

In this week's roundup, prevent errors, break links, register for an Excel summit, download an Advent calendar, and more.


And it's Cyber Monday, so my Pivot Power Premium add-in is 20% off, until the end of the day. There are a few other Excel sales too, so check them out on my What's New page.

而且是网络星期一,所以我的Pivot Power Premium附加组件可享受20%的折扣,直到一天结束。 还有其他一些Excel销售, 请在“新功能”页面上进行检查

Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/
1.出现日历 (1. Advent Calendar)

In 2010, I shared an Excel Advent Calendar, that had formulas on the windows, instead of numbers. There was a bit of programming, so you couldn't open a window before the appropriate day. Unfortunately, one troublemaker (Doug Glancy) downloaded the calendar in the Pacific Time Zone, where it was still November, and he was able to open all the windows.

在2010年,我共享了一个Excel Advent Calendar ,该日历在窗口上带有公式而不是数字。 有一些编程,所以您无法在适当的一天之前打开一个窗口。 不幸的是,一位麻烦制造者(Doug Glancy)在太平洋时区(仍然是11月)下载了日历,他能够打开所有窗口。

This year, I've uploaded a new version of the Excel Advent Calendar, which includes a month number check! But, if you want to test it in November, just choose Yes in the Test Mode cell on the Lists sheet. There is also a Reset Calendar button, so you can close all the windows again, after testing.

今年,我上传了新版本的Excel Advent Calendar ,其中包括月份号检查! 但是,如果要在11月进行测试,只需在“列表”表的“测试模式”单元格中选择“是”。 还有一个“重置日历”按钮,因此您可以在测试后再次关闭所有窗口。

Create your own formulas for the windows, or use numbers 1 to 24, if you'd prefer something simpler.


2.防止Excel报告错误 (2. Prevent Excel Report Errors)

It's easy to make errors in an Excel report, especially if you're rushing to get things done by the end of the year. Charley Kyd shares seven ways to avoid errors in Excel reports, and these can tips can save you lots of trouble.

在Excel报表中容易出错,尤其是当您急于在年底之前完成工作时。 查理·凯德(Charley Kyd)分享了7种避免Excel报表错误的方法 ,这些技巧可以为您节省很多麻烦。

3.断开外部链接 (3. Break External Links)

Doctor Moxie had trouble breaking links in an Excel file, and resorted to drastic measures. Have you ever tried that method? I've always had good luck with Bill Manville's free Find Links add-in.

Moxie医生在断开Excel文件中的链接时遇到麻烦 ,因此采取了严厉的措施。 您是否尝试过这种方法? 我一直很喜欢Bill Manville的免费Find Links加载项

4.删除数据透视表字段 (4. Remove Pivot Table Fields)

Eric Svensen shared one of the simplest pivot table tricks that I've ever seen, and it can save you lots of time and fiddling. Is this how you remove all the value fields, or do you remove them one at a time?

埃里克·斯文森(Eric Svensen)分享了我见过的最简单的数据透视表技巧之一,它可以为您节省大量时间和摆弄。 这是您删除所有值字段还是一次删除一个字段的方式?

5. Y轴是否应始终从零开始? (5. Should the Y-Axis Always Start at Zero?)

In a short video, Nathan Yau explains why the y-axis in a chart doesn't always have to start at zero. As he says, "Y-axes don't lie to people – people do."

在短片中,Nathan Yau解释了为什么图表中的y轴不必总是从零开始 。 正如他所说,“ Y轴不会骗人,而人会骗。”

6. Excel南峰会 (6. Excel Summit South)

Excel MVP Charles Williams just announced the first ever Excel Summit South, to be held in Australia in March 2016. There is a great lineup of speakers and sessions, and you'll get a 20% discount if you register before December 31, 2015.

Excel MVP查尔斯·威廉姆斯(Charles Williams)刚刚宣布了有史以来的第一次Excel Summit South,将于2016年3月在澳大利亚举行 。 演讲者和会议阵容非常丰富,如果您在2015年12月31日之前注册,您将获得20%的折扣。

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若要通过电子邮件获取Excel新闻和提示,请为Contextures Excel新闻通讯添加名称。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/11/30/excel-roundup-20151130/






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