,卡路里计数正好达到目标,我每天走10K步。

选择一个星期 (Choose a Week)

At the top of the Weekly Summary , use the arrows to select a week. I wish the calendar started on Sunday, but I can't find any way to change that.

在“每周摘要”的顶部,使用箭头选择一个星期。 我希望日历从周日开始,但是我找不到任何改变方法。

导出数据 (Export the Data)

Next, to export the Weekly Summary data for the selected week, click the "Export to Spreadsheet" button at the top right of the page.


Every time that I download weekly data, I change the number in the file name, so it shows the year, month and day. That way, I'll be able to find the export files easily, when I need to use them.

每次下载每周数据时,我都会更改文件名中的数字,从而显示年,月和日。 这样,当我需要使用导出文件时,便可以轻松找到它们。

其他报告 (Other Reports)

While you're on the Insights page, you can look at a the other reports, and there are few that have "Export to Spreadsheet" buttons. Don't get too worried though, if you look at the Weight report. I was shocked to see that I'd had a drastic weight loss during the week before Christmas. I'm lucky to be alive!

在“数据洞察”页上时,您可以查看其他报告,并且很少有“导出到电子表格”按钮的。 不过,如果您查看体重报告,也不要太担心。 看到圣诞节前一周体重急剧下降,我感到震惊。 我很幸运还活着!

Oh, never mind – it was only a one pound change. That's another good reason to analyze food tracker data in Excel – you can make sure the y-axis starts at zero.

哦,没关系–只有一磅的零钱。 这是在Excel中分析食品跟踪器数据的另一个很好的理由-您可以确保y轴从零开始。

在Excel中打开数据 (Open the Data in Excel)

After you're finished exporting the data, log out of LoseIt, and open one of the files that you exported. The files are in CSV format, and should automatically open in Excel.

导出完数据后,注销LoseIt,然后打开导出的文件之一。 文件为CSV格式,应在Excel中自动打开。

Here are the blurry details from one of my downloads. I'm sure it was mostly tofu and kale.

这是我的下载之一中的模糊细节。 我敢肯定这主要是豆腐和羽衣甘蓝。

创建一个主工作簿 (Create a Master Workbook)

Since you can only download one week's per report, you'll need to create a master file, to collect all the data in a single workbook.


  • Copy all the data and headings from one of your download files, and paste it into a blank Excel file.

  • Format the list as a named Excel table, and save it as your Master Workbook.

  • Later, paste in the latest data each week, after you download it, and sort it by the Date column.


创建您的Excel报告 (Create Your Excel Reports)

After all the data is added to the Master Workbook, you can create some pivot tables, to summarize the data. In my workbook, there are 3 reports:

将所有数据添加到“主工作簿”之后,您可以创建一些数据透视表来汇总数据。 在我的工作簿中,有3个报告:

  • Total calories per week

  • Average nutrients per daily meal

  • Top 5 foods, based on total calories


You can copy one of the existing reports, and change the fields, to create a new report, if you'd like to see another view of the data.


获取主工作簿 (Get the Master Workbook)

Instead of creating your own Master Workbook to analyze your LoseIt food tracker data in Excel, you can download a blank copy of my Master Workbook.

您可以下载我的Master Workbook的空白副本,而不必创建自己的Master Workbook来分析Excel中的LoseIt食物跟踪器数据。

To get the file, go to the Food Tracker Reports page on my website, and go down to the "Get the Food Tracker Workbook" section.

要获取文件,请转到我网站上的“ 食物跟踪器报告”页面 ,然后转到“获取食物跟踪器工作簿”部分。

在Excel中跟踪食物数据的其他方法 (Other Ways to Track Food Data in Excel)

If you don't use a food tracker app, you can do your tracking and reporting in Excel. I have an Excel Calorie Counter that you can download. Read about it in this blog post, and in this update article.

如果您不使用食物跟踪器应用程序,则可以在Excel中进行跟踪和报告。 我有一个Excel卡路里计数器,您可以下载。 在此博客文章此更新文章中阅读有关它的信息

  • You can download a zipped copy of the Excel Calorie Counter with Recipe Calculator on my Contextures website. Go to the Sample Excel Files page, and in the "UserForms, VBA, Add-ins" section, look for  UF0016 – Excel Calorie Counter With Recipe Calculator

    您可以在我的Contextures网站上下载带有食谱计算器的Excel卡路里计数器的压缩副本。 转到“ 示例Excel文件”页面 ,然后在“用户窗体,VBA,加载项”部分中,查找UF0016 –带配方计算器的Excel卡路里计数器

  • There is a free  Weight Loss Tracker workbook too, if you're interested in that.








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